Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 29, 2011
ok so this game was most likely from year 2002 or 2003,its a pc game. it's wintertime,snowing,night,and you have to find some clues around the town,dont remember for what :/ i remember you have to take a photo with your camera of some kind of scratches on a roof. there is some hotel where you enter,downstairs is a bar and upstairs are rooms,only one room is unlocked. sorry I know its probably hard to figure out the name of the game by my poor description,but I was a kid when I played that game,and I would really like to play it again. just one more detail that I remember of that game is that your character finds something outside and says "yuck,bugs are crawling on that thing". anyone? :))


New member
Oct 29, 2011
I barely remember a game I used to play as a little kid...

It was in the late 90's or the beginning of the 00's. It's a 3d-realtime-strategy-game. I think it's futuristic, but not stuff like laser swords and unbelieveable things, but believeable futuristic gameplay. You have to find and collect resources.. I also think it contains some bugs as well? Hope someone knows this game?!


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Not sure if you've been answered, but the game you are looking for might be Highway Hunter/Highway Fighter. Have fun :)


New member
Oct 30, 2011
klabam said:
Hey guys I am looking for this game i played about 10 years ago. It is a vertical-side scrolling game on the pc in which you drive this car on a road and you come across all kinds of enemies like planes and choppers and stuff and you shoot those up. You can get weapon upgrades and i remember you could have 2 enormous launchers on the side of your car or even one big laser which killed anything and was on for 2 seconds. Each level contained end bosses. I think it was on a cd or even a floppy and a msdos game.

Please help me out, thanks!!!
Not sure if you've been answered, but the game you are looking for might be Highway Hunter/Highway Fighter. Have fun and I apologize for the double post.


New member
Oct 31, 2011
Ok, guyz, I believe my will be the hardest ever... anyway. I played this on the psx times, and the reason I don't remember the name is because the cover and the game itself was in japanese, so it's possible it was only released in japan.

It's a sidescrolling game, where you can choose 3 characters: All animals, but they walk in two legs, like cartoons.
one is a circus monkey(with a red outfit) and uses a stick as a weapon
other is a bird (a parrot, i think) and uses a long cutting weapon I don't know the name
And the other is a pink pig which uses a Trident

Each one had a special move, I only remember the pig's one, which blasts a short flame from his mouth

The first stage is a jungle with shallow water on the ground, and you beat the enemies, like a beat'em up game, when they die they drop lots of coins...

I remember there was other stage in a kinda castle

You can choose a different character for each stage

The graphics os this game were awesone for a side scrolling, I played this between 1996-1998

I hope anyone can help ><


New member
Oct 31, 2011
There's an old PC game my family and I used to play. It was similar to Pokemon, where you capture monsters and train them. The monsters were quite strange with equally strange names. I believe there was a rabbit (vorpal bunny?), a jack-in-the-box (boxacot?), a cactus, a carrot... the list goes on but my memory is failing me (hence my turn to this thread). Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
ok... I remember playing this game when I was a kid. Like 13 years ago. My cousin would never let me play it. He had these 4 systems ps1,snes, sega genesis and some really big system (maybe atari something).

Pretty much in the game it was of course 2d. You ran though the game and picked up or leveled up your swords. The swords were like katana swords. It's like you were a samurai of something. From my memory I think it was anime based.

It's not ninja gaiden,shonobi, Not a beat um up game, or samurai shodown (fighting game) that's all I know. Now that I think about it, it was really fast paced, probably on ps1. Cause I remember me cousin playing Resident evil 2 and Tekken 3 around that time also. Please help... I've been trying to figure out the need of this game for 2 years lol.


New member
Nov 6, 2011
Well, my forgotten game is really hard to remember and hard to explain :). It was a 4-players split screen, 2D view, and in each panel you could use a player: the players had different colours (red, yellow, blue, green) and you could dig, throw objects or bombs (balls of fire, rocks, etc.), build factories and trains, carts (where you could throw recources into), elevators, balloons etc. You could also dig into gold or others resources, or drown in the water if you dug through ice........In the main menu you could choose between some maps (one mostly with ice, another with earth, one with giant caves, etc.).
Controls for each player were on the same keyboard (one player was controlled by WSAD, another by arrows, another by numeric pad etc.) so you could play at least 2 players simultaneously. Fo example, if you press "W" the player jumps, "A-D" for left and right, but if you press "S" the player digs.

