Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 24, 2012
So I have been going insane trying to figure out these two games I used to play on the PC. Maybe you will remember the names?

One was where you played a boy and had to figure out different puzzles along the way, I do not remember the plot though. I know some of the puzzles were catching silkworms, going across a ticklish hill, something about a wierd shaped root, I think you had to get dragon p
oop somewhere along the line.

The other game was where you were a lizard in part of it, like in the light or something, and before you went into a cave you turned into this huge monster thing. You got chased by panthers at some point and as a lizard could hide under a bridge or something to save yourself.

I have no idea why I remember these little bits and pieces but it is killing me that I cant figure the two names out! Figure this out for me!!!!


New member
Oct 24, 2012
Hey I'm also trying to figure out a game from my childhood. I remember you being some kind of scientist maybe and you have to defeat this mastermind guy. Its based around a map of a city (birds eye view) where you go to different parts of the city trying to catch this mastermind (who is also roaming around the city) and along the way you solve puzzles and get rewarded items for solving them. At first you dont know where he is and you need to find him, then when you eventually catch up to the mastermind, a cut scene takes place where you use your items as weapons to try defeat the guy and he does the same. I remember some of the items being like some monkeys with bazookas missiles or something like that. And then some stupid things like a banana peel.

Would be great if someone could figure this out, thanks :D


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Sep 26, 2012
fury1019 said:
Anyone remember an old PC game that was similar to Gauntlet? I played it in the mid 1990s and you had to use gold to buy warriors/mages/other classes and could switch off which character to control at a time. If a character dies they stay dead and would have to pay to get a new one. It had a top-down view much like the old Gauntlet games. There would be swirly blue portals that would take you to other levels. I remember that each class had a set of skills like the mage could teleport, the warrior could charge, etc.
Get Medieval?


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Oct 30, 2007
bowowser said:
Batou667 said:
bowowser said:
I know this is a very broad description.. but there was a game I played with my dad when I was super young (I'm 18 but the game was much older than that) and it was a knight/peasant sort of game. You could move any direction on the screen to move around the map. There was a castle at one point that you could cross a bridge to get into but I don't remember much more than that. It was VERY old, big pixels and all. There may have been grass that you could cut up and collect stuff from or little houses you could go into but I'm not sure and I have no clue what it's called and neither does my dad. Help!
Any idea what console you played it on, or was it a PC game? Some of what you mentioned sounds like it could be a Zelda game, or maybe Soliel / Crusader of Centy on Megadrive/Genesis.
It was a PC game, definitely. It wasn't Zelda and it wasn't any of the other ones you mentioned :( It was EXTREMELY basic. Most of the map from what I remember was just grass. There were people you could talk to in the game...I'm not sure anyone can answer this one I don't remember enough about it. I'm dying to know what it is though.
Hmm...could it be God of Thunder?


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Jun 15, 2011
Lilani said:
Josette said:
Guys I am drowning here... i really need to find that 3d ball game, I have searched everywhere, please help me- it's a game where you have to navigate a ball through platforms and the platforms were in outer space- there were different types of levels- like wooden, metal and colorful, and different types of floors- the ice was the harder to navigate the ball onto, you had to jump with the ball a lot and there were also arrows which made the ball faster.
There is a game that I believe was exclusive to Macs called "Marble Blast Gold." You never said what console or OS the game was on, so I'm afraid that's the best I can do ;-)

Anyway, I have a request. In the early 2000s, the computers at my middle school had this educational video game where you were trapped in a castle, and you navigated it by exploring different rooms and answering trivia questions to open more doors. It was medieval themed and there was something to do with a jester, but I think the questions were about everything (history, math, science, etc). It was fully 2D and you didn't really have a "player character," you just appeared in the different rooms and answered questions. It would have been on Windows 98 or ME, I believe. Any help would be appreciated :3
I'm fairly sure that you are looking for MindMaze which was bundled with Encarta???
My school had it and I remember it fairly well, matches your description anyway :)

Here is a video of it:

Ingrid Norman

New member
Oct 24, 2012
I dont know if this has been asked or solved allready(to lazy to scimm trough all 106 pages)but anyway.

On the first computer we got when I was a little kid( at the time of windows 95) we had a game allready installed. All I remember is it had the words MS-DOS in the title and it where in 3d. you played as a japanese guy who could go around town interacting with people..and doing quests I think, then there was some weird level with sceletons you had to fight and something with a cage...well I dont remember that much(it's been 15 years nearly) just that it looked cool and they even had weather animations in it so it rained at some points...and there was a harbor :p hope someone can shed some light on this


New member
Oct 19, 2012
gamefinder1010 said:
I am trying to remember the name of an old PC game I played in elementary school (1993 - 1998).

It was a third-person game that explored Ancient Egypt and the pyramid. There were various levels/tasks/puzzles to solve to continue through the pyramid. You could gather inventory items as you went along. One strange thing that I remember is that at the very beginning you had to feed a cheeseburger (inventory item) to a bird to distract it.

I have looked all over the internet, and while I have found numerous Egpyt/Pyramid games, I can't find any videos or screen captures that I recognize.
Does anyone recognize this game???


New member
Oct 24, 2012
I'm trying to remember an old ps1 or ps2 game(can't seem to remember which) where you can control mechs that shoot rockets or trucks that lay down mines. I used to play this with my brother when we were young but neither one of us can remember the name. You had to control mechs or trucks in order to fight these enemies in different maps (some were snowy and some were grassy).
If any one could help me that would be awesome.


