Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Julia Grando

New member
Dec 13, 2011
I reeeeeeally want to know the name of my game, because when I was a kid it felt so creepy to play it and I never ended it!

It's a PC game from de late 90s or early 00s and the main char is a weird and ugly yellow/green guy with a big head and he enters a weird house and needs to get out of it. It's a scape the room game that you need to click and gather things around the house. There are lots of rooms like a lab (it's the first place that you appear), a bedroom, a bathroom, the place that you do laundry... and the 'final boss' I think it's a CAT, a huge and fat cat.

The pictures that I have in my mind are very likely to 'Invader Zim', that kind of creepy draw.
And if I'm not mistaken, the guy was a normal person than he entered the house and on the lab became yellow/green and weird.

Thanks, I hope that somebody knows what game I'm talking about!
Dec 15, 2011
Gyaradosu said:
Signed up just for help figuring this out 3:
I remember playing as a crimsonish dragon, and it wasn't quite as mainstream. It was pretty realistic for its time, not like Spyro, and I remember you didn't have a rider.
One of the first missions/objectives was to basically kill/eat as many people/things as possible, you could fly, breathe fire, etc...
Help? .__.
This sounds somewhat like 'Dragon Rage' for the PS2! The dragon was yellow, but it sounds similar to me!
Dec 15, 2011
I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this;

It's an old PC game, a first-person puzzle game, where Satan is trying to take your soul. You're in a mansion on a mountain with no snow, and there's a painting of a lady that speaks, and a tram system that sends you to hell if you get it wrong.

Any ideas would be appreciated!

Alex Eny

New member
Dec 17, 2011
Hey, hopefully someone knows ;)

A Martial arts 2D fighting game where you play as one of 3 or 4 animals(one of animals is panda) made in 90s or something like that and it has a storyline whenever you defeat someone you keep going further..

Alex Eny

New member
Dec 17, 2011
Hey, hopefully someone knows ;)

A Martial arts 2D fighting game where you play as one of 3 or 4 animals(one of animals is panda) made in 90s or something like that and it has a storyline whenever you defeat someone you keep going further..

Alex Eny

New member
Dec 17, 2011
Hey, hopefully someone knows ;)

A Martial arts 2D fighting game where you play as one of 3 or 4 animals(one of animals is panda) made in 90s or something like that and it has a storyline whenever you defeat someone you keep going further..


New member
Dec 19, 2011
H2Go said:
I remember an old game, similar to vectoroids. It was around early to mid 90s and I can't remember if it was Mac or PC. It was before Windows 95 though i think. It had yellow shapes (i particularly remember cones) that you had to hide behind, you were a green (I think) triangle shaped unit and I think there was a red guy that was bad and could shoot at and kill you. I think you could choose to play in arial or 3D mode. This is about all I can recall unfortunately.
Either way I remember LOVING this game and haven't yet been able to remember it's name or find anyone who does.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?
It sounds like the game I had on my parent's Mac back in the early 90s called Spectre?



New member
Dec 19, 2011
Okay, so something sparked my curiosity recently about a game I played as a kid on the Sega Genesis, but I can't remember the name. I've tried to sift through the 13 pages on this forum post and don't think anyone has asked a similar question...

It was a Megaman-esque side scroller, and had a sort of fantasy theme. I still remember the music during one of the early levels (kind of a dark techno-y beat), and the only other characteristic I recall was being able to charge up some magical energy ball in the palm of your hands and shooting it at the enemies. I know it's pretty vague but over the years I always wonder what the heck the name of that game was.


Neri 'Nex'

New member
Dec 21, 2011
i need a help to remember an old game of Playstation 1. the game is a unique racing game which there will be some characters running to the finish line. the characters are very unique. there are a little angel, a little devil, a person who wears a Barongsai costume, a woman with her helmet, a weird man who running with his ice-skating shoes, and many other else. so, if u know the title, tell me soon, please! thanx! ^^


New member
Oct 5, 2011
jzack605 said:
hello, trying to remember hte name of a COMPUTER GAME. ill describe it as best i can.

2 armys on a map, you control one and you must defeat the other. you start out by building up your base, and creating more soldiers, weapons, ect. you build as you gain money. you gain money by mining/farming this green crop that you find on the board. its a somewhat older game i played in middle school. probaly close to 10 years old.

anyone know this one?
Sounds a lot like the original Command and Conquer?

Julia Grando said:
I reeeeeeally want to know the name of my game, because when I was a kid it felt so creepy to play it and I never ended it!

It's a PC game from de late 90s or early 00s and the main char is a weird and ugly yellow/green guy with a big head and he enters a weird house and needs to get out of it. It's a scape the room game that you need to click and gather things around the house. There are lots of rooms like a lab (it's the first place that you appear), a bedroom, a bathroom, the place that you do laundry... and the 'final boss' I think it's a CAT, a huge and fat cat.

The pictures that I have in my mind are very likely to 'Invader Zim', that kind of creepy draw.
And if I'm not mistaken, the guy was a normal person than he entered the house and on the lab became yellow/green and weird.

Thanks, I hope that somebody knows what game I'm talking about!
Day of the Tentacle?

