Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 12, 2016
Hey guys I looked everywhere and I can't seem to find this game. I played it when I was really little. It was on my gba and it was a lot like final fantasy from what I'm seeing. It was a fun based strategy and you had a team that you could put together. The big things I remember was in the beginning you talked to a girl at a grave. I think it was something about dragons. Later in you and your team meet a dragon and I think he gives you a tear. Or something. That's all I really remember. Please help me.


New member
Dec 20, 2015
griever00717 said:
Trogus1 said:
Trogus1 said:
Hey everyone this one here is probably gonna be a bit hard because I can't remember much of it but here goes.
I'm fairly certain it's a ps1 era game (maybe a bit older). It's an rpg and at the start you get to choose between a boy and a girl. If you choose the guy you start of in some kind of Military facility (I think) and after a few minutes you and everyone else in there gets transformed into monsters and you have to fight your way out. If you choose the chick I think you have to do some kind of block puzzle. Eventually they meet up later in the story and the party merges.
So, any ideas?
bumping this
I'm pretty sure this is wild arms 2
yes it is, thank you so much.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
TheLaa said:
KaiYLowell said:
TheLaa said:
Bumping from back in 2015 :q

Anyone reconize this game..?

I still want to go back and beat it yet still am unable to remember the name of it.

TheLaa said:
I searched all the terms I could think of with site:escapistmagazine.com and quotes on any terms I could find, and I read 100 pages of this topic with no luck. I've put in 20 hours the past three weeks looking for it... so please know that I did try my best before posting here and as such I am __super grateful__ for any help.

It was first person on a computer, a semi-educational game in the mid 90's. You were on an island (or was it a jungle?) and there was a bunch of science involved, for example there is a science experiment with droppers where you determine the bloodtypes of a few slides.
Movement outside these educational "minigames" (which I think you found by clicking on items displayed in the current screen,) was done frame by frame by clicking ahead on a path or at the bottom, which a new image overlay would show the zone you're "walking" in then. I m fairly certain you were the only human on the island.

There was a nest in a rock cliff-side by one of the main paths, and when you traveled on the path from the right direction a yellow-crowned penguin would hop down from the nest and look at you before waddling off.

Graphics were still images for most things (especially during movement outside of the "minigames", where you'd travel between "screen" by clicking on the path) but some things were animated simply such as the penguin and those droppers for the blood.

...I think I remember an easter island statue head, but I am not sure about that detail. And a rickety plank rope bridge. hrm... I think there was also a toucan at one point, just flying by.

The blood type thing had the slide in the center with two droppers and two spots of blood (maybe four? doubt it though.) The droppers would drip a chemical from their vial from the closest spot of blood on the slide and depending on how the blood reacted with each chemical you tried to guess the blood type. I think there was a note book explaining basics about blood and the like for educational purposes. It wasn't very useful from what I remember...

This blood type thing is what I remember most clearly because I felt so clever after figuring it out as a kid. I want to go back and beat the game :)
This isn't a Dr. Brain series game is it?

No it is not :(

I do not recall seeing any human beings in any of it. Also it was a little bit more realistic graphically than that.

[HEADING=3]I am now offering a 10$ reward to whomever can get me the name of this game - Amazon or Steam giftcard, your choice!!! [/HEADING]
Okay, how about this? Physicus: Save the World with Science ( http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/physicus-save-the-world-with-science ). On an island, still frame movement similar to the Myst series. Look familiar?


New member
Nov 13, 2016
there are 2 hunched creatures, one of creatures is green (2 hunched in multiplayer and in singleplayer is 1 hunched)
animals attack to them and they most be run or kill animals by Hit the floor of animals then going to side of animal to kill them
this game is 2d and very old. like (2000 - 2005)


New member
Nov 13, 2016
used to play a video game in elementary school(about 8-4years ago) where you re on teams, it s set in a large field, it s multiplayer and it s desktop... you go around with what i think are some sort of guns that shoot blobs? you can earn things like super jump or slow down time and you have to try to shoot the other team with your colored blob? i can also remember that you are timed when in the game...

Tommy Fodnes

New member
Nov 13, 2016
Two car games for the (pc). One where you drove on the asphalt, but with desert sand/theme going around you(i think). And you could also drive as an object. For instance, a crate(not an mod, but you could select it in the menu?)... Other one being where only thing i could remember, were in the menu. Think there were an animated santa or something. I'll remember him starring at me with an angry mood or something lol... Loooong ass time... Its all i'll got lol..


New member
Nov 13, 2016
It's been haunting me for a long time. Old game, 3D, platform I think, I remember playing on friend's PC as a kid. You run around as a small devil/monster thing and fight enemies consisting of light/darkness by finding and flicking a...light switch. I know it's not much but it's been bugging me for so long. I think it was supposed to be funny kids game, but I could be wrong. Searched everywhere and I couldn't find it.


New member
Jan 21, 2015
My girlfriend and I were looking for a game she used to play when she was only about 4 or 5 years old, she remembers that the graphics were quite nice compared to other games at the time, and it was a late 90's to early 2000's game. The hubworld was in a tree, but not like in a treehouse, like the tree WAS the house and there were rooms inside, there was an element of time travel in the story and you needed to find pieces of a clock to do so. It was a point and click and all of the characters were anthropomorphic animals. Can anyone help us find out what this game is?


