Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 15, 2017
Cant remember the name of the game i played prolly in the 2000s. Similar to Contra, but you have multiple characters each with different weapon speciality (i think 4, one was a normal gunner, other 2 i remember were a rocket launcher guy and a bomb trap set guy, and you pause the game to change characters(?) my memory of that is hazy) , and you collect powerups to change their weapons ( you needed to collect like 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and so on, there was a bar on bottom of the screen where you can select that). There were stages where you fight on the deck of a large ship, stages where you fight on top of flying jets, and ground stages. A cheat i remeber is the Jump-Pause trick, where you Pause right when youre at max jump height, unpause and immediately press jump again to make a second jump in mid air, and repeat till you reach your desired height.

Brian So

New member
Jun 3, 2017
lanskie said:
Cant remember the name of the game i played prolly in the 2000s. Similar to Contra, but you have multiple characters each with different weapon speciality (i think 4, one was a normal gunner, other 2 i remember were a rocket launcher guy and a bomb trap set guy, and you pause the game to change characters(?) my memory of that is hazy) , and you collect powerups to change their weapons ( you needed to collect like 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and so on, there was a bar on bottom of the screen where you can select that). There were stages where you fight on the deck of a large ship, stages where you fight on top of flying jets, and ground stages. A cheat i remeber is the Jump-Pause trick, where you Pause right when youre at max jump height, unpause and immediately press jump again to make a second jump in mid air, and repeat till you reach your desired height.
Maybe Metal Slug? Could be wrong.


New member
Sep 13, 2016
lanskie said:
Cant remember the name of the game i played prolly in the 2000s. Similar to Contra, but you have multiple characters each with different weapon speciality (i think 4, one was a normal gunner, other 2 i remember were a rocket launcher guy and a bomb trap set guy, and you pause the game to change characters(?) my memory of that is hazy) , and you collect powerups to change their weapons ( you needed to collect like 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and so on, there was a bar on bottom of the screen where you can select that). There were stages where you fight on the deck of a large ship, stages where you fight on top of flying jets, and ground stages. A cheat i remeber is the Jump-Pause trick, where you Pause right when youre at max jump height, unpause and immediately press jump again to make a second jump in mid air, and repeat till you reach your desired height.
That sounds A LOT like Contra Force [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UrECk3PoLY], including the pause-jump glitch that I know is in there. =)


New member
Sep 15, 2017
Not sure if its an old game but I haven't played it in a while. Was a 2D game on the pc, some guy is playing a board game with friends and goes to the bathroom but its dark and he thinks its because his friends are playing a prank on him. When he comes out he finds himself in some castle. I remember there being a room near the start with large piles of gold you can take, which you then find out is cursed and kills you. Then you gain a sort of evil sidekick after a ghoul or something tries to possess you and fails then accidentally traps itself inside of you.

There is a lot of adult humour in the game from my memory and was sort of like a dungeon crawler. But considering how vaguely I remember its actual genre and how many exist out there i am failing to find it.


New member
Sep 13, 2016
Legino12 said:
Not sure if its an old game but I haven't played it in a while. Was a 2D game on the pc, some guy is playing a board game with friends and goes to the bathroom but its dark and he thinks its because his friends are playing a prank on him. When he comes out he finds himself in some castle. I remember there being a room near the start with large piles of gold you can take, which you then find out is cursed and kills you. Then you gain a sort of evil sidekick after a ghoul or something tries to possess you and fails then accidentally traps itself inside of you.

There is a lot of adult humour in the game from my memory and was sort of like a dungeon crawler. But considering how vaguely I remember its actual genre and how many exist out there i am failing to find it.
Pretty sure that's UnEpic [http://store.steampowered.com/app/233980/UnEpic/]. I never finished it, 'cause I remember the movement being just a biiit too clunky for me to enjoy. -.-


New member
Sep 15, 2017
I remember playing a game where it's themed in the semi-apocalyptic world where aliens/animals/morphs or spoopy entities in grey are attacking the last tree on earth. You're supposed to defend it but until a certain amount of waves it starts to overgrow and mutate into some spawner tree which spawns the monsters back at you and the game ends that sadly.

it's been over 9 years i haven't played that game but i can't seem to find it

Gemma Clarke

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Sep 11, 2017
RelativityMan said:
Gemma Clarke said:
Hello everyone i am wondering if anyone has heard of a old pc game where you had to build a faster go kart then the enemy who i think was meant to be a mad scientist or a doctor but he had these monkeys or robots try and stop you from building a faster go kart, you had to go around the building through doors to collect parts of a go kart and when you got the stuff and made your go kart it takes you to the race course, and you would see who wins or loses, you could use bananas to throw at the monkeys or robots, i think it might of been like a platform game but not to sure, so if anyone knows what i am talking about please please help me find it and i can help me find a way to play it once again, thank you
That's probably Super Solvers: Gizmos & Gadgets!
OMG!!!! that is it thank you so so much!!!


