Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
Raharox said:
Jmarbun said:
Hi all

I've been very tired searching an old PC game. Please help me to look for it.
Game itself circa 1986 - 1993 if not mistaken.

1. 2D
2. Side scroller
3. Dungeon
4. Single character RPG
5. Using magic like Fira and Firaga
6. Shop feature and money using Gil currency
7. I think the character using like viking's helmet and beard
8. Have map feature too if not mistaken

That's all I can remember. Sorry for poor memory.
Gil currency, fira and firaga named magic skill, i think maybe it's one of final fantasy series?
Can't be - spells weren't named using the -ra and -ga tiers of names till the later FF games (I think that started with FFVIII), and there was never a sidescrolling FF on PC, as far as I'm aware.

Try looking through these: http://www.mobygames.com/browse/games/windows/role-playing-rpg/side-view/


New member
Nov 28, 2017
I'm trying to remember the name of a fantasy RPG that I played on school computers back in the 90s. From what I can vaguely recall, the game followed typical conventions of D&D/Might & Magic-style RPGs with five- or six-member parties, roll-able stats, and character classes. I'm fairly certain that the game used a first-person viewpoint much like in M&M. Two things seem to stand out in my mind:

-When you had chosen each party member's action for a particular combat round, the results of all the actions would scroll across the screen in a list format. For example:

"Character A jumps into the shadows... but is discovered." (This language stands out to me because I would always direct my thief to jump into the shadows, since I had no clue what to do with a thief back then.)

"Character B attacks and does X points of damage."


-The game did not use avatars in the typical sense, but each character would be assigned default portraits based upon their classes that were viewable only in particular screens. For example, every female warrior was assigned a Xena-looking portrait with dark hair and black leathery armor, and every female spellcaster was assigned a mage-like portrait with long gray hair.

Sorry that I don't have more detailed information to give, but any suggestions would be appreciated.


New member
Nov 28, 2017
At least 10 years old game, since I played it that time ago.
It was a game hosted by a Television channel in my country. You call the television, pay an amount of money and play the game via numbers on your phone device, while is being displayed on the Television channel.
Blue cat- Detective, who has to save a female cat who is taken hostage, and has to go through obstacles. There are different levels. I remember one of the levels is water skiing and the other is dodging barrels. Nothing special, Left and right, up and down controls. The graphics were spectacular and I'm talking Today's Android Talking TomCat Graphics of the Blue cat if not better graphics than that.


New member
Nov 28, 2017
I am looking for a RPG game that should have come out around 2000 for PC but Im not sure. You start in a village that has a few shops that You can buy stuff in. You can be both Male or Female and take off IF not all then almost all your clothes. I think it was first or Third person perspective when You played. As far as I can remember You where alone and had No party members, but i didnt get very far into the game.

As far as I can remember there is two exits from the village. One leads to a graveyard where You fight skeletons and the other exit to a Forest where there where some kind of kentaur or something like that and some human hunters that You would fight.

I did not get any further in this game but I would want to find it again. Any help is much appreciated.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
B046BNC said:
Help! I?m thinking of an old PC game (had to have been between 2000-2006 but could be earlier) that was either click-and-point or narrative style game. It had multiple discs and each disc was a different color. One was red, one was green, yellow, blue etc. and would have to be changed out depending on which area/land you visited. The view was first person.

To my knowledge, there was no violence in the game it was strictly dialogue and puzzle. The map was very large and the scenery was very rich. One of the few characters I remember was a native woman with no top but her hair covered her body down to her waist.

Thanks in advance!
I've only played a demo, but could it have been The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time? There are some pictures of the various disks here, along with the box arts from each region the game was released.


New member
Nov 28, 2017
There was a game from when I was a kid, around late 90's early 2000's for the PC I remember my mother playing. The guy was a detective I think, and while he was away someone planted a bomb in his house. I thought originally the bomb was planted in his dog but I'd probably find that in my searches. I know the dog dies & I was very upset as a kid & that's why it stuck with me.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Amarathinee said:
There was a game from when I was a kid, around late 90's early 2000's for the PC I remember my mother playing. The guy was a detective I think, and while he was away someone planted a bomb in his house. I thought originally the bomb was planted in his dog but I'd probably find that in my searches. I know the dog dies & I was very upset as a kid & that's why it stuck with me.
Are you certain it was on PC? The only game I'm reminded of by your memory fragments would be Snatcher:
<spoiler=Snatcher console cover>https://i.imgur.com/OBn0ZnU.jpg

It has a detective, a dead (robot) dog and a bomb... don't remember where that one was planted, though.


