Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Rick Jacobs

New member
Nov 16, 2016
Hi everyone,

Im searching for this old game I played probably 15 to 20 years ago..
It had characters who could turn themselves into marbles and they had to try and stay on an platform that was moving and wiggeling.
You could also try to push the other players from the board and every character had its own special ability.
I tought one character was named wiegely squeegely or something and his ability was that he could stick to the board for a split second.

Hope someone knows what im talking about, been searching a long time already haha


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Rick Jacobs said:
Hi everyone,

Im searching for this old game I played probably 15 to 20 years ago..
It had characters who could turn themselves into marbles and they had to try and stay on an platform that was moving and wiggeling.
You could also try to push the other players from the board and every character had its own special ability.
I tought one character was named wiegely squeegely or something and his ability was that he could stick to the board for a split second.

Hope someone knows what im talking about, been searching a long time already haha
Did you happen to own a Sidewinder controller? If so, the game was probably Manic Marbles (1996), it was included on the CD.
Nov 16, 2016

In my search for this game im looking for i stumbled upon this thread and you guys might be able to help me. This game was made ~2000, its a sci-fi, 3d PC game where you play as green aliens. The graphics where pretty much big polygons. I remember this game was pegi 13 and that the builders name where engineers and the basic troop was a creature who crawled on two arms with a long tail dragging behind with a spike at the end, they where also completely green. The camera was zoomed out quiet far but i think you could zoom.

I only remember the first parts of the game due to how hard it was for me as a kid. Been looking for this game forever!

To anyone who finds it, thanks alot!

Rick Jacobs

New member
Nov 16, 2016
Zaltys said:
Rick Jacobs said:
Hi everyone,

Im searching for this old game I played probably 15 to 20 years ago..
It had characters who could turn themselves into marbles and they had to try and stay on an platform that was moving and wiggeling.
You could also try to push the other players from the board and every character had its own special ability.
I tought one character was named wiegely squeegely or something and his ability was that he could stick to the board for a split second.

Hope someone knows what im talking about, been searching a long time already haha
Did you happen to own a Sidewinder controller? If so, the game was probably Manic Marbles (1996), it was included on the CD.
OMG YES hahaha thanks!


New member
Nov 16, 2016
Hello everyone iam not a native speaker but i'll try my best

I played this game between 1995 and 2000 maybe for Win95 or 98, it was a game for children. This Game (I think) didn't have a Protagonist it was only a mouse but iam not sure and you clicked only at things. This Game was build in Scene's so if you clicked on the left side you arrived another scene. I can remember 4 scenes

The first scene which i remember include a red wall and a egg with a face which sits on the wall maybe humpty dumpty and when you click it he falls down and broke a little bit

another one was a bar with a jukebox which plays music? and on the bartable was 2 glass of cola both of them have a straw and if you click the straw they spoke

the other one was a stage with a microphone and a stool, the microphone told jokes or sung something

the last one was a crossroad there was a lot of things but i remember that there was a barbershop because of a red/white spirale and it was daily.

I hope these informations are helpful


New member
Nov 17, 2016
Hi, I'm sorry if it was already here, but 700 pages is too much :(

I'm looking for a game from 80's - 90's. I'm pretty sure I got it with a graphic card (no idea what was it).
It was on PC.

Basically you were controlling robot with two guns in front of you and your purpose was to kill all the little guys (humans). It was a demo, co I have no idea how it ends. All I remember there were some noises like from helicopter or plane and scenery was an evening. You could see everything from a birds view.

Please, it's haunting me for so long :(


New member
Nov 5, 2009
ke1evra said:
Hi, everyone.
I'm searhing a game for NES or Sega megadrive, don't actually remember. It is a platformer, you can play for a different characters as a teenager, gorilla, some futuristic dude, so on. Also, you can pick up a different unique SHINY weapons for your characters, remember, that you can find slingshot for teenager, bunch of bananas for gorilla or a blaster for a futuristic dude. Setting was a bit of serious, and I clearly remember only one level ? it was an easter island with stone idols. We stuck with brother on that level.
Hope, you can help me.
//sorry for possible mistakes, english is not my native language
I suspect your game may be Konami Wai Wai World [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzmN7gYr9Gc] for the NES.


New member
Nov 17, 2016
Ok, so my sister and I had a computer game when we were young in late 90's early 2000's, played the game on widows 98 and xp. It was a game about a little purple monster named Rave, and in the game you ran around a scientists mansion and solved word games/puzzles and math games/puzzles and with each game/puzzle completed you received clues. If you made it to the end of the game you would enter the scientists lab and use the clues you found to free or create creatures, possibly, memories are vague. I loved that game and would like to see if I can find it. Does anyone else remember this game. I've been told it is a math blasters game, any ideas?


