Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Jorge Mavis

New member
Oct 8, 2016
Mur7lo said:
Hi guys. I need help finding this masterpiece (at least in my memories). I remember playing it on my cousin's PC. The game had an aerial view. I controlled a guy who throws his hammer to defeat enemies. After the throw, the hammer come back (just like Thor). I remember entering caves and killing bats.
Sorry about the lack of details, i was really young.
Thanks. :D
Spooky Castle: The Adventures of Bouapha

Jorge Mavis

New member
Oct 8, 2016
Hello guys. I need help trying to find an old Japanese Shoot em Up. It's a game where you shoot with Z, and it had something like 5 levels. It had only 2 spaceships for you to choose, but if you changed between them a lot of times in the menu, it would brought up an extra ship, one with a huge laser. The spaceships were red, blue and the laser one was green. It had some kind of lore, that happened with dialogs between someone and your character, the one driving the spaceship. The game progresses from below to top (instead of left to right) and I remember playing it around 2005 - 2006. Thanks

Jorge Mavis

New member
Oct 8, 2016
I remember playing a platformer / action game. I got it by CD, around 2005-2006, and it was a game where you were a little pink vampire, and you explored a castle. You start as a really weak char, and as you progress, you find some altars that gives you powers. I remember getting Fireball and WallJump ability. Everytime you get an ability, an image of the vampire with his eyes glowing appears, and a message with something like: You got "name of the power"!


New member
Dec 14, 2016
Hey guys still looking for this game. Xbox or Xbox 360 game main character has glowing red eyes I believe he's the last of his kind and the world has been taken over by something I think aliens but don't recall. U have to destroy towers in order to get to the final tower and reclaim the planet. It has been bothering me for years any help is appreciated thanks!


New member
Dec 16, 2016
I remember playing this sort of horror game with a friend of mine. From what i remeber there was a teenage girl who somehow got lost in a bear cave and I remeber the cave was just a rocky tunnels and there was this one bear that would chase you and you would try to kill it with a hand gun. If anyone knowseen this game or thinks they know it can you please tell me the name.


New member
Dec 16, 2016
Hi everyone. Been trying to figure out this games name for a month now. It's a kids game I played on PC back in the early 2000s, probably came out around the time of Pajama Sam. It was a 3D game, with Aliens I guess trying to get back to their home planet, and the very first scene you have to run away from someone barging into their house. Because you know even illegal Aliens without a job could afford a 2 story house. I was really young so I just remember that, something about a toilet and/or toilet plunger. If you remember anything please let me know.


New member
Dec 16, 2016
Robineir said:
Hi everyone. Been trying to figure out this games name for a month now. It's a kids game I played on PC back in the early 2000s, probably came out around the time of Pajama Sam. It was a 3D game, with Aliens I guess trying to get back to their home planet, and the very first scene you have to run away from someone barging into their house. Because you know even illegal Aliens without a job could afford a 2 story house. I was really young so I just remember that, something about a toilet and/or toilet plunger. If you remember anything please let me know.
Hi, again. So I just ended my long search with a simple google search. "Stupid aliens pc game" and it's the first thing to pop up. Stupid invaders. Boy is there egg on my face. Well, hopefully this helps someone else in the future


New member
Dec 16, 2016
There's this game for the PS2 that I saw briefly at a friend's house roughly 2006-2007, all I remember is some skinny guy who looked like string cheese and a fat guy that followed him, and for the life of me I can't remember the name of it. My friend also had Katamari Damacy, something similar to Animal Crossing but for PS2, and Kingdom Hearts II, not that any of that's relevant, but those games were also new to me at the time.

EDIT: I found it. It wasn't PS2, it was the Genesis and the game is ToeJam and Earl. I just found it


New member
Dec 16, 2016
theres this old game i use to play on playstation 2 i think
where you were a little character and your objective was to go from one door to another that was across the screen and you were able to shoot out floors and you were being chase by other people and they also had like black doors that you can hide in. Anyone remember this game?


New member
Nov 25, 2016
zion_jah said:
- Your character is on some kind of graveyard
- Enemies showing themselves behind tombstones (their heads sticking out, one by one) and shoot at you.
- 1995-2000 aproxx

Dunno if it was just 1 level of a demo game. But remember playing it as a kid once, and never saw it again.
Your character was anchored (couldn't move) and you only could see a gun/rifle.
As i remember, graphics were great for that age.


Winchinster Koh

New member
Dec 16, 2016
i remember 2 of my game,one is a real-time-strategy game,i only remember a girl character with blue eyes,blonde hair,blue cloths with a sword and command some knights,archeries.and they have a lot of storylines which is great.another one is mecha,third person view,i cannot remember well but all the attack control(by default is z,x,c)they can throw bombs or pull the opponent close to you,they are both window 95/97 games,i was like 7 or smaller that time,so i cant really remember a lot.if anyone recognize please please please help me.thanks a lot >.<

Winchinster Koh

New member
Dec 16, 2016
i remember 2 of my game,one is a real-time-strategy game,i only remember a girl character with blue eyes,blonde hair,blue cloths with a sword and command some knights,archeries.and they have a lot of storylines which is great.another one is mecha,third person view,i cannot remember well but all the attack control(by default is z,x,c)they can throw bombs or pull the opponent close to you,they are both window 95/97 games,i was like 7 or smaller that time,so i cant really remember a lot.if anyone recognize please please please help me.thanks a lot >.<


New member
Oct 31, 2016
Pixelhunter said:
larvasapiens said:
I remember one with a male character that had a yellow-ish suit (i think). The game was 3rd person, 3D. There was a place where you could wrap to the stages, crash bandicoot 3 style. The graphics, if I remember right, were similar to the first tomb raiders for psx. As for the genre, I'd say it had an adventure feel. There was a stage in japan, with summos and another in the jungle were there was a bear. All the memories are blurry, though, I played it like 12 years ago or so... I played on my aunts PC that had windows 98 or 95.
"Time Commando" (1996)

That's it! Thank you so much!

