Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 14, 2017
Hey I hope someone sees this, But i have an old game or two. 1st one, it was an old mech game, I just remember fighting off another red mech and if you died, you got a cut scene that showed a screw or drill going through a human skull, like x-ray.

The second one is, the opening scene showed I think 4 guys wearing red armor, and this robot(looked like a droidicka) killed almost all of them in a tunnel.

If anyone knows anything let me know!


New member
Sep 14, 2017
Timi093 said:
Hi! I have many troubles with finding an old game that I loved, so I add "a description" below and I hope it would be helpful for you to recognize it:)

The screen of the games was kinda like in Bomberman (I mean one-screen game). The background was always black and there was a few rooms with white borders. The aim was (I guess) to escape myself or someone else and the main character was wizard or ghost. It could also contain keys, monsters etc, but I don't really remember what was the true purpose of each level. At the begining of every level the character appeared in some crazy way, like circles or something. The score and all of it was at the top of the screen (on 90%).
Unfortunately I even don't remember the console - it should be Atari, Commodore or Nintendo, but I'm not sure any of it :(

I hope that maybe some of you have flashes of that game or even recognize it, it would be a HUGE RELIEF to me and I would be really thankful :))))
could it be Gauntlet? If someone says "wizard", "ghosts" "keys" and Bomberman-like view the first game that comes to my mind is gauntlet.


New member
Sep 13, 2017
Midwoka said:
YuYuHei said:
Hi guys!

I need your help to find at wich game those characters belongs :


I remember was a fighting arcade game in 2d.

Thanks a lot
Seems to be called Waku Waku 7 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DefAwU3GcEI]. =)
Yeah! It's it! ^^ Thanks a lot!

Margarita Aranza

New member
Sep 14, 2017
Ok so I have been looking for this game for ages and am starting to think i imagined it.Its from the early 2000s and it could be single or double plaer. The characters were two cooks and there was fruit failing and stuff and you would need to jump around a lot.I think I played it on windos 98 n that is all i remember.

Pavlomir Kostadinov

New member
Sep 14, 2017
Hi guys and girls , I want to help me up with the title of this game I play as kid. It was first person /simulator (maybe) battleship gunner shooting game. The only thing I remember is that you are the machine gun place and you taking down airplanes, WWII perhaps, those planes mush be Zero's, but can't find any games. The graphic was more that impressive for a old PC. Date and time period of the game is unknown (it was second hand pc running Windows 98). That's is all I can say.


New member
Aug 26, 2017
Pixelhunter said:
Epicskunk said:
Pixelhunter said:
Epicskunk said:
Pixelhunter said:
Epicskunk said:
StatusNil said:
Epicskunk said:
Epicskunk said:
Epicskunk said:
Hello everyone!

I used to play this pc game, where it was a space shoot'em up.
You would be in a big space location. You could pick up abilities as you fought creatures. After some time (or after killing enough enemies) a worm hole would appear, and you would need to reach it. One of the abilities included some kind of a flail that you can use with the momentum of your space ship.

Please do help me on this!
Still no help? I understand; no one wants to help me, anyway.
Wow, still no help.
Come on now. This thread works in the following way: some people check it now and then to see if there's something they can either answer right away or something that they could possibly find out. Sometimes it turns out they can't. And they do it just to help out a fellow game enthusiast, not because that's their job. They're the same as you, how many people have you helped with their questions?

So if you don't get a satisfactory reply (I see someone already tried, but got it wrong), it doesn't mean you're being discriminated against, it means that the people who look into this thread to see if they can help anyone find something don't know the answer to your question, and don't really know where to look or what exactly to look for. Sometimes it helps to post a more detailed description of the game you are looking for, and obviously the platform and the time frame are very useful. The one thing that doesn't help is to get rude with anyone who might want to help you.

