Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Apr 16, 2012
Cameron Wang said:
Created an Escapist account for this exact reason. I remember playing this for countless hours as a child, on a Windows 95, I believe.

The game was a side scrolling game where you are a gunman going around and rescuing people (not the actual idea of the game). First level takes place in a city-scape environment and there are people trapped which you rescue. As the game progresses, you may have gotten upgrades for your gun that will last as long as you have bullets for that weapon. After that, I don't remember much except for the final boss, which is some kind of evil doctor inside a laboratory. Sorry if there isn't too much detail.

As for the graphics of the game, its a fairly pixelated game with some good detail. It's like Chrono Trigger styled. Please keep in mind that the game ISN'T about saving people rather defeating this evil doctor. Another thing I just remembered while writing this post is that there is a enemy in the game that is black (kind of like the monster in AVP) that shoots short blue lasers. If you manage to kill him, you acquire the ammo until you run out, which you then revert back to your original weapon.

I'm pretty sure that I didn't need a CD to install this game. Definitely a PC game and not a console game, unless it was remade for the console, but I doubt that. If you can find this game, I will send 10 USD via PayPal to you, just as a thank you for finding a large piece of my childhood.
Was it Metal Slug? It was Neo Geo, but I had it on PC as well.



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Apr 16, 2012
Punch You said:
blockout said:
Does anyone know the name of a sidescroller where you played as some Gollum-like creature going through a factory of some kind, running away from some bad guys. It was kinda stealthy, you could hide in shadows, roll, etc. I played it last time about...8-9 years ago on a PC, it could have console versions as well, dunno.
Kinda sounds like "Oddworld, thoughI don't know whether that got a pc release.
I agree - Abe's Odyssey...It had a PC release


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Apr 16, 2012
wulf3n said:
Wardawg00 said:
I'm trying to remember a game my cousin played on dreamcast. She was this Asian guy and he witnessed a murder or kidnapping of some sort. He could not remember much of the murder so he had to try to get clues from people in the area. I remember the car was all black, black windows, black body paint, black rims I think. And one of the scenes was in this bar she had to do combos in sequence in order to beat them. He was fighting Kung-fu like style. I also think he wore a black leather jacket and black shades.

Plzz help me find it I've been wanting to find out what happens in the end for soooooo long since I remembered it.
Has to be...I remember the bar and the outfit...


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Dec 20, 2011
gs350 said:
FriendGuy said:
I remember this one arcade shoot'em up I played when I was a kid. It centered around these two pilots, one wearing blue armor, and the other wearing pink I think. The only clear detail I can remember was that one of the weapons your ship could have was a sort of mace thing that would spin around your ship.

B-wing? I think the "mace" thing was the "hammer" option, right?


Great forum idea btw...how do you embed youtube videos in your posts?
No...it was horizontal and had a 16 bit look to it. And the search continues!


New member
Apr 16, 2012
DaemonHatter said:
This one might prove a bit tricky.

The game I'm thinking of was definitely an RPG game, with a sci-fi setting. It featured races of lizard-people and cat-people.

It ran on Windows 3.1, so we're looking at a game from the 90s here, and probably not the late 90s. It was probably Shareware, and I vaguely remember the word Exodus might have been associated with it (it might have been part of a subtitle). It had nothing to do with the Ultima series, or the Ultima III game, which is generally what a search for an RPG with the word Exodus brings up.

Anybody got any ideas?
I think they one your looking for is called Ringworld?


New member
Apr 14, 2012
CD-R said:
DaemonHatter said:
This one might prove a bit tricky.

The game I'm thinking of was definitely an RPG game, with a sci-fi setting. It featured races of lizard-people and cat-people.

It ran on Windows 3.1, so we're looking at a game from the 90s here, and probably not the late 90s. It was probably Shareware, and I vaguely remember the word Exodus might have been associated with it (it might have been part of a subtitle). It had nothing to do with the Ultima series, or the Ultima III game, which is generally what a search for an RPG with the word Exodus brings up.

Anybody got any ideas?
There was a shareware rpg called Blades of Exile that had cat people and lizard people.


It didn't have a sci-fi setting though unless it was a custom scenario.
That's it! :D Thanks so much. Yeah, it must have been a custom scenario -- looks like there's loads of them on the web. Who knew?


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Apr 6, 2012
simmo13203 said:
Hey guys, would really appreciate some help finding the name of this game I've been thinking of for years!!!

Its a 2D side scroller game from the 90s. I remember you could go an alien race/tribe which would float around and discover new areas from a sort of portal system. You could collect these relics/artifacts/orb things and build certain types of buildings. You could create a warrior class by sending your worker aliens in to the warrior building and could also fight other tribes of floaty aliens!

Any help would be appreciated!

Here is a pic to help, I'm starting to question this games existence. And my own.



New member
Mar 1, 2009
simmo13203 said:
simmo13203 said:
Hey guys, would really appreciate some help finding the name of this game I've been thinking of for years!!!

Its a 2D side scroller game from the 90s. I remember you could go an alien race/tribe which would float around and discover new areas from a sort of portal system. You could collect these relics/artifacts/orb things and build certain types of buildings. You could create a warrior class by sending your worker aliens in to the warrior building and could also fight other tribes of floaty aliens!

