Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Dec 31, 2016
Hey guys, im going off faint a memory on this one. I believe it was for the PS2 around mid 2000's and was rated M. I remember a cinematic of soldiers that seemed like WW1 era in a snowy setting running into a stone church for cover from what I think was a demon or something with large wings.

Now as for gameplay my mind could be throwing me for a loop but I want to say at least in the beginning you played as a character with white/grey hair in a maybe beige or grey robe outfit armed with a katana and I think throwing stars. It may have been kind of a stealth game to.

I'm afraid I'm thinking of two completely different games but the cut scene is what I'm most sure about.


New member
Dec 31, 2016
This has been really bugging me. I'd be very grateful to anyone who can figure which game I'm talking about.

It was played on the NES. I think the cartridge was black. It was a very basic game in 2d. There was a smiley face ball that bounced straight up and down. You caused to to move side to side. It was a puzzle type board. You had to clear or collect certain things. You had to maneuver around obstacles. I *think* I remember there being a block or something that if you bumped it, your ball switched from going up and down to going side to side. The background was plain black (if I remember correctly). I remember lots of primary colors. We had gotten it second hand and played it in the mid-90's.

Thank you to whomever is able to correctly identify this game for me. It's been bugging me for a while now!

Liz Christine

New member
Dec 31, 2016
Hi, I've been searching for an answer to this for a few years or so, I thought I found the answer at one point, but I can't remember.
Does anyone know the name of this game? It was provided as a demo on Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko for ps1, and it was kind of like an action kind of horror game (I say horror based off of its aesthetics), you played as a man covered in white war paint, he has dark hair, kind of just above shoulder length, I wanna say there were ghouls and ghosts, you had to collect souls and open portals I think. It's been so long since I've played it. I know it is not Shadow Man or Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. If it helps the soundtrack for this game was kind of tribal.

If anyone can think of this game, it would help a lot!

Kieran Hunter

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Jan 1, 2017
Looking for 2 games. The first is newer, out in maybe 2014?? It was an in-browser game where you played as a stick person, but the background was more elaborate. It was lots of purples, and it was like you were in a cave/mountain and at the end of each level you had to answer a question about yourself.

The second game is from the early 90s, and you played as a little man who climbed ladders. That's all I remember. I think he wore white. He kind of dressed like Mario, but it wasn't Mario.


New member
Sep 4, 2010
OK, so my wife is looking for a game she played around the late 90's to early 2000's there was a game that was similar in style and art to Diablo 1. She said at least in one part of the game you had to wear glasses or something when you went out of a cave or you would go blind? Does this sound familiar to anyone else?


New member
Jan 1, 2017
There's this ps1 game I remember playing but can't seem to remember the title. Though I can't really remember the game play except that it's like a hack and slash(not sure), all i can really remember is that one cinematic where the main protagonist is having a nightmare where in he is being chased(or killed?) by these beasts that has two legs but no arms(again, not really sure). Then, these creatures can be seen again later in the game as monsters you can kill.
Nov 28, 2016
Okay so, there is this (probably not so old?) PC game and i remember that it was a 2D sidescroller, and you are in a cave or something like that. There was platforming as well. Some more specific things i remember is that you could stack boxes (so you could push them and stuff), there was an enemy that hid in a barrel popped up from time to time and shot a projectile, and you could kill enemies and monsters by throwing rocks. Thats about all i remember, which is not much but i would be ecstatic if somebody could tell me the name of this game! Again im not really sure how old it is, im assumning not that old because of barrel physics? (lol) And i played it on Windows XP (im 14).

Thanks in advance!


New member
Jan 1, 2017
This one is driving me crazy!!!
I want to say it's an SNES game, it's side view, 2 on 2 versus, big interactable stages, camera zooms out when characters get far, lot of pick ups like grenades pistols machine guns rockets, among the characters you can choose two stand out: a monkey with a hat (I kind remember) and twin sisters played simultaniously, when ever you killed an enemy the monitor screen where it was displayed brakes, and if I remember correctly last boss is a betrayal and a chase until you fight him in a burning room... I guess thats all I can remember. Please help me!!!!!


New member
Nov 20, 2016
Zaltys said:
Steinprime said:
No i wasn't that it colorful and the fairies where red i think
Are you sure that you didn't play it in CGA? Games from the Super Solver series were common in schools.

Sorry for the long wait, But it wasnt that game i know it it was a lot more colorful is there another game in that Game Series that would be have been more colorful and Cartoonie? i played around the year 2001


New member
Jan 2, 2017
I'm trying to remember the name of a game from the late 80's to early 90's that I played off a floppy disc at the library when I was around 9-12 years old. I remember it was popular (at our library). All I can remember is that it had clipper battle ships fighting one another. Any suggestions on what it might have been?


