Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


Dec 20, 2016
Pixelhunter said:
TukenLal said:
Hey guys i used to play a point-and-click adventure game on the PC that i simply just cannot remember the name of. The game i think was made in like 2005-2008? Not sure about that one :/.
Of what i remember you start off as a girl in a futuristic world in a desert type village. You live in a rich family, and something like your father was a scientist who disappeared, (might have an own robot of some sort, not sure about that one) , you go down to your girlfriend's shop she wants to show you something, but gets killed then you prooceed into the village where you go to what is likely a marketplace.
I'm really sorry i cannot give more imformation, but that's the best i can do.
BTW wish you all the best of holidays! <3
This immediately reminds me of one of my all-time-favourites "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey" (2006)


(It's way cheaper at sales but usually it takes a good while to drop in price.)

But you either mixed up the game's timeline a bit or this isn't the game you're looking for.
You can go about your business. Move along. :-D
Hey thanks alot this was the game i was looking for! You saved a life
P.S. i tagged the wrong one sorry i'm a bit high right now lmao

hella awesome

New member
Dec 20, 2016
Okay -this one goes waaaay back to the early 80's, so hopefully someone can help. ASCII graphics, DOS only. There were "flowers"... that's the only way I can describe it. A "seed" ASCII symbol would appear and over time it would grow and grow and grow. You had to destroy the "blooms" before they took over the screen. I can't seem to remember how you destroyed them. I think by shooting them? And different colors indicated more shots to destroy?

I don't think there was ever a win or end screen. It was play until you die. It started slowly with these flowers growing, and then sped up until you died.

Thanks to anyone who can help!


New member
Mar 22, 2011
This is a long shot, but here goes.

It's an old point-and-click adventure game, released probably in the 90's, or the early 2000's at the latest.
The game starts with the main character being kidnapped or sucked into a magic mirror.
The first few levels of the game are about fixing/rebuilding a broken-down vehicle.
Most of the game takes place in a desert of some sort.
The ending of the game involves reaching a Statue of Liberty and talking to it (or maybe a character next to it?). It then explains how to leave this magical world, or simply teleports you back out of the mirror.
The entire game has a very lonely feeling to it.
The artstyle is very cartoony and extremely bizarre.
Some or all of the details provided by me are wrong and misremembered.


New member
Dec 14, 2016
Jiro Takeda said:
Alright, this one is pretty vague, but I'm gonna post it anyway. All I remember of this game were bits and pieces.
-Windows 3.x
-Release date was probably early to mid 90's
-It took place in a haunted house
-Had a 2D, cartoonish style
-It was a point/click adventure-type game, similar to something like Putt-Putt
-There was a room in the house with animal trophies mounted on the wall; when you clicked on them, they came to life
-It was not Jan Pienkowski's Haunted House, nor was it Gahan Wilson's Ultimate Haunted House, nor was it Harry and the Haunted House, but it was similar to all three of them.
It reminds me a bit of Hugo's House of Horrors, although I don't remember a room with animal trophies in that one... I think there were also some sequels made, so maybe its one of them?

Jakub Blaszczyk

New member
Dec 20, 2016
TukenLal said:
Jakub Blaszczyk said:
I remember Playing some sort of Futuristic Bike Racing game back around 2004 or 2005. The Bikes hovered and I think they were all made of Wireframes with drivers on top. I remember you could change the colour of your racer, and then you would race with AI or splitscreen (I think, I was too young to remember many details) on different Maps. The maps had different levels to them, as in there were lower and higher paths, and sometimes if the player overtook another racer, they would turn around, shake their fist at them and taunt them saying something like "haha!" or things like that (again I can't remember many of the details but this time I can't remember what they said becaues I'm Polish and so Me and my dad played the game in Polish). If anyone knows the name of the game I will be really thankful ^-^ This has been Nagging me for quite some time.

Thaat is it! Thank you so much dude! You saved a lofe today man!:D
Umm... what? Did I somehow help you? :/ I dont understand ;-;


New member
Dec 21, 2016
Guys, need your help.

I barely remember this game, but its 2d (Crimsonland style view) game with survival elements and 3 heroes (races?). Human, Alien of some sort and a robot. Each hero have unique abilities to survive (as im remember), but also some cons as well.

I remember that i run into that game randomly, complete it and forgot about it. But i remember that its kinda really hard to complete and very interesting...

