Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
yarintop said:
I've got three old games that I looked everywhere and this is my only hope...

1. You play as a ghost in a side scrolling 2D world and there are 13 (I think) worlds, as a ghost you could jump on enemies' heads and press the down key and you would transform into them and then you could use their abilities.

2. You play as a ball that hits walls and he can only break walls with the same color as him, he can also change colors (I don't really remember but I think he needs to touch certain walls to change colors)

3. You play as a samurai in a 3D world and you fights hordes of enemies, I remember that he could use a straw and spitballs as an attack.

thank you very much for your help :D
I'm most likely way off here, but... could 2 be Super Morph [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh9VEASZZdo] for the SNES?


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
obscure gamest said:
I need help trying to find a game i played years ago on newgrounds i'll try my best to describe what i can remember
first of all i think the upload date of the game is somewhere between 2005-6 to 2009 not sure if it was front paged i tryed looking
the game was first person perspective with graphic stile similar to doom, hexen, quake and shadowcaster (retro 3D) and the graphics were brighter than shadowcaster
the game looked as if it was set in a middle ages time period and the first thing i remember seeing was these figures (about 4 ether 2 on each side facing into the centre of the room or at the back wall looking at the player position) they were wearing brown hooded monk robes and had no faces their looked to be some sort of weapon at the bottom of the screen centred in the middle just like in heretic but looked more like a cannon muzzle
sorry i cant remember any more just that the computer i ran it on was a pile of crap and crashed when i tryed to move im sure it had animation and movement
Heh, you were so close to the game. I'd say you've played "Strife" (1996), the last game using Doom's idTech 1 engine.


obscure gamest

New member
Nov 8, 2016
Pixelhunter said:
obscure gamest said:
I need help trying to find a game i played years ago on newgrounds i'll try my best to describe what i can remember
first of all i think the upload date of the game is somewhere between 2005-6 to 2009 not sure if it was front paged i tryed looking
the game was first person perspective with graphic stile similar to doom, hexen, quake and shadowcaster (retro 3D) and the graphics were brighter than shadowcaster
the game looked as if it was set in a middle ages time period and the first thing i remember seeing was these figures (about 4 ether 2 on each side facing into the centre of the room or at the back wall looking at the player position) they were wearing brown hooded monk robes and had no faces their looked to be some sort of weapon at the bottom of the screen centred in the middle just like in heretic but looked more like a cannon muzzle
sorry i cant remember any more just that the computer i ran it on was a pile of crap and crashed when i tryed to move im sure it had animation and movement
Heh, you were so close to the game. I'd say you've played "Strife" (1996), the last game using Doom's idTech 1 engine.

its possible that could have been the game but im not sure especialy with it being so many years my mind may have warped what i thought i saw i'll keep looking into strife more thanks for the suggestion and if anyone reads this please let me know of similar games like it


New member
Nov 10, 2016
There's a game i'm thinking of but can't remember what it's called. I think it was a browser game but it might of been a downloadable game i;m not sure. You started out in the sky maybe in heaven amongst angels and I remember one NPC that every new character had to talk to as part of quest called Rafael or Raphael. Eventually the game led you to killing a certain boss in order to leave the starting/tutorial area which i believe the area was the sky area or heaven, and then you fell down to earth in a kingdom/palace. it was a fixed overhead camera game i think idk about that and kinda pixelated.

Any help is much appreciated


New member
Nov 10, 2016
Hey everyone,

I have been searching for certain ps1 game for a long time. I had that game when i was young.

I remember it only partly and hopefully someone here will recognise it by my description.

My memory is bit veigh so some detsils i remember might be wrong.

It was beat em up / shooter. Kinda like mix between 'fighting force' & 'final resistance'. Game was 1p only. You started in some warehouse or something. I remember blueish / greenish colors and some boxes. Main hero is guy. He could kick and punch enemies. If i recall correctly when you did kick combo he did some crazy spinning attack.

He also had some crystal knife or something.

So in first level you were rinning and killing enemies is some warehouse or building.

Then in second level you stsrted in some brown / sand colored area. You couldnt fun forward becaude there was huge stonewall blocking your path. I think it was like huge trench. You run to right and left. There you drfested waves of enemies thst came on helicopter or something.

After you kill them all one drops bomb or c4 that you tjrow st wall snd it blows passage.

Then nex thing i remember is level with lots of wooden bridges. It was above water. You run killing or collecting stuff. And in that level you have to fight boss. Boss was another guy who also had similar crystal knife / seord.

When bosd fight starts it locked you in round energy circle with boss. So fighting arena was limited.

Thats all i can remember.