New member
Nov 27, 2017
KaiYLowell said:
Raharox said:
Jmarbun said:
Hi all

I've been very tired searching an old PC game. Please help me to look for it.
Game itself circa 1986 - 1993 if not mistaken.

1. 2D
2. Side scroller
3. Dungeon
4. Single character RPG
5. Using magic like Fira and Firaga
6. Shop feature and money using Gil currency
7. I think the character using like viking's helmet and beard
8. Have map feature too if not mistaken

That's all I can remember. Sorry for poor memory.
Gil currency, fira and firaga named magic skill, i think maybe it's one of final fantasy series?
Can't be - spells weren't named using the -ra and -ga tiers of names till the later FF games (I think that started with FFVIII), and there was never a sidescrolling FF on PC, as far as I'm aware.

Try looking through these: http://www.mobygames.com/browse/games/windows/role-playing-rpg/side-view/
Thanks man..
It was called Zeliard..under DOS circa 1990.


New member
Nov 27, 2017
RelativityMan said:
B046BNC said:
Help! I?m thinking of an old PC game (had to have been between 2000-2006 but could be earlier) that was either click-and-point or narrative style game. It had multiple discs and each disc was a different color. One was red, one was green, yellow, blue etc. and would have to be changed out depending on which area/land you visited. The view was first person.

To my knowledge, there was no violence in the game it was strictly dialogue and puzzle. The map was very large and the scenery was very rich. One of the few characters I remember was a native woman with no top but her hair covered her body down to her waist.

Thanks in advance!
I've only played a demo, but could it have been The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time? There are some pictures of the various disks here, along with the box arts from each region the game was released.
Hmmm I don?t believe that?s it. I remember it being a shorter title. Thank you though - I need all the help I can get!


New member
Nov 28, 2017
Help I can't remember this game the main protagonist is a male has a red bandana on his forehead wears a medium black leather jacket black jeans he can shoot purple energy out of his hands. on this one part you face a giant crab when you kill it thousands of smaller crabs come out of the dead body to kill you if you hold down the attack button long enough a energy construct behind you attacks the enemy


New member
Feb 28, 2016
Jmarbun said:
KaiYLowell said:
Raharox said:
Jmarbun said:
Hi all

I've been very tired searching an old PC game. Please help me to look for it.
Game itself circa 1986 - 1993 if not mistaken.

1. 2D
2. Side scroller
3. Dungeon
4. Single character RPG
5. Using magic like Fira and Firaga
6. Shop feature and money using Gil currency
7. I think the character using like viking's helmet and beard
8. Have map feature too if not mistaken

That's all I can remember. Sorry for poor memory.
Gil currency, fira and firaga named magic skill, i think maybe it's one of final fantasy series?
Can't be - spells weren't named using the -ra and -ga tiers of names till the later FF games (I think that started with FFVIII), and there was never a sidescrolling FF on PC, as far as I'm aware.

Try looking through these: http://www.mobygames.com/browse/games/windows/role-playing-rpg/side-view/
Thanks man..
It was called Zeliard..under DOS circa 1990.
No prob mate, glad ya found it!


New member
Mar 1, 2017
Amarathinee said:
There was a game from when I was a kid, around late 90's early 2000's for the PC I remember my mother playing. The guy was a detective I think, and while he was away someone planted a bomb in his house. I thought originally the bomb was planted in his dog but I'd probably find that in my searches. I know the dog dies & I was very upset as a kid & that's why it stuck with me.
The 1997 Blade Runner PC game fits the bill, there is a branching path where the dog is either shot or runs away and eventually used as bait for a bomb later. http://bladerunner.wikia.com/wiki/Maggie

Dillon Santee

New member
Oct 24, 2017
shadowbobber said:
Dillon Santee said:
Alright, I got something, two in fact. I doubt I would ever get an answer but goSH I really want to play these again

1. Okay, so there is this one game that's been on my mind for way too long but I cannot find out what the name is called. You first start out with a seed and you can get a robin to eat it or put it into a pot and either make a rose or a venus fly trap, you can feed a fly to the fly trap. I cannot remember all of it but there are options and it was so addicting and weird and fun. There is an eggplant there and the robin and make a tiny egg or a big egg, the big egg can create a baby bird which has angel things around it and you can kill it. The eggplant is supposedly a devil. I probably sound insane but I need to know the name of that game!