Hope you find this helpful.
The reason I'm like this is that I'm never able to find whatever I'm looking for.
Also, if I knew it any further, MAYBE I would know it already. But sadly, I played this game when I was around 7-8 or so.
Well, we don't personally know you. Heh, how are we supposed to know when you were seven-ish years old?
Anyways, as you know these dates better, why not start by going through this extensive list of possible candidates.
Obiously you'll want to check out either Windows or DOS games if you're looking for a PC game.
Still, if the game happened to be some freeware/indie game it will be a bit harder to track it down.
I don't know if the game is called "Scrolling" since you can go in every direction, not just one direction.

Also, I remember that the game had several power ups you can pick up to use as a weapon for your spaceship, with one being a flail that you can use with the momentum of your ship. I remember that there are worm-like enemies that you can kill later in the game. And the game is not 3D, it's 2D with bird-eye view of the spaceship.
Hmm, I'm not sure how that site defines scrolling. Apparently they include "multi-directional" (or "arena") shmups as well, but I don't see "Zone 66" in that list, so I can't be certain. Still I'd start by clicking through the names in the possible time frame.

When you say PC, does it mean PC in the sense of x86-architecture? Somehow I get the feeling I might have seen that flail in an Amiga game, but I might mix things up.
It is literally a PC game. I know this because I used to play it on Windows XP. However, it came with a CD that had alot of demos and one big full game. HOWEVER, it is from the magazine company called LEVEL. So, I literally have no idea.
Okay, PC, Windows XP, Level Magazine (Turkish Level?). We're actually getting somewhere. :-D
Have a look at this page, maybe one of these CDs rings a bell.
Yes, the turkish LEVEL magazine.
Well, I still don't know the game. :'(

Cassidy Whitfield

New member
Sep 14, 2017
Ok i've been on a Rom and Emulator binge as of late, playing all the games I missed out playing as a kid. One I've read about but haven't been able to find the name of involves dragons, mainly as companions (i think) and optional romance partners. You eventually have a kid with your chosen partner and depending on who you choose the look of the kids changes + how the game ends (including save the world and end boss stuff)

Any ideas?


New member
Sep 15, 2017
I have a very vague description of a PC game I recall playing at a friend's house when I was a kid. Probably late 90s, early 2000s?

The game overall took place as a series of minigames over the course of a large map (or storybook?). You had to complete them in order, and as you completed them the progress on the map continued. I think it was a winding path, connected with a dotted line?

My best memory is of playing this minigame that I feel pretty certain was set in Ancient Egypt. It was a fairly static top down view of a field, and I believe you had to solve a puzzle that involved numbers and counting with crops.


New member
Sep 15, 2017
Hi, I have been looking for this game since 2006 :-( Hope one of you can help me.. So here is the description of the game. I actually got the trial version of this game along with a computer magazine CD somewhere between 2003 and 2005, don't remember the exact year. This is a PC game. It looks like an RTS game like warcraft or diablo, with small characters and you look at the characters from above, a bird's eye view. There are multiple characters that you can choose, but I remember only the dwarf character which is good at climbing mountains. And you are in your city or town and you travel to nearby areas. While travelling to nearby areas, you encounter various creatures like swamps (or slimes), acid swamps (or acid slimes), skeletons, etc.. you can fight with sword, bow-n-arrow, etc.. there is also an arena inside your city where you can fight creatures that are a bit easy.. however as you travel far away, the difficulty of creatures that you encounter increases, some creatures even use nukes!! you can buy weapons (like swords, mace, etc) as well as armors from shops in your area.. sometimes while fighting with creatures you gain some weapons as well.. when you approach a shop, most of the shopkeepers will greet you with welcome. the shopkeepers' face will appear in the upper left corner of the pop-up screen when you click on a shop. you can buy a flying carpet (though it is not very clearly visible in the game), boots, you can equip a shovel (and the game says "the walls around you now vibrates/shivers with fear), etc (some of the things that I remember, LOL).. it is not a turn based game, you can move one or two squares per click and keep moving until you encounter a creature; creatures are not visible on the map until you suddenly encounter them during your travel and is shown in the pop-up window.. you can choose to travel to the mountain and continue your adventure there (if you are a dwarf its a bit easy I guess), or you can travel by the path, etc.. it is not a hi-tech game like warcraft or diablo, but looks similar to diablo..

