Hello there!
I'm searching for a game, that i played like 8-10 years ago. If I'm right it was on the Y8 platform, or some similar, but I'm not 100% sure about that.
It was a point click "horror game", but it wasn't scary. (It didn't have jumpscares in it etc.)
So it started with a man, driving to a house in a storm and in the night, but that isn't the point, it was like an intro or something.
He arrived, and entered to the house. From that point, you had to search for items in several rooms, like cellar, loft, kitchen and etc. The first room was the hall, there was an image on the wall at the back, and a staircase at the right of the screen. If you went upstairs, there was 2 or 3 doors there, and a lion statue (or tiger, but I think it was a lion). One of the doors next to the statue was locked.
I remember that, in the basement there was water intrusion, and i found a piece of a blue cable there. I could use it on a boiler, or on an electric meter, i can't remember that.
You could go to the "garden", but there was only an entrance of a sewer there. It is interesting, because there was a part 2 of this game, which was in a sewer, but it has the same method.
Through the searching, you couldn't see your character, and you couldn't move the screen. You could go to other rooms, by clicking on the doors. And usually if you clicked on some importand object, then the game zoomed to it.
If it helps, it had an intro, with some newspapers dropping to the top of each other.
I'm searching for this game for a long time now, i hope somebody can help me...
Thanks for your time!