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
obscure gamest said:
Pixelhunter said:
obscure gamest said:
I need help trying to find a game i played years ago on newgrounds i'll try my best to describe what i can remember
first of all i think the upload date of the game is somewhere between 2005-6 to 2009 not sure if it was front paged i tryed looking
the game was first person perspective with graphic stile similar to doom, hexen, quake and shadowcaster (retro 3D) and the graphics were brighter than shadowcaster
the game looked as if it was set in a middle ages time period and the first thing i remember seeing was these figures (about 4 ether 2 on each side facing into the centre of the room or at the back wall looking at the player position) they were wearing brown hooded monk robes and had no faces their looked to be some sort of weapon at the bottom of the screen centred in the middle just like in heretic but looked more like a cannon muzzle
sorry i cant remember any more just that the computer i ran it on was a pile of crap and crashed when i tryed to move im sure it had animation and movement
Heh, you were so close to the game. I'd say you've played "Strife" (1996), the last game using Doom's idTech 1 engine.

its possible that could have been the game but im not sure especialy with it being so many years my mind may have warped what i thought i saw i'll keep looking into strife more thanks for the suggestion and if anyone reads this please let me know of similar games like it
Good. It's just, your description reminded me of this: third row, second pic:



New member
Nov 10, 2016
Please help me find this game. I used to play it about 5-10 years ago. It was a strategy game for PC . It was largely played using mouse controls where you had to create and deploy your armies and destroy enemy armies and their bases and defend yours. I think the background of the game was dark green. You could select the part of the army using mouse and click where to want to send it or click on the enemy which this army should fight. It used to be a popular RTS game , I think. Please tell me any details you know about this game. There were advanced weapons like spaceships and stuff , not human armies.


New member
Nov 10, 2016
I'm pretty sure it was on an old Macintosh. If I'm remembering right it was an FPS where you fought giant spiders. The only weapon I remember was the nail gun.
Nov 9, 2016
Hey everyone, the game I'm looking for is as follows: It was a 3d old pc demo game, a character with a jetpack that started on an island. You can recharge the jetpack by landing on the ground and you're fighting alien like creatures that possibly appear from under the ground. And it's not outwars. Thanks in advance :)


New member
Nov 9, 2016
The game was a 2d fantasy themed strategy game with fairly crisp graphics. I would date it somewhere between Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3. One element I remember that stood out in particular for me was the sheer amount of different units in that game. I think there were multiple fantasy based nations in that game, and each nation had radically different armies. Sounds familiar to anyone?


New member
Nov 10, 2016
I'm looking for an old Playstation 1 game i used to play long ago. It was a racing game (without cars) where the racers were shrinked down to about the size of a mouse and a most the racetracks were for example in kitchen where you ran over a stove and had to avoid to get burned or around a bathtub were you had to be careful to not slip into the water.Also all the characters were some kind of mutants or had some kind of ability that they could use to kill your opponents or push them off.I can't remember any names but there was one with flaming hair and one with psychic powers.Also i remembered being frustrated by the game, so it might be a pretty bad game and my 5 year old self just didnt notice back then.Does anyone remember the name of it?

Edit: I found the name its "Micro maniacs"

Akama Sakura

New member
Nov 11, 2016
Hello. I'm trying to find a game that I know the visual details of it, but I can't seem to find the title of the game.

I remember this game is a 2d game with two characters. It might be a PC game but it could be a different platform since I can't really find with the information I have.

Okay, to the details. These two characters are able to talk in the game, I remember one of them is some sort of flying insect (maybe a mosquito). The other one is some sort of rodent like creature (and I remember that his head got stuck when he's trying to see something inside a kitchen) and the mosquito had to create sentences from pregenerated words in order to make full complete sentence and hope that it will make the rodent like creature get unstuck again.

I also remember one part where when accessing the top floor there is falling skulls and all you have to use the arrow keys to dodge them. Once finished, the characters are welcomed with a door that has lots of small clickable buttons.

By the way, the game focus on some sort of mansion filled with ghosts and if those characters encounter them they will flee away from them.

There's also an in game clock where it always fixate at 11:00 p.m. once midnight is reached the bad ending triggers.

I'm sorry if I only remember the visual details and not about the platform of the game.


New member
Nov 10, 2016
Muhammad Hesham Darwish said:
Hey everyone, the game I'm looking for is as follows: It was a 3d old pc demo game, a character with a jetpack that started on an island. You can recharge the jetpack by landing on the ground and you're fighting alien like creatures that possibly appear from under the ground. And it's not outwars. Thanks in advance :)
Giants: citizen kabuto?


New member
Nov 11, 2016
I've been scrolling through this thread and I can't find what I'm looking for-- I'm hoping one of you clever peeps will know.

When I was about 5-7 or so I played DOS games on my dad's computer. I remember playing Rogue, Caverns of Kroz, Yhatzee, and one more game that I just can't remember the title of.

It was ASCII, and you were in some kind of building/cave/temple/cathedral/labyrinth-- something to that effect. I believe the goal was to get to the center and retrieve... possibly an amulet of some kind? But I could never get past the outer rooms. There was little to no graphical depiction.

What I do remember is that the rooms would say things like "the color of this room is turquoise" and/or "you feel [emotion]". That would be at the top of the screen. I believe there was also text telling you what the paths looked like extending away-- simple descriptions. There was color in the text. The screen was either blue or black, but I think it was black.

I tried to build an ASCII rendition of the game but the preview showed it losing all formatting. As best I remember, it was a split screen. The top was an ASCII logo/title, I think, and the bottom was a rectangle in which there would be text describing the room and your available paths.

