Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
David Edell said:
hope this has not ben posted loking for a pc time travel game point and click i think you have this sute that allous you to look like other people, you will avachale wind up in atlatis the puzzel there invals pressing clay into a shape fireing it with a bit of gold to fake a madalion i think, 1990-2000.
That is likely Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
KarmaPoleXL said:
Hi everyone,

I need some help identifying a game with dinosaurs from early 2000 to 2005.
Basically, it was a sideview platform game in which you had to help the dinosaurs to reach their mom into the cave .
To do so, you had to use some of the dinosaurs..
Some of them stretched their neck for others to climb or other stopped to make the other change the direction, some of them dig in left/right direction, some of them dig down.

If you remember whats the games name pls help me....it would help my nostalgia a lot :) Thanks
Could it have been Dinosaur'Us?


New member
Sep 13, 2016
Magical Chaps said:
Okay I have no idea what this game was called or what it even was about, all I know is that I loved this game but never got far. Around 2000s probably 2008ish and was on PC. The main thing about it was that it had that docking station where you could load up the character you wanted to play onto it. Came with little dudes that you could use to play different stuff.
The docking station dude was pretty simple ( along with all the dudes, like wow). It was mostly white with simple shapes, like round head with two half circle ear things on top. His body was kinda ovalish and the head was placed in a certain way to make it look like it slouched a bit. The feet were like round and platformy if it makes sense. The rest of the character figurine things were mainly that design but varying in color and patterns and maybe abilities Idk. Docking dude hooked up to the PC by USB or something. When I played this I was probably 7 or 8 or something so I didn't really grasp what this game was, but my brother told me that it was online or something. Idk if that's true or not.

Moved the character around by clicking btw.

Idk if anyone can help me figure this out, but pls help lol.
I've never heard of it before, but a little digging leads me to U.B. Funkeys [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdokjRVhHmw]. Is that the one? =)


New member
Jul 6, 2017
Zharenn said:
rabiddoughnuts said:
2 The other game I am less sure of the console, but have a better description. It starts out in a small village that is layed out in a kinda zigzag ladder up a hill layout, and a monster/demon is summoned from a well or something in the village and kills everyone, but this kid survives and gets knocked out, i believe because of a ring, and you go around the kingdom doing small missions and collecting these rings of power trying to gather forces to fight the dark demon, and there is another kingdom in the sky of winged people on a floating island of some sort.
You are my savior, that is absolutely it, sorry for the slow reply, was on vacation. Now if I could just get the first game.


New member
Jul 17, 2017
First off i want to apologize if this sounds super vague but there was this pc game i used to play and i remember my character being a witch on a broomstick and you'd power up a fireball attack and knock enemies back, if you were hit by enemies you would get knocked back. I believe it had a anime esque animation style as well. There could have been some mmo elements (such as a chat feature) but i cant for the life of me remember. Someone halp ;=;.

David Edell

New member
May 10, 2012
RelativityMan thanks that is the one and andreotruiz is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machines_(video_game) what you are thinking of?

storm hell

New member
Jul 17, 2017
Hi i remember a game with a paper plane with the third person view ( you see the back of the "plane") where you need to avoid obstacles in order to pass the level and reach the next. This is a game where you can catch stars to get score, sometimes you pass in a tunnel you got different music each level. I played a lot but i don't find the name it's really annoying.
I ask for you guys because i really can't remember the name i think its may be something with "air, flight, or plane" but i don't want to compromise your research. If you have others specific questions if you want to help just ask.
I remember the first level was slow in the sky between clouds. The second was like under rocks.
Also you're not forced to pick stars but you gain more points and you have a booster that make you fly faster.
Anyway thanks for your help.


New member
Jul 17, 2017
PLEASE HELP! I have been trying to remember this game for years now. Playstation 1 game. You can play as either a man or woman I believe. There was a specific cut scene where the man is running from something or somewhere and he does a flip over an explosion or something like that and lands on stairs. I remember you starting off in a corridor and you could open a rusty door at the end where there was what I remember being a robot behind a glass wall? The game was third person. I hope this isn't too vague!


