Cant remember the name of the game i played prolly in the 2000s. Similar to Contra, but you have multiple characters each with different weapon speciality (i think 4, one was a normal gunner, other 2 i remember were a rocket launcher guy and a bomb trap set guy, and you pause the game to change characters(?) my memory of that is hazy) , and you collect powerups to change their weapons ( you needed to collect like 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and so on, there was a bar on bottom of the screen where you can select that). There were stages where you fight on the deck of a large ship, stages where you fight on top of flying jets, and ground stages. A cheat i remeber is the Jump-Pause trick, where you Pause right when youre at max jump height, unpause and immediately press jump again to make a second jump in mid air, and repeat till you reach your desired height.