Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jul 9, 2017
Jacqueline Giacoman said:
CreatorSama said:
Jacqueline Giacoman said:
Good afternoon,

When I was a child I used to play NES games. Today, while looking up memories, I remembered 2 games especially, but I couldn't get with the names.

I have very few memories of each of them, but I will give as much detail as I can remember:

1.It was a spaceship that went into a world in constant movement. There were other spaceships I believe and the world had a lot of squares. I remember a lot of green, black and purple. The beginning was just full of squares and your spaceship moving.
Gonna need a little more info. Was it a side view or a top down view?

It was top view!
I can't find any screenshots that fit the info you've given, but I found a list of NES Shooter games. Maybe you can find it on here?



New member
Jul 13, 2017
Hello guys! So here we go... I've played this game when I was younger, at a Windows 2000 machine, the game looked like 'Stunt Car Racer' (veeeery similar to the pic I linked, the car is pretty identical too, but is not the same game), and the camera were like on GTA 3rd Person Style... it was kinda of a racing game, and the cars could smash with impacts and I remember there were a couple of tracks/maps where there were mountains. Oh, and if you press F1 the car start levitating and I used to play with my friend, on a splitscreen on the same keyboard. I'd be very happy if you could help me, because I've been lookin' for this game since 2010 when I started thinking of it.

Looks like this, but not the same: https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/stuntcarremake/screenshots/SCR2.png/1


New member
Jul 12, 2017
Fetus said:
PS2 Game, Early 2000's, it was a fighting game where you played as a group of bouncers I believe and there was a train cutscene. Help?
I know it's been 4 years or so for your post, but here, "The Bouncer" is the game you were looking for.



New member
Jul 13, 2017
Does anyone remember a game like this? I played it on Emulator King at about 2005 and its made by a Japanese company. The game has two small characters shaped like a ball. One is red one is blue. I remember building bridges to save someone across the screen. Water level will slowly rise meanwhile. If the time limit is exceeded, everything will be immersed in water then game over. Its a really cute game but I cant rmb the name. Thank you very much !


New member
Jul 13, 2017
Does anyone remember a game like this? I played it on Emulator King at about 2005 and its made by a Japanese company. The game has two small characters shaped like a ball. One is red one is blue. I remember building bridges to save someone across the screen. Water level will slowly rise meanwhile. If the time limit is exceeded, everything will be immersed in water then game over. Its a really cute game but I cant rmb the name. Thank you very much !


New member
Jan 8, 2016
Good day! I remember game where you could i think at start choose animal. I remember there being wolf or Rhino. Both were anthopomorphic. I know that you i suppose spawned on world and there were floating portal, you could throw stuff across the map. I remember throwing stick all around the world, hitting the wolf. Thank you so much ^^

Quintessence Stott

New member
Jul 13, 2017
Okay, I have 2 games for you guys.

The first when when I was about 5 years old, (I did have a weird nightmare about it) my dad was playing a game and hid behind a building because this giant walked into the middle of the town and was mobbed by villagers trying to kill it, eventually being felled with a set of ladles. It was on PC, I remember that. It was also 3D, because I remember the giant being 3D, as well as the shield my dad's character had in first person.

The second was one that my eldest cousin had, you were given a bar at the bottom of the screen with differently shaped pieces, and you had to build your way up to the top of the map with them. On some levels, there were enemies that fired lasers and destroyed them. The one enemy I remember was an orange cat.

I'm kinda ashamed that my memories are so vague, but these games have eluded me for years.


New member
Jul 13, 2017
So I have 3 games I can't remember the name if but used to play all the time.

The first game is the easiest to describe: it was one of the Demo games you would get in a magazine for the original Xbox. It was a medieval style game where you had a dwarf, human, elf etc; but being the Demo you could only pick a few characters and could only play one level. You would start off in a third person birds eye view style of your character in a cave of some kind, and you would have to work your way through killing enemies until you get to the boss at the end. It had a very grimy but quite stylistic graphics that are sorta remiescent of a mixture of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King crossed with Elder Scrolls Skyrim.

The second game is very specific as I only remember the beginning. You start off on an island, first person, and pirates in red bandanas are invading. Your first objective is to get to this pyramid temple entrance on the other side of the island. Upon going inside, there is a long dark spiralling staircase - which you can fall off from - and at the bottom are these cobra/snake monsters. It was a 3D world with a blocky appearance but had not too bad textures. This was for the PC.

The third game is very like Elder Scrolls. You start off being able to pick one of the several characters and change their stats. Once you choose one of the characters, you instantly start in the middle of a battle. The textures and graphics were actually very good but the actual 3D shapes were only slightly off. This was for the PC.

All the games came out before the mid 2000s


New member
Jul 13, 2017
Hi all, ive been looking for a game i think it was on ps2 and it was in third person it was set in a jungle and i remember an area where you needed special boots to be able to cross a lava room and there was one cut scene i remember where you come across a dead snake and a lion or something tells how that dead snakes are dangerous because if you pick it up then trip it will fall on you and bite you


New member
Apr 15, 2017
I remember playing a game where there is this long cutscene in a snowy forest of some sort. It is quite an old game, perhaps the early 2000s or the 90s. I just remember the cutscene but I can't remember anything else. Anybody know a game that starts like this?


New member
Jul 9, 2017
CreatorSama said:

Got a game I've been trying to find for years!