To think about it - its kinda even 'Rimworldy' at visual elements. But still cant remember the name of the game. Please help :[

Jiro Takeda

New member
Dec 7, 2016
jdg said:
Jiro Takeda said:
Alright, this one is pretty vague, but I'm gonna post it anyway. All I remember of this game were bits and pieces.
-Windows 3.x
-Release date was probably early to mid 90's
-It took place in a haunted house
-Had a 2D, cartoonish style
-It was a point/click adventure-type game, similar to something like Putt-Putt
-There was a room in the house with animal trophies mounted on the wall; when you clicked on them, they came to life
-It was not Jan Pienkowski's Haunted House, nor was it Gahan Wilson's Ultimate Haunted House, nor was it Harry and the Haunted House, but it was similar to all three of them.
It reminds me a bit of Hugo's House of Horrors, although I don't remember a room with animal trophies in that one... I think there were also some sequels made, so maybe its one of them?
Nope, it was a bit newer than that one; not quite as pixelated. And it wasn't the sequels either.

Reza EN

New member
Dec 18, 2016
Ok guys, I have been looking for this game almost 3 weeks now and so far can't find any trace. So, it is a PC game from 2000 - 2008 (that's how accurate I can get). As I know it came as a demo game on a purchased graphic card. It is a local multiplayer (split screen) top down view game. Gameplay consists of little spaceships/space crafts, AI spaceships that fight in a closed (by breakable walls) large map (the maps look like a flat space construction, it look realistic and cartoony at the same time), you have to break boxes to find upgrade guns, equipment, health, and protections and fights against other player or AI. Every player has a little square spawn location that is indicated by a unique color (red, green, yellow and blue) for that player. When you are on the spawn location nobody can harm you and basically it is your safe place. In the solo mode, you have to get from the spawn square to end square by passing the puzzle to got to the next level and it gets harder and harder. Mostly, we were interested in the split screen multiplayer which could be in different modes (Dead match, Timer, and Scores). There were different spaceships that each player could choose from and each one had different abilities. There were teleport holes on the map that could teleport you to different locations on the map. You could find upgrades hidden in the boxes that you needed to break or not hidden that give you "missile", "multiplied shoots","targeted missiles", "Mines", "Missle tower" (you could establish them anywhere to protect you), "Laser guns","health" and etc. Almost everything was destructible such as map's wall and you could fall into the space if that happened. We were playing the game with two sides of the keyboard and gamepad at the same time. I have these following names in my mind but not sure at all: "Chase" and "Cheeze" (again not sure at all). Please please let me know if anyone has played this game. I need this game so bad and I am trying to create a new version of this game so I need to look at the dynamic and other stuff in the game. Thank you.


New member
Dec 21, 2016
sleepsomewhile said:
Guys, need your help.

I barely remember this game, but its 2d (Crimsonland style view) game with survival elements and 3 heroes (races?). Human, Alien of some sort and a robot. Each hero have unique abilities to survive (as im remember), but also some cons as well.

I remember that i run into that game randomly, complete it and forgot about it. But i remember that its kinda really hard to complete and very interesting...

To think about it - its kinda even 'Rimworldy' at visual elements. But still cant remember the name of the game. Please help :[
Found it. It's NOTRIUM.


New member
Dec 21, 2016
Hi all.

Okay, this is a long shot and I don't know if it's already been answered, but I'm new to the site and definitely don't want to sift through 700 pages of stuff, haha.

Before I begin, I want to say that the game I'm about to describe is NOT 40 Winks or NIGHTS into Dreams.

Okay, I believe this game was on PS1, maybe PS2 but I believe the former. It basically revolved around 2 kids (I think, I remember a boy and a boy that you could control?) and they would like, be trapped in different dream worlds or alternate between the real world and a dream world, or something along those lines. I remember the dream worlds being fairly macabre and dark, and if I'm not mistaken I remember it being a birds-eye-view style 3rd person game, likely a platformer of some sort, kind of Legend of Zelda/Pokemon-esque in how you'd control your character and how the design of the environments looked. I think you'd have to go around collecting things and possibly fighting different monsters? I especially remember it being pretty difficult, at least it was for me, I never did get through the game!

Some of the details probably aren't totally accurate, but if anyone has even an idea of what this game is, that would be awesome!


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
bwoinski said:
Before I begin, I want to say that the game I'm about to describe is NOT 40 Winks or NIGHTS into Dreams.