2. okay well the second one I'm tryna figure out, you play as like a green dragon or dragonfly and all you do is fly around, defeating monsters, like one looks like a crustacean worm that's in the ocean and another is in the desert that's like a spider worm. The first monster is that you go through ruins and have to defeat a bigger version of yourself and you can shoot fire.

I would love to play these again.
What system are they on?

They are on a PC


New member
Nov 29, 2017
Hello everyone i really need help on these ones,i tried to remember and look for these games really hard but the amount of details in some of these are really poor and i can't even think of a way to actually search for them.
The first one i remember a lot of details but i can't come up with a name:
-It was RTS
-It had different factions campaign,some of these were like scorpio things,another race was humans and another with mechs and blue soldiers
-A faction had these double barrel red-ish tanks that shot really fast

Second one is harder, the only thing i remember is that you had your flying ''rock'' probably a city, i'm not sure, and you had to shoot with cannons and other weapons the other flying cities and at some point there was a huge one i never managed to beat.

Third one i remember only the intro because i couldn't manage to progress in the game;
You were this martian alien thing with the spaceship and in the intro this alien starts to play like...space invaders i think and he plays so hard that he crashes on a planet,and then you gotta repair your ship.

Fourth one is really troublesome:
-You had a 4 wheels vehicle,maybe a tank i'm not sure.
-I remember a part where there was this ''toxic'' looking planet and you had to defend a nuclear station or something like that
-It was in 3rd person view
-I think you could do really weird jumps
-There were a lot of weird looking aliens and enemy units
-It was definetly sci-fi
That's all i remember about this one

Fifth one...i have no idea all i remember is
-it was a car game like racing i think
-i had a somewhat weird looking black and blue car
-there was a face cam like carmageddon with opponents being rude when you hit them
-there was a black haired girl (sorta realistic looking in that face cam)

If you know any of these please let me know,i kind of gave up but my curiosity to try them now is still bothering me.
I believe all of these were PC games or maybe Amiga but i'm confident that these are pc games,and also really old ones.

1st one found! Dominion:storm over gift 3
2nd one found! Stratosphere:Conquest of the skies
3rd one ???
4th one ???
5th one found! Twisted Metal


New member
Nov 28, 2017
Ok, I made an account on this website JUST to post on this forum. There is a game I vaguely remember from childhood that I cannot for the life of me recall the name of. I can't remember much, so bear with me:
It's a computer game. Educational. For kids. Made either in the late 1990s or early 2000s. I remember the graphics being pretty good, cartoony, but better than most 1990s games, so I'm sort of banking on the 2000s, but I'm honestly not sure. As I said, it's educational, but literally all I remember about the game is that you can read fairytales; I specifically remember Billy Goats Gruff. However, that wasn't the main thing you can do in the game, rather that was like a side thing. I don't really remember any of the other activities. I do think there was a rabbit involved, but I don't think it was Reader Rabbit.
Other details: LOTS of purple. The game takes place at this building, I originally thought hotel but that doesn't make sense. It may be in outer space, or just some alien world, but anyway it's this building that you click on and play games. I honestly don't remember the characters but there may be a villain you defeat - can't guarantee that though.
The graphics were also different? The first thing that comes to mind to describe them is Cyberchase, the tv show. It definitely wasn't a Cyberchase game but the graphics were kind of similar, just non traditional for a kid's game.
It may be super obscure - I tried Reading Blaster games and Reader Rabbit games but I don't think it's any of them. Definitely in the same vein, though.
If anyone can remember this game (I know I haven't provided much but it's all I can remember at the moment), please let me know!!!


New member
Nov 29, 2017
I've got a game i need a name for, i can't remember how long ago i played it but its a stick figure shooting game from a top down view, it was online multiplayer and had classes like tf2, medic, heavy, stuff like that, i loved to play that game so much for the life of me can't remember what it was called, help!


New member
Oct 24, 2017
fluffyk1773n said:
This has been driving me crazy for months, so much so that I made this account purely to comment on this thread.

