Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Dec 24, 2017
I have two games I remember playing back in what my school called Gifted, which was a class for kids who were of above average intelligence.

1.) First was a memory game set in a medieval setting. Based on the difficulty, you had to remember a number of objects and their color to do... something. I can't remember what the goal was.
2.) Second was a survival-like game, I think. You had to travel around an island to collect bits to build a house so you could survive a storm. The game was on a timer and you had to travel in what I remember being a hard to control vehicle that traveled on a path system. If you didn't finish your house in time, the storm hit and it blew away.

Both the games I recall being on those old 5 1/4 inch floppies and were very Atari 2600-looking but playing on a computer.


New member
Dec 24, 2017
I remember playing this at the library, there was a criminal that escaped and you had to chase him through different puzzles either in "uptown" or "downtown" there was combat where you clicked on little icons and the only one i remember is a garbage can lid. I think the protagonist also maybe had a robot buddy?


New member
Dec 25, 2017
I remember playing a game where you can play co op with someone and the game is about where you're in an arena where you have to fight your friend and you are a skeleton and the place is kinda like seven levels of hell. i think the name started with ruin or something.(sorry for the bad description)


New member
Sep 7, 2008
I'm trying to find the name of a Poker game - this was Win95/98, possibly Win3.1 era.

It was a standard top down view of a green table but everyone's chips were stored on the left edge of the screen in the standard "grooves" you see on tables. Each player had a set of 4 grooves or so to hold each denomination of chips. I think you could play with a max of 8 players, so if only 4 played then only 4 sets of grooves were filled with chips. This whole arrangement is different than modern poker games where people are represented by avatars sitting around a table. Here everyone was just had their chips on the left edge.

The top of the screen had some information on it, can't remember what, some numbers?

The game played audio for each action you selected, such as call, fold, etc. Whenever chips were being moved around it also played a pretty loud "chip shuffling sound" If a player with lots of chips went all in and lost then it would take a long time for his chips to get shuffled down to the other player.

You could play various poker games, such as Texas Hold'em or 5 card stud. You could also edit rules to create custom games, like making cards wild and other things.


New member
Dec 25, 2017
the game I am looking for is a 2d game you play as a boy wears white greek clothes like this
and at the start you shoot rocks at the enemies using a slingshot and you can find other weapons like eggs minigun or you shoot bowling balls
the camera is on top of you
i played it on pc maybe 15 years ago


New member
Dec 25, 2017
I'm looking for 2 games that were made I think in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
In the first one you play as a skinny blond ninja and you collect some gems( green and red) and it is a 2D game.
In the second one you play with a bouncing yellow ball tha changes it's color in some places in the game.

I only played the demos of both in 2002/2003


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Troy M Swett said:
Hey everyone, I hope someone can help me. I have looked and looked but no luck so far. the game is like Myst but it starts off with going into house at night looking for someone then you make your way to the basement with a lot of crazy looking stuff. then lighting or some power outage happens and you teleport to another world to what looks like a beach you look around and see a crow like man. that is all I can remember its an old game from the 1990's please help.
Maybe Lighthouse: The Dark Being [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrmNgq9EUtY]?

Julian Fong

New member
Dec 25, 2017
I'm looking an old point and click game in the late 90s, where you play as a ghost/spirit child (if i'm not mistaken) to collect star to save your friend from an evil clown which is in a castle. You have collect star by finishing other people's favor in order to advance the game. I remember when u fight the clown, you have to throw star at him (there is also a level when u ride a cart and throw star at him.


New member
Dec 25, 2017
please help me i have been looking for an old pc game, around 2000 - 2007 , it was a very similiar game to devil may cry. the character was a lot like the character on devil may cry as well. It was a hack and slash kind of game too. also a 3d , 3rd person game.
at the beginning there was like a white ( or lite-blue) dragon who (i think) wast defeated and (i think ) became a statue .
the objetive of the game wast to collect some sort of dragon parts (or something related to dragons ) that i think ultimately would result in reviving the dragon from the beginning . the enemies were like monsters . some levels you were in mountains, other in old cities. In some levels there where some kind of puzzles that you had to solve in order to continue . I dont remember the character having any other weapon besides his sword, (i dont think it casted spells , but maybe he did).
I also remeber that there where like 7,8, or 9 of those pieces that you had to find, and one was impossible to find.
thats all i remember. please help me i have been looking for this game for like a week now.