New member
Jul 12, 2017
Hello, Please help me find this game, one of my favourites backj in the day
I really remember just few things which I will describe as best as i can

Ok, so i was a fps/shooter game similar to Rainbow Six game, maybe it is Rainbow six game but Im not sure, I only remember that you were in firsty person holding a gun and had multiple choices of weapons, on this map there was a house/mansion with garden on front and some tower-like building and also there was other way, you can get through underground passage into home/mansion also on front of this mansion/house there was a garage and in garden there was gazebo?

And you had to go in the house and kill npc's also i think you had npc's on your side

Im sorry for poor description and my languiage, English is not my primary :) Thank you

Edit: I forgot to mention, it was early 2000s game/2000-2006 and it was on PC
EDIT2: and it wasnt SWAT, but its similar


New member
Jul 17, 2017
I used to play a game on ps2 and for the life of me I cannot remember what it was called but I am dying to find out. I remember that it's a Japanese rpg and you play as a boy who's parents are building a plane and then the boy fixes it or something and then eventually flys away with some girl. My memory of it is pretty hazy so don't judge me if I'm wrong about any of this but some help would be appreciated.


New member
Jul 18, 2017
Hi, new to the Escapists page. Anyway, I actually have two I can't remember. One was a flash game where you and your partner are stuck on separate islands, and you have to upgrade your fishing rod until you can cast it all the way out to reach her island and reel it in. There's also sharks at the bottom of the lake which you can fish up to get a different ending. The second game is like some old PC game where you take care of magical farm animals like golden geese and stuff to repay a debt to the king. You can click on the eggs they leave behind for money, kind of like Insaniquarium.


New member
Jul 18, 2017
Hi there, I'm looking for a old game that I played on PC, I think it was for Windows 98 or XP, I'm not sure about it but I think there were two guys with yellow and triangle heads and not sure too if one of them wore sunglasses.
The game was of puzzle genre and it was about throwing objects and align them to be able to continue, the levels were random, I remember one level black and white. It was 2D.
Not sure too but when you game over the character shot himself.
sorry for not having any info, I've looked for it for so long but now I don't remember the name, would be nice if someone could help me, thanks.

Ivan No Kyoshiro

New member
Jul 18, 2017
Hey guys, I am looking for the old game name I played on PC. I played the game around 1995 and I still remembered the gameplay but unfortunate I didn't remember its name.

Here is the description :
The game set in some kind of ancient greek fantasy, the main character wears a grey hoptile armor (only helmet and his body covered, legs and arms not) and his weapon is flying knives (sometimes flying axes if I remembered correctly), the enemies are the monsters and the main boss is the dragon. The map is like a castle/dungeon to me. You sometime needs key to unlock some doors and making progress to the next level.


New member
Jul 18, 2017
I played this old 2D arcade game in a club-thingy after school and I have no idea, what it was called, so I'm hoping that one of you might know, what I'm talking about :) I played it in the 90's but it might have been older than this.

It was a multiplayer game (2 players although you could also just play alone) with two planes. A red one and a blue one, I think. The player-view was from the sky and down on the earth/planes and the levels forced you to keep advancing forward - which just means, that you weren't able to stay still and deal with the enemies in front of you before moving forward. I do recall, that you were forced from bottom to top of the screen (not left to right) and that you were able to maneuver your plane on the entire screen and not just on the bottom line like in Galaga.

You were supposed to pick up some circular blops, which would turn into a string of blops behind the plane. If you died, you would loose these blops and I believe, you could steal them from each other. I think these blops represented some kind of extra abilities, but I'm not entirely sure. :)

Well, that was vague.. x) Thanks in advance for anything, you can tell me! :)


New member
Jul 18, 2017
Hi guys,

I am trying to find a game I used to play with my friends when we were young. I think it was "war" something.. The game was a hot seat game, we used to play it on one keyboard, 3 of us.. We played as soldier, killing alleins which looked kinda like ants or spiders(not sure).. there were also maggots which if you killed them, it spawned a lot of another ants... Also the last level(Probably last, we never won it :D ) was about defeding a pink crystal in the middle of the map.