New member
Oct 15, 2012
Holding out hope that i wasn't imagining this game and reposting.

Would have been around in the mid 90's as i was in primary (elementary) school at the time, there was this one rich kid who brought in this game every time it was end of term day (when we could just play all day)

The game had an underwater theme, you were a man (it wasn't james pond) who was diving, you had to collect things and avoid the different fish and things that could kill you, you had different pieces of equipment etc. It was also a platformer, i should add.

It definitely had a keyboard as the input so i would imagine it was a DOS game or earlier, could have been an Atari or Commodore.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


New member
Oct 23, 2012
caltona19 said:
Curratum said:
caltona19 said:
I'm trying to remember an old text-only RPG I played in the late 90s/early 2000s. There were no graphics. I just being able to choose your characters abilities (mine was a necromancer). I've been Googling for an hour and coming up blank!
Is this a text-only RPG as in, you only input text commands, or as in, your character is a @ and you're fighting monsters represented by letters?
text-only with only text commands
Can anyone help with this?

Don Stimac

New member
Oct 24, 2012
There are two games that I'd desperately like to know the names of.

The first is from the mid 90s and I think it was for PS One but there's a chance it could've been an SNES game. You were a firefighter and would go into burning buildings to rescue people. Sometimes you had to use a chemical extinguisher to put out a fire if the flames were green. I don't remember much else.

The second was a PC game from the early 90s. It took place in a mansion and you had to explore to find clues or solve puzzles/riddles to open new doors or find keys. I believe I remember a giant plant growing out of the basement too.

I know I haven't offered much to go on here, but I hope somebody recognizes one or both of these. And thanks to anybody who takes the time to read this and try to help.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
The Alchemical Man said:

There was this old, online, 2d game. You were this man who could fly and there were all sorts of strange things to see in the sky, and if you flew high enough the sky turned to sea, there were all kinds of things to see in the sea and if you swam far enough you came to the shore of a very small island and the game ended. As far as I can recall it was black and white.

Any help would be appreciated.
TAM, the game is called Fly Guy and it's still online:


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Alexandro Gaffar said:
Hello everybody. I'm sorry if this was asked before in previous posts (104 pages, oh my god).

I think it was back in the 90s, when I had my Windows 98 computer, I used to have a game that looked like Space Invaders, but it wasn't space invaders. It was some 3D Space Shooter, where you had to kill everything in the screen, colecting power ups, etc. Graphics were just amazing back then, and each level had a boss. Each level was orientated to a planet of our system (Including Saturn, I remember that).

If anyone knows what game is it, please tell me. It was one of my first computer games.

Thanks for your time!

That sounds like Gyruss, but only because each level was about getting to Earth. You could only move in a circular track and everything flew from the center of the screen towards you.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Shnuggle Bear said:
Ok... this is a long shot but I'd love to try and play this game again.

It was a top down helicopter game that had to have been out around.. '96..ish? I played in daycare on a system that I believe was made for the Tv? Basically you started in between three buildings and had to fly around. If you touched a building you would die and I think other things would shoot you as well.. The graphics were not that great and I have no idea if you had a gun or not.. It's not like Raiden where things fly at you and you shoot them. I think it was more of a "you fly whichever way you please game." Happy hunting <3

*FREE HUGS* To whoever can find this game!!
Was the previous answer correct? I think it sounds more like Thunder Blade.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Ok, this is a really odd game, but I used to love it. It came on my Windows 95 computer and it was a question game. This professor guy would ask you questions, and if you got the answer wrong, your character would get hit on the head with the hammer. After too many hits you would just be squished. It is so obscure and I can't find that name of it anywhere. Help please!


New member
Oct 25, 2012
I have so many details about this game but just can't seem to remember the name. So it was some old 3d online multi-player tank game on miniclip, a good 6 or 7 years old. The game reminds you of that battle bots show from back in the day lol. You customized your tank, equipped motors, batteries, and weapons. I remember you would fight on a rooftop and attempt to either kill the player via damage, or knock them off the roof. Some of the weapons were flamethrowers, missiles, a cannon, and some spiked bulldozer like thing.. Anyway I'm sick as hell, and want nothing more then to find this crappy old game, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks! ^_^


New member
Oct 25, 2012
I am trying to remember a game i played either on playstation or pc.

Basically involved the following.
A Ship on water like a carrier that is your home/base ship where research is done
a land vehicle that attacks and salvages parts to upgrade your vehicle including attacking the enemy.
a helicopter to transfer salavaged materials from land to the ship for upgrades.

it was a 3d game and it i remember it being a demo disc for pc or playstation.


Never mind after doing a fair bit of looking around and trying different keywords i found it.
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising for pc


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Don Stimac said:
There are two games that I'd desperately like to know the names of.

The first is from the mid 90s and I think it was for PS One but there's a chance it could've been an SNES game. You were a firefighter and would go into burning buildings to rescue people. Sometimes you had to use a chemical extinguisher to put out a fire if the flames were green. I don't remember much else.

The second was a PC game from the early 90s. It took place in a mansion and you had to explore to find clues or solve puzzles/riddles to open new doors or find keys. I believe I remember a giant plant growing out of the basement too.

I know I haven't offered much to go on here, but I hope somebody recognizes one or both of these. And thanks to anybody who takes the time to read this and try to help.

First one ? The firemen http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/firemen/firemen.htm
Second one sounds like Resident Evil 2 ?