New member
Dec 25, 2017
please help me i have been looking for an old pc game, around 2000 - 2007 , it was a very similiar game to devil may cry. the character was a lot like the character on devil may cry as well. It was a hack and slash kind of game too. also a 3d , 3rd person game.
at the beginning there was like a white ( or lite-blue) dragon who (i think) wast defeated and (i think ) became a statue .
the objetive of the game wast to collect some sort of dragon parts (or something related to dragons ) that i think ultimately would result in reviving the dragon from the beginning . the enemies were like monsters . some levels you were in mountains, other in old cities. In some levels there where some kind of puzzles that you had to solve in order to continue . I dont remember the character having any other weapon besides his sword, (i dont think it casted spells , but maybe he did).
I also remeber that there where like 7,8, or 9 of those pieces that you had to find, and one was impossible to find.
thats all i remember. please help me i have been looking for this game for like a week now.


New member
Dec 25, 2017
Hi all guys, someone please help me finding an old Ps2 (i think) game. I can remember only a few things: the game is based on courses to complete with different characters running inside spheres (i stop you right away, it's not Super Monkey Ball). If I remember correctly on the cover of the game there is a magician with a crystal ball. I know it's hard to help, but if you can i'll apreciate it. Thank you all.


New member
Dec 25, 2017
Hi guys, I'm looking for a ps2 game where you're an alien on a planet and take other aliens powers by absorbing them or something. I can't quite remember but I've been looking for it forever, thanks!


New member
Oct 15, 2017
kris556 said:
Hey guys, I have a weird few games to find out.

All of them were confirmed to be ORIGINAL XBOX games (maybe 360 or Playstation as well)
One was a teenage mutant ninja turtles game. I remember you could play as casey, the turtles, splinter(?) and maybe shredder? You fought these tiny robot dog/dino thingies. When you played as michaelangelo you could do a move where he would jump and kick saying "Eat feet!" over and over again. Please help!

The second game was about a guy who like, walked about a mansion and you fought monsters. It was animated, and the end boss was like, the baron himself. You would fight skeletons and imps and even a medusa I think. You sometimes even had weapons. It ISN'T Haunted Mansion though.

The last one is a PC game where you play as a girl who I think passed out on a boy's farm. He tells her she needs to remember stuff because she forgot how to do stuff, so you would like, collect gems and return them to him so he would teach the girl how to like, jump and such. She would go to sleep at night and fight a boss who looked like her.

Please help!!!!

if this hasn't been said already 2nd one sounds like Grabbed by the Ghoulies


New member
Dec 26, 2017
Hello guys, i'm looking for 3 old pc games i cant remember exactly.

1. The firat was a 2d top down adventure where u are a "human?" and had to find keys in different colors to open locks. There were also robots who made it harder for u. I can rememeber 3 types. The first one were moving kinda random and stupidly . The second one were moving straight forward. And the third one were following you. You also could plant bombs if i rememeber right to make it more easy. You also could create your own maps. (if i rememeber right it was on linux or windows 95, or even older.

2.i can barely remember. It was a 3d kinda simulation? Where you could indirectly controll a spider like robot through levels. The spider could move on walls,ceiling, floor etc. Asfar the wall,... Was a path the spiddr allowed to walk. And if i rememeber right, there were also some traps who could kill the spider.

3. The third one is prob. The oldes game i almost rememeber nothing about it. I just know it was a 2d strategy (dos) game where you are in the sky? And could build bridges to travel from one island to another. This is all i remember.

I hope someone can help me with atleast 1 game, this would be really awesome. (sry for my bad English, it's not there's best i know. But hope you guys can read it.)
Looking forward

Joey Morelli

New member
Sep 11, 2017
Joey Morelli said:
Ok, so my game is probably gonna be kind of hard because I don't remember a lot of details. Essentially it was an old online flash game (Circa 2006 probably) that may have been sponsored by some kind of big company like Nickelodeon or something. The premise was that you made a monster (there were lots of parts to get, don't remember how, but there were like squid arms and werewolf heads and the like) and potentially also trained it to raise its stats so that it could go and fight other players' monsters in an arena type thing (2D). I don't think you could directly control the monsters, they just were AI based on their parts (like the CATS app if you've played it). You base or home or whatever was like a sewer or something, I remember like bars on the door to the room your monster lived in and I think it also had some sort of toilet themed thing because you were a small child and poop was funny for some reason. I don't remember much else but it is very similar to a lot of apps these days where you build a fighter for an arena and can pay to get chests with better items. Thanks in advance to anyone who has any guesses!
Bumping this in case someone new sees it and has any ideas. New things I can remember are that you had to log into it, so it may have been its own website (or partnered through another website) and that you could only fight/train your monster so many times per day, but you could buy more uses in the classic facebook/mobile game format of today


New member
Jun 22, 2017
Reposting this:

Mid '90s DOS game, got a shareware version on a PCGamer CD back when a single CD had like 20 demos on it. I'm going to guess the demo was '96 or possibly '97.

