Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Jiro Takeda

New member
Dec 7, 2016
gASK said:
Hi everyone! I have a fairly old game I (and others around me) remember playing, but no amount of Googling managed to turn up any trace of it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


- It was a Windows 95 game (maybe even older, but I doubt that).
- It was a "Whack-a-mole" style game starring gophers (or a very similar animal).
- In each level, there was a theme (wooden room, garden or even the moon where the gophers had little space suit helmets)
- In each level, you had to hit a predetermined amount of gophers on the head with your mallet - if you failed to do so, you lost one mallet (which represented lives)
- There were other items that could "poke" out of the holes - some of them positive (extra mallet, chameleon, bomb that hit eveything on screen etc), some of them negative (a trap that caught your mallet, moai statue, alien and others)
- Every five or so levels there was an "intermission", where the gophers formed a choir and sang a "tune" which you had to reproduce by clicking on them in the correct order - if you did so, you won an extra life (mallet)

...that's pretty much it. I can remember the visuals and everything in detail, but that does not help me in any way :(

Once more thanks for any help!
I've been looking for this one, too.

Max Lerman

New member
Dec 11, 2016
I'm looking for a browser game (it has some sequels), I used to play it between 2007-2010 I think
You didn't control the main character, you controled other things on screen and you had to make him ashamed in front of everyone (specially girls)


New member
Dec 11, 2016
Deathwake48 said:
333buttercup said:
Emma Kampa said:
Hey guys, i have a game that i am just dying to remember and can't seem to find it anywhere. It was a game set in Ancient Egypt. I don't remember much but it was an adventure game where you had to solve certain puzzles and what not. I remember there being like pillars and hieroglyphic puzzles you had to solve. At the beginning i remember there being some sort of car or something that they stole from a pyramid maybe? There is boats to go to Egyptian places too. Also remember it being in the 90's sometime. If anyone could help me that'd be great! :)
Any followup on this game? I am looking for the same game. It's killing me that I can't find it or remember what it's called!
A quick Google search using the phrase, "quest game with egyptian theme" revealed to me a game called Curse of the Pharoah: The Quest for Nefertiti. IDK if thats the game your looking for. I never played it. Hope this helps.

I think I finally found the game. Clue Finders 4th grade adventure: Puzzle Of The Pyramid


New member
Dec 11, 2016
Okay, so there's this game I used to play in middle school (so 2006-2008) in the computer lab off some game website with my friend. I can't recall the name of it but I vividly remember in the beginning it would show a character like hand drawn at first to show it crashing and then the animation changes to like these characters that are all black except for their eyes and most of them are in these blue robes so you don't see their bodies and you go around a castle looking place to gain like staffs and powers and your character can like sneak up and smother them and that's as much as I remember. Thanks.


New member
Oct 8, 2013
Jagz993 said:
Hello, I was hoping that you could help me name these games that have been on my mind lately

The first is a ps1 game that a turned based RPG similar to Final Fantasy. The in game battles are similar to that of Final Fantasy 9. What I remember of this game is that your a male character and when you first start the game you need to fight a red hair female who ends defeating you. For some reason after this battle you have to travel with a girl that seems like a white mage to different places. After certain story progression the girl transforms into the same red hair female you fought at the start of the game. Its like two people trapped in the same body but only one is present at a time. She stays as a party in either form as far as I remember. If it helps later on I pretty sure you get to a jungle area where you have to fight a boss that's a lion who stands up and talks like a human. He's first hostile but joins your party after the patty.

The second is also a ps1 from images I think its an overhead third person, so your looking down at an angle to the character. In this you would travel through various dungeons fighting various monsters such as goblins, vampire etc. Your character had a deck of cards which you could choose from and throw into the field, which would then summon monsters you collected/brought into the field and they would fight of the enemy. What I remember is that the first level was a castle and you first fought of the skeletons to learn the moves until you could kill the boss which was a vampire. After the level was complete a roulette would spin giving you a chance to get a new card. The second level I think was set in a graveyard.

If you can help in any way thanks!!!
Two years later and I finally found out the name of the first game. First one is 'Grandia 2' on the playstation 2. The second one i found out a while back. Its called 'Lost Kingdoms' on the Gamecube.