New member
Sep 16, 2017
There is a game i've been looking for for a couple of years now. I remember playing it when I was 8 or 9 (probably). It was a free to play game I found on a games website. It was a 2d game (maybe flash) (and it was not top down) where you were driveby shooting people in buildings through their windows and sometimes a policecar came from the left of the screen and you had to shoot it. I hope theres anyone who knows the name of the game since it's the first pc game i remember playing.


New member
Sep 15, 2017
Brian So said:
lanskie said:
Cant remember the name of the game i played prolly in the 2000s. Similar to Contra, but you have multiple characters each with different weapon speciality (i think 4, one was a normal gunner, other 2 i remember were a rocket launcher guy and a bomb trap set guy, and you pause the game to change characters(?) my memory of that is hazy) , and you collect powerups to change their weapons ( you needed to collect like 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and so on, there was a bar on bottom of the screen where you can select that). There were stages where you fight on the deck of a large ship, stages where you fight on top of flying jets, and ground stages. A cheat i remeber is the Jump-Pause trick, where you Pause right when youre at max jump height, unpause and immediately press jump again to make a second jump in mid air, and repeat till you reach your desired height.
Maybe Metal Slug? Could be wrong.
No its not Metal Slug, Metal slug has that cartoony kinda art, this game in describing has a more realistic mechy contra type art,


New member
Feb 28, 2016
SpiderLily said:
Okay, I'm starting to get mad with myself so might as well ask the genius internet. I loved this one game - it's the 'get it on a CD with a magazine' kind.

It was match shapes, a like teris but with you moving shapes around to 'fill out' bigger shape on the screen so it would dissapear. I remember the little shapes came on wodden platforms and when you finished the level you would get platforms with money instead if you had empty place. If you ran out of place for new shapes you lost.

You had tool to change/destroy the shapes which you got by using a shape the tool was hid inside of?

It's similiar to Arctic Quest by Alawar/BigFishGames, but with sqares (I think?) and sharp red/blue/green colors, and forest/magic/crystal shards?/etc.
Is this Puzzle Inlay? After thinking about it for a while I remember there being shapes with tools inside them...


New member
Sep 16, 2017
Can I also ask about a game from the old time I can't remember. The reason I want to remember so much is because I played it with my friend at his fathers office. We got stuck at one level and never finished it.
The game was represented by up to 4 agents and I think you start with one and then you buy or they come in cant remember. You train them and so on, up their stats I think or for sure give them new weapons and armour. You were set in cities of the future with skyscrapers and you can blow building, cars and people up. Also there were badass guns for the time, but my favourite were the standard minimachineguns. The enemies and you had electric shield. There were police faction, punk faction, rocker faction and criminals and other special forces and military. If this help, I think it was 3d because you spy from above. It will help if you tell me at least what genre that is.


New member
Oct 5, 2014
Kgnot said:
Can I also ask about a game from the old time I can't remember. The reason I want to remember so much is because I played it with my friend at his fathers office. We got stuck at one level and never finished it.
The game was represented by up to 4 agents and I think you start with one and then you buy or they come in cant remember. You train them and so on, up their stats I think or for sure give them new weapons and armour. You were set in cities of the future with skyscrapers and you can blow building, cars and people up. Also there were badass guns for the time, but my favourite were the standard minimachineguns. The enemies and you had electric shield. There were police faction, punk faction, rocker faction and criminals and other special forces and military. If this help, I think it was 3d because you spy from above. It will help if you tell me at least what genre that is.
Maybe the original Syndicate (1993) or its sequel, Syndicate Wars (1996)?



If you're into those games, you might also like to know that the developers released a "spiritual successor" called Satellite Reign a couple of years ago.


New member
Sep 16, 2017
THATS THE ONE! THE second one!!! WOW our computer could not load the intro man...so many emotions. I was so skeptical about forums on forgotten games. i thought nobody will reply or wont know. Now that I found it i need to figure out if I want to play it or watch someone else complete it. Because I believe one of the levels was broken.
Satellite Reign you say...that also look well, especially the chicks.
Edit : I just watched half a walk through. The guys seemed to have figured out a lot more then me. I did not speak or read English at all at that time.