So, I remember playing this game on a nontraditional system, which was basically a portable DVD player with two wired controllers you could plug into it and a disc that contained the game I'm looking for. On this disc I remember there being Donkey Kong Jr., a Mario knock off with a red dragon/dinosaur instead of Bowser, and possibly a game involving Mickey Mouse (I was around 5-7 at this time and I'm 20 now so please excuse my blurry/inaccurate memory).

Anyways, the actual game was a very basic 8-bit platformer. It was not a side-scroller as you had to keep jumping up on platforms to get away from what I believe was a flood of some sorts. It had a sort of outdoor-castle texture vibe to it, and I remember it being consistent of the colors pink, green and blue. There may have been enemies of some sort like snakes or lizards and bugs, but again, I was very young when I played this. I also wasn't the best at video games due to my undeveloped motor skills so I'm probably only describing the first part of the game.

Please help, I feel like this was a very important piece of my childhood I'm eager to regain.

I believe the game must be Islander. Becos you mentioned a "Mario knock off", I can only remember of that one game. The guy wears a cap and has a funny running to him and uses a skateboard for powerup. Wierd game though...
Sep 24, 2016
Jacob Isiah Rodriguez said:
Okay, having trouble trying to find this game. So heres some bullet points at the top of my head.

- PC Game Circa 90's to 00's
- Detectiveish mystery type game
- Top Down Perspective
- Main gameplay location is in a Mansion during a 'Party'
- You can walk outside and through the mansion
- I believe you are trying to find out who died (Can't fully remember plot)
- Same concept of the "Escape" type games, where it's point and click on items, combine items, use items, and i believe there is an item menu on the bottom of the screen
- You would have to 'talk' with guests to get clues or tips or useless info.
- Main character is White Male (I say this so you can rule out Nancy Drew? lmao and because it might help in narrowing thoughts)
- When you go in a particular room, there are several spaces where there is like acid or something that hurts the main character if you step on it
- (bit of a reach, so don't be held on this) i have a feeling the game started with the letter C or contained Case in it.
- It was included on a double (maybe Triple) disc PC Game Volume. (If you can find this out too, that would be an ultimate bonus, it included a derby game and racing games and other stuff from 90's - 00's)

If i remember anything else, ill add. Thanks.
Coming back to this site, hopefully I can get answers lol

The graphics and view resemble that of RimWorld but with actual humans and mystery.

- I recall a gardener you would speak to, to gain more information about the house, party members etc.
- Not at all a Fantasy type game with monsters ghosts gnomes etc.. just humans good/bad
- I do not know for an absolute fact, that there was shooting. My memory does not include shooting people or what-not.

This is killing me!! HELP!!! lol took me long enough to find Amerzone, and I am glad i got that back in my life.


New member
Nov 29, 2017
So this game I played back around about 25 years ago on the sega genesis as that is what we had back then. You controlled a character from a top down rather than an over your shoulder perspective but whenever you ran into an enemy you would zoom in and go fight whatever enemy you ran into. By zoom in I mean the battle would turn into some sort of side scrolling fight.

I only remember this one guy wielding a big axe that would swing an axe vertically up and down and the only way past him was to roll under him and to swing a sword at his back or stab him. I really cant remember anything else but I've been searching on and off now for about 2-3 years with no success.

Any help would be appreciated. Also when playing the game outside of the fighting parts, it reminds for some odd reason of marble madness in how it looks (I think anyway- it?s been so long/ I did find the other old game I was looking for I played once called General chaos which was pretty sweet.)

Also I want to thank whoever started up this thread as its a great idea for finding old sweet games one has forgotten about. Also it looks like crusader of centi but it?s not. It?s similar to shining force 2 as the grids and the health bar looks familiar but the fighting is not turn based.
Nov 29, 2017
Hi, help me please find this game. Iam desperate becouse i cant find it. For motivation i will give 5usd to the one who will know the game or who will google it :)

Its very old game, very simple. Probably made with very low budget. You have square small map with water at the start. Every turn you have to build some hill, hole or add water. It comes random and you have to build it somewhere or put water somewhere every turn. Goal is to keep water on map as long as possible. Game ends when water go over your hills and spill out from map. All the map comes wet and you lost. Please anybody knows the game? :) Thank you for help and have a nice day