Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Jip Hulsman

New member
Dec 14, 2016
okay i have been looking for this game for over a year since i remembered playing it.
i played it at a friends house between 2000 and 2004(i think).
Anyway the game is about this guy working in an office and (i thought at the time not sure if its the plot) getting fired.
thus getting mad and wanting to get back at them.\
the main objective of the game was that you where given certain tasks to perform and then leave the office space
objectives included:
poisening the coffee machine, stealing supplies, infecting the computers with virusses and you where even given the task to stick holes in the condoms of the boss.

can somebody PLEASE help me find this game!!!

Jip Hulsman

New member
Dec 14, 2016
okay i have been looking for this game for over a year since i remembered playing it.
i played it at a friends house between 2000 and 2004(i think).
Anyway the game is about this guy working in an office and (i thought at the time not sure if its the plot) getting fired.
thus getting mad and wanting to get back at them.\
the main objective of the game was that you where given certain tasks to perform and then leave the office space
objectives included:
poisening the coffee machine, stealing supplies, infecting the computers with virusses and you where even given the task to stick holes in the condoms of the boss.

can somebody PLEASE help me find this game!!!

Jip Hulsman

New member
Dec 14, 2016
okay i have been looking for this game for over a year since i remembered playing it.
i played it at a friends house between 2000 and 2004(i think).
Anyway the game is about this guy working in an office and (i thought at the time not sure if its the plot) getting fired.
thus getting mad and wanting to get back at them.\
the main objective of the game was that you where given certain tasks to perform and then leave the office space
objectives included:
poisening the coffee machine, stealing supplies, infecting the computers with virusses and you where even given the task to stick holes in the condoms of the boss.

can somebody PLEASE help me find this game!!!


New member
Dec 14, 2016
Looking for quite a while for this game. Only thing i remember is playing as a golden egg or oval shaped character trying to avoid traps and reach the end. I remember you could choose levels at some sort of a room that unlocks more levels as you beat the previous levels. You could also make your own level and stuff. Hopefully this is enough


New member
Dec 13, 2016
ETheHedgehog said:
I have this game that I barely remember but it's killing me and I remember having tons of fun when playing it long time ago
You play as weird creatures and collect wood and iron to build homes and factories , and there was some sort of river somewhere in the game that you build a bridge over
That's all I remember ;-; , it was on PC and remember some sort of isometric 3D graphics
Plz help
FOUND IT IN MY OLD CDs , Planet Bulpi
Also if anyone has enough free time to check you can use this site
Jul 1, 2014
Got another one for you guys:
- The game was a action RPG, much like Dark Souls;
- It had "PS1 graphics" (3D, kinda blocky);
- It had a bunch of classes to choose from (like fighter, archer, so on and so forth);
- As far as I know, it had no character creation;
- There were "separated maps" (as in: screen transitions like a game from RPG Maker);
- You had a rare item, a yellow "fruit" (can't actually remember what it was) to recover your life;
- Isometric-ish view
- It was for PC (maybe a port, but it could be an exclusive);

Thanks in advance!


New member
Dec 14, 2016
Hey guys,
I've been looking for this game for quite some time now and I suspect it might be a really obscure one? Really hope you guys can help me find it!

Unfortunately my memories of it are quite fuzzy, but here it goes: What I do know is that it's a rpg/adventure/puzzle like game that I played somewhere between 1996 - 2000 on a windows 95 PC. But it's possible that the game itself is even a couple of years older.

It was a 2d isometric (maybe top down?) game with a fixed camera angle and position, where you had to walk your character to the edge of the screen to load the next world tile. Third person perspective. Not really sure if it was point and click or keyboard controlled.

I think the main character was some young guy and you start in a simple small medieval looking town with a couple of houses. The area around the town has some woody areas and green grass I think. Possibly a snowy area on the north side and shoreline/water to the south. The world was fairly small however.

I do remember the world being a bit weird and gritty (I think you run into human corpses, looking really gruesome and bloody). Not your standard fantasy world, but I think there definitely were some supernatural elements. In any case, the game world was not a very happy place. Can't remember if there was magic or not.

I think you had to complete tasks for people to progress to new areas. In one of the earlier missions some guy in/near the starting town asks you to kill some enemy critters that have invested his farm or garden or something. I can?t remember exactly what kind of critters but I think they were a giant version of a small real-life animal. I vaguely remember them looking quite disgusting, so probably some kind of giant insect or maybe rodent or something.

