Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 25, 2012
i'm trying to find a game i played in the 90's. it was arcade and there was this blue character. it was a bit fairy tale-ish. in one part there were flowers on springs that you jumped on and as you did that they would bend so you had to jump on the next one quickly. there was a spooky grave yard part with zombies, one part had wind mills, one part was on a ship with skeletons and pirates.. i think there were wooden boxes you had to jump on twice to break them and you killed the bad guys the same way. i think sometimes you also had a sword and i think every now and then a wise guy or a wizard, i'm not sure, appeared to give you advice. i know this is not much information, but if anyone knows what game i'm talking bout???


New member
Nov 25, 2012
Hi all!

I'm looking for a war game, a war simulator I played 8 years ago but it's probably older. It was a windows game, you played in a small window where you starting choosing a country. Then you could see a map with the form of a square and each country own a part of the square, you could assign your resources to 6 fields: agriculture, investigation research, demography, techonology, military and economy. It's a turn based game and you could see everytime statistic of your economy, military level etc as well as you can see your enemies statistics. I think you could also buy and hearvest grain...

It was a war game, you could attack other countrys and depending on your military level, techonology, the number of your army you could win a part of the map.

No graphics, only a map, menus and numbers.

Could you help me??



New member
Nov 25, 2012
Hi people, my name is Ramiro and im from Uruguay. First, sorry about my english and if I write some errors.

I'm looking for a game I played when I was 5 years. The only things I can remember is:

1) looks like diablo, the camera.
2) I remember at the beginning of the game, you can kill a woman in a pier. But if you kill her, a god appears and kill you.
3)It was approximately in 1994, in DOS.

That's all I remember.


New member
Nov 25, 2012
Hi all, hope this isn't old ground, but I'm after 2 games:

1 I'm sure was called Astro (or similar) and you played a guy who looked a bit like robocop and went around a space ship shooting robots, would've been around the early - mid 90s on computer.

2 is a game, I'm sure the idea was to fly and shoot different planes e.t.c and each level was essentially a corridor in the desert (outside, but with invisible walls) and ended with a giant snake/viper/cobra that you had to defeat. (No idea on the name, sorry) Same sort of time period again.



New member
Nov 24, 2012
IanDresari said:
negril24 said:
I need a lot of help with this one.
Its a game I played from 2005-2008 but im pretty sure its older. The game is 2d and the music is adventurey and a bit serious. There was a civilization you built using lumberjack looking men that grunted when you gave them an order like mining or woodcutting. They built a simple wood like town and depending on how many resources you had and where you were on a randomly generated map you could build a ship and maybe a castle. You could also unlock wizards and other powerful people. It was an offline game and the point was to build a civilization and defeat the computer(or other civilization). Its a lot like age of empires or total war or empire earth but I only played in one time period/fantasy realm.
This has been racking my brain for what seems like forever! I hope I can remember it and ANY HELP would be appreciated! I will love forever ANYONE who can get the name for this game.
PS It was played on a pc that could have been Windows 98 or XP I really cant remember the pc.

sounds a hell of a lot of like Warcraft, but I guess one would know Warcraft with all the WoW and DotA talk around...
Thanks. At first I thought it was WOW but apparently theres no offline version to the game. I don't remember having to log into a server to play and there wasn't any building of the characters or anything. Wish I could find which version if it was warcraft.

Actually I just searched and found that theres a version played against the computer. Found it! Thanks for all the help!


New member
Oct 30, 2007
ralre666 said:
Hi people, my name is Ramiro and im from Uruguay. First, sorry about my english and if I write some errors.

I'm looking for a game I played when I was 5 years. The only things I can remember is:

1) looks like diablo, the camera.
2) I remember at the beginning of the game, you can kill a woman in a pier. But if you kill her, a god appears and kill you.
3)It was approximately in 1994, in DOS.

That's all I remember.
1994? It sounds like Ultima 8: Pagan.


New member
Nov 25, 2012
Hi there im looking for a game it was a PC game for round about 98,99. It was an adventure type game. It started out fairytale like and got a bit darker later. It had a scarecrow, farm animals and two crazy farmers. what i do remember is a domematrix milking a tied up cow....I think the main character was a rabbit. But im not sure....

Thank you


New member
Nov 25, 2012
This is an amazing thread! I have one game I've been wanting to seek out for a long time.

The game I'm looking for is a 2D fighter. However, you control what looks like a normal dog and cat but through some combo you can turn them into robots, firing missiles and what-not. I would have played it 12-14 years ago on the PC. The graphics were cartoony.


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Oct 27, 2012
Dx7MfZb said:
Im also looking for 2 other games

1st - Is a snake game where you go throught mazes collect balls i think but as soon as you collect all of them you advance to the next level, later levels required a lot of thought

2nd - an isometric game where you're on a island alone and you have to gather materials to build a shelter, later you can have a tree house so animals won't attack you at night, the game title was something like ShiftheBranch or something similliar

I know a game like that, it was a German game called "Schiffbruch"

have a link for free: http://www.spiele-umsonst.de/schiffbruch-t122.html
OMG that is it, thank you very much :) i've been looking for this game for ages


New member
Oct 27, 2012
asdasd7 said:
2 games.
a) - 2d sidescroller
- pc, old game
- you play as a ninja
- story is about your girlfriend kidnapped by other ninja so you have to take her back
- I remember special move, it was chinese letters appearing on the screen and killing everything ;p
- I think you could throw shurikens

b) and correct descripion of game I mentioned before
- 2d, pc game
- 1 or 2 players for sure
- the point of each level was to smash colored walls using hammer(I think) on the floor of high-rise
- there were few buildings with different backgrounds
- I also remember bonus rounds without enemies, something like time attack
- there were enemies (I remember biker, he was really annoying) and bosses(one for sure ;])

Hope someone can help me ;)
@b) dude is it Building Panic?
here's the link http://www.thegamehippo.com/game/57

Jerry Wallen

New member
Nov 24, 2012
zerohour1974 said:
Jerry Wallen said:
Hello, not finding this game is killing me, been searching for 3 years now and i had enough.
i think it was in the 90s, i don't remember which console but i think it was pc.

