Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 14, 2014
So there is this game where you were a ship, and you would blow up other ships. but when you blew them up, you could attach parts of them to your ship. I can't remember for the life of me what it was called but the nostalgia is too much XD it had pixelated graphics and was played with a controller. Thank you!


New member
Aug 5, 2017
Hello every body, I am new to this forum and I am in desperate need for help in finding out the name of a video game that I played when I was a child ( during the 1990s ). I have been searching for the name of this game for about four years now . Any and all help is appreciated thanks !
- video game was a side scrolling game
- your character was an animal ( with big hair and if I'm not mistaken could kill his enemies with it )
- The most detailed seen that I remember playing is of my character starting out on a bridge and having to jump over cars if not they would run over you
- as best as I can remember the video game is based in a city
- i'm pretty sure that other scenes involved him going in and on top of buildings
- I know for sure it has to be a 1990s game but unfortunately I do not remember what console I played it on .
I'm sorry this is all so vague any help is appreciated, thank you so much!


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
mariamaria said:
Hello every body, I am new to this forum and I am in desperate need for help in finding out the name of a video game that I played when I was a child ( during the 1990s ). I have been searching for the name of this game for about four years now . Any and all help is appreciated thanks !
- video game was a side scrolling game
- your character was an animal ( with big hair and if I'm not mistaken could kill his enemies with it )
- The most detailed seen that I remember playing is of my character starting out on a bridge and having to jump over cars if not they would run over you
- as best as I can remember the video game is based in a city
- i'm pretty sure that other scenes involved him going in and on top of buildings
- I know for sure it has to be a 1990s game but unfortunately I do not remember what console I played it on .
I'm sorry this is all so vague any help is appreciated, thank you so much!
Could it have been Rocky Rodent for SNES?


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Fin150 said:
So there is this game where you were a ship, and you would blow up other ships. but when you blew them up, you could attach parts of them to your ship. I can't remember for the life of me what it was called but the nostalgia is too much XD it had pixelated graphics and was played with a controller. Thank you!
Apart from the pixelated graphics, that's similar to Captain Forever Remix.


New member
Sep 13, 2016
mariamaria said:
Hello every body, I am new to this forum and I am in desperate need for help in finding out the name of a video game that I played when I was a child ( during the 1990s ). I have been searching for the name of this game for about four years now . Any and all help is appreciated thanks !
- video game was a side scrolling game
- your character was an animal ( with big hair and if I'm not mistaken could kill his enemies with it )
- The most detailed seen that I remember playing is of my character starting out on a bridge and having to jump over cars if not they would run over you
- as best as I can remember the video game is based in a city
- i'm pretty sure that other scenes involved him going in and on top of buildings
- I know for sure it has to be a 1990s game but unfortunately I do not remember what console I played it on .
I'm sorry this is all so vague any help is appreciated, thank you so much!
Sounds like a Rocky Rodent [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKSGiqKXLwI] to me. =)

EDIT: Looks like RelativityMan beat me to the punch! :x


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Spliceyy said:
Someone please help with this. My description is kinda vague and i remembered seeing the game on Youtube. It was a game most likely on a portable console (most likely nintendo ds or gba). It was basically kind of like Pokemon but instead of battling your creatures you would race them. The races would be in a 2d enviroment. Also the graphics were pixelated.
A mon game with racing... most likely Monster Racers for Nintendo DS.

Jack Chisholm

New member
Aug 5, 2017
Please help i remember this game from when i was really young im 16 now where i think there was this scientist with crazy hair and like a world map similar to mario and there was blocks you had to move to do certain things it was a puzzle game and i cant remember it please help


New member
Aug 5, 2017
Hello there!
I'm searching for a game, that i played like 8-10 years ago. If I'm right it was on the Y8 platform, or some similar, but I'm not 100% sure about that.
It was a point click "horror game", but it wasn't scary. (It didn't have jumpscares in it etc.)
So it started with a man, driving to a house in a storm and in the night, but that isn't the point, it was like an intro or something.
He arrived, and entered to the house. From that point, you had to search for items in several rooms, like cellar, loft, kitchen and etc. The first room was the hall, there was an image on the wall at the back, and a staircase at the right of the screen. If you went upstairs, there was 2 or 3 doors there, and a lion statue (or tiger, but I think it was a lion). One of the doors next to the statue was locked.
I remember that, in the basement there was water intrusion, and i found a piece of a blue cable there. I could use it on a boiler, or on an electric meter, i can't remember that.
You could go to the "garden", but there was only an entrance of a sewer there. It is interesting, because there was a part 2 of this game, which was in a sewer, but it has the same method.
Through the searching, you couldn't see your character, and you couldn't move the screen. You could go to other rooms, by clicking on the doors. And usually if you clicked on some importand object, then the game zoomed to it.
If it helps, it had an intro, with some newspapers dropping to the top of each other.
I'm searching for this game for a long time now, i hope somebody can help me...
Thanks for your time!


