Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Feb 22, 2018
elbrando said:

I'm looking for an old (1997-1999?) game where you control a ball in open 3D mazes with psychedelic colours. There are many obstacles and you should not fall, you have to reach the end of the level and collect crystals. It had a bit of 'demoscene' feel, had 3D graphics of PS1-like era, it was freeware (or a demo) and worked on Windows 98. I got it from one of those CD-rom with one hundred games... I tried my best to search everywhere for it without success :/
I reply to myself here for ppl interested, I found the game it was "I Got Some Balls". I highly recommend it !

Mischa Lorenz

New member
Feb 23, 2018
Hey there I am looking for 2 old games. Must be around the mid 90s to the end of the 90s.

1. Game: Sidescrolling Game, you played an animal, somehting like a racoon or a badger.. it was kind of violent. I remember that the animal you are playing had a big gun, something like a bazooka or a flamethrower.. I remember that it was very hard and when your didnt move your character at all, there was an animation where he pees. it was full of black humor.

2. Game: Point and Click adventure. You start in a prison cell and there was something like a wooden bench which you had to move up and down a few times.. when you escaped the prison and got captured a second time, the game was over...

hope someone can help <3


New member
Feb 23, 2018
hello all, I am looking for a game from 1990's to 2000's. it was an adventure type game you had to around the map and unlock doors. and you could go up or down the map areas with cage elevators etc. it was an open world type game. i tried looking it up on google but couldn't find what i was trying to match too. I came across this website and figured i would give it a shot to see if you fellas could get me a hand. i also know it was for either windows xp windows 98 or windows 95. it was a sort of a castle type looking map had stone walls and all the level(s)/Maps looked the same. I wanted to play it again because my step brothers Uncle use to bring it over to our house back in the day and let us play it. we would install it on the family PC. and then i would play it for hours. the game also had buttons levers and more things that would activate stuff on the map in real time.


Any help would be great.



New member
Feb 23, 2018
Hi Everyone,

I have lots of details about this game if you have played it once you'll surely remember. I vaguely remember its name was Adventures of Robert or Tales of Robert, and i once saw its name Grune but that was many years ago and believe me at least for 10 years i have been searching for this, i have spent hours and hours... yet no actual result.

In general game is very similar to Final Fantasy VI, i have even found the same creatures but as i searched through the story/plot is different. Important names

*Creature names*: Crawler, Hornet, Bandit, Lobo these have same graphic models with Final Fantasy VI,
*Town names*: Alaren
*Character Names*: Robert (main character), Nikita (ninja class), Godric/cedric sth like this (cleric class), there are a lot more i cant remember their names.
*Item*: You buy a memento ring in the new land i remember its price 50.000 and you could shop only once.

The Story: You start in a town and meet with the king there taking someone named Nikita into your party after gaining some levels outside the town, roaming the land killing lobo hornet and some stupid low level creatures after level 10 you go to a dungeon in the same island and kill something like a witch after returning to the king you can now set to another land with the ship.

Any help is much appreciated.


New member
Dec 11, 2017
Pixelhunter said:
blackfox37 said:
There is 1 game for PC that I can not remember the name to. This game was probably made in the 90's. You start out in a first-person style game and you go inside a mansion. You then are trying to solve the murder of someone important. This game had jump scares everywhere. There were times it made you jump to an alternate reality/dimension to solve the clues and puzzles. It was a lesser known game and all I can think of is that it had a name like Dark Rising or something like that but I know that is wrong. Anyone have a clue to which game this is?
Could also be "Clive Barker's Undying" (2001), kinda hidden gem of a game.
Yep, Undying is the one I was looking for. Thanks.