New member
Dec 11, 2016
Deep__Wang27 said:
Okay, so there's this game I used to play in middle school (so 2006-2008) in the computer lab off some game website with my friend. I can't recall the name of it but I vividly remember in the beginning it would show a character like hand drawn at first to show it crashing and then the animation changes to like these characters that are all black except for their eyes and most of them are in these blue robes so you don't see their bodies and you go around a castle looking place to gain like staffs and powers and your character can like sneak up and smother them and that's as much as I remember. Thanks.

It was Wink In The Princess Stealing Dragon. Found it. :)

Manolis Mprotzakis

New member
Nov 30, 2016
Hey guys!I think i have posted on this forum like 2 times,no one replied to me ;-;.Only one time that it was wrong.So the game was a PC Game,an old one a Pixel one,a 2D One i think.It had its own site i think so...You started in the sea naked and you toke a stick and started fighting crabs,later on,you fought skeletons and other big bosses.You had to do some quests and there were some shops(forgot to say it is Online) that you could buy new swords and armor.It would be appreciated for you guys to apply to me.


New member
Dec 11, 2016
Hey guys!
I trying to search very old game which I little bit played in 97th - 99th.
- PC game
- 2D same viewpoint like a Mario
- Platformer or quest
- Character looks like plumber
- Ringing red(or blue) telephone in start(or end) of levels
Please help me with it. Regards.


New member
Dec 9, 2016
Joshua E Hess said:
I saw this site and realized I had to make an account to find the game I'm looking for. I'm 17 now and I was thinking about this old PC game that I used to play as a child. I used to go over to my friends house and we would play it together. I will describe it to the best of my memory, but this was probably around 2006 when I was 6 years old, so remembering every detail is hard lol. But it was this game on PC, you had what I would call a pinball, and you could control the direction of the ball with the arrow keys if I remember correctly, I don't remember the object of the game, but there were big wide open maps and you move the ball around and have fun. I specifically remember like there being tornadoes and weird other things to interact with. If anyone out there has any clue what I'm talking about, I would be so happy to have these memories come back to me through this game. Thanks!
Marble Arena comes to mind.

James Archibald

New member
Jan 26, 2012
Howdy all,

This one has been bugging me for years. There was a game I played on a demo disc back in the mid nineties, maybe 1994/95. I think I played it on Win'95 as opposed to DOS, but I can't be sure of that.

It was set up a little like Super Metroid or Abe's Odysee in that levels were the whole screen and you'd move to a new screen to progress, usually navigating from the bottom left to an exit on the top right. The protagonist was your standard Conan the Barbarian style muscle-man, but I can't remember if there were guns or swords. Either way, it was pretty violent. There were creatures patrolling - I think they were Orcs or Ogres or some-such thing, and they bled when you killed them. A lot. You would also rescue chained up villagers, but I think you could kill them if you wanted to.

I can't remember the setting, although it was fairly bright. I'm thinking maybe slightly gothic sci-fi, but for all I know it could be Medieval. The memories are so foggy.

I distinctly remember you could grab ledges and climb up, but it was a slow, laboured process. Much more an adventure slash-em-up than a platformer.

I know this is crazy-vague, but I was pretty young at the time. I think it was on a demo disc with DOOM 2, one of the Catacomb sequels (no idea which) and... Gah, can't remember.

Anyone got any ideas?


BLACKTHORNE!!! IT'S BLACKTHORNE!!! I finally found it when i recognised the game over / death screen from a google image search of "pc game 1994 blood platform" xD
Oh wow, what a nostalgia hit.

Black Magic

New member
Dec 12, 2016
There's this game I used to play as a kid 7-10 years ago on the DS. All I can remember is that you could get into these sort of mech battles where you are on the inside of your mech and had to pick up ammunition and stuff to launch at your opponents mech by dropping it in a tube or something. I think you could even launch yourself to the enemy mech and destroy / damage it from the inside. And for some reason I also remember there were cats as enemies or allies. Really hope one of y'all knows this game despite the lack of description, I played the heck outta that game.

Black Magic

New member
Dec 12, 2016
There's this game I used to play as a kid 7-10 years ago on the DS. All I can remember is that you could get into these sort of mech battles where you are on the inside of your mech and had to pick up ammunition and stuff to launch at your opponents mech by dropping it in a tube or something. I think you could even launch yourself to the enemy mech and destroy / damage it from the inside. And for some reason I also remember there were cats as enemies or allies. Really hope one of y'all knows this game despite the lack of description, I played the heck outta that game.

