Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jan 2, 2017
UndertakerInf said:

I found this wonderful thread and reminded me of this demo I had back in the 90's. I kept waiting for a full game to show up, but it never did. I found the demo, it has no name, no title, no company name. Googling only took me to a tabletop RPG called Cyberpunk 2020 on which this might be based.
The demo shows a videophone interfase with blue polygon bodies and sprite heads, then moves on to a hallway scene where we check doors while people walk by. Eventually we enter one apartment and fiddle with a remote, until the owner shows up pistol in hand. The UI is shown. This looks like a vertical slice!
Does anyone know this demo? did a full game ever come out?

I've uploaded some captured images here.

Forgot to add: it's a PC DOS game/thing


New member
Dec 26, 2016
notmynameatall said:
-PC game from early 2000
-2d rts
-top down view (not 100% sure on this one)
-two teams (red and blue ,i think)
-you control some kind of a robot which can transform into a plane
-you can build other units (workers and tanks)
-while in plane form you can pick them up and drop anywhere on the map
-workers work in some kind of factory ,which are on some kind of oil spills
-both players can populate the same factory with workers (i think five total is the max)
-while in robot from you can shoot enemy tanks


New member
Jan 5, 2017
I used to play this pc game in the 90s I can't remember much of it but I remember the main character was a boy and some evil force stole his pet dog and took him away and the whole game is about the boy finding his dog in the heart of hell or something???


New member
Jan 5, 2017
Ok, this is really important for me:

This old car racing game:
You drive crazy rocket cars up ramps, jumping threw loops that might also be on fire because why not.
But more often than not i think you just had to throw your ragdoll guy out of the front window and get him to land in an certain spot.
Crazy game that also includes monster trucks (i think) and generally demoltition derby was a big part of it.
I remember the game pretty good but for the life of me i cant remember the name :O

There is another one that was like 2D and a kind of puzzel game.
But i actually found it just now. If anybody is wondering: Crazy Machines


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2014
Sara1992seb said:
I used to play this pc game in the 90s I can't remember much of it but I remember the main character was a boy and some evil force stole his pet dog and took him away and the whole game is about the boy finding his dog in the heart of hell or something???
Heart of Darkness ?



New member
Nov 5, 2009
Sara1992seb said:
I used to play this pc game in the 90s I can't remember much of it but I remember the main character was a boy and some evil force stole his pet dog and took him away and the whole game is about the boy finding his dog in the heart of hell or something???
Maybe Heart of Darkness [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNJIHNKHw_4]?


New member
Jan 6, 2017
Hey guys,
I remember playing this x-box game in the mid 2000s about a schoolboy who has like a drill instructor for a teacher and the teacher is constantly yelling at him, and anyways the kid travels to another world I think via some mechanical contraption, and in this world he can turn into different creatures through unlocking them which all did different things to help you progress. I remember also that the drill instructor somehow found the machine some time later and gets teleported into the world and begins to track down the student. Any replies would be great.


New member
Jan 6, 2017
Hi guys. I'm having a problem remembering a name of a specific game, so I've resorted to this forum.
This description is probably going to be vague, but i'll try to make it as detailed as possible.
I played this game probably sometime in the early 2000s, I'm not positive what game console it was on, but I think it was playstation 2. In this game, you play as a little boy, who I believed had dark hair and wore darker clothing. He lived in a house that was dark. Inside of the house, you could talk to his mother and his sister (?), I think. Also, his grandfather or father had either gone missing or was lying in a bed inside of the house. When you would leave the house, you would go down a flight of wooden (?) steps that would take you to a little town. In this town, you could go into a church, that also had a basement. There was also a little bread stand/store.
I think this game had something to do with shadows and/or a supernatural force, such as ghosts. I remember you would have to fight off ghosts, I think.
I don't believe this was a very popular game, but I could be wrong. If you have any idea, please let me know. This is bothering me so bad.

Added: I also think the characters had bigger eyes, but I'm not entirely positive. The game was also kind of dark in color, if I remember correctly. Also, when you would talk to people, just text bubbles would come up and the characters would make noises, but not form words, if that makes sense.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
kt14 said:
Hi guys. I'm having a problem remembering a name of a specific game, so I've resorted to this forum.
This description is probably going to be vague, but i'll try to make it as detailed as possible.
I played this game probably sometime in the early 2000s, I'm not positive what game console it was on, but I think it was playstation 2. In this game, you play as a little boy, who I believed had dark hair and wore darker clothing. He lived in a house that was dark. Inside of the house, you could talk to his mother and his sister (?), I think. Also, his grandfather or father had either gone missing or was lying in a bed inside of the house. When you would leave the house, you would go down a flight of wooden (?) steps that would take you to a little town. In this town, you could go into a church, that also had a basement. There was also a little bread stand/store.
I think this game had something to do with shadows and/or a supernatural force, such as ghosts. I remember you would have to fight off ghosts, I think.
I don't believe this was a very popular game, but I could be wrong. If you have any idea, please let me know. This is bothering me so bad.