I used to play this game on a Windows 98, like 8-10 years ago :), and I don't have that pc anymore.

The graphics was way better than Dig Dug or mining-like games, but this game wasn't only about mining: you could do lots of things like build and ride things, etc.

Please forgive my terrible english, but that's all I can remember.

Grand Master Sage

New member
Nov 7, 2011
I know a lot of the earlier requests in this thread, so here's some

to the guy asking about a game where you play 2 people and you fight a witch at the end, its an old 2D coop game made by namco called Pino and Acha, its the japanese take on hansel and gretel i guess lol. I played it in one of those namco museum games for psx, still have the disk.

to the other guy askign about a 3D psx game where you play as a ball rolling around doing block puzzles, that game goes by 2 names, one of which is Kula World. It was one ofmy favorite games as a kid, you play as a beach ball that has to navigate certain hazards and collect items on a course before the tmie ran out. very challenging game.

I'll check back and try to answer more

here's mine, this game has been bugging me for 5 years now. Its an old PSX1 game. Well i'm not even sure if it actually got made or cancelled becasuse i only played the demo. the demo was on a collection that also had tomb raider, blasto, medevil, mgs1, and spyro(there's more but that's all i can remember). I swear the game was called Crazy 8, one of the dev teams that popped up during the opening credits was called "team green" and had a little green ink blot guy as their mascott. The game was a 3D sidecroller where you played some guy with a robotic arm that shoots lightning, capable of picking up objects and manipulating them . You use it mostly to swing around, or pick up enimies and pound them on the ground til they explode/use them as a human bridge over traps. You could shoot rockets with your hand too. I remember at the end of the demo you go to this green giant test tube thing witha big robot guy in it, presumably your friend youre trying to rescue

i remember every vivid detail of the game...just not the flipping name :/

Grand Master Sage

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Grand Master Sage said:
I know a lot of the earlier requests in this thread, so here's some

to the guy asking about a game where you play 2 people and you fight a witch at the end, its an old 2D coop game made by namco called Pino and Acha, its the japanese take on hansel and gretel i guess lol. I played it in one of those namco museum games for psx, still have the disk.

to the other guy askign about a 3D psx game where you play as a ball rolling around doing block puzzles, that game goes by 2 names, one of which is Kula World. It was one ofmy favorite games as a kid, you play as a beach ball that has to navigate certain hazards and collect items on a course before the tmie ran out. very challenging game.

I'll check back and try to answer more

here's mine, this game has been bugging me for 5 years now. Its an old PSX1 game. Well i'm not even sure if it actually got made or cancelled becasuse i only played the demo. the demo was on a collection that also had tomb raider, blasto, medevil, mgs1, and spyro(there's more but that's all i can remember). I swear the game was called Crazy 8, one of the dev teams that popped up during the opening credits was called "team green" and had a little green ink blot guy as their mascott. The game was a 3D sidecroller where you played some guy with a robotic arm that shoots lightning, capable of picking up objects and manipulating them . You use it mostly to swing around, or pick up enimies and pound them on the ground til they explode/use them as a human bridge over traps. You could shoot rockets with your hand too. I remember at the end of the demo you go to this green giant test tube thing witha big robot guy in it, presumably your friend youre trying to rescue

i remember every vivid detail of the game...just not the flipping name :/
the other name for the ball game is roll away btw, forgot to specify lol.

and oh my goodness, with a lucky long google search i found the game i was looking for on this page:

the game i was looking for is called Wild 9. do you believe that? so close to naming it yet so far away. finallllllyyy


New member
Oct 25, 2011
I'm trying to remember a game, I believe it was on the PS2. I think its seemed kinda dark atmosphere but maybe that was just that part of the game. but there were two characters one was taller than the other and one of the two seemed to be kind of retarded. In the part of the game that I remember there was like a carnival prize wheel thingy you could spin, i'm not sure what it did because every time I tried to use it one of the characters kept saying "what about my needs?". and that is pretty much all i remember about the game. hope you can help.