jason musk

New member
Feb 23, 2018
So I played this game when I was about, lets say 4-6 years old the game had a war f18 jet pixel logo in vertical mode. I used to play this game on my old computer on a flash that had lots of games on it. The game category is war action where you could see where the enemies are by scrolling on the screen just like dota but couldn't see the far it was going to be dark there.(IT IS NOT DOTA NOR HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT A IS COMPLETEY NOTHING LIKE IT) I remember there was war music the icons when you clicked the game (I think) was a background of war going on with military versus some terrorists tanks planes explosions bases(you could look at it like a prespective in the camera angle when your playing dota) there were green and white texts in the green horizontal icons first one is "Campagin" and next multiplayer and third settings i think. when you click campagin there is a trouble in an area a big one it's dusty buildingsx are detroyed you can repair you had a base with tanks helicopters cars and much more it was blue and there was the terrorists like the same but just base is green, next is multiplayer just like the same but there were 5 bases yellow,blue, green,pink and red they had aeroplanes radars that gave them money so they can buy tanks people more radars supply and more, thats all i can remember!


New member
Feb 24, 2018
does anyone remember the game where it was either 1 or two player and you had to go through places like mazes and find each other and fight?


New member
Aug 6, 2009

So there is a game that i'm hoping you guys can help me with. I believe it was game boy advance but it could have been gameboy color.

I played it in japanese (I got it from my grandparents, there's a good possibility it was never released in the US so rip me), I didn't know the name or what the text said but it basically started off with a girl and boy that got cursed and turned into monsters (small blue and pink slime like creatures with big eyes) and you had to fight other monsters and take their parts to augment yourself (like when you defeated an enemy, you had a chance of picking up a part from them that you could add onto your own character and make you stronger)

they traveled on an over world map and i believe you got pulled into turn based random encounters, with the goal being to turn back to normal i think? it's been killing me for years i can't find it, please help if you can! i'm sorry this may be a japan exclusive game


New member
Feb 24, 2018
I am trying to remember a game. It was about moving from island to island looking for clues that would let you move closer to the goal


New member
Feb 24, 2018
Hey guys, I've got 3 game name requests.

1. It's a game similar to Tempest 2000, in that you are a vehicle of some sort and are sliding from left to right dodging obstacles (I think) and killing enemies. The main difference is that this game's graphics are better, and IIRC uses models instead of sprites.

2. It's an arena-type game featuring mecha. I think the player doesn't directly control the mechs, but instead it's more like 2 AIs killing each other. I seem to recall that there are at least 3 playable mechs; a blue one with a missile on its head, a yellow one with extending arms, and a green, almost organic-looking one with diamonds(?) floating around it.

3. This is also a mecha game, but I believe it is more of a top-down RPG-type game. I don't remember much of this one as it is probably the oldest one I played among the 3, but I think the mechs move around by sliding along the ground, rather than walking.

Thanks in advance, guys!


New member
Feb 24, 2018
I came here hoping someone could help. I remember playing this game where you had different animals. You could travel around but you had to complete certain tasks before entering certain areas. I remember there being a vast number of colors to choose for your animals. As well as it being played on my tv. It was about 10 years ago. This is about all i remember so if anyone could help that would be great!


New member
Feb 24, 2018
Looking for A PC(not online) game. I dont remember if it had story to it, but I know it was a series.

- In it you are A sniper, you have a sniper rifle, a pistol, and probably more equipment I cant remember.
- You also have a spotter, who is generally armed with an automatic rifle of some sort. In the first of the series I believe he had an M16 of some sort. I also remember some sort of binoculars, who had it i'm not sure.
- I remember, in the first game, a night mission that has you fight to a canyon, and when you get there you look down into it and disrupt a convoy's movement through it.
- I remember, in the first game, another mission that snow was involved, and dogs were present as a killable enemy.
- I believe there were 3 games in the series, and the 3rd one in the series had significantly better graphics than the other games.
- I can't seem to find it with google by googling "sniper games" or "old sniper games."
- I am thinking it came out before 2008 or very close to that time, maybe 2006-07. Maybe even before 2005, because i dont remember AOE 3 being out at the same time.
- I also remember you can give your spotter orders, like movement, and fire orders.
- The only thing I can remember from what I think was the 3rd game was trying to get around a town, I could never get past a town. And how detailed the grass was.
- Kind of unrelated but I remember playing this and The Operative: No one Lives Forever at around the same time.
- I could not find it in this wiki list; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_first-person_shooters
- List of series that I AM NOT thinking of;
A. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (2001)
B. Delta Force series
C. Sniper Elite series
D. Sniper art of Victory
E. Sniper Ghost Warrior series


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
NebulaM78 said:
Hey guys, I've got 3 game name requests.

