Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

PL Ouellet

New member
Nov 17, 2017
When I was young, I was playing a Point and click games. I was too young and too bad to go far in the game. so I don't remember much. But I remember a tavern, having to go get a fish to give the cook or a dog to be able to go further. I looked at old Monkey island screenshot but it doesnt ring a bell. Does anyone know what i'm talking about?


New member
Nov 17, 2017
Masters of Orion AWESOME Game, you can attack and control new planets and built ships to colonize and explore new planets, you can even upgrade until you get the Death Star class


New member
Nov 17, 2017
saladin417 said:
ok so here goes i made an account just to find this game , ill try to discribe as best i can, the game was from the 90's and i played it on a copy CD my friends dad got from hongkong, the game was in english, you had to build a base and research to upgrade, i remember researching hydroponics, there was a large research tec tree, the main map layout was kind of like risk to attack another city/planet you had to fill your pods with your men and attack, i think you had a choice of what alian races you could be, in your base you would build defence towers ect. if i remember anything else that might help ill let you know. its was a great game and very addective.

Masters of Orion AWESOME Game, you can attack and control new planets and built ships to colonize and explore new planets, you can even upgrade until you get the Death Star class


New member
Nov 17, 2017
Hi guys, I'm looking for a game that I used to play maybe around 2006-2009 in Windows XP. It's kinda like Age of Empires, I remember that your builders, when working on a building, would just wait until the resource needed was brought to them and if it took too long they would die of hunger (if you didn't have a tavern, otherwise they would just go there and eat), you would see them turn into a skeleton and then they would vanish. I also think that the world is dark when you start the game and you have to explore it. If I remember correctly in the game cover you had a knight riding a horse, he is in the back/center of the cover and he is looking at some kind of marketplace I think, you could also see some peasants there.


New member
Nov 10, 2017
EthanWinters2148 said:
also there is one more game im looking . it's a pc game . it has red sega logo in beginning . first person . character moves by himself and you just aim and shoot . it has 3 chapters . one is in road . other in ship and third is in a train i guess . im really looking for it . can anyone help me with it ?
anyone please ?


New member
Nov 17, 2017
Sorry, I'm new, how do I make a post. I have been looking for a game for the last 2 hours now and I can't find it. I used to play it around 10 years go..

PL Ouellet

New member
Nov 17, 2017
PL Ouellet said:
When I was young, I was playing a Point and click games. I was too young and too bad to go far in the game. so I don't remember much. But I remember a tavern, having to go get a fish to give the cook or a dog to be able to go further. I looked at old Monkey island screenshot but it doesnt ring a bell. Does anyone know what i'm talking about?


New member
Nov 17, 2017
Literally just joined to see if anyone could help me out. I'd appreciate it so much if any of you has any idea what any of these three are (All PC):

1-It was an isometric 2.5d shooter, I don't remember much about it except that it came out early 2000s or late 90s. It was kind of dark and bloody and I remember it having zombie/demon like enemies. I could be wrong about that last part. I think there were different characters you could play as. (That could be wrong too.) And I think characters had modern weapons. It isn't postal or any of the alien-zombie shooters.

2-It was like an action-platformer game with a female protagonist. It was sci-fi I think, and it was an early 2000s game. I remember the main character was kinda sexualized, as in she had almost naked outfits and torn clothing when hurt and so on. I know it isn't metroid or any tomb raider games.

3-It was a game kinda like GTA with cars and a big city. The game had 2 main characters, one was a cop and other was a terrorist of some sort. They were both female. They both had their own special vehicle thing. They each had a story mode campaign.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
EthanWinters2148 said:
EthanWinters2148 said:
also there is one more game im looking . it's a pc game . it has red sega logo in beginning . first person . character moves by himself and you just aim and shoot . it has 3 chapters . one is in road . other in ship and third is in a train i guess . im really looking for it . can anyone help me with it ?
anyone please ?
That is probably Virtua Cop 2.


New member
Nov 18, 2017
There was a game I played when I was about 5 and I cannot find the game as I only remember vague things. But what I do remember is that you were able to select a character to play and fight monsters with the chosen character. There was a girl from a tribe I believe, and if you left home you would soon encounter some bird-like monsters, like hawks. Before they killed you, a man would jump in, save you, and take you to where he lived which I vaguely remember having something to do with crystals. Another character was a boy, a prince maybe, and he would have two guards with him. The guards wore purple I think and their hats/helmets were long, covered their faces, and had tassels at the top if i remember correctly. Eventually you would enter a cave, where you would fight monsters until you reach the boss, who was a woman I think. Another character I barely remember was a girl (?) in green (?) clothing and you would navigate a forest kind of area, fighting off insect monsters. The last character I remember was a girl who was really buff I believe (unless it was just her clothing) and the place she was in had snow. This was on the ps1 or ps2 and the game was more 3d.
If you know the game, please let me know! Thank you!


New member
Nov 10, 2017
RelativityMan said:
EthanWinters2148 said:
EthanWinters2148 said:
also there is one more game im looking . it's a pc game . it has red sega logo in beginning . first person . character moves by himself and you just aim and shoot . it has 3 chapters . one is in road . other in ship and third is in a train i guess . im really looking for it . can anyone help me with it ?
anyone please ?
That is probably Virtua Cop 2.
yes yes that's exactly the game . thank you so much friend <3


New member
Nov 17, 2017
OKAY. I've been looking for this game for maybe like 4 years and I can't seem to find it. It had this cute little guy who almost looked like Gumby but I don't think he had legs. He is was a very cartoony point and click game roughly in the early 2000's on PC. He was in a haunted house and you had to find items I guess. I played this when I was maybe 4 or 5 and I'm 18 now if that helps. Only part I remember was the kitchen were there was a set of stairs on the right, a sink in the back, and I think like a vent that transported him to different parts of the house on the right of the stairs. It wasn?t scary and it looked more kiddy with no blood really but it may of had a good little kid scare here and there though. Pleaseeeee help me find this. I always think I get close to finding it and then it's not the right game..