New member
Sep 16, 2017
I can't remember the name of an old rpg on pc, it was similar to baldur's gate, the cd has a Skeleton on it I don't remember anything else unfortunately :(


New member
Sep 16, 2017
Hey everyone,I need help.I played this game around 2006 maybe,was a Pc game who has an animal (maybe a duck) as main character and he was throwing water baloons to kill enemies,also he could throw them to the floor to grow plants.Other thing was that the game had a egyptian level who had many secrets ways to do it.The game looks like adventure game
Im very confused if someone can help me to find it i would so thankful!


New member
Sep 14, 2017
dokrobei said:
Timi093 said:
Hi! I have many troubles with finding an old game that I loved, so I add "a description" below and I hope it would be helpful for you to recognize it:)

The screen of the games was kinda like in Bomberman (I mean one-screen game). The background was always black and there was a few rooms with white borders. The aim was (I guess) to escape myself or someone else and the main character was wizard or ghost. It could also contain keys, monsters etc, but I don't really remember what was the true purpose of each level. At the begining of every level the character appeared in some crazy way, like circles or something. The score and all of it was at the top of the screen (on 90%).
Unfortunately I even don't remember the console - it should be Atari, Commodore or Nintendo, but I'm not sure any of it :(

I hope that maybe some of you have flashes of that game or even recognize it, it would be a HUGE RELIEF to me and I would be really thankful :))))
could it be Gauntlet? If someone says "wizard", "ghosts" "keys" and Bomberman-like view the first game that comes to my mind is gauntlet.
Sadly, it's not the game I am looking for. I made a picture of what I do remember about the gameplay, maybe someone will recognise the game by the look of it, here it is: https://imgur.com/gallery/9T4bs


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Timi093 said:
Hi! I have many troubles with finding an old game that I loved, so I add "a description" below and I hope it would be helpful for you to recognize it:)

The screen of the games was kinda like in Bomberman (I mean one-screen game). The background was always black and there was a few rooms with white borders. The aim was (I guess) to escape myself or someone else and the main character was wizard or ghost. It could also contain keys, monsters etc, but I don't really remember what was the true purpose of each level. At the begining of every level the character appeared in some crazy way, like circles or something. The score and all of it was at the top of the screen (on 90%).
Unfortunately I even don't remember the console - it should be Atari, Commodore or Nintendo, but I'm not sure any of it :(

I hope that maybe some of you have flashes of that game or even recognize it, it would be a HUGE RELIEF to me and I would be really thankful :))))
Maybe Dandy for the Atari 8-bit?

Tanner Schafer

New member
Sep 17, 2017
Hopefully someone can help me out with this one! From what I can remember. It is an online 1vs1 ship battle. There is something like a two minute timer and you control the ship and shoot cannon balls at the opposing enemy. When the timer starts to run down I believe there is a whirlpool that will eventually end up sucking one or both ships. As you win more you level up or increase in rank and your ship becomes better.

Duran Artora

New member
Oct 21, 2010
I remember a Windows (or maybe DOS?) game that I think strongly resembled the Humongous Entertainment point-n'-click games (like Freddi Fish and whatnot) in both art style and gameplay, but it's not on any lists of their games, so I guess it wasn't made by them. I was really young when I played it (must have been sometime in the 90s), and the only thing I can remember for sure about it was that the two main characters were basically like Babs and Buster bunny, except they were cats. Like, I think the attitudes were similar, and the boy cat was blue while the girl cat was pink. Pretty sure Tiny Toons started in 1990, so I guess they were trying to copy the characters or do a parody or something when the show was still running strong.

I think it started in a hotel or apartment building, and you had to go up and down the various floors finding stuff like keys to open new rooms and elevator buttons to get to new floors, and I think I recall one room opened up into a large mine. I may just be imagining it it, but I recall some stuff that kind of scared me as a kid, like some random interaction that turned one of the cats inside out for a second.

Honestly, I don't even know if the game was any good or not, or if I'd want to play it if someone does find out what it's called, I just want to know that I'm not crazy and this game actually existed.


New member
Sep 17, 2017
Well, I remember a game where you had different kind of balls, spheres to destroy some bricks or something else. I remember that there was a vortex ball. That's as far as my mind can remember. Please help, I'm going nuts. I want this game so badly.