Added: I also think the characters had bigger eyes, but I'm not entirely positive. The game was also kind of dark in color, if I remember correctly. Also, when you would talk to people, just text bubbles would come up and the characters would make noises, but not form words, if that makes sense.
That would be Okage: Shadow King for PS2.


New member
Jan 6, 2017
Hello everyone!

I came across this thread while trying to google for games I remember from my childhood, but can't remember the names of...
First game:
I remember playing it in the late 90's/early 2000's on PC. It was a top down, turn based game and the only resemblance to other games I can think of would be Heroes of Might and Magic. In the overworld you have control over a hero with which you can fight enemy camps. Once you engage in combat it turns into this final fantasy-esque battle where you get cards to summon monsters, make your monsters stronger or perform attacks.

Some details I remember clearly:
- You could either fight against enemy camps (wild animals and such) or enemy heroes.
- One of the maps is this green vibrant forrest
- The UI outside of fights is quite minimal, but inside fights you view your hero/minions/enemy from the side in a close-up battle with a bigger UI.
- During fights, each round you get new cards, I remember these two legged worm things and tentacle/vine attack cards
- One of the (playable/enemy) heroes is this spider woman, like Cydaea from Diablo
Second game:
Also a late 90's/early 2000's PC game, this time an RTS, but I can't remember it too well. It looked a bit like Warcraft 3(style wise), but not as expanded. You choose from a hero and you can build these minions based on your race/hero I think. One of the heroes is this water/air elemental with which you could cast tornadoes and lightning at the enemy. That's all I really remember of it.
Would be awesome if someone knows the name of the first game. I've been asking around for it on a few forums and looked up lists of 90's/2000's turn based strategy games but without luck. I know it wasn't any of the Heroes of Might and Magic games for sure.


New member
Jan 5, 2017
Hi everyone! I'm new here and looking for a Shockwave game.


- I am quite sure that it is a Shockwave game.

- Can be 2 play and we can choose a fat or thin cartoon character as avatar to take adventure. (I remember the appearance of the fat one is just like Spongebob's friend Patrick Star. )

- The game is about the main character who has to explore the new area so that the map can reveal the places and show you where is the exit to the next level.

- First, the map at the right hand corner is completely black, however, when you explore the new area, the map will reveal the places which you have been to and then will gradually show the exit to next level.

- If you play 2-player mode, you and your partner will walk in different areas to explore the map. Once you meet your partner at the same place in the map, you can hi-five with the partner and your HP will automatically recover.

Sorry for my bad English and I will be very grateful for any help with this :)


New member
Jan 6, 2017
RelativityMan said:
kt14 said:
Hi guys. I'm having a problem remembering a name of a specific game, so I've resorted to this forum.
This description is probably going to be vague, but i'll try to make it as detailed as possible.
I played this game probably sometime in the early 2000s, I'm not positive what game console it was on, but I think it was playstation 2. In this game, you play as a little boy, who I believed had dark hair and wore darker clothing. He lived in a house that was dark. Inside of the house, you could talk to his mother and his sister (?), I think. Also, his grandfather or father had either gone missing or was lying in a bed inside of the house. When you would leave the house, you would go down a flight of wooden (?) steps that would take you to a little town. In this town, you could go into a church, that also had a basement. There was also a little bread stand/store.
I think this game had something to do with shadows and/or a supernatural force, such as ghosts. I remember you would have to fight off ghosts, I think.
I don't believe this was a very popular game, but I could be wrong. If you have any idea, please let me know. This is bothering me so bad.

Added: I also think the characters had bigger eyes, but I'm not entirely positive. The game was also kind of dark in color, if I remember correctly. Also, when you would talk to people, just text bubbles would come up and the characters would make noises, but not form words, if that makes sense.
That would be Okage: Shadow King for PS2.


New member
Dec 14, 2016
bwoinski said:
RelativityMan said:
bwoinski said:
Before I begin, I want to say that the game I'm about to describe is NOT 40 Winks or NIGHTS into Dreams.