Gulf war themed (it is NOT Desert Strike, that's what I thought at first too). Top down view (I think), not isometric. You can play as a helicopter or a tank and can spend money to buy weapons or upgrade your vehicle. Action shoot 'em up. You need to land your helicopter and pick up POWs and bring them back to safety.

Please to be naming the game I'm thinking of, por favor. Been driving me crazy.


New member
Dec 26, 2017
Don't remember much about this. It is the first memory of a video game that I have so it is very vague. Honestly could have been a dream, I'm not sure.

All I really remember is playing as children (possibly in robes) and I got spooky dark vibe from it which makes me think it is set in kind of haunted or scary grounds. I vaguely remember a castle as well but that is honestly it.

Hope somebody comes through!!!


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
donaquill said:
Hi guys, I'm looking for a ps2 game where you're an alien on a planet and take other aliens powers by absorbing them or something. I can't quite remember but I've been looking for it forever, thanks!
That's probably Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom from Data Design Interactive Ltd. The same company that made Ninjabread Man.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
donaquill said:
Hi guys, I'm looking for a ps2 game where you're an alien on a planet and take other aliens powers by absorbing them or something. I can't quite remember but I've been looking for it forever, thanks!
<link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WarBreeds>Warbreeds or <link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolva>Evolva, or maybe <link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genewars>Genewars?
Hard to say with no time-span in mind since ps2 have games ranging from 2000 to 2013.. or if it's 2D,3D, first person or third person. Do you remember the genre; RTS, FPS?

Shad0wDrag00n said:
Hello guys, i'm looking for 3 old pc games i cant remember exactly.

1. The firat was a 2d top down adventure where u are a "human?" and had to find keys in different colors to open locks. There were also robots who made it harder for u. I can rememeber 3 types. The first one were moving kinda random and stupidly . The second one were moving straight forward. And the third one were following you. You also could plant bombs if i rememeber right to make it more easy. You also could create your own maps. (if i rememeber right it was on linux or windows 95, or even older.

2.i can barely remember. It was a 3d kinda simulation? Where you could indirectly controll a spider like robot through levels. The spider could move on walls,ceiling, floor etc. Asfar the wall,... Was a path the spiddr allowed to walk. And if i rememeber right, there were also some traps who could kill the spider.
1. <link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-Dogs>Cyberdogs/C-dogs perhaps?

2. I think I remember something similar from a PCGamer magazine demo. I think it had some kind of exotic and outlandish name. I seem to remember that the demo took place in a rounded (green?) room and that I gave up on it, since it was sooo hard to control the spider. Does that help ring any bells? Sorry I couldn't remember the name either (It's going to bug me too now!).

WashclothRepairman said:
Reposting this:

Mid '90s DOS game, got a shareware version on a PCGamer CD back when a single CD had like 20 demos on it. I'm going to guess the demo was '96 or possibly '97.

Gulf war themed (it is NOT Desert Strike, that's what I thought at first too). Top down view (I think), not isometric. You can play as a helicopter or a tank and can spend money to buy weapons or upgrade your vehicle. Action shoot 'em up. You need to land your helicopter and pick up POWs and bring them back to safety.

Please to be naming the game I'm thinking of, por favor. Been driving me crazy.
<link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_Fire>Return Fire?


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Shad0wDrag00n said:
Hello guys, i'm looking for 3 old pc games i cant remember exactly.

1. The firat was a 2d top down adventure where u are a "human?" and had to find keys in different colors to open locks. There were also robots who made it harder for u. I can rememeber 3 types. The first one were moving kinda random and stupidly . The second one were moving straight forward. And the third one were following you. You also could plant bombs if i rememeber right to make it more easy. You also could create your own maps. (if i rememeber right it was on linux or windows 95, or even older.

2.i can barely remember. It was a 3d kinda simulation? Where you could indirectly controll a spider like robot through levels. The spider could move on walls,ceiling, floor etc. Asfar the wall,... Was a path the spiddr allowed to walk. And if i rememeber right, there were also some traps who could kill the spider.

3. The third one is prob. The oldes game i almost rememeber nothing about it. I just know it was a 2d strategy (dos) game where you are in the sky? And could build bridges to travel from one island to another. This is all i remember.

I hope someone can help me with atleast 1 game, this would be really awesome. (sry for my bad English, it's not there's best i know. But hope you guys can read it.)
Looking forward
I don't know about the others, but number two is probably Galapagos.