Can't really remember other enemies though or how you would fight them but I think in the beginning you just have your fists to beat enemies with.

Also I think there was a well or something in the town that was also a part of a quest.
A little later on I remember having to reach some place in a clearing, blocked off with what seems to be a couple of rows of impenetrable trees. I believe the way in was from the top right side of that world tile.

Hope this makes any sense to someone...


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Iksu said:
Looking for quite a while for this game. Only thing i remember is playing as a golden egg or oval shaped character trying to avoid traps and reach the end. I remember you could choose levels at some sort of a room that unlocks more levels as you beat the previous levels. You could also make your own level and stuff. Hopefully this is enough
Probably Speedy Eggbert, here are some screenshots.

Kitty Kyary

New member
Dec 15, 2016
I'm seriously hoping smoeone can help me figure out what game this was.
I've done pretty well I think and have found most of the games I was playing in the 90's.

This game was in one of the PC Demo discs that used to come with PC Games, I made a mental note to buy it (obviously didn't). It was a puzzle/mystery game. You need to get past the fence to get to the warf but there's a dog. On the warf it had the caretakers cabin right on the edge of the short pier. It's his dog. you needed to block the smoke coming out of the roof of the cabin so that the cabin would fill with smoke and the caretaker would have to go out. From there you would go under the warf and get in the cabin from below and grab the keys and maybe a steak(?) to give the dog to stop him barking so you could get past the fence? and then the demo ended and that's it. Think you had an injured hand in the game, can't be sure.

I vaguely remember it being on the same demo disc as a lemmings game, but not the paintball lemmings game.

Alison Poehlman

New member
Dec 14, 2016
Pixelhunter said:
Alison Poehlman said:
i'm really really frustrated because i've been searching forums and wikis fruitlessly for hours so i figured id make an account and post here.

i'm thinking of a game from around the early 2000s for PC. i don't know if it was online or not but it was a roleplaying game. you play as the main character that is this like young wizard guy with a pointy hat and a cape and he's sarcastic and funny. the view is like a tilted overhead view and the only scene i can imagine is this like gray brick/cobblestone road scene in a city/town by some buildings. the music was upbeat and reminiscient of medieval jigs? i can't remember if there was any fighting or anything, i just know the tone was mostly lighthearted. i hardly remember most things about this game but i can picture this one specific instance SO VIVIDLY and it's driving me insane.
Maybe "Simon the Sorcerer 3D" (2002)?

i was so excited when i saw a response and honestly that name sounds so familiar but that's not it :(

edit: i did more research and i think it actually is the second one! it's not quite the way i'm picturing it but this has to be it unless there was another extremely similar game.


New member
Dec 15, 2016
Hi there. I'm trying to remember two games.

First one is an Sega Genesis / Master System game. It was a 2D sidescroller and you were controlling a few different characters with different powers. As far as I remember there were total 4 characters in the game. There was a guy with a blue robe and brown hair. He was using fire projectiles to defeat the enemies. Other character I remember was a huge bald guy with a black robe. He had the power of lightning. I can't remember the other two characters (or maybe 3) but I think there was at least one girl with a pink robe. I'm not sure. Anyway, you were able to change between the characters and if one of them dies, they stay dead. You had to move on with the other characters. As far as I remember there weren't any extra lives or something. If all of your characters dies the game is over. Also, as you progress, you were able to upgrade these characters. I only remember the power of the blue robe guy. First he was using very basic fire projectiles, however by the end of the game he was spamming flame dragons from his hands.

Second game is a FPS. You control an Indiana Jones type of character with a whip and a pistol. (It's not Call of Juarez) Beginning of the game, makes you fall into a cave type of place. And some wild folks with red wooden masks attack you. Then you were trying to reach a bridge by jumping from column to column.

It's killing me, so please help me to find these games. Thanks.


New member
Dec 15, 2016
Hi. I am desperately trying to remember the name of this PC game. I played it around 10 years back. As far as I remember, the game had a mech suit kinda thing which you had to control. It had flight ability as well but had to land on to ground to recharge. The levels were a battlefield, mostly sort of an island. The allies had some kind of a general who would be giving orders and many of the levels had you defend and hold the ground till the reinforcements arrived. The allies and enemies were all very robotic (mech suit like) and futuristic. Most of the objectives were destroying the enemy base.