Sorry for the long post.. hopefully one of you can help me find the game..


New member
Sep 15, 2017
kathirvelekambaram said:
Hi, I have been looking for this game since 2006 :-( Hope one of you can help me.. So here is the description of the game. I actually got the trial version of this game along with a computer magazine CD somewhere between 2003 and 2005, don't remember the exact year. This is a PC game. It looks like an RTS game like warcraft or diablo, with small characters and you look at the characters from above, a bird's eye view. There are multiple characters that you can choose, but I remember only the dwarf character which is good at climbing mountains. And you are in your city or town and you travel to nearby areas. While travelling to nearby areas, you encounter various creatures like swamps (or slimes), acid swamps (or acid slimes), skeletons, etc.. you can fight with sword, bow-n-arrow, etc.. there is also an arena inside your city where you can fight creatures that are a bit easy.. however as you travel far away, the difficulty of creatures that you encounter increases, some creatures even use nukes!! you can buy weapons (like swords, mace, etc) as well as armors from shops in your area.. sometimes while fighting with creatures you gain some weapons as well.. when you approach a shop, most of the shopkeepers will greet you with welcome. the shopkeepers' face will appear in the upper left corner of the pop-up screen when you click on a shop. you can buy a flying carpet (though it is not very clearly visible in the game), boots, you can equip a shovel (and the game says "the walls around you now vibrates/shivers with fear), etc (some of the things that I remember, LOL).. it is not a turn based game, you can move one or two squares per click and keep moving until you encounter a creature; creatures are not visible on the map until you suddenly encounter them during your travel and is shown in the pop-up window.. you can choose to travel to the mountain and continue your adventure there (if you are a dwarf its a bit easy I guess), or you can travel by the path, etc.. it is not a hi-tech game like warcraft or diablo, but looks similar to diablo..

Sorry for the long post.. hopefully one of you can help me find the game..
Oh I forgot to mention, once you encounter a creature, then it is turn based.. you get three turns, then the creature gets three turns, etc.. if you encounter multiple creatures, then each of the creature gets three turns..

Gemma Clarke

New member
Sep 11, 2017
Hello everyone i am wondering if anyone has heard of a old pc game where you had to build a faster go kart then the enemy who i think was meant to be a mad scientist or a doctor but he had these monkeys or robots try and stop you from building a faster go kart, you had to go around the building through doors to collect parts of a go kart and when you got the stuff and made your go kart it takes you to the race course, and you would see who wins or loses, you could use bananas to throw at the monkeys or robots, i think it might of been like a platform game but not to sure, so if anyone knows what i am talking about please please help me find it and i can help me find a way to play it once again, thank you


New member
Sep 15, 2017
xana1234 said:
New here, I've been trying to find the name of an old game I played when I was a kid. Im positive it was for sega, but could of been for SNES. Only vague details I remember is that it was sorta like zelda in the way of attacking monsters and moving around on maps. But you had this animal or sprite that followed you where you drew different powers from. Anyone remember such a game? Thanks!!!
Beyond Oasis?


New member
Sep 15, 2017
Gemma Clarke said:
Hello everyone i am wondering if anyone has heard of a old pc game where you had to build a faster go kart then the enemy who i think was meant to be a mad scientist or a doctor but he had these monkeys or robots try and stop you from building a faster go kart, you had to go around the building through doors to collect parts of a go kart and when you got the stuff and made your go kart it takes you to the race course, and you would see who wins or loses, you could use bananas to throw at the monkeys or robots, i think it might of been like a platform game but not to sure, so if anyone knows what i am talking about please please help me find it and i can help me find a way to play it once again, thank you
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts?