Black Magic

New member
Dec 12, 2016
There's this game I used to play as a kid 7-10 years ago on the DS. All I can remember is that you could get into these sort of mech battles where you are on the inside of your mech and had to pick up ammunition and stuff to launch at your opponents mech by dropping it in a tube or something. I think you could even launch yourself to the enemy mech and destroy / damage it from the inside. And for some reason I also remember there were cats as enemies or allies. Really hope one of y'all knows this game despite the lack of description, I played the heck outta that game.

Black Magic

New member
Dec 12, 2016
There's this game I used to play as a kid 7-10 years ago on the DS. All I can remember is that you could get into these sort of mech battles where you are on the inside of your mech and had to pick up ammunition and stuff to launch at your opponents mech by dropping it in a tube or something. I think you could even launch yourself to the enemy mech and destroy / damage it from the inside. And for some reason I also remember there were cats as enemies or allies. Really hope one of y'all knows this game despite the lack of description, I played the heck outta that game.

Black Magic

New member
Dec 12, 2016
There's this game I used to play as a kid 7-10 years ago on the DS. All I can remember is that you could get into these sort of mech battles where you are on the inside of your mech and had to pick up ammunition and stuff to launch at your opponents mech by dropping it in a tube or something. I think you could even launch yourself to the enemy mech and destroy / damage it from the inside. And for some reason I also remember there were cats as enemies or allies. Really hope one of y'all knows this game despite the lack of description, I played the heck outta that game.


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Black Magic said:
I think you could even launch yourself to the enemy mech and destroy / damage it from the inside. And for some reason I also remember there were cats as enemies or allies.
...could you be thinking of Rocket Slime?


New member
Dec 9, 2016
Stormcrowfleet said:
The game was a 2d fantasy themed strategy game with fairly crisp graphics. I would date it somewhere between Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3. One element I remember that stood out in particular for me was the sheer amount of different units in that game. I think there were multiple fantasy based nations in that game, and each nation had radically different armies. Sounds familiar to anyone?
Fantasy Empires? (1993) If that's not it, would you say it had newer/better graphics? The only thing I could work off is the time frame (1995 of WC2) and the amount of units, which this has a ton of.


New member
Dec 9, 2016
UprightGnat said:
Hello, im really glad this is still opened, Im looking for a ps1 game. it has an dungeon that you have to complete. i do believe you stay in a hotel, of course i was young at the time and i cant remeber the plot. The most notable thing about this game is that it has two playable characters. You can switch between them using portals while you are in the dungeon and return to your spot, on the first floor there is this fairy fountain thing with fairies like from zelda they heal you. I have looked everywhere for this game and my searching hasn't yielded any results results. Any clues (especially a name) would be helpful
I'm certain this is Adventure Mode in EHRGEIZ. There's two halves of a game there. There's a main fighting game sort of like Tekken, some FF7 characters are playable like Cloud.

Then there's another Adventure Game mode with two heroes a girl student and a professor. The professor doesn't look like one, more looks like typical worker. Brown coat and jeans. Anyways after the intro you wake up and stay at a hotel. You explore a dungeon that is Roguelike (RNG made) but first floor always had a fairy to heal you. You can switch between the girl or the guy, by using a diablo like portal back to town.

Game Case Cover [http://www.mobygames.com/images/covers/l/25417-ehrgeiz-god-bless-the-ring-playstation-front-cover.jpg]
Video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYcI5KDXGK4]


New member
Dec 8, 2016
Joshua E Hess said:
I saw this site and realized I had to make an account to find the game I'm looking for. I'm 17 now and I was thinking about this old PC game that I used to play as a child. I used to go over to my friends house and we would play it together. I will describe it to the best of my memory, but this was probably around 2006 when I was 6 years old, so remembering every detail is hard lol. But it was this game on PC, you had what I would call a pinball, and you could control the direction of the ball with the arrow keys if I remember correctly, I don't remember the object of the game, but there were big wide open maps and you move the ball around and have fun. I specifically remember like there being tornadoes and weird other things to interact with. If anyone out there has any clue what I'm talking about, I would be so happy to have these memories come back to me through this game. Thanks!
This sounds like it might be Marble Madness, but I'm not 100% sure.