New member
May 21, 2017
I remember playing a game on pc, it was a demo. Can't remember well but you were some kind of detective and you were investigating a mansion at first you ring a bell and butler through a mic talks with you, ask for the owner, but he says that he isn't at the moment, later you find a gardener and he is friendly to you and you go around it to get inside it, there are electric fences all over behind bushes.
You need to find various items and finally you cut the fence with scissors and it ends up with you being captured. I remember you can make choices how to talk to characters and you can make that butler pissed.


New member
Aug 5, 2017

Im looking for a pc puzzle game. Around early/mid 2000
At the start of this game you could choose if you played the game as a boy or girl.

The person who you did not choose got kidnapped by an evil organisation. in order to find the kidnapped person you had to reach the top floor of a skyscraper by solving puzzles and finding hidden items.

You started at the basement and got assisted by a bee/wasp person.

I think i remebered the person you played as was some kind of animal.
Thanks for your time.


New member
Aug 5, 2017
So I have this game in mind for a while that I cannot remember at all.

I used to play it on PC, when I was a kid, so I guess the game came out in 2000 +/- 5 years. It was a 2D game.

You control a small figure that jumps up and down constantly and you cannot stop, but you only can move it right and left. Your aim is to reach the end of the level in some kind of a maze. To reach the end, you have to break the boxes while jumping. The boxes were colored differently and you have to change your color in order to break the box.

The game was meant for kids I guess, or casual gamers, and I do not think it was made by a huge company, I think it is one of those small games that come in packs. I did not even have the full game, it was just a demo, but I loved it and I hope I can find it again.


Another game that I barely remember, I also played it as a kid so around 2000 +/- 5 years, on PC. It was a racing car game, but what I only remember about it is that it was somehow futuristic, and in the intro video at the start of the game, there was a scene where a man wearing a red/blue armor but without a headpiece hits a blond man wearing a yellow armor.

Thanks in advance.

Lilly Ritchey

New member
Aug 4, 2017
Lilly Ritchey said:
Also, there was one w, i think i played it a few years ago, it was multiplayer online, there was a place to buy and sell (a hub..?) as well as a place to fight , level up, and unlock new classes..
the only boss i remember was a evil tree thing.
I cant remember exactly but there might be something, like an evil overlord, whose name started with e... ARGH
As for whether it was 2d or 3d, it was like the eariler pkmn games, but idk what you consider that
YOu also could get eggs, which hatched into pets.
I cant remember much else about it..


New member
Aug 5, 2017
I once played this game where you start at a small village and someone tells you to feed the pigs or the cows an then something happens and eveyone is dead except you. Also, in this village, some guards are keeping anyone from leaving. When you finally can leave the village you find a mage who teaches you a fireball spell. I also remember fighting bugs/insects in the very beginning.


New member
Aug 4, 2017
RelativityMan said:
Spliceyy said:
Someone please help with this. My description is kinda vague and i remembered seeing the game on Youtube. It was a game most likely on a portable console (most likely nintendo ds or gba). It was basically kind of like Pokemon but instead of battling your creatures you would race them. The races would be in a 2d enviroment. Also the graphics were pixelated.
A mon game with racing... most likely Monster Racers for Nintendo DS.
Just looked at the gameplay, and that's the right one. Thank you very much!


New member
Sep 13, 2016
JbseriesGTA said:
I remember playing a game on pc, it was a demo. Can't remember well but you were some kind of detective and you were investigating a mansion at first you ring a bell and butler through a mic talks with you, ask for the owner, but he says that he isn't at the moment, later you find a gardener and he is friendly to you and you go around it to get inside it, there are electric fences all over behind bushes.
You need to find various items and finally you cut the fence with scissors and it ends up with you being captured. I remember you can make choices how to talk to characters and you can make that butler pissed.
I hope you like it when your main character is horrible to friendly people, because Detective Halligan brings a lot of that in Mystery Of The Druids [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et8T76TXc6M&list=PLYbjvHuRUjmCKtlDdoZoZX2EmG0Q521_t] (you might've forgotten, but he lights that gardener's trimmings on fire so he can steal their hedge-clippers)...