New member
Jan 21, 2015
Meanwhile I myself am looking for a different game that if anyone wants, can help me find it too, but the post above is much more important. I remember playing an early 2000's game that was 3-D and you played as this rectangular, almost french-fry like character, who was the color red if I remember right, and had black beady eyes, all of the characters were like this, including a pink rectangle that was kidnapped early on in the story by what I'm guessing was the big baddy, another rectangle, only black. That's all I remember about the story, but I also remember an element of the gameplay including a wolf chasing you around on this long path that faced the camera, and you could sometimes shoot balls at it or something, it's very vague because I was TERRIFIED of that thing for the LONGEST time, and only recently remembered it and wanted to see what the game was really like.


New member
Nov 14, 2016
Need to know the name of this game from 2000's. Think your character could have been a boy or girl. There was a book with stones in it, a bubble land, a land where you had to build stuff, and maybe a land with a maze. Sometimes the characters in the game would tell you stories, and I think in one of the stories something caught on fire. Not much to go off from, but I won't sleep until I remember the name of this game.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Daddy said:
Need to know the name of this game from 2000's. Think your character could have been a boy or girl. There was a book with stones in it, a bubble land, a land where you had to build stuff, and maybe a land with a maze. Sometimes the characters in the game would tell you stories, and I think in one of the stories something caught on fire. Not much to go off from, but I won't sleep until I remember the name of this game.
Total shot in the dark here, but was it Dark Cloud 2?


New member
Apr 18, 2016
There's an old ps2/ps1 game that I've played a while back and I can only vaguely remember a few things. You were in like this basic room and with each room I think or stage, you had to complete the puzzle or objective to be able to advance to the next one. I've been trying so long to remember this title but it never comes to mind and I can't find it. It's not Intelligent Cube or Portal because those are the suggestions most people give me. Thanks


New member
Nov 14, 2016
Hey peeps, I hope you can help me.

I'm looking for a free roaming/ driving pc game. It was a real open world game. It must have been out before 2008. I only had a demo. The other vehicles and buses were super slow and their suspension were loose so they seemed sort of funny. As if they can barely drive. Probably there were no drivers inside. You could even get behind them and tow them. lol There were hot air balloons in the air. You could locate secret areas, like some kind of gate. which would make you teleport. I think there was also nitro boosting. It'd be cool to know its name cause it was part of my childhood.

Rob Winn

New member
Nov 15, 2016
ok, this is an arcade game from the late 80s or early 90s. I believe you could choose from multiple characters to play as: a lady, a big guy with an ax (viking maybe), maybe some skeleton dude. I am not 100% sure about playing as the skeleton character, but I know there were skeletons in the game. It wasn't laid out as a traditional left to right scroller. It was an adventure game. I can't remember much else about it, except that I spent all my allowance playing it as a kid at the arcade.

Rob Winn

New member
Nov 15, 2016
Rob Winn said:
ok, this is an arcade game from the late 80s or early 90s. I believe you could choose from multiple characters to play as: a lady, a big guy with an ax (viking maybe), maybe some skeleton dude. I am not 100% sure about playing as the skeleton character, but I know there were skeletons in the game. It wasn't laid out as a traditional left to right scroller. It was an adventure game. I can't remember much else about it, except that I spent all my allowance playing it as a kid at the arcade.
nm.. its Golden Axe lol... found it as soon as i posted this


New member
Nov 16, 2016
johny.87 said:
I am looking for help in finding a quite old game (I remember seing it on as a shareware/demo on a CD attached to some PC magazine in 1996/97. The game, as far as I remember, basically was a simulator of a stone-age man. It offered quite interesting possibilities such as open world, crafting weapons from flint (spears and axes), you could also fight with volves, bears and other early humans. You could also interact with the latter. As I'm reading that now, I realise this might be not enough info, but I was just a kid back then. Maybe anyone here remembers :)
Appreciate any help :)

Did anyone ever work this out?? Been trying to find this game since my brother revenge destroyed it as kids. The only other thing I remember was collecting periwinkle...


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Rob Winn said:
ok, this is an arcade game from the late 80s or early 90s. I believe you could choose from multiple characters to play as: a lady, a big guy with an ax (viking maybe), maybe some skeleton dude. I am not 100% sure about playing as the skeleton character, but I know there were skeletons in the game.
That's Golden Axe. This is probably why remember skeletons being playable:

[QUOTE=Rob Winn]nm.. its Golden Axe lol... found it as soon as i posted this[/QUOTE]
Oh, never mind.
But the above is a good example of why old games tend to be hard to identify. It's difficult to remember details right, after a decade or two.


New member
Apr 26, 2012
54lly said:
johny.87 said:
I am looking for help in finding a quite old game (I remember seing it on as a shareware/demo on a CD attached to some PC magazine in 1996/97. The game, as far as I remember, basically was a simulator of a stone-age man. It offered quite interesting possibilities such as open world, crafting weapons from flint (spears and axes), you could also fight with volves, bears and other early humans. You could also interact with the latter. As I'm reading that now, I realise this might be not enough info, but I was just a kid back then. Maybe anyone here remembers :)
Appreciate any help :)
Did anyone ever work this out?? Been trying to find this game since my brother revenge destroyed it as kids. The only other thing I remember was collecting periwinkle...
You didn't say what kind of game it was (3D or 2D, etc), but it sounds quite similar to UnReal World: http://www.unrealworld.fi/.



New member
Nov 16, 2016
Hi, everyone.
I'm searhing a game for NES or Sega megadrive, don't actually remember. It is a platformer, you can play for a different characters as a teenager, gorilla, some futuristic dude, so on. Also, you can pick up a different unique SHINY weapons for your characters, remember, that you can find slingshot for teenager, bunch of bananas for gorilla or a blaster for a futuristic dude. Setting was a bit of serious, and I clearly remember only one level ? it was an easter island with stone idols. We stuck with brother on that level.
Hope, you can help me.
//sorry for possible mistakes, english is not my native language