I remember that I was never able to solve it as a kid, although I don't explicitly remember any puzzles. I don't think there were any enemies, either-- at least, there was no mechanism for killing anything or something like that. The mechanics of the game were basically, as I recall, "move around and remember the rooms and try to get to the middle."

Then again, this was in 1990/1991 so.... I could be forgetting some things. This has been driving me crazy for months-- I've replayed all my other nostalgia games (except for Rise and Rule of Ancient Empires... getting that to run is turning into a serious endeavor), and not being able to figure this one out is frustrating.

Luke Hxnter

New member
Nov 11, 2016
It was a 2D platfroming PS1 game where your primary attack was to pick up the enemies and slam they against teh floor with the electro gun you had, looked like the proton pack from Ghosterbusters. I remember the first mission looked like a factory or shipping yard. I only found out the day i give it back that you had to use the enemie bodies to walk over the spike pits. Remember the title of this thing has been bugging me for ages.
Nov 11, 2016
hello,before more than 6-7 years i played a game on pc where u have to capture parts of city u had your gang,and had to beat other gangs,i dont remember much else of it,pls if eny can say what is name so that i can play it again?


New member
Nov 11, 2016
hey guys ! i wondered if you could help me with a game from 2000-2004 . it is about a tiny creature that looks like a raind drop that has been a project of 2 mad scientists on a space ship. the drop falls on earh and gets to someone's house and asks for help . you encounter monsters as enemyes and you shoot them with some cans by pressing spacebar .you have 3 costumes i think(one as a cactus , one a steel one and one as a robot ) . one last thing that i remember is that you hold down and then jump you jump way higher . if you could help me i would really apreciate it , ty in advance !


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Luke Hxnter said:
It was a 2D platfroming PS1 game where your primary attackattack (攻める, せめる, semeru)attackattack (攻める, せめる, semeru) (攻める, せめる, semeru) was to pick up the enemies and slam they against teh floor with the electro gun you had, looked like the proton pack from Ghosterbusters. I remember the first mission looked like a factory or shipping yard. I only found out the day i give it back that you had to use the enemie bodies to walk over the spike pits. Remember the title of this thing has been bugging me for ages.
That would be Wild 9 by shiny entertainment.

Unrelated note: Why must the post button be so close to the preview button! Why!


New member
Nov 22, 2012
Hi guys, I am new here ty in advance for help.... I was playing a game long time ago it was 2d/3d click and play adventure game it had something like a village and in midle was a ruby diamond on some kind of tree , you play with blonde hair guy you click and he moves you get a time when you are first person than you get a 2d option to solve some puzzle i remember on 1 scene i was starting in prison like made of dirt , after you manage to escape from that prison you go to another picture whre the guy apears and you need to solve the puzzle on the screen so the guy can pass trought the terrain it is in 2d .. on 1 moment i remember was on a cliff from the right side and a hole in the middle and another cliff on the left side with dog barking lie rotweiler or something idk ... if somebody can tell me the name i would be very gratefull .. pc game early 2000's ...


New member
Mar 13, 2015
KaiYLowell said:
TheLaa said:
Bumping from back in 2015 :q

Anyone reconize this game..?

I still want to go back and beat it yet still am unable to remember the name of it.

TheLaa said:
I searched all the terms I could think of with site:escapistmagazine.com and quotes on any terms I could find, and I read 100 pages of this topic with no luck. I've put in 20 hours the past three weeks looking for it... so please know that I did try my best before posting here and as such I am __super grateful__ for any help.

It was first person on a computer, a semi-educational game in the mid 90's. You were on an island (or was it a jungle?) and there was a bunch of science involved, for example there is a science experiment with droppers where you determine the bloodtypes of a few slides.
Movement outside these educational "minigames" (which I think you found by clicking on items displayed in the current screen,) was done frame by frame by clicking ahead on a path or at the bottom, which a new image overlay would show the zone you're "walking" in then. I m fairly certain you were the only human on the island.

There was a nest in a rock cliff-side by one of the main paths, and when you traveled on the path from the right direction a yellow-crowned penguin would hop down from the nest and look at you before waddling off.

Graphics were still images for most things (especially during movement outside of the "minigames", where you'd travel between "screen" by clicking on the path) but some things were animated simply such as the penguin and those droppers for the blood.

...I think I remember an easter island statue head, but I am not sure about that detail. And a rickety plank rope bridge. hrm... I think there was also a toucan at one point, just flying by.

The blood type thing had the slide in the center with two droppers and two spots of blood (maybe four? doubt it though.) The droppers would drip a chemical from their vial from the closest spot of blood on the slide and depending on how the blood reacted with each chemical you tried to guess the blood type. I think there was a note book explaining basics about blood and the like for educational purposes. It wasn't very useful from what I remember...

This blood type thing is what I remember most clearly because I felt so clever after figuring it out as a kid. I want to go back and beat the game :)
This isn't a Dr. Brain series game is it?

No it is not :(

I do not recall seeing any human beings in any of it. Also it was a little bit more realistic graphically than that.

[HEADING=3]I am now offering a 10$ reward to whomever can get me the name of this game - Amazon or Steam giftcard, your choice!!! [/HEADING]