1) It's like Qbeez but with circles, as in they had cute lil faces. When you cleared them they'd say "Spheres!" or something that sounded like that. I think it was a circular stage? The background was black and it looked kinda tech-y futuristic-y in the same way Bejeweled does. It was in the early 2000's and one of those games you got from sites like PopCap or BigFishGames or WildTangent.

Hope you can help!
Reposting to be seen!

Andre Vead

New member
Jul 13, 2017
Hi guys! I've played this game when I was younger, the game what i play is in PS1/PSX, and the camera angle were like on 'god of war'(it's from ps2) high angle Style(maybe). it was kinda of a action-adventure, (dark) fantasy, maybe. The main chara just use a sword, in the game i can change the element of the sword like ice, fire, etc. And when first gameplay I'm fight with several monster in jungle/mountain. Oh, I remember there is a stage(maybe) when I have to fight with the zombie(maybe) in graveyard and the next fight with ghost in house(maybe). Sorry, if my english is bad. I'd be very happy if you could help me, because I've been lookin' for this game since 2013 when I started thinking of it. Thank you


New member
Jul 13, 2017
Hello, everyone!

I need help with a game for PC I played many years ago, but I find it difficult to describe it because my English isn't very good :(
It was an arkanoid-like game. Its title started with T, F or even with a digit, if I'm not mistaken. You had to play against PC, the window divided into two parts. Each brick you destroyed went to your opponent's window and was added to ones he still had to destroy, and vice versa. So the first to clear off the bricks was the winner.
One more detail: each level was colored into all hues of a certain color: blue, purple, green and so on.

I wonder if anyone can help me, I've been looking for this game for years :(


New member
Jul 13, 2017
Need help. I believe I've played a PC games with Space theme.

First you need to make a Headquarter on a Planet surface (Planet Surrounding?). So for example your first headquarter fleet need to be "put" on the planet surface (surrounding) and it will take 3/10 blocks of it's surface to build a Headquarter. Planet's surface (block/build availablity) different one another. Let's say Planet A's build availablity is 10 block (this is what I mean with planet's surface).
From that headquarter, you can build miner fleet or scouting fleet. Later on after you got enough Ore and Gas (the resources) you can build more building / improvement on that planet. for example a Hangar building (where you can make more battleship) need 3 blocks to be built.

You yourself are a Soldier/Commander/General (I can't remember) of that Space Team. You can't actually see your body, it's just your "General Fleet" which differs from another fleet, but when you click it you can see your general pict/avatar/something like that one some small window on the display. Your "General Fleet" also has some unique Abilities for example: cloaking, the surrounding battleship firerate improvement on such radius, improve speeds, etc. I can't really remember.

Later on you can also build another Headquarter Fleet where you can move it around to find another available Planet to build more Headquarter / base. If you're "lucky" you could stumble into another "tribe" who has settled on another planet which you can attack or just ignore.

Another point is:
1. There's a small minimap on the bottom left of the window where you can see the planet's on that galaxy.
2. There's some balckhole/wormhole where you can zip around.
3. You can't really see a "person' body" or zoom into the planet. You only see and control the Fleet/Spaceship's around, not person.
4. There's a Single Player Campaign if I remember correctly.

I hope someone could understand and recognize the game's name.

Thanks! :)


New member
Jul 14, 2017
Hey so i'm ooking for a game on PC i was playing in the early 2000 but i don't remember much
It was a 2D spaceship game where you had to go through portals and had to kill space monsters like big snails and stuff like that
I've been looking for that game for years now and i can't find anything, it's really frustrating


New member
Jul 2, 2017
randomname5473 said:
arivara said:
hello if you guys can help me with this i would really appreciate it.

My game is futuristic , a 2d sidescroller , the guy that we play as has purple armor all over his body , except on his head.
he has a light blue laser sword and he can `pick upgrades on the level that gives him some sort of companion , it's like a ball that floats around him , and when he attacks with his sword the ball fires a laser attack too , but not always ,you could get different types of balls.
In the first level you are in a city and you fight robots with guns I believe ( I can't remember if they were robots or humans with suits), and the boss is a giant robot that fires a big laser.
No thats not it , Its not an fps , its a sidescroller, like mario. The main character has long hair ,purple armor and a blue lightsaber, graphics are pixelated

David Edell

New member
May 10, 2012
hope this has not ben posted loking for a pc time travel game point and click i think you have this sute that allous you to look like other people, you will avachale wind up in atlatis the puzzel there invals pressing clay into a shape fireing it with a bit of gold to fake a madalion i think, 1990-2000.

David Edell

New member
May 10, 2012
hope this has not ben posted loking for a pc time travel game point and click i think you have this sute that allous you to look like other people, you will avachale wind up in atlatis the puzzel there invals pressing clay into a shape fireing it with a bit of gold to fake a madalion i think, 1990-2000.


New member
Jul 14, 2017
hey guys,
i've been searching for this game for days and i have no idea what was it's name. so here's the things about the game that i remember..
1. you play as a yellow dot, he looked like pac man but i've searched so probably he isn't pac man. his blue ghost look-a-like girlfriend gets kidnapped and he tries to save her. at first you start the game at a park and then he goes under the sea and other places.
2. probably it was a 90's or an early 00's game
3. it wasn't an online game