You start of in front of and old mans house and you play 3-4 kids and supposed to break into his house and steal stuff, remembering this game was so hard, when you first entered his house and went into the kitchen and steal some food from the fridge, and then you see the old man waking up and going down stair, you had to hide, otherwise he'd lock you up in his personal jail, and it was possible to break out by clicking on a specific brick on the wall.

i can't remember the purpose of the game other than stealing stuff?
Maniac Mansion

Big love to you!!
Thank you a lot


New member
Nov 25, 2012

I'm looking for this old PS1 game. I found some hits when googeling, which led me to this forum thread, but now I've been all the posts through and I cannot find it, so sorry if this is a "repost".

You play as a little green dragon, which is trying to free it's little friends, which looked something like little hairballs. You had to run around and collect some gems and kill enemies. When attacking enemies, the dragon would spin so as to hit them with it's tail, and every time it did so, it said things like SHAZAAMMM! and stuff like that.

I'd be very happy if you could tell me the name of this game.


New member
Nov 25, 2012

This was an old PC game, been bugging me for awhile now.

Standard RTS game, except everything was in space/spaceships etc. All the building happened in rings around different planets which had various different ratings for the resources on each. There was kinda like a multiple map thing, where you could leave your galaxy? and go to other ones which all resided on a big map. Pretty much all I remember about it really. Just been bugging me, thanks for the help!


New member
Oct 27, 2012
Louisenevigglad said:

I'm looking for this old PS1 game. I found some hits when googeling, which led me to this forum thread, but now I've been all the posts through and I cannot find it, so sorry if this is a "repost".

You play as a little green dragon, which is trying to free it's little friends, which looked something like little hairballs. You had to run around and collect some gems and kill enemies. When attacking enemies, the dragon would spin so as to hit them with it's tail, and every time it did so, it said things like SHAZAAMMM! and stuff like that.

I'd be very happy if you could tell me the name of this game.
What you're looking for is Croc an awesome game, there is even a sequel to it.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
It was an RTS. Played it in the late 90's. Can't remember many details but one - there was literal pig iron, as in iron ingots coming out of the smelter with pig's feet sticking out


New member
Oct 20, 2011
IanDresari said:
negril24 said:
I need a lot of help with this one.
Its a game I played from 2005-2008 but im pretty sure its older. The game is 2d and the music is adventurey and a bit serious. There was a civilization you built using lumberjack looking men that grunted when you gave them an order like mining or woodcutting. They built a simple wood like town and depending on how many resources you had and where you were on a randomly generated map you could build a ship and maybe a castle. You could also unlock wizards and other powerful people. It was an offline game and the point was to build a civilization and defeat the computer(or other civilization). Its a lot like age of empires or total war or empire earth but I only played in one time period/fantasy realm.
This has been racking my brain for what seems like forever! I hope I can remember it and ANY HELP would be appreciated! I will love forever ANYONE who can get the name for this game.
PS It was played on a pc that could have been Windows 98 or XP I really cant remember the pc.

sounds a hell of a lot of like Warcraft, but I guess one would know Warcraft with all the WoW and DotA talk around...
If its not warcraft 3 check out the Majesty series. Sounds a bit like them.


New member
Oct 20, 2011
I'm looking for a 2d 90s shooter. You had to shoot your way through rooms and portals connecting them to collect keys to unlock these energy barriers. Top down view with black background. Other colour was either green or white. Enemy ships would fly around the rooms in fixed patterns.


New member
Nov 25, 2012
i am for years trying to know what this game is i re-looked all my cds and nothing oh well please help me youre my only chance to get this awesome game that was in a demo i played long ago. Here are the details:

-the title was like extermination or anihilation i dont remenber but it ended in "ation"
-Pc space strategy game maybe around 2002-2005 the graphics were good but very 2d
-i think i remenber the main menu and the levels were planets maybe around 10 or some more not like 18 and i saw a human soldier and an alien as a poster of the game or something

»the first level was a circular spaceship hovering over desert like terrain:
i had to build a green colony or something whose measure of capacity was of 1000's
the aliens that would invade at that first level fired some lasers not in one only direction against the same target

»the second planet was dark and i could built flying units and the demo ended when i went to the 3rd planet



New member
Nov 24, 2012
dtaPacman said:
IanDresari said:
negril24 said:
I need a lot of help with this one.
Its a game I played from 2005-2008 but im pretty sure its older. The game is 2d and the music is adventurey and a bit serious. There was a civilization you built using lumberjack looking men that grunted when you gave them an order like mining or woodcutting. They built a simple wood like town and depending on how many resources you had and where you were on a randomly generated map you could build a ship and maybe a castle. You could also unlock wizards and other powerful people. It was an offline game and the point was to build a civilization and defeat the computer(or other civilization). Its a lot like age of empires or total war or empire earth but I only played in one time period/fantasy realm.
This has been racking my brain for what seems like forever! I hope I can remember it and ANY HELP would be appreciated! I will love forever ANYONE who can get the name for this game.
PS It was played on a pc that could have been Windows 98 or XP I really cant remember the pc.

sounds a hell of a lot of like Warcraft, but I guess one would know Warcraft with all the WoW and DotA talk around...
If its not warcraft 3 check out the Majesty series. Sounds a bit like them.
Actually I thought of Warcraft I or II ;)