Any help would be appreciated!

Here is a pic to help, I'm starting to question this games existence. And my own.

Is it M.U.L.E?



New member
Apr 17, 2012
I need help remembering, my Dad had this game on a floppy disc and it is similar to boulder dash. You were a man who looked like rayman(It was not rayman)except i think you were in a prison outfit I don't know. What you did was, you were underground (digging out I think) and there were people chasing you and when you went underneath a boulder with a person chasing you the boulder would fall down and crush him. I have searched for years now and I stumbled upon this forum so I was hoping somebody might know.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Oh man, I used to play this game all the time when I was a kid. It was a PC game in the 90's, and it had an overlying story line of some princes searching for a princess. It was kinda board game style, and had tons of mini games. Gah. If I remember more, I'll add it...
It was kinda odd, with tongue in cheek humor. I'm not 100% positive they were princes. Urg. You could play battleship with a octopus/kracken as one of the mini games. Oh, there were lots of different areas of the map, a castle/town area, a desert area, a mountain area...


New member
Apr 6, 2012
@CD-R It's not MULE but thanks for trying! I guess I should mention the game was on the PC, it's most likely we were playing it on Win 98!


New member
Apr 18, 2012
i will rage if i dont find this game, the story a bit compicated your in a under ground city and something hapens and you get a over heat bar that when you ues a special move the bar gos up and if it reaches 100% it's game over and you have to start agen. you need to get to the suffice to stop what ever it is. i know that it was on plastation but i dont know what one sorry i dont know eney more than that ow i remember one of the first missions or chapters was in a subay whith monsters. thanks for the help

Ramon Hester

New member
Apr 18, 2012
It's an old pc game I think it's sort of like risk except I know u get tanks, planes boats and I think maybe soldiers on different stages and your are trying to take over the opponents castle I believe... There is a red team and a yellow team for sure and maybe a blue team. On some stages you can't view something's until you move your piece a little closer. Please help


New member
Apr 18, 2012
There's this puzzle game I used to play when I was a kid that I cannot find, and cannot get out of my head. It involved these two kids (siblings, brother and sister) who were looking for their uncle in a lost city. You had to do various puzzles to help out the creatures and such there to get to the lost city. I remember something about goo bags. Also, very clearly remember there being a logic puzzle where you had to place worms on this bus thing according to numbers and figure out where each had to go. Once you got it the "bus" would say, "Come along bugs!" and zoom off, spraying the children with goo. There was also a puzzle involving monekys; had to rope off a pit and do the right math to give the monkey the right length of vine. Once they got into the city, you had to place tiles with words so that they matched correctly or something to allow for the animals stuck across the gorge to cross. I know it's all kind of thrown together, but if anybody can remember what this is, I'd be very appreciative for the info! Driving me nuts...


New member
Apr 18, 2012
I played a game probably around the late 90s, there is a tiny man, I think dressed in green?, who is adventuring through a house, at one point you're in the kitchen and I think you have to avoid knives or something, and at one point you're in a bathroom and you have to run on the bar of soap and ride a bubble up somewhere and you go to a kids room and a garage I think and you have to climb on boxes and stuff, Amy idea what game this is, and what game system it is for?


New member
Apr 19, 2012
I'm trying to find the name of a game I remember playing in the 90's.

From what I remember, the game was probably a third person, platform-shooter.
You played a guy entering a monster filled house, which you were trying to get through, armed only with a gun.

Hopefully that will be enough for someone to know what I'm talking about, since that is about all I remember about it.


New member
Apr 19, 2012
This is pretty vague request aswell. I remember playing a psx game as a kid where you would jump around in different styles of square arenas, throwing logs and rocks at eachother, and in between battle, you could buy items from a vending machine + gear to improve your abilitys?

the arenas i remember was a leveled grass square with a tree at the top left Corner, and a space arena, where rocks(meteors) would come rumbling down from the sky.

you played vs 3 other npcs, or co-op/multiplayer as i recall.


New member
Apr 12, 2012
CD-R said:
Aoky-tati said:
I cannot remember the whole name, it's like "Kingdom Something", and it was about mini battles on streets with wizards and warriors, i kinda remember it was purple (maybe blue?) or pink, i remember that one of the characters can create a magic shield and it was pink and other (if not the same) can teletransport to other part of the screen. The characters were like rpg.
I always ask my brother about the game's title but he can't remember either, just now it comes to his mind it's sth like "Kingdom Fighter" but not so. Pleease, help!
Is it Kingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes?
No, it's not that one because I also saw it when doing my research about the game I'm trying to remember&find>< But Thanks^^
It was kinda DOS or 2D or something like that, not having such a 3D view as on "Kingdom Under Fire"


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I'm not sure if this was requested already, and there's so many pages to this thread... I'm just too lazy to look for it.

I'm looking for a computer game I played in 1993. It was some sort of detective game. The playable character had, I believe grey coat and blue hat, and you never saw his/her face. I remember one of the levels being a school.

Anyone know what I'm talking about here?