Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Hey I used to play a game several years back on my phone.It was about two balls,one red and one blue on a spaceship saving the universe be rescuing some stranded dudes and one of them betrays you at the end and after you defeat him the game restarts.I also remember that you always play with the red fat ball and in the maps you have to dodge some radioactive goo and sometimes collect rocks in a teleport.You could play with the blue ball in a virtual map that as you progress in the game had more stuff in it.

Could you please help me?


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Hi. I've been looking for this game since yesterday. It's a game for the ps2 format (not sure if it has an xbox version.) So the game is like "Super Monkey Balls". The player is stuck inside a pink ball and you must through the map before your opponents or before the timer reaches a certain number, I'm not sure, I think some are races and others are timers. You can play with a different variation of characters, plus you can play it multiplayer (no, not online) with your friends. I remember that 2 of the characters are a snowman and the other guy had a pumpkin head. The curse sometimes moved to make it more difficult to go through it without falling down. When you fall you restart the level I think.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
GavHan1992 said:
I have a game, it was for ps1, it was a racing game but kinda futuristic, each car had a weapon built into it , some if not most of the cars locked on, the lock on was like blue squares that went or red when it locked, you could upgrade your cars weapons and speed and shit or you could buy a new car, in the end of the game, or from what i remember getting upto when you race/kill/beatt the last guy you win and then you get put back in jail anyway and it ends, i cant remember too much about it though, i remember you started with cars with wheels and some cars were big and heavy, some were small, and then there were some hover cars too, no clue what it was called,

another game was a dungeon crawler and its for pc, its old and the dungeons were randomly generated, from memory the area you hadnt been was all just pure white and you could see like paved sections and walls and stuff when you got close enough to them, going through dungeons you get spells that you can kill monsters with and it would say what happens down the bottom, like so and so hits goblin with fire bolt for 20, if you got cursed gear you couldnt take it off or something like that, but yea thats all the info i can remember

EDIT: i found the 2nd game it was called Castle of Winds.
The first one might just be Wipeout. I'm not really all that sure though.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Hey, anybody know this game? It's for the n64 or the ps1. But i'm pretty sure that it was for the N64. You were this little black bug thing and you could run around and jump into other animals and control them. In one level there was an elephant you could jump into and control. I can't remember what you had to make the elephant do but this game has been on my mind for a while, and i really want to learn what it's name is so i can relive my child hood memories lol.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Ritz.ritz said:
Hi! I have been trying to remember this game for so long now.
It's pretty old. I played it when I was little.

- it had a person running on a pyramid type thing.
- and collecting jewels/ diamonds
- on some levels a devil looking thing would come up and try to kill you.
- there were also skeletons trying to kill you.
- you could get an extra life by capturing a heart.

please help!
Castlevania i think, did the character use a whip to attack?


New member
Apr 21, 2012
all i remember from this ps2 title is that the demons you fought turned into paper money or tickets when you killed them, i think it was a ninja game...possibly


New member
Apr 21, 2012
all i remember from this ps2 title is that the demons you fought turned into paper money or tickets when you killed them, i think it was a ninja game...possibly


New member
Nov 25, 2009
JabbaTheLost said:
Hey, anybody know this game? It's for the n64 or the ps1. But i'm pretty sure that it was for the N64. You were this little black bug thing and you could run around and jump into other animals and control them. In one level there was an elephant you could jump into and control. I can't remember what you had to make the elephant do but this game has been on my mind for a while, and i really want to learn what it's name is so i can relive my child hood memories lol.
Pretty sure you are talking about Space Station Silicon Valley, pretty awesome game! Never really got the hang of it as a kid though :p

Here an episode of Screwattack's Video Game Vault about it: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/video-game-screwattack/711980


New member
Nov 25, 2009
I myself am searching for a game from the nineties (I think). It was a sidescrolling game set in space (not sure). The main character looked a lot like a guy from Metal Slug and the only thing I really remember that there was a gun with bullets that grew longer when you held the space key. So if you held it for a brief moment a normal bullet would shoot out but when you held it longer it would grow.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
codax said:
JabbaTheLost said:
Hey, anybody know this game? It's for the n64 or the ps1. But i'm pretty sure that it was for the N64. You were this little black bug thing and you could run around and jump into other animals and control them. In one level there was an elephant you could jump into and control. I can't remember what you had to make the elephant do but this game has been on my mind for a while, and i really want to learn what it's name is so i can relive my child hood memories lol.
Pretty sure you are talking about Space Station Silicon Valley, pretty awesome game! Never really got the hang of it as a kid though :p

Here an episode of Screwattack's Video Game Vault about it: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/video-game-screwattack/711980
Lol thank you! That was the game i was looking for, though i can't remember the robot loosing his body part. Or anything to do with space. All i remembered was the little black bug and you could control animals lmao but thanks anyway bro, i'm definitely getting this game again :D


New member
Apr 22, 2012
Hey, I'm looking for a game like crazy, I THINK the game was undead-related. It started in a cave, you controled a woman with blue hair that used magic, I think, a boy, and a big guy with a shield, I guess. It's a PC game, thanks for any help


New member
Apr 22, 2012
Trying to remember a game probably ps1 maybe ps2 you were a solider of some type and to get other soldiers and tanks and stuff you collected boxes and stacked them in a certain pattern together, sorta thinking top down view(not quite gta look) maybe just off top down.
Any help would be much loved.


New member
Mar 19, 2012
Ok i hope i can find this out...so it was a old Xbox game and you had to go around on roller skates and spray paint stuff do stunts and stuff like that.....i had kind of a futuristic feel too it i think.... cant remember much else :/ ......i hope someone can help


New member
Dec 5, 2010
rjkb123 said:
Ok i hope i can find this out...so it was a old Xbox game and you had to go around on roller skates and spray paint stuff do stunts and stuff like that.....i had kind of a futuristic feel too it i think.... cant remember much else :/ ......i hope someone can help
Jet Set Radio


New member
Apr 22, 2012
Hey everyone.. Please Help : O

I am searching for a game from around 97-2000. It's an old-school 3d adventure/rpg game. I remember that graphic was very cartoonish , maybe a little lego-like. You play with some different characters - knights, wizards. I can also remember few levels - in one you fought frog-men with spears in the sewers (in this one you needed torch to see where you are going), another one was an escape from a mine (you started it chained to a ball), there was also a level with lava rooms and one with a pirate ship i believe - you could have start them all independently in the game menu. Any ideas?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
AZChick924 said:
I'm not sure if this was requested already, and there's so many pages to this thread... I'm just too lazy to look for it.

I'm looking for a computer game I played in 1993. It was some sort of detective game. The playable character had, I believe grey coat and blue hat, and you never saw his/her face. I remember one of the levels being a school.

Anyone know what I'm talking about here?
Carmen Sandiego?

mike ruger

New member
Apr 22, 2012
Ok, here's mine, and I hope I explain this well enough.
It was PC, i think we played it in '93 or so. you were a fugitive that had just recently been captured by some galactic marshall/policewoman/bounty hunter female. It's a detective sort of game, like Myst except side-scroller-ish, where you search for tools and clues that advance the story (don't know exactly what those are called). The first level you have to repair the ship, you've crashed on a planet, at some deserted outpost. Other levels include gambling at a casino to get money and information, finding alien eggs, being captured by monks of some sort. there's also something to do with finding beacons throughout the game.
Hopefully that's good enough, i'd love to play this game again.