New member
Jan 1, 2017
Hi folks, so I saw this thread and thought I'd search. Did not find what I was looking for, so here's the question:

In roughly 1989-1991 there was an escape game (possibly today called a VR game, adventure game or a point-and-click game? - somewhat along the lines of the later GABRIEL KNIGHT series playing style) where you are playing the character that wakes up in a cell/room of what appears to be a castle of some sorts. You are told that it is some form of a sanitarium/lunatic facility, and that you are at risk of being lobotomized. You then have to find your way out of the room/castle, but, you also have to figure out WHO you are and WHAT you are doing there etc.

Ring any bells?

View was top-down in the starting room. Graphics was very good for the period. Starting room had a door, window (duh) and a bed...don't recall anything else inside. Also, you found your way out of the window onto a ledge (I think it had a moat around the building, and you were very high up).

You were presented with info via overlaid text, I do not recall if it had pre-recorded voice yet. What I do recall is that you started in darkness, heard a scream, and then woke up. Do not recall if you then suddenly realized the scream was you, or if it was from elsewhere?

Thanks for any assistance.


New member
Oct 5, 2014
jonluvsmichelle said:
I'm trying to remember the name of a game from the late 80's to early 90's that I played off a floppy disc at the library when I was around 9-12 years old. I remember it was popular (at our library). All I can remember is that it had clipper battle ships fighting one another. Any suggestions on what it might have been?
The first thing that comes to mind is Sid Meier's Pirates. It's on a number of different systems and has even been remade since, but it was originally released in 1987.


There's also The Ancient Art of War at Sea, also from 1987.


Szilvia Remetei

New member
Jan 2, 2017
Just dropped in a few minutes ago. I am looking for an old, puzzle game (arcade game maybe) we played around 1998-2001.
Its VERY SIMILAR to heartlight, but its not the one I am looking for.
Its a puzzle game on a totally black background. Levels are always colorful. You are a small elf, with a big hat. you have to collect keys to go to the next level through small gates, which are located anywhere on the level. you need to avoid going close to huge tulips, which eat you up, if you are right next to them. you have apples at every stage that you can roll next to these tuplis, but they slowly digest these so you need to hurry up collecting the key and going to the gate to go to the next level.
Thanks a lot for helping me! Happy New Year! :)


New member
Jan 2, 2017
Elis Smoljan said:
Hi all,

I am looking for a game that I've played on PC somewhere in 2005/06, maybe few years +/-. The game was free to install and all the kids in school were playing it.

So here is the set up:
The game is running/collecting game, very interactive and colorful. In the beginning, the boy (which is not an icon in like super mario, it's more like full size, human look-a-like character) runs trough a forest (or more like a field, there are trees and fruits in a line I would say, not an actual foggy, dark forest :D ) and collects fruits and diamonds. What I remember is that you can go inside the tree and collect the fruit that is on highest branches. Also, sometimes when you touch fruits, bees start to come out and buzz. Than you move forward, constantly running/jumping and collecting, and there are several checkpoints on the level. You can also go underground, where there are also fruits and diamonds that you should collect and find a way to go outside again. YOu can also dig for diamonds by moving forward.
It's very easy game to play, I think we found it as kids on a platform called "100 free games for kids" and than you could pick categories and decided to download it after playing trial/demo. It's great for kids and I would like to play it again.

If someone remembers, please share! :)

I've been searching it for years now.

Thank you!
Hi, I'm new \o/
This sounds a lot like Wonderboy. There's a couple of them along the ages and one recent remake.

[email protected]

New member
Jan 2, 2017
I'm looking for the name of a game I used to play back when I was a kid in the 90's. It's quite vague but all I can remember was it had something to do with maybe a film/tv studio, and there was something to do with clapperboards? Maybe these were the life indicatiors? There were also mummies, and also I remember that one of the levels had a quick draw cutscene. Anyone remember this game? Thanks in advance

Elis Smoljan

New member
Dec 30, 2016
UndertakerInf said:
Elis Smoljan said:
Hi all,

I am looking for a game that I've played on PC somewhere in 2005/06, maybe few years +/-. The game was free to install and all the kids in school were playing it.

