Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 13, 2016
fuhranku said:
Now that im here and you kind guy helped me i can't also remember a game from PS1. Game had a male character and im pretty sure he also had blue hair as well lol. He was carrying something like a big laser on his hands and, even when game was in 3D, the camera was one from any classic platform 2D game (like metal slug camera). He was like traveling across planets and something like that... Any clue?
I'm guessing the guy used the laser to pick up enemies and throw them into buzzsaws and stuff, right? Like in Wild 9 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds5EiUVq_8I]? =)


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Ziad Mahmoud said:
Midwoka said:
Ziad Mahmoud said:
There was a game i used to play, so so many years ago, it was similar to bomberman but called something else, i remember we used to be 2 trying to kill others so we had to work together cause if we place a bomb it would kill us too, same like bomberman but it didn't even have (bomb) in it's name, u could place ur bomb at something if u put a bomb at it would fire everything around it even ur friend, it was a demo game.
There are quite a few Bomberman clones. Can you tell us roughly what year it was when you first played it? Or what you played it on (whether PC or a console)?
i remember it was a demo game on pc, i played it around 2008, but i guess it was older, i remember 1 of the 2 characters was wearing purple/blue with a hat. it was the same idea like bomberman but it might be a different game from bomberman cause i searched in all bomberman versions and i couldn't find it
Just at a glance I would guess either Isometric Bomber or Mega Blast, but if not here's a list of Bomberman variants.


New member
Aug 4, 2017
So there was this game I used to play. I can't remember the name but I do rememeber that it had a 3 in it so it must've been a trilogy. It started off, from what I remember, a boy (very similar to the boy from Limbo) going up in a cable car and the title appears. Its sort of a sidescroller game. The boy wears a hat until you walk into a mask (a gas mask at one point) to wear it. I don't remember the objective except he was on a journey. At some point, he's in a building and there's a man sitting at a desk sleeping/snoring. You then jump up to the next floor (like Poptropica). At some other part, you have to help these two brothers (look like ant eaters ig) get something. Any idea what this game is??


New member
Aug 4, 2017
So there was this game I used to play on PC. I can't remember the name but I do rememeber that it had a 3 in it so it must've been a trilogy. It started off, from what I remember, a boy (very similar to the boy from Limbo) going up in a cable car and the title appears. Its sort of a sidescroller game. The boy wears a hat until you walk into a mask (a gas mask at one point) to wear it. I don't remember the objective except he was on a journey. At some point, he's in a building and there's a man sitting at a desk sleeping/snoring. You then jump up to the next floor (like Poptropica). At some other part, you have to help these two brothers (look like ant eaters ig) get something. Any idea what this game is??


New member
Aug 4, 2017
So there was this game I used to play. I can't remember the name but I do rememeber that it had a 3 in it so it must've been a trilogy. It started off, from what I remember, a boy (very similar to the boy from Limbo) going up in a cable car and the title appears. Its sort of a sidescroller game. The boy wears a hat until you walk into a mask (a gas mask at one point) to wear it. I don't remember the objective except he was on a journey. At some point, he's in a building and there's a man sitting at a desk sleeping/snoring. You then jump up to the next floor (like Poptropica). At some other part, you have to help these two brothers (look like ant eaters ig) get something. Any idea what this game is??


New member
Aug 4, 2017
So there was this game I used to play. I can't remember the name but I do rememeber that it had a 3 in it so it must've been a trilogy. It started off, from what I remember, a boy (very similar to the boy from Limbo) going up in a cable car and the title appears. Its sort of a sidescroller game. The boy wears a hat until you walk into a mask (a gas mask at one point) to wear it. I don't remember the objective except he was on a journey. At some point, he's in a building and there's a man sitting at a desk sleeping/snoring. You then jump up to the next floor (like Poptropica). At some other part, you have to help these two brothers (look like ant eaters ig) get something. Any idea what this game is??
Dec 5, 2005
Hello all, I need a help :) Iam trying to remember a name of this game which I will try to subscribe to you below..for like 10 years :D but Iam not able to remember..so here it is I hope some1 will help :)

It was in like 1996 - 1999 (for PC)

It was sci-fi game with a team of some marines which was killing aliens..but this is HINT - if some 1 died (from your team) you can drag him to some "microwave" (like in pokemon) and he has been healed..

Thats all what I can remember, Iam sorry for such a little info :(


New member
Jan 8, 2016
Good day! I remember game where you could i think at start choose animal. I remember there being wolf or Rhino. Both were anthopomorphic. I know that you i suppose spawned on world and there were floating portal, you could throw stuff across the map. I remember throwing stick all around the world, hitting the wolf. Thank you so much ^^


New member
Aug 4, 2017
Guyzie said:
i remember playing this spaceship 1 on 1 fighting game probably more than ten years ago on an old apple mac, you start off with a crap ship and crap guns against an evenly matched enemy, you get money for killing them and you can then buy upgrades for your ship inbetween battles if you saved up enough money you could even buy a better ship, i think the best thing about the game was that it had little sound bites from tv when you killed an enemy or died yourself, i remember hearing some guy from star trek going ''hes dead jim!'' when i killed someone then you would hear fred from the flintstones go ''yaba daba doooo!'' lol it was an awsome game and it was realy hard. i remember it being called something like doZ but i cant find any evidance of that name or this game anywhere online. can anyone help me i would love to get a pc version or even some information on it? cheers Guy
anyone know this game????