Okay, I believe this game was on PS1, maybe PS2 but I believe the former. It basically revolved around 2 kids (I think, I remember a boy and a boy that you could control?) and they would like, be trapped in different dream worlds or alternate between the real world and a dream world, or something along those lines. I remember the dream worlds being fairly macabre and dark, and if I'm not mistaken I remember it being a birds-eye-view style 3rd person game, likely a platformer of some sort, kind of Legend of Zelda/Pokemon-esque in how you'd control your character and how the design of the environments looked. I think you'd have to go around collecting things and possibly fighting different monsters? I especially remember it being pretty difficult, at least it was for me, I never did get through the game!
Probably the first Alundra game for PS1. Here are some screenshots.
Thanks for trying, but nope, that's actually not it either. Like I said some of the details are hazy but it wasn't anything fantasy-like. It had a modern setting, I kind of remember the child characters being in a regular bedroom and home. Anyone else have any ideas?
Not sure about the first part of your description, and it might be a long shot, but the rest makes me think of Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles. It's a 3d platformer on the Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, and Windows. I think it was only released in Europe.


New member
Dec 14, 2016
jdg said:
Hey guys,
I've been looking for this game for quite some time now and I suspect it might be a really obscure one? Really hope you guys can help me find it!

Unfortunately my memories of it are quite fuzzy, but here it goes: What I do know is that it's a rpg/adventure/puzzle like game that I played somewhere between 1996 - 2000 on a windows 95 PC. But it's possible that the game itself is even a couple of years older.

It was a 2d isometric (maybe top down?) game with a fixed camera angle and position, where you had to walk your character to the edge of the screen to load the next world tile. Third person perspective. Not really sure if it was point and click or keyboard controlled.

I think the main character was some young guy and you start in a simple small medieval looking town with a couple of houses. The area around the town has some woody areas and green grass I think. Possibly a snowy area on the north side and shoreline/water to the south. The world was fairly small however.

I do remember the world being a bit weird and gritty (I think you run into human corpses, looking really gruesome and bloody). Not your standard fantasy world, but I think there definitely were some supernatural elements. In any case, the game world was not a very happy place. Can't remember if there was magic or not.

I think you had to complete tasks for people to progress to new areas. In one of the earlier missions some guy in/near the starting town asks you to kill some enemy critters that have invested his farm or garden or something. I can?t remember exactly what kind of critters but I think they were a giant version of a small real-life animal. I vaguely remember them looking quite disgusting, so probably some kind of giant insect or maybe rodent or something.

Can't really remember other enemies though or how you would fight them but I think in the beginning you just have your fists to beat enemies with.

Also I think there was a well or something in the town that was also a part of a quest.
A little later on I remember having to reach some place in a clearing, blocked off with what seems to be a couple of rows of impenetrable trees. I believe the way in was from the top right side of that world tile.

Hope this makes any sense to someone...
Finally I found it!!! It was Dink Smallwood.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
winnie1014 said:
Hi everyone! I'm new here and looking for a Shockwave game.


- I am quite sure that it is a Shockwave game.

- Can be 2 play and we can choose a fat or thin cartoon character as avatar to take adventure. (I remember the appearance of the fat one is just like Spongebob's friend Patrick Star. )

- The game is about the main character who has to explore the new area so that the map can reveal the places and show you where is the exit to the next level.

- First, the map at the right hand corner is completely black, however, when you explore the new area, the map will reveal the places which you have been to and then will gradually show the exit to next level.

- If you play 2-player mode, you and your partner will walk in different areas to explore the map. Once you meet your partner at the same place in the map, you can hi-five with the partner and your HP will automatically recover.

Sorry for my bad English and I will be very grateful for any help with this :)
They made a Shockwave version of Toejam & Earl?



New member
Jan 7, 2017
This is a pc game windows 7.It is a game in 2d with different levels of the "hut" and you could see all of them there was an outside too and you take care of a family of things that look like gremlins you can advance there technology so you can put food in a basket and bring it to outside ground you can breed them also to get more. the mane colors where browns , black ,the sky was not very light. I'm trying to go off of 2 mental pics so sorry if this is very confusing.


New member
Jan 7, 2017
90's PC game that was like a turn based puzzle/board game where you controlled a team of red or blue (depending on team) spheres/balls/marbles of different sizes. the spheres were different sizes and depending how big they were you could move a certain amount of spaces. if you moved to the same space as an enemy sphere and you were bigger you would absorb the enemy which killed it and made you even bigger. if the enemy sphere was the same size, you and the enemy sphere would shatter/break, killing both of you. from memory the objective was to get a full grown sphere to the top right space on the board (the enemy had to get one to the bottom left). i think from time to time there were "special" pieces on the board that would allow you to teleport or spawn a new sphere for your team.
does anyone remember this game? I remember playing it when i was very young


New member
Jan 7, 2017
Its a kids game I think and you play as like a guardian of little gremlins/sprite things. You build schools and houses etc. There is also a big crystal like thing I cant remember what it does. You also build them farms and they eat a lot of something that is similar to cabbage. They are trying to leave a island and go back home in the end they leave using a hot air balloon? It circles between day and night and they breed etc. You also got powers like thunder, lighting, rain etc as you progressed
Does anyone know what it is?
I remember playing it when I was little and I want to have a look at it again :)