Jiro Takeda

New member
Dec 7, 2016
Jiro Takeda said:
Trying to remember a really old computer game that I played when I was a kid in the 90s. It was a 2D, point/click, educational game where you would explore a town and identify safety violations or something. If you managed to find all of them, your pet elephant (or at least I think it was an elephant) would return home. Driving me fucking crazy.
Found it. It was 'Safety Monkey' (1994).


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Protoblob said:
hego64 said:

Just found this forum today, and I've been trying to find an old fighting game. I'm not sure if it was SNES or Sega or what it was, but what I remember was that it started with these two scientists creating your character that you start with, and then you going to fight. You were a pink humanoid mannequin looking thing, made of pink circles that weren't connected. You had to fight up the ranks to progress to take down the other scientist or something. One of the other characters I remember was a flame dude, and that once you beat someone they were unlocked for you to play as them in the later rounds.

Anyone have any clue what this game is? I'd really like to play it again...
One Must Fall: 2097

The_Sojourner said:
All I can remember are the tiniest snippets of images... I remember in the beginning of the game, you got to choose either one character or a group of characters and they were all standing in this giant, circular stone room. And I think the center of the room had some sort of sigil or rune in the center, but I don't recall completely. I remember at least most of the choices of characters, if not all of them, wore robes.

I also remember that when you were having your character or characters walk around, your mouse cursor took the shape of little golden footprints or something like that...

I also recall the soundtrack being one of my favorites at the time, with most of it sounding like it was sort of dark choir-esque. It lent itself well to the feel of the game, which was very mystical and fantasy-based.
I am pretty sure this is not it, but with blurry memory it still needs to be ruled out as at least some features sound familiar and it is from South Korea (not from Japan):
Lamentation Sword

So please let us know if this is it or not.
I apologize for the delayed response - got so wrapped up in stuff irl I totally forgot to keep updated on this. No, I'm afraid that's not it. I'm 99.99% sure it was an American game. It MAY have been by Sierra Entertainment as that was one of the main companies of games I was a fan of back then... I wish I could offer you some more info but it's been so long all of the details are eluding me. >.<


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Teen Agent!

...finally remembered one game that someone asked about many pages ago. Point and click MS-DOS adventure from 90s, protagonist with a red shirt, etc. Can't find the post anymore, but that's the game, in case that whoever asked about it is still checking this.


New member
Dec 17, 2016
There are two games that I want to find.
1. The 1st one is like a worms type probably DOS game like "Liero" but much simpler, the two guys consisting of like 5 pixels. It was a 2 player game where you try to kill each other with rockets and flamethrowers I think. Extremely similar to "Liero" but much simpler.
2. The 2nd one was a 3d 2 player game involving a ball where you have to navigate through platforms and the platforms were in outer space (you could fall off the edges) - there were different types of levels and floors - like wooden, metal and colorful, ice was the hardest to navigate the ball onto and there were also arrows which made the ball go faster.


New member
Apr 26, 2012
darkstealman said:
2. The 2nd one was a 3d 2 player game involving a ball where you have to navigate through platforms and the platforms were in outer space (you could fall off the edges) - there were different types of levels and floors - like wooden, metal and colorful, ice was the hardest to navigate the ball onto and there were also arrows which made the ball go faster.
Something like ol' Trailblazer? There's been numerous clones over the year, could be any number of them.


Mihal Pelko

New member
Dec 17, 2016
Hello guys, I try to recall the following game:

-PS 1 Game
-3rd Person 3D game.
-Had shooting elements.
-Features 2 or 3 characters (1 female, a male in cowboy style clothing and one man in suit)
-Comic style art
-At the end, you kill the final boss by burning money
-Cowboy man loses his arm close to the end.
-Before final boss, you may select either a female or a cowboy protagonist. Selected character kills another in a cutscene.
-Game was on one disk.

I played it as a pirated game (hello from post USSR) around 2001 - 2005, so it could be a pirate port from somewhere else. Thank you for the help and good Christmas.


New member
Dec 17, 2016
Zaltys said:
darkstealman said:
2. The 2nd one was a 3d 2 player game involving a ball where you have to navigate through platforms and the platforms were in outer space (you could fall off the edges) - there were different types of levels and floors - like wooden, metal and colorful, ice was the hardest to navigate the ball onto and there were also arrows which made the ball go faster.
Something like ol' Trailblazer? There's been numerous clones over the year, could be any number of them.


Looks very similar, but it looked much nicer. Real 3D not pixel style. Could you type out some of those games titles so I could search for some screenshots.