New member
Aug 5, 2017
Hey there

Guys, its been driving me insane..I have been looking for this game that I played in early 2000's but so far and couldn't find anything even resembling it. It was an action game from 3rd person perspective. You get choose 3 characters to play with. Big dude with a sword (I know, very specific..), a female (mage?) with two swords in each hand that looked like giant needles. You could also shoot white fireballs with them. She had a boss battle I clearly remember. It was a big dude in executioners hoodie. There was a cinematic in her campaign where the said executioner was about to chop some dudes head off using a guillotine, but the female character stopped him by throwing one of her swords(needles?) at his leg.

The third char and the one that stood out the most to me was fighter (kind of) character who had claws on his hands, kind of like wolverines. Had brown jacket and a scarf covering his mouth. Part of his gameplay was ability to crawl on walls using his claws and perform stealth attacks. His opening cinematic was him arriving to some sort of underground dock on a boat. He covers his mouth with a scarf then sneaks up on the guard and kills him by slashing his throat with his claws.

I know its a lot to process but I would really appreciate anyone's help. Thanks.


New member
Sep 14, 2014
RelativityMan said:
Fin150 said:
So there is this game where you were a ship, and you would blow up other ships. but when you blew them up, you could attach parts of them to your ship. I can't remember for the life of me what it was called but the nostalgia is too much XD it had pixelated graphics and was played with a controller. Thank you!
Apart from the pixelated graphics, that's similar to Captain Forever Remix.
yeah... ive found that one, but thats not it...


New member
Jul 21, 2017
akongbj said:
Dear great gamers out there,

please help me recall this game, it was MS-DOS era. around 1992 - 1995 I guess.

i remember playing it on an Intel 486 computer. and using floppy disks to get the master copy, after that you just need to run the executables.

the game situated as follows:
- its an isometric view. Using sprites.
- You played / act as commander of a space station. that the corridors shaped like a white tube.
- you as the commander bring a laser gun, which have unlimited ammo.
- the space station itself is quite big, have higher and lower levels, you have lift and some kind of travellator to fast travel.
- the shape of the space station is like a horizontal number eight.
- you only have 3 livess / 3 chances as the commander.
- you could create robots, with yellow and red color, that can shoot lasers. The robots move with tracks / not legs.
- the robots could be assigned to individual section and will patrol inside it.
- the enemy will come as green alien slimes. and will attack the robots.
- without the robots the alien slime will sort of destablize the space station, thus it explodes and game over.
- you csn kill the slimes with the laser gun, leaving something like corpses / residues.
- you can produce blue robots which act like a cleaner, sucking thoses dead alien slimes.
- if you are killed, your body will be infested with those alien slimes, then rise as a zombified alien slimes that is very dangereous and hard to kill.
- sometimes, the space station will get unstable, you will need to go to panels, and then go to some kind of mini game.
- you need to move up and down some paramaters, there are 2 big screen in the right and left. you keep moving that until the lines get straight or something like that, indicating its safe now.
- if you die 3 times, no body left as the commander. its game over.

I wanted to know what's the game name, just curious whether it can be finished in some way.
Reposting for visibility only, any help folks ?


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Marcelon said:
I once played this game where you start at a small village and someone tells you to feed the pigs or the cows an then something happens and eveyone is dead except you. Also, in this village, some guards are keeping anyone from leaving. When you finally can leave the village you find a mage who teaches you a fireball spell. I also remember fighting bugs/insects in the very beginning.
Just a shot in the dark but... maybe Eternal Ring?


New member
Aug 6, 2017
I am new to this site, so please bare with me. I am looking for a PC game from the 1995 to 2000? It is a 'Game' of sorts: Using the laws of physics, it starts out similar to "Angry Birds". The user must get to one side of the screen by selecting weapons; ie, revolver, sticks of dynamite, use of ropes, balloons to rise and/or pop, placement of levers to turn, etc, which when placed in just the right spot will allow the user to get where they need to be to advance to the next level. At each level, the user is given more items to use to advance. This was a game which helped the user to learn how the laws of physics work. Any help would be great!