Okay, I believe this game was on PS1, maybe PS2 but I believe the former. It basically revolved around 2 kids (I think, I remember a boy and a boy that you could control?) and they would like, be trapped in different dream worlds or alternate between the real world and a dream world, or something along those lines. I remember the dream worlds being fairly macabre and dark, and if I'm not mistaken I remember it being a birds-eye-view style 3rd person game, likely a platformer of some sort, kind of Legend of Zelda/Pokemon-esque in how you'd control your character and how the design of the environments looked. I think you'd have to go around collecting things and possibly fighting different monsters? I especially remember it being pretty difficult, at least it was for me, I never did get through the game!
Probably the first Alundra game for PS1. Here are some screenshots.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Hey guys, hoping you can help. Looking for a game for a friend with the following details:

Literally just a map of rectangles when you start. Zero story.
You start with one square
If someone takes that square, you lose.
Real Time
There were sometimes impassible walls, mainly only on the big two week maps
You also had this supply route buff thing you could get it would strengthen the troops in existing territories
If you had territories that didn't connect to the main one, they could die off.
There were mountain areas in the bigger maps. They were really hard to dig through. But there were sometimes like diamonds or something you could get out of them that you could buy buffs with.
I've been trying to look around for a bit with no luck. Any chance someone here knows?


New member
Dec 22, 2016
Hi guys! I've been looking for this game for about a month now. Still no luck.

It's a PC game I came across around 2000's.

- It's free download on flash game site before but it is only a demo.
- It's a beat em up game or arcade like dungeons & dragons.
- You control a character that looks like cloud strife on final fantasy VII but with black hair
- You have this AOE skill that depletes your HP when used. It's good if theres too many enemies.
- If my memory is right you also wield a greatsword.


New member
Dec 22, 2016
Hi guys! I've been looking for this game for about a month now. Still no luck.

It's a PC game I came across around 2000's.

- It's free download on flash game site before but it is only a demo.
- It's a beat em up game or arcade like dungeons & dragons.
- You control a character that looks like cloud strife on final fantasy VII but with black hair
- You have this AOE skill that depletes your HP when used. It's good if theres too many enemies.
- If my memory is right you also wield a greatsword.


New member
Dec 21, 2016
RelativityMan said:
bwoinski said:
Before I begin, I want to say that the game I'm about to describe is NOT 40 Winks or NIGHTS into Dreams.

Okay, I believe this game was on PS1, maybe PS2 but I believe the former. It basically revolved around 2 kids (I think, I remember a boy and a boy that you could control?) and they would like, be trapped in different dream worlds or alternate between the real world and a dream world, or something along those lines. I remember the dream worlds being fairly macabre and dark, and if I'm not mistaken I remember it being a birds-eye-view style 3rd person game, likely a platformer of some sort, kind of Legend of Zelda/Pokemon-esque in how you'd control your character and how the design of the environments looked. I think you'd have to go around collecting things and possibly fighting different monsters? I especially remember it being pretty difficult, at least it was for me, I never did get through the game!
Probably the first Alundra game for PS1. Here are some screenshots.
Thanks for trying, but nope, that's actually not it either. Like I said some of the details are hazy but it wasn't anything fantasy-like. It had a modern setting, I kind of remember the child characters being in a regular bedroom and home. Anyone else have any ideas?


New member
Dec 23, 2016
I need help with two games. Both are for Sega genesis

1.This game I remember Slightly, One of the first enemies was a car, you had to jump over it. It was in a town and if you did something you could fall into the ground to get into a secret area. Then there was a flying turtle. That's all I remember

2. It was a top stroller with multiple characters and you got one at random. One of the characters had a special move where he had the blue or red orbs that floated around him. Then there was a javelin thrower. I don't remember anything else. Sorry for not being much of a help


New member
Nov 5, 2009
StudiosSean said:
I need help with two games. Both are for Sega genesis

1.This game I remember Slightly, One of the first enemies was a car, you had to jump over it. It was in a town and if you did something you could fall into the ground to get into a secret area. Then there was a flying turtle. That's all I remember

2. It was a top stroller with multiple characters and you got one at random. One of the characters had a special move where he had the blue or red orbs that floated around him. Then there was a javelin thrower. I don't remember anything else. Sorry for not being much of a help
At a guess... could your second game be Gain Ground [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc3XgXE67bs]?

Shannon Rains

New member
Dec 23, 2016
Okay, so there was this old computer game, I played it in I think the early 00's on my uncles computer. I don't remember much, but I think it was a dungeon-crawl like game, where you opened wooden doors and fought things inside. I don't remember why, but I can clearly remember that there were lots of skeletons. And maybe spiders? I remember that it had a top down perspective, and that's about it.