So here is the set up:
The game is running/collecting game, very interactive and colorful. In the beginning, the boy (which is not an icon in like super mario, it's more like full size, human look-a-like character) runs trough a forest (or more like a field, there are trees and fruits in a line I would say, not an actual foggy, dark forest :D ) and collects fruits and diamonds. What I remember is that you can go inside the tree and collect the fruit that is on highest branches. Also, sometimes when you touch fruits, bees start to come out and buzz. Than you move forward, constantly running/jumping and collecting, and there are several checkpoints on the level. You can also go underground, where there are also fruits and diamonds that you should collect and find a way to go outside again. YOu can also dig for diamonds by moving forward.
It's very easy game to play, I think we found it as kids on a platform called "100 free games for kids" and than you could pick categories and decided to download it after playing trial/demo. It's great for kids and I would like to play it again.

If someone remembers, please share! :)

I've been searching it for years now.

Thank you!
Hi, I'm new \o/
This sounds a lot like Wonderboy. There's a couple of them along the ages and one recent remake.

Hi, thanks for the help but unfortunately that's not it. The game I am talking about is more interactive, more real I would say. Wonderboy graphic reminds me of super mario, this one I played seems more real (the trees and fruits are very detailed, the character is very human look-a-like). I'm searching it for such a long time.. I think it was also named from more than 1 word (2 or 3).

Dusan Z. Misic

New member
Jan 2, 2017
There was one beautiful, emotional game about love, true love. As I remember it was very sad game, but very beautiful. I think that it was even the browser game. Anyway, it was platformer puzzle sort of, black and white, where you control a man, and I think that screen of each level was static (not like in Limbo for example). And the goal was to reach your loved one and to hug her, something like that. There were many levels, and a few different mechanics while you progress through the game, like some of the levels were actually designed for sort of multiplayer actually coop on the same keyboard, where 1 player controls the girl, and other controls the boy, and they need to meet. Other game mechanic is when you control a boy but while you are moving the girl is moving in the opposite direction of you. Controls were simple as left, right and jump, I think. Only that. And another game mechanic was that you and the girl move in the same direction at the same time, so this is where the "puzzle" part comes to, where you need to figure out how to meet but also how to close the distance and things like that. I remember that game had wonderful music, one of the best songs I've ever heard. I might be totally wrong but it keeps popping in my head that name of the game was something like: "Disconnected" or like "Separated" or "Part away" or something on that note.
The only level I remember that stuck in my memory is the last one, where you (as a boy) stand at big abyss/hole with vertical walls and there's nothing. And you just jump in, but you don't fall too much, you actually land on the floating words that are saying something like: "If the love is right, you just need a little faith" or something like that. Oh God I miss that game so much. I wish I remember how it is called. :( Can anyone help?


New member
Jan 2, 2017
I've done a bit of googling and this thread has come up numerous times, but not exactly finding what I'm looking for. There's 2 games:

1. It was a top down 2D single/multiplayer spaceship shooter game on the PC, probably on Windows 98. Very similar to the recently released Galatron on Facebook messenger, except the only distinct thing I can remember is that me and my brother could play co-op on it.

2. A 3D game whereby you were (I think) an explorer in some different levels. Again, on the PC for probably Win98. Don't think you could attack or anything. I seem to remember possibly one of the first levels being based around pyramids?

Cheers for any help guys!

Dusan Z. Misic

New member
Jan 2, 2017
xos1994 said:
I've done a bit of googling and this thread has come up numerous times, but not exactly finding what I'm looking for. There's 2 games:

1. It was a top down 2D single/multiplayer spaceship shooter game on the PC, probably on Windows 98. Very similar to the recently released Galatron on Facebook messenger, except the only distinct thing I can remember is that me and my brother could play co-op on it.

2. A 3D game whereby you were (I think) an explorer in some different levels. Again, on the PC for probably Win98. Don't think you could attack or anything. I seem to remember possibly one of the first levels being based around pyramids?

Cheers for any help guys!
Is maybe the first game Warblade? :)


New member
Jan 2, 2017
Dusan Z. Misic said:
xos1994 said:
I've done a bit of googling and this thread has come up numerous times, but not exactly finding what I'm looking for. There's 2 games:

1. It was a top down 2D single/multiplayer spaceship shooter game on the PC, probably on Windows 98. Very similar to the recently released Galatron on Facebook messenger, except the only distinct thing I can remember is that me and my brother could play co-op on it.

2. A 3D game whereby you were (I think) an explorer in some different levels. Again, on the PC for probably Win98. Don't think you could attack or anything. I seem to remember possibly one of the first levels being based around pyramids?

Cheers for any help guys!
Is maybe the first game Warblade? :)
I don't think so, as far as I'm aware there wasn't any opportunity to purchase weapons. I think it was just a case of an enemy would drop a power up and you'd fly over it to change your weapon. It looks similar though!