New member
Feb 28, 2016
RobynLynn said:
Ok, so my sister and I had a computer game when we were young in late 90's early 2000's, played the game on widows 98 and xp. It was a game about a little purple monster named Rave, and in the game you ran around a scientists mansion and solved word games/puzzles and math games/puzzles and with each game/puzzle completed you received clues. If you made it to the end of the game you would enter the scientists lab and use the clues you found to free or create creatures, possibly, memories are vague. I loved that game and would like to see if I can find it. Does anyone else remember this game. I've been told it is a math blasters game, any ideas?
Is it this one? http://www.mobygames.com/game/math-blaster-mystery-the-great-brain-robbery

Andi Gunawan

New member
Nov 18, 2016
Hi Guys, i looking for a game in ps1. it was a game about adventure and beggining from wake up from sleep and start his journey for help his neighbour and when already evening he must help old man for kill mouse in underground and fight with boss and when night he must run away from his village and found new village and start another quest. that's game adventure and some dungeon crawler but i don't remember that name can someone help me?

Tok Tok

New member
Nov 18, 2016
Hi all,

I'm looking for a game which I played in my yough, which is about 20 years ago. It's about a Rambo kind of guy with lots of muscles. He had to make it's way up to an elevator by shooting all kinds of monsters and rescuing woman. When you finished a level you would see a full screen image of him standing in an elevator going to the next level. You could shoot all kinds of different weapons which you had to find ammo for. In my mind it was a pretty hard game to play, but I was 8 years old back then so I could be wrong haha. The game was rendered in 2d but it had this 3d style, modern back in the day.


- muscular rambo like guy
- rescuing woman
- going with a elevator to the next level
- Killing mutant like monsters.

Hopefully someone knows this game, it's killing me that I can't remember it and I want to play it again.

Thanks guys!

Sai Teja

New member
Nov 18, 2016
i need your help guys. i played this game like about 6 years ago. the game starts with a guy driving a car and dies in an accident only to wake up in an island with some people who are waiting to go to after life and its like a point and click game ..we find items and all ,try to unravel the mystery about what is happening .At some point we get grass from a guy who keeps it in his crotch area and we use it to burn up a big root in some room or something .plus i remember in middle of it we fin our selves in a construction area where we need to find our way through....i ve been trying to remember since 4 years but cant do anything even the internet searches return nothing useful please help!


New member
Nov 18, 2016
Hello guys, so ive played this game long time ago on PS1, its been over 10-12 years ago for sure and i cant just remember the name of the game, pictures of it in my mind are blurry, i can remember some details but nothing really specific. I know its a game about driving a car, its not really a racing game its similar to Crazy Taxi, if i can remember correctly you were just driving around from point A to point B and you had limited time. I cant really remember every detail but i believe first mission is in some crowded town and you had to drive to some house something like that, in other missions i can remember there were pyramids, in some mission place was in Japan or China, i remember there were some Budha statues and temples. I would love if someone can remember the name because ive searched everywhere and i cant find it at all.


New member
Nov 18, 2016
Sai Teja said:
is it Total over dose ?
If you are talking to me, its not. You cant walk around, all you do is drive a car with limited time missions where you have to drive from point A to point B. I just cant believe i could find every game ive played but not this game, i googled under ps1 driving games, looked through every picture, every list and nothing.


New member
Nov 8, 2015
hello there, if anyone can help me find game that I have seen few years back, here is few infos on it: it is MMO game, it have some system where you collect NPC characters from I think some stones or eggs or something (not League of Angels) it is downloadable game, NPC are set all on some pedestals or it whose pillars not 100% sure, I know it is not much to go with but maybe someone know something pls tell me


New member
Nov 19, 2016
Hey guys! I'm looking for This game!

Genre: RPG / action RPG

Data: around year 2000

Random facts: on the first maps, the only enemyes you were facing: Bats, and Orcs, the more far from town you walk, the more powerfull the orcs are, and they have clases, some of them are mele and some ranged, throwing at you little white stones, every orc class / power lvl, had diferent colors, red / green...

I remember, when you started the game in a town Diablo 2 style, you have to chose a pet: dog / wolf between 2 or 3 colors, black, brown and gray/white if i remember correctly, the dogs looks like huskys. all the game has a little aura of asian, not super hard like anime, but oriented.

The first maps around town where full of bronce pipelines extracting vapour, it looked like steampunk.

I think the playstile was, you swing your sword when you click, not like diablo 2 that you have to click on a enemy and it atacks only that enemy

You can chose gender male / female

In the town, you can buy crosbows, among other weapons

Portal and identify scrolls diablo look a like.

I stoped playing when i arrived to a dungeon/ building when a new enemy (mage skeleton) were fuking me.

When you die you lose random items and leave a greave / corpse wich you can take if you travel to that point

I don't remember the posibility of chosing clases, but i remember weapons : 1 handed swords, crosbows, and maybe staffs, i dont remember Magic powers

The graffics were kind nice, more good than diablo 2, so probably was around year 2000 / 2005+

2D but feels more "3D" than diablo 2 for example

Maybe, i'm not sure, attaking with the sword was like 1-2-3 chained diferent attacks (basic / auto atack) I don't even remember using skills (it does not mean that there are not)

I have been looking for this game for almost 10 years, without luck, i was kinda noob back then (just a kid) but I remember that the way of the attacks (sword swin) were so nice, i'm diyng to play it again.