Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Anastasia Marie

New member
Nov 25, 2011
Old PS2 game that came out around when Kingdom Hearts 2 came out. The only part I remember is being in a castle with a group of about 7 people and we had to go through the castle. One kid had purple hair. Each person had either super powers or weapons. The castle was kind of like a maze and you had to jump over the missing parts of the ground. I believe it was a multiplayer game, but I think it was an rpg game also. It's difficult to explain ><


New member
Oct 21, 2008
PS1 I believe.

A fighting game. I believe it had something to do with a battle royale between two schools that...apparently taught fighting.

I remember this big dude, and these male and female boxers, with gloves and everything. There were also special swap-ins (you had two characters in a battle, which you could switch out with) where the swap in would do damage. Vague I know but...


New member
Nov 25, 2011
AHHH. I hope you can help me but I barely remember anything from these games..Im sorry :(

First one was an old computer game. I played it around 1998 to 1999. Im pretty sure it was a platform game and you were this tank that rolled through like space or the moon. I remember using the keyboard to move and jump and I think shoot. And i can't remember anything more from that...

Second one was a Super Nintendo game. You were this little blue guy and you were surrounded by rocks and maybe you planted bombs. Jeesus never mind lol i can't remember anything from that game.!!!!

Any ideas that i could further google would be greatly appreciated :)


New member
Nov 25, 2011
fatballs said:
theres a game i played around 2000, basically u were a wizard i think, and u went around picking up items to use elsewhere in order to progress through the game, the bloke that u were had orange hair and just wore a blue robe. It was a pc game, point and click and i think the point of it was to get something back for a king. It had alot of stupid stuff in it like cinemas and marlyn monroe even thought the time setting was supposed to be medieval. can anyone help
I'm also interested in this. Maybe someone remembers the name?

Punch You

New member
Dec 12, 2010
Shinclone said:
I played an excellent rpg for the Genesis, think the US title was Legend Of Oasis or something like that. Used to love that game.
Are you thinking of Beyond Oasis? It's in the sonic sega genesis collection for PS3 and 360 if you're interested.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
friendlyfriend said:
fatballs said:
theres a game i played around 2000, basically u were a wizard i think, and u went around picking up items to use elsewhere in order to progress through the game, the bloke that u were had orange hair and just wore a blue robe. It was a pc game, point and click and i think the point of it was to get something back for a king. It had alot of stupid stuff in it like cinemas and marlyn monroe even thought the time setting was supposed to be medieval. can anyone help
I'm also interested in this. Maybe someone remembers the name?
Sounds a lot like Discworld 2.

Justin Arquero

New member
Nov 26, 2011
Can anyone tell me the name of this old game? You play as a blue ninja, and you go and kill a bunch of other ninjas, and you have like this power of thunder. The game was for Ps1 i think.

oh and this game:

You play as a little boy , and you fight monsters like pigs . and Your powers come from different types of pants or something like that.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Smeggs said:
PS1 I believe.

A fighting game. I believe it had something to do with a battle royale between two schools that...apparently taught fighting.

I remember this big dude, and these male and female boxers, with gloves and everything. There were also special swap-ins (you had two characters in a battle, which you could switch out with) where the swap in would do damage. Vague I know but...
Rival Schools?


New member
Nov 26, 2011
An Xbox game from around 2002-2003 that was in first person. You melee'd things and the shoulder triggers on controller controlled left and right arm. You went through the storyline injecting yourself with stuff and one of you arms had glowy veins I believe


New member
Nov 26, 2011
There's a game I can't remember. Played it in my childhood and I believe it's for windows 3.1 or DOS.
A platformer-RPG(kinda like that), you play as a some kinda guy, and you have to beat monsters(we considered frogs to be the main enemies, and just called the game Frogs, but I doubt it's the game's real name), there were 2 spells you could buy(or at least I remember only two), I don't remember the first, but the second was something like a circle of boulders flying around you(beat bosses easily). Also you could buy equipment, and you needed some kind of "Hero's Crest"(at least I think it was called that) to enter the games second part or something like that.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
So there is a old fighting game where is a map and you can build old chineese or japaneese buildings and the people can go in there and upgrade. I remember there were keeps, dojos and other training things. It was able to create AI and fight against them. It's not a massive game like age of empires of something...


New member
Nov 20, 2011
Yes Punch You, that's the one. Really loved that game when i was a kid but could never remember the right name for it. Not too sure i want to check out the version for Xbox, I have a good memory of it, don't want it ruined by playing it now and thinking "This is shit! Wtf was I thinking?!" lol

Guilherme Zoldan

New member
Jun 20, 2011
I have one, an old PC side scroller game where you played as a woman in red and in the first level you were in a cemetary shooting giant cockroaches. It was a pretty dark game, you could shoot helpless chained up victims and they would explode in blood.
Nov 27, 2011
Hey, I need to remember or find the name of this PC game soooo badly!

You were this guy who I think was quite good looking, brown hair? wearing a purple tuxedo or suit I remember. He was in this old house (maybe) and he could have been a detective or spy or something along those lines. You basically went round all of the rooms in the house looking for objects/clues. I remember 2 of the rooms. One seemed to have lots of wooden boxes/crates in and maybe some potions equipment and a big red jacuzzi. The second was a corridor like in a cellar or basement and in order to move across the screen through this corridor you (the guy) had to time running through these poles that jets of fire came out of.

We played the game in i'd say the 90's. My family think the game was called 'Storm' but I can't find mention of it anywhere on the net. Any suggestions would really help :)
Nov 27, 2011
Another game that is really annoying me to remember...
I remember like almost nothing!

The game I think had lots of cartoon frogs in. I can't really remember what you did in it, but it was semi-educational I think for i'd guess toddler or just older age. In the game there were lots of smaller games. One of them involved lili-pads. Another one, you were in a shop helping this frog shop-keeper to add up the shopping and give the corect amount of change. There was a bit where there was a balance on the screen and lots of coins and you had to click the coins to make a sum of the balance. It was an awesome game and I'd love to find it again.

Oh and it was a PC game.


New member
Nov 28, 2011
I played a game (I'm pretty sure it was PS1 but might've been PS2) sometime in the mid-late 90's.. I want to call it "villagers", you basicly started on a small island as a group of natives, and started procreating and advancing your civilization (much slower than age of empires though) and tried to get off that island and you met other groups of natives (Or something like that.)

I get this feeling that it might've been a demo version I played that came bundled with another game.


New member
Nov 30, 2011
I dont remember a great deal about this game but i do remember that you play as a purple wizard and its an rpg style game (i think) its not side scrolling you can move any direction, i remember one boss is a troll and your in a cave and that you collect new clothes and laterns and wands that make you stronger. I also know its not simon the wizard, Oh i also remember that you collect books (not sure if they got you spells or not) but please im begging you to help i've been searching for this game for years its one i used to play with my dad it was a PC game too by the way.

EDIT: It's also 2D and i think pretty old.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
liberame said:
An Xbox game from around 2002-2003 that was in first person. You melee'd things and the shoulder triggers on controller controlled left and right arm. You went through the storyline injecting yourself with stuff and one of you arms had glowy veins I believe


New member
Dec 2, 2011
Hello to everyone. I remembered playing an arcade game with a builder with a yellow helmet. it was in ms-dos I think and was at late 90s. The only thing I remember clearly is when I played 2-player mode, my builder turned into a yellow helmet and my friend tried to threw me up high to kill the enemy. Please help me!


New member
Dec 2, 2011
I forgot the name of the game but its an old kids pc game where you practice grammar in the spooky castle or house. It kind of has a Frankenstein feel to it. I remember it helped with verbs types and noun types.