Thx for help

Alice Oliveira

New member
Jul 18, 2017
Okay so I vaguely remember two games, both pc like back when paper boy and donkey kong where already installed on the computer

1.) Its a sidescroller i believe. The game starts off normal but when the character passes a tree on the right side, the sky turns purple and everything turns evil, I believe he uses a slingshot? as a weapon. ohh and I think all the water turns into blood!

2.) okay so this one is a bit harder, I remember that the character has to climb ladders, jump to other platforms and go through doors in search of something(maybe he's the one with the slingshot, Im not entirely sure >_<)


Procrastinating Lurker
Nov 25, 2009
yuroi said:
Hi there, I'm looking for a old game that I played on PC, I think it was for Windows 98 or XP, I'm not sure about it but I think there were two guys with yellow and triangle heads and not sure too if one of them wore sunglasses.
The game was of puzzle genre and it was about throwing objects and align them to be able to continue, the levels were random, I remember one level black and white. It was 2D.
Not sure too but when you game over the character shot himself.
sorry for not having any info, I've looked for it for so long but now I don't remember the name, would be nice if someone could help me, thanks.
Sounds like Boppin'


New member
Jul 19, 2017
There is this Space Invader arcade game I remember playing as a kid in the 80s on big arcade machines. It was a standard Space Invaders, except I vividly remember a huge master ship/boss coming down on you every couple of levels, accompanied by diving small alien ships. by You had to shoot at it repeatedly, until you penetrated the shield and hit to core/center to make it explode.

Does anyone know the name of this Space Invaders variant? I can find any mention of such a big master ship gameplay in any online descriptions of Space Invaders successors/clones. It has been bothering for a while :)


New member
Jul 5, 2017
Petra51 said:
Ok so I created an account just for this one game.Basically i played it like 10-12 years ago and it was my fav game at the time-I don't remember the year but i think I remember a few stuff.
-I think the game started with a loading screen that included a some kind of train passing in front of a brick wall
-Maybe but just maybe it was a few games included in one but I only played one of those
-It was a maze type game but as I remember it was pretty great quality
-You could be a female or male character
-You had to go trough the maze that was full of witches monsters and black holes
-I think you were even chased by something
-It had some kind of a white gray background to it
That is all I can remember but it was quite a long time ago and I was pretty small back then.I really hope someone knows the name of the game cuz I searched everywhere and I just can't find it but I really really want to play it again after all of these years. :)
reposting to be seen


New member
Jul 18, 2017
Gauche said:
yuroi said:
Hi there, I'm looking for a old game that I played on PC, I think it was for Windows 98 or XP, I'm not sure about it but I think there were two guys with yellow and triangle heads and not sure too if one of them wore sunglasses.
The game was of puzzle genre and it was about throwing objects and align them to be able to continue, the levels were random, I remember one level black and white. It was 2D.
Not sure too but when you game over the character shot himself.
sorry for not having any info, I've looked for it for so long but now I don't remember the name, would be nice if someone could help me, thanks.
Sounds like Boppin'
Gauche said:
yuroi said:
Hi there, I'm looking for a old game that I played on PC, I think it was for Windows 98 or XP, I'm not sure about it but I think there were two guys with yellow and triangle heads and not sure too if one of them wore sunglasses.
The game was of puzzle genre and it was about throwing objects and align them to be able to continue, the levels were random, I remember one level black and white. It was 2D.
Not sure too but when you game over the character shot himself.
sorry for not having any info, I've looked for it for so long but now I don't remember the name, would be nice if someone could help me, thanks.
Sounds like Boppin'
Yes, it's totally the game I was looking for, thanks!!