Alex Eny said:
Hey, hopefully someone knows ;)

A Martial arts 2D fighting game where you play as one of 3 or 4 animals(one of animals is panda) made in 90s or something like that and it has a storyline whenever you defeat someone you keep going further..
Brutal: Paws of Fury?

Grendelmon said:
Okay, so something sparked my curiosity recently about a game I played as a kid on the Sega Genesis, but I can't remember the name. I've tried to sift through the 13 pages on this forum post and don't think anyone has asked a similar question...

It was a Megaman-esque side scroller, and had a sort of fantasy theme. I still remember the music during one of the early levels (kind of a dark techno-y beat), and the only other characteristic I recall was being able to charge up some magical energy ball in the palm of your hands and shooting it at the enemies. I know it's pretty vague but over the years I always wonder what the heck the name of that game was.

Hmm.... I like to think that I know my Genesis games, but this one's a head-scratcher. I'm thinking something along the lines of Chakan the Forever Man or Alisia Dragoon? Could you remember any more details, like what the main character looked like, any memorable enemies or stages, stuff like that?


New member
Dec 21, 2011
EmmyBear said:
Sundayboy said:
This will probably be one of the most vaguest descriptions ever, but it is all I can remember after racking my brains for years.

The game I am seeking is for the Playstation 1. I remember hiring if from Blockbuster roughly circa late 1990's and I am sure it had a Japanese type namebut not 100% sure of this. All I rememeber is that the main playable character is white I think (either some kind of animal or human ...not sure).

I know it has something to do with the characters father or grandfather going missing/died/or send into another dimension. the character has some kind of amulet either a brooch or a ring with a stone on it. I am sure the aim of the game is to reunite the character with his lost family member using the amulet.
D: I think we're looking for the same game ¬.¬'
could be tombi! [tomba in america]
but this one sounds like Klonoa
an amazing game, with a heartbreaking ending
also check out klonoa 2 for ps2
hope this helps


New member
Dec 21, 2011
ok, unfortunatly cant remeber alot about this game
playstation one game
battle driving
you chose a team at the beginning [think there was one that was american, another of contruction worksers, another pyro, and a few others]
then you battled against one of the other teams in an arena [some were quite large, with under and overground parts]
there were powerups scattered about
i remeber you had to fight the boss of each team after [i think] every level]
and once you completed that arena you got picked up to go to the next one in a cargo helicopter

its not twisted metal, i know that much
many thanks


New member
Dec 21, 2011
JoeLeedale said:
OK, so I had a lot but I figured them all out bar 2.

1 I only remember playing on a PS1 demo, and one of the later demos if my memory serves me correctly. Basically it was a 3rd person kinda thing and you played as a spider/crab style robot and I'm not sure what the objective was but I just remember walking around a pale, white/grey boatyard style area I think (no boats or water, just that import dock kind of environment). There were other similar robots that I'm pretty sure shot the SHIT out of me, and there may have even been humans in black combat uniforms (but that could be a completely different game). I THINK it was on the same demo as the Spice Girls: Spice World game :')

Anyone gets these and I'll love you so much
one is ghost in the shell
it is an amazing game my friend
if you like anime, watch the films, they are also brilliant


New member
Jun 1, 2011
There is one that I played on the PS1 at someone's house... The only thing I can remember about it is that it was an RPG, and you started off in some kind of dungeon. Can't remember anything else, but I've been trying for ages to figure out what it was.

There's another game that I couldn't remember for the longest time, that I found out was <url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade_Cocoon:_Story_of_the_Tamamayu>Jade Cocoon.

Alex Eny

New member
Dec 17, 2011
Batou667 said:
Alex Eny said:
Hey, hopefully someone knows ;)

A Martial arts 2D fighting game where you play as one of 3 or 4 animals(one of animals is panda) made in 90s or something like that and it has a storyline whenever you defeat someone you keep going further..
Brutal: Paws of Fury?
I'm afraid not :( It looked better and there were no rounds just win and go further. But thanks for the guess


New member
Dec 23, 2011
I have a game in mind for some time and can't remember its name.It was a horror game and it was starting like you had a nightmare in witch you learn to fight zombies and find a badass sword. After the nightmare you find a letter from your brother/cousin or something which tells you that he is in trouble .You take a train and get to a ghost town enter a church or a house and shoot a zombie .You find in that church a passage to an underground place where you find an angel/spirit that tells you what happened to your brother and that you need some artifacts to find your brother . You turn back in time ,fight undead to get your brother back.

Please help me I am searching it for days.I loved this game but I was so young than and never finished it .Sorry for bad english .


New member
Oct 23, 2011
I want to remember the name of this game i used to play in a very old mac i had, you controlled a red ball (and no its, not the game called "red ball") that moves through the levels in four directions (front, back, right left) its a 2d game, but you moved like in the 2d rpg games, only the ball was colored (red) with a face, the world and enemies, were black and white (no grayscale).


New member
Feb 3, 2011
I used to have this game on my computer. It was an FPS with a castle-esque setting and there was green water or acid that would kill you if you were in it for to long. I don't think it was Doom, because you could go Under the green stuff, and I played Doom recently, and I could not do that. I think I was shooting Aliens in the game...