New member
Nov 18, 2017
Hi, I search a old rts game. Similar game than Age of empires game.
There was 2 clan type,
1. clan type: there was a green dragon and you can upgrade this unit to red dragon, These dragons can not fly. (red dragon can attack air units)
2. clan type: there was a phoenix, can fly.

There was golem (but i dont remember which in clan) It can throw. (range unit)

And there was swords, stick, riding units.
And you can use magic(e.g virus)


New member
Feb 24, 2017
Goro said:
Mikuko said:
Goro said:
Mikuko said:
OK so I played this game alot as a kid and I've been looking for it all over the internet for the past few years with no success, but maybe I'll get lucky here :D
Sadly, I don't remember much. I'm pretty sure it was a PC horror game, a third person shooter with a male protagonist and the enemies were vampires or demons or zombies (or maybe even humans), I'm not sure about this, I just know they were human-sized and the player killed them with a gun. The thing I remember the most was a cutscene at the beginning of the game, which was in a church and I think it was a wedding (not sure, might have been something else) with the protagonist in it. It was in 3D and the graphics weren't bad, so I don't think it was made before 2000, but it definitely wasn't after 2010, so somewhere inbetween that. Also if I remember correctly, most of the game happened somewhere underground or in a building, I remember going through halls and doors and rarely outside. Also the loading screen was some kind of a huge mutated monster with tentacles or something, I think.. I remember nothing about the plot, since I'm not a native english speaker and the game was fully in english which I didn't understand back then.

If someone knows, please let me know, I'm dying to find it :<
I guess its ShadowMan
Nope, I think the graphics were a bit better.

May be its Call of Cthulhu. Bcos the huge mutated tentacles monster is the main boss of the game.
Looks similar, but it's not it. The game I'm looking for was thirdperson and it had a cutscene in a church (this is important). I'm seriously losing hope of finding it :D


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
SandpaperSmooth said:
Literally just joined to see if anyone could help me out. I'd appreciate it so much if any of you has any idea what any of these three are (All PC):

1-It was an isometric 2.5d shooter, I don't remember much about it except that it came out early 2000s or late 90s. It was kind of dark and bloody and I remember it having zombie/demon like enemies. I could be wrong about that last part. I think there were different characters you could play as. (That could be wrong too.) And I think characters had modern weapons. It isn't postal or any of the alien-zombie shooters.

2-It was like an action-platformer game with a female protagonist. It was sci-fi I think, and it was an early 2000s game. I remember the main character was kinda sexualized, as in she had almost naked outfits and torn clothing when hurt and so on. I know it isn't metroid or any tomb raider games.

3-It was a game kinda like GTA with cars and a big city. The game had 2 main characters, one was a cop and other was a terrorist of some sort. They were both female. They both had their own special vehicle thing. They each had a story mode campaign.
ad 2) This is "Heavy Metal: FAKK?" (2000). Yeah, Julie pretty much was the only good looking character, but apart from that it's a really fun game, actually on my HDD atm. But, man, it must have got harder over time, haha.


New member
Nov 18, 2017
So i have this one game that i use to play on my old mans pc and 1) it had these yellow guys who tryed to get on this wierd square platforms to compilte level and the enemys were wierd jumping suicide bomber ball and like bulldozer who tryed to kill them and those yellow guys could build stuff but it would cost their lifes ^.^ and they could pick flowers i think and drive red car if i can remember right. 2) the there was this game what was like age of empires with ages and stuff but you could advance from stone age to nano age i think and it had this troop zeus 1 and 2 i think ;__; sorry about my bad english and that i dont have much information


New member
Nov 18, 2017
When I was a kid, I used to play a mech based game( not sure ps1 or ps2), the mech is kind of similar to xenogear or gundam kind of design, and I remember the final boss which is a white mech and he had a skill that cause big slash, and the fight occur at the space. The other thing I remember about the fame was one of the battle occur at some rocky place where u get a new character (the play style similar to Super Robot Wars) and when the new character enter battle scene, his green mech(I think) bend down a little and stabilise his mech leg by widen it, then it shoot a big long laser power, that?s all I remember, hope u guys could help me up with some suggestion. Thank you and much appreciate for any suggestion and forgive me for my poor English level


New member
Nov 18, 2017
There's this game where a pac-man like character had to eat all the pink-coloured spheres in order to complete the level. It was a platformer puzzle game, not a typical pacman one. It could move in 2d and jump around. If you completed it at the right spot, the character would fall on a red cross, meaning extra score or something. There were tnts, round bubbles, squared bubbles, elevators . I can't find it ANYWHERE :( i believe it could be called "mr" something, but googling key words didn't lead to any success! Please help :)


New member
Nov 18, 2017
1st game :

-Browser game
-(Blocks) puzzle
-Black background, maybe space
-One of the first levels was like a weighing scale, with blocks falling

-In the other levels, you controlled a reddish/pink cube with which you pushed other blocks, i don't remember what for
-Came out before (including) 2002

2nd game :

-Pacman (lol)
-with every level, the map and the "fruit" changed
-besides the usual fruits (cherry, strawberry, orange...), there also was burger, chips and coke
-higher levels had teleporters
-Came out before 2004

I've been looking for these games for ages, so I hope someone can help me here.