Gemma Clarke

New member
Sep 11, 2017
flamming_python said:
Gemma Clarke said:
Hello everyone i am wondering if anyone has heard of a old pc game where you had to build a faster go kart then the enemy who i think was meant to be a mad scientist or a doctor but he had these monkeys or robots try and stop you from building a faster go kart, you had to go around the building through doors to collect parts of a go kart and when you got the stuff and made your go kart it takes you to the race course, and you would see who wins or loses, you could use bananas to throw at the monkeys or robots, i think it might of been like a platform game but not to sure, so if anyone knows what i am talking about please please help me find it and i can help me find a way to play it once again, thank you
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts?
it isn't that game thank you though for trying.


New member
Sep 15, 2017
Im trying to find an old PS1 game. I have very few memories of it, but ill try to explain it. I believe it was in a medieval time, as I think there were castles and such. I believe it was a RPG. I think I can remember the cover of it, I think there was a guy on the front holding a sword. I know that doesn't rule much out.
I'm pretty sure one weapon you could have was some type of slingshot. I remember the game being hard, but I was super young when I played it so that may be the reason.
I have looked before, and none of the popular RPGs of the PS1 seem to match it

*Edit: I remember looking down on the character, from high up. It wasn't first person. I remember the slingshot did like 0 damage also. I remember hitting a big monster with it, maybe a dragon.

Kirin Sim

New member
Feb 2, 2014
Need help on this.
Couldn't find the tag in google or anywhere else and its been hunting my mind.

PC online game
Genre of the game: Magic, Top-down shooter, fantasy, anime, and probably more.
Status: discontinue.
Estimate year (when played): around year 2005

This game is a top-down anime/fantasy style shooter game, a character that I still remember is a fire witch (red wizard hat and shirt riding a "broom?"). Player are able to choose/select card (forgot whats the purpose) and able to shoot magic (ball) to enemy, also can dash and create ball shield to protect player. Map is not that big as it is just like a arena where multiple online player battle out in it.

Not sure if it's just PvP or there's PvE.

Thats all i can remember. T_T


New member
Sep 15, 2017
Hello if you could help me with this that would be great.
I dont know if this game was ps1 or nintendo (i have a feeling its PS1)
In this game you play as a small guy(with a small bowler/derby hat) and you have a friend a taller fat guy (with yellow t-shirt)
I remember when starting a new game you start in the kitchen (making a cake?) then the fat guy sits on a toy train that goes around and you have to catch it
Later some evil cats jump out of a blimp and the fut guy founds this little cute (evil) cat and doesnt believes the small guy that its evil.Then theres this cat which throws bombs at you and you have to defeat it by hitting back the bombs(with a tennis racket?)
Thats all the story i remember :S
I still remember that you can punch the fat guys stomach he gets angry and he grabs you and crumples you into a ball and throws you,and you can give him apples then he puts on a college hat, and you can play hide and seek with him.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Gemma Clarke said:
Hello everyone i am wondering if anyone has heard of a old pc game where you had to build a faster go kart then the enemy who i think was meant to be a mad scientist or a doctor but he had these monkeys or robots try and stop you from building a faster go kart, you had to go around the building through doors to collect parts of a go kart and when you got the stuff and made your go kart it takes you to the race course, and you would see who wins or loses, you could use bananas to throw at the monkeys or robots, i think it might of been like a platform game but not to sure, so if anyone knows what i am talking about please please help me find it and i can help me find a way to play it once again, thank you
That's probably Super Solvers: Gizmos & Gadgets!

Brian So

New member
Jun 3, 2017
Never knew about this thread. So cool!
This may not get an answer, but I'm looking for a multiplayer phone game from when phones were still black and white.
It used mobile data (and could rack up MASSIVE charges).
It was a sort of rock-paper-scissors type game where you climbed up a leaderboard with Hackers, Brutes, and some other type of unit. As you "defeated" enemies you could get their monsters and you would rank up. Each type was weak to something else, but there was an option to burn up a monster entirely and get a level bonus against something. If no one knows what it is, I won't be surprised, but I really would like to know the name of the game.