Sorry, that's all I can remember. I have faint visuals in my mind but I completely at a loss to remember the game. Would be so awesome if anyone could help me out. Thanks.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
ExileFalcon said:
Hi there. I'm trying to remember two games.

First one is an Sega Genesis / Master System game. It was a 2D sidescroller and you were controlling a few different characters with different powers. As far as I remember there were total 4 characters in the game. There was a guy with a blue robe and brown hair. He was using fire projectiles to defeat the enemies. Other character I remember was a huge bald guy with a black robe. He had the power of lightning. I can't remember the other two characters (or maybe 3) but I think there was at least one girl with a pink robe. I'm not sure. Anyway, you were able to change between the characters and if one of them dies, they stay dead. You had to move on with the other characters. As far as I remember there weren't any extra lives or something. If all of your characters dies the game is over. Also, as you progress, you were able to upgrade these characters. I only remember the power of the blue robe guy. First he was using very basic fire projectiles, however by the end of the game he was spamming flame dragons from his hands.

Second game is a FPS. You control an Indiana Jones type of character with a whip and a pistol. (It's not Call of Juarez) Beginning of the game, makes you fall into a cave type of place. And some wild folks with red wooden masks attack you. Then you were trying to reach a bridge by jumping from column to column.

It's killing me, so please help me to find these games. Thanks.
Pretty sure your first game is Shadow Blasters (A.K.A. Shiten Myouou) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POc3GkiI8GU] for the Genesis.

No clue on the second one, though... sorry.


New member
Dec 14, 2016
RelativityMan said:
Iksu said:
Looking for quite a while for this game. Only thing i remember is playing as a golden egg or oval shaped character trying to avoid traps and reach the end. I remember you could choose levels at some sort of a room that unlocks more levels as you beat the previous levels. You could also make your own level and stuff. Hopefully this is enough
Probably Speedy Eggbert, here are some screenshots.


New member
Dec 14, 2016
Hey guys new to the site but I'm desperately tryng to remember this Xbox game I used to play. The main character has white hair and red eyes that glow everytime he kills something. A bunch of aliens took over the planet and u have to destroy a bunch of towers to reclaim the planet. It was like 2006 ish could be xbox or Xbox 360. My plot in the game might be off a bit but it was a sweet game and I can't think of the name to buy it and I've seriously been looking and googling for years lol


New member
Dec 15, 2016
Hi guys. I need help finding this masterpiece (at least in my memories). I remember playing it on my cousin's PC. The game had an aerial view. I controlled a guy who throws his hammer to defeat enemies. After the throw, the hammer come back (just like Thor). I remember entering caves and killing bats.
Sorry about the lack of details, i was really young.
Thanks. :D


New member
Dec 15, 2016
Alright, I'll give this a try. I am looking for a 1990s PC game. You played as a character in a fantasy world. There were fairies, goatmen, a "pan" style character that played a flute. Also, if you went into the water for too long, you would be eaten by a whale. It was controlled with the keyboard, not point and click if I recall. Overhead view.


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Alison Poehlman said:
Pixelhunter said:
Alison Poehlman said:
i'm really really frustrated because i've been searching forums and wikis fruitlessly for hours so i figured id make an account and post here.

i'm thinking of a game from around the early 2000s for PC. i don't know if it was online or not but it was a roleplaying game. you play as the main character that is this like young wizard guy with a pointy hat and a cape and he's sarcastic and funny. the view is like a tilted overhead view and the only scene i can imagine is this like gray brick/cobblestone road scene in a city/town by some buildings. the music was upbeat and reminiscient of medieval jigs? i can't remember if there was any fighting or anything, i just know the tone was mostly lighthearted. i hardly remember most things about this game but i can picture this one specific instance SO VIVIDLY and it's driving me insane.
Maybe "Simon the Sorcerer 3D" (2002)?

i was so excited when i saw a response and honestly that name sounds so familiar but that's not it :(

edit: i did more research and i think it actually is the second one! it's not quite the way i'm picturing it but this has to be it unless there was another extremely similar game.
Actually, there are. If it's not Simon, maybe you have played a game from the "Discworld" series?


Joe Simpson

New member
Dec 15, 2016
These old 80's game i think was mac, could been dos based game, what i remeber stick figure going through maze's, alot of typing... and i remeber an old Text based Star Wars game, no graphics. i look on list of star wars game could not find it.