Broken Orange

God Among Men
Apr 14, 2009
What is the name of that game where you are some sort of space captain, [sub]or was it space wizard?[/sub], and you have to fight the evil robot alien who wants to turn humanity into DNA soup? It is on the tip of my tongue.


New member
Nov 13, 2011
The game I'm looking for is a WWII game in PC. It's released around the year 2005-2009.

It's a turn based game you get to control a squad of around maybe five soldiers each map to do a mission. Each turn, you get to move the infantries, which maybe sniper, light infantry, heavy infantry,etc. with movement limited of course by the nature of turn based game. At certain point of the game you can also call help from artillery, air strike as well.

It's almost like company of heroes but strictly turn based and no base and those stuff.

Would appreciate alot of you can help :D



New member
Nov 18, 2011

I have been trying to remember the name of a game for ages. It was on the Apple Mac in the early ?90s I think, although not necessarily exclusive. It was an Elite type game to begin with where you had to begin by docking at a space station in a kind of simple 3D effect. You had to line yourself up with a black docking bay (I have a memory that maybe you had to ask permission to dock, or were sometimes refused entry). Once inside it turned into a top down isometric type view and became a simple RPG type game, where you were represented as a little space suited guy and could walk around and talk to people, buy stuff et cetera. It was also black and white (but that might have just been my version)

Any ideas? It has been bugging me for years now!



New member
Nov 18, 2011

Just to let you know, if you were interested, but I have found out it was called SPACE ROGUE!


New member
Nov 13, 2011
There used to be a game that I've played with my dad in co-op: a shooter with 1 screen, looking at an angle from above. You have to navigate through big levels together and in between each level you could go shopping for weapons/upgrades. As far as I remember you were only allowed to carry 1 weapon though, no ammo req.

Not very specific, but that's about all I remember since it's about....17-18 years ago.


New member
Nov 13, 2011
Zack Alklazaris said:
I remember this one game. It was a demo on a disc. It was a real-time strategy game. It was based on the Mayans. The game played as this. You had workers. To get more workers you built houses then put them in the houses which created more workers. You then could convert the workers into other things such as soldiers or some sorta flame throwing soldiers. You could send them to build towers, walls, you know all the usual stuff.

You play the Ajaw (the leader) who appears to be some sort of high priestess or something. This is because you can send down bolts of lightning, create earthquakes, spawn volcanoes, and all other sort of elemental stuff. You gain these powers by worshipping statues that are semi hard to get to within the game.

Oh I also remember you could literally zoom so far out that all you see is the planet.

Never have been able to figure out the name of the game. I only played the demo, but always wanted to play the actual game.
The game's name is Populous: The Beginning, had some great fun with that on the PS1. Too bad it requires 1 whole memorycard of 15 blocks to be saved. xD

Edit: Zakka or zappa to shoot fireballs with your shaman. =D I distinctly remember that.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
Ytomyth said:
Zack Alklazaris said:
I remember this one game. It was a demo on a disc. It was a real-time strategy game. It was based on the Mayans. The game played as this. You had workers. To get more workers you built houses then put them in the houses which created more workers. You then could convert the workers into other things such as soldiers or some sorta flame throwing soldiers. You could send them to build towers, walls, you know all the usual stuff.

You play the Ajaw (the leader) who appears to be some sort of high priestess or something. This is because you can send down bolts of lightning, create earthquakes, spawn volcanoes, and all other sort of elemental stuff. You gain these powers by worshipping statues that are semi hard to get to within the game.

Oh I also remember you could literally zoom so far out that all you see is the planet.

Never have been able to figure out the name of the game. I only played the demo, but always wanted to play the actual game.
The game's name is Populous: The Beginning, had some great fun with that on the PS1. Too bad it requires 1 whole memorycard of 15 blocks to be saved. xD

Edit: Zakka or zappa to shoot fireballs with your shaman. =D I distinctly remember that.
THATS IT! Wow, should of posted it a long time ago I was searching it for years.
Thanks Ytomyth

Jeff Surett

New member
Nov 18, 2011
hey im jeff i played a pc space game where you had your own ship you could fly in space go to differnt planets galixys and or universes u talk to people to get missions its an online game and no it not fsu or star track but i cant remember the name and i want to play it again so can someone please help me thanks ps i think it came out in 2001 or 2002 thanks for the help