1. It's a game similar to Tempest 2000, in that you are a vehicle of some sort and are sliding from left to right dodging obstacles (I think) and killing enemies. The main difference is that this game's graphics are better, and IIRC uses models instead of sprites.

2. It's an arena-type game featuring mecha. I think the player doesn't directly control the mechs, but instead it's more like 2 AIs killing each other. I seem to recall that there are at least 3 playable mechs; a blue one with a missile on its head, a yellow one with extending arms, and a green, almost organic-looking one with diamonds(?) floating around it.

3. This is also a mecha game, but I believe it is more of a top-down RPG-type game. I don't remember much of this one as it is probably the oldest one I played among the 3, but I think the mechs move around by sliding along the ground, rather than walking.

Thanks in advance, guys!
Not sure about the first one, but the second game could be Carnage Heart (or some other Programming game) and the third game could be one of the main games from the Front Mission series.


New member
Feb 24, 2018
Hey, I remember playing a game on a site called Y8 it was with some spaceship wars where were more teams, each one with multiple spaceships, you controlled a small spaceship and you had to take the enemy spaceships out. You could move in any direction, you weren't restricted to move just up/ just right. If I remember correctly when you died you got to control another spaceship from you team. Each team had a different color, I don't remember anymore details. I really hope someone could help me.

Thanks in advance!


New member
Feb 24, 2018
so... ive been looking for a game a few times and today i looked for that game and a diffirent game
and then i got here and read some of these but i didnt get the answer so now i am here

1ST. in the game you are in space and there are tons of players, you are a space ship and there are
motherships too, i believe. there are diffirent teams and the motherships were pretty huge
you can shoot other team space ships, i believe. i dont know if you can level up your space ship
but you could see from up to down and there was a map too, any idea?
Edit: you could move freely, the motherships created smaller ships.

2ND. in this game i think you were a ball? something like that and you had to jump on platforms
to go up beacause there was water rising, something like a flood, i guess
there were power ups and you had a health bar thing

3RD. this game was a small town near a beach, which could of been warm. i think you had to control
the people and make them work? or some stuff like that to make more buildings, there were ufos too
which some times came to the town and from the ufo came aliens and that scared the people of the
town and they went in the buildings so you couldnt do anything till the aliens went away.
there was a building to deal with the aliens but i never got it so uh
i never got to the end of these games

if you know any of these, tell me ty
Feb 24, 2018
I got one for somebody to help me figure out:
This game was a fighting game that had 2 playable characters: one of them was skinny guy who attacks were pretty rapid but not as powerful, and the other guy was kinda big, looked like a cop and each character that had alternate color (skinny guy had a red jacket/blue jeans instead of blue, big guy had a all red alternate color) and you could play 2 player co-op run as well.


New member
Jun 28, 2017
Hi. The game I'm looking for is very similar to Dark Swords but instead of the player chat there is a description of the scene you are looking at. Example "you stand at the front gates of the town". PLEASE HELP ME.


New member
Feb 24, 2018
I thought my comment posted a few hours ago, but oh well.
I'm looking for an older game, possibly a PS2 or Dreamcast title where there's a camera setup similar to that of FF7, there's a group of characters that are all wearing bug/dragon themed armor and are running through a forested area.
The leader, I presume, was wearing this vibrant green armor. From what I remember, the armor was pretty shiny and the visuals were really nice.
It was a 3D RPG...that's all I really remember.


New member
Feb 24, 2018
Marquis Gerard McGhee said:
I got one for somebody to help me figure out:
This game was a fighting game that had 2 playable characters: one of them was skinny guy who attacks were pretty rapid but not as powerful, and the other guy was kinda big, looked like a cop and each character that had alternate color (skinny guy had a red jacket/blue jeans instead of blue, big guy had a all red alternate color) and you could play 2 player co-op run as well.

Was this a 2D beat em up?