New member
Jul 25, 2017
I need help trying to track down an old CD ROM game. It would have been released in between 1995-98 and was bundled with some model of PCs (Windows 95/98) at the time. The main figure head of the game was a small round boy with yellow/orange skin, pointy ears, red cap and a huge grin. The Point and click mechanics made you control the character to interact with people and objects that you would find inside and out of his house. I don't believe there were other locations within the game but could easily be wrong. The rating for the game would be either for Everyone or for smaller children.

Would really appreciate it if someone could identify the game.

Kind regards!


New member
Aug 4, 2017
Midwoka said:
fuhranku said:
Now that im here and you kind guy helped me i can't also remember a game from PS1. Game had a male character and im pretty sure he also had blue hair as well lol. He was carrying something like a big laser on his hands and, even when game was in 3D, the camera was one from any classic platform 2D game (like metal slug camera). He was like traveling across planets and something like that... Any clue?
I'm guessing the guy used the laser to pick up enemies and throw them into buzzsaws and stuff, right? Like in Wild 9 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds5EiUVq_8I]? =)
OMG you guessed both!!! YES! this videogames were around my mind for years and i was unable to remember it. THANKS!


New member
Dec 12, 2014
ZeDaFranga said:
ZeDaFranga said:
Can somebody, please, help me find this game? My description is very vague, the one thing I remember was me playing this as a kid on an old computer.
The game icon was something similar to a skyscraper, there were 2 towers, and I remember choosing some kind of white robot, but I recall there being other characters to choose from, but i'm not 100% certain. And i believe it was a 3rd person shooter
Upon starting I would face some kind of elevator? And i would stand on some kind of metal fence, all dark, I remember falling and dying...
Any help is appreciated
I know my description is very vague, but does anyone have any suggestions?

Lilly Ritchey

New member
Aug 4, 2017
Also, there was one w, i think i played it a few years ago, it was multiplayer online, there was a place to buy and sell (a hub..?) as well as a place to fight , level up, and unlock new classes..
the only boss i remember was a evil tree thing.
I cant remember exactly but there might be something, like an evil overlord, whose name started with e... ARGH
As for whether it was 2d or 3d, it was like the eariler pkmn games, but idk what you consider that
YOu also could get eggs, which hatched into pets.

John The Man

New member
Jul 3, 2017
Game for the PC. You are a brain surgeon that has to treat some patients by drawing circles around some enemies that infect them. The animation is preety weird and there is also boss fights. Furthermore, there are also diffrent colours for spacific enemies, and there are obstacles that will cancel your attack if they are included in the circle.
Plus, it had a time trial, I think (not sure) that the name included clean or institute. the deskop icon was either one of the female patients or an enemy.

Christine Favole

New member
Aug 4, 2017
I'm pretty sure I found the game I'm barely remembering, but it doesn't quite feel right. It's an old NES-era platformer, possibly bleeding into early SNES-era. I know we rented it from a rental store like Blockbuster, and it was probably in the early to mid 1990s. In the game, you play as a bird or some such creature; I have it in my mind that it's a kiwi or chicken. I played most games with my younger sibling, and I feel like this was a simultaneous two-player game, similar to the SNES-era Kirby Adventure games. But perhaps I'm wrong about that. The part I remember most is swimming through a small pool of water. What's memorable and distinct is that there are small stationary scenery bits in the water that your character moves behind; from what I remember, they're shaped like flowers or stars.

I have found The NewZealand Story (aka Kiwi Kraze), and it is extremely close to what I'm remembering. But the problems are 1) it's not simultaneous two-player and 2) the water sections don't have those scenery bits. While researching, I see that The NewZealand Story was ported to several different consoles, but none of them seem to have the water decor I'm remembering.

Am I just merging two separate games into one? Does anyone have any ideas of ANY game that has water sections with stationary scenery shaped like flowers?


New member
Aug 4, 2017
Someone please help with this. My description is kinda vague and i remembered seeing the game on Youtube. It was a game most likely on a portable console (most likely nintendo ds or gba). It was basically kind of like Pokemon but instead of battling your creatures you would race them. The races would be in a 2d enviroment. Also the graphics were pixelated.


New member
Aug 1, 2017
VKJudge said:
Ok, It's 11:30 for me and i'm getting nostalgic. Back when I was 7 and way more obsessed on the internet than a 7 year old should've been, I played one of those online multiplayer 2D games, like Fantage or Club Penguin, where you played as this heroic little tater tot. It had some ridiculous name like Woobies or something like that. Anyone else remember it?
Please i've been searching for days and asking all my friends


New member
Aug 5, 2017
All right, so I've got one for you guys.

This is a space combat game that my dad played back when I was a kid. I remember the start of the game the pilot that you played did not have a spaceship of his own. So the first mission was to find your own spaceship to dock with the tiny shuttle that you have. So you find this one spaceship in the middle of a salvage yard that's just been flipping over and over, too fast to dock with. So you had to access the ship's computer remotely, to make it stop flipping, so you could dock with it. When you dock, you find there's some kind of AI on it that talks back and forth with you.

I remember when you dock with the ship and fly with it, you fly by your friend in the story, and he's like "That is the worst piece of crap I have ever seen." Or something similar.

Found it: Independence War.


New member
Sep 14, 2014
So there is this game where you were a ship, and you would blow up other ships. but when you blew them up, you could attach parts of them to your ship. I can't remember for the life of me what it was called but the nostalgia is too much XD it had pixelated graphics and was played with a controller. Thank you!