Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Shane O'Day

New member
Apr 12, 2012
I couldn't tell if anyone asked this before in the long list of questions, so I'm putting up the question here. There's an old point and click game I played on PC back in the mid/late 90s. Can't remember the name, or much of the game at all, except for an early level/part. I believe the character you play is an orphan or something. Well, in the level I can remember, there's a cave where some fat women(I dont think they were human, just humanoid, but I can't be sure) had a sauna set up, and you had to get though. So, you have to find a blanket(or towel?) and get a skunk to spray the blanket, which you then drop down a hole in the ceiling of the sauna-cave to scare the women out. Somewhere nearby was also a puzzle set into a stone wall you had to figure out.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Convoy said:
I played this one game on Gamecube and it was a Gladiator turnbased fighting game. You could also, fight barbarians and minotaurs. Haven't played it in years. :(
Please help.
That would be Gladius.



New member
Apr 12, 2012
I cannot remember the whole name, it's like "Kingdom Something", and it was about mini battles on streets with wizards and warriors, i kinda remember it was purple (maybe blue?) or pink, i remember that one of the characters can create a magic shield and it was pink and other (if not the same) can teletransport to other part of the screen. The characters were like rpg.
I always ask my brother about the game's title but he can't remember either, just now it comes to his mind it's sth like "Kingdom Fighter" but not so. Pleease, help!

prazen Profil

New member
Jan 27, 2012
Please help me It was a 3D PC game you played as a red alien in thirdperson the alien had a staff that he could use to lit gunpowder on the ground to burn down wooden doors I only played the demo so that is all I can provide


New member
Mar 4, 2012
PuffinBox! I was just looking for that game and now I remember the name on the CD I once had!

The game is called "Incoming" :)

Connor Standfield

New member
Apr 6, 2012
CD-R said:
Connor Standfield said:
Two games I'd like help with. One I barely remember, so bad that part of me thinks it was a game on a cassette (was there ever such a thing in the UK?), anyway, in this game you were on a horse and cart (the sheet/cover thing on the cart was white) in a desert and people on horseback (and maybe other means as well) were chasing you, it was a side scroller with really basic graphics, there may have been other stages but I can't remember. I'd assume it was a definite NES era game, if not earlier?

The second is weird. There's a game called Another World (also known as Out of this World and Outer World), I can remember this game looking like that, but I watched a Let's Play of Another World and it wasn't the same. This game was almost an rpg, you had to find weapons and escape from either the people or creatures there, really struggling to remember this one, for that reason I'm thinking it was a NES, SNES or Megadrive game.

Wish I could be more detailed but I really don't remember anything else about these games besides from this stuff, it may be that I've mixed memories of games up in my head and they are simply different games, if anyone can help/tries to help thank you in advance :)
Is the second one Blackthorne?

If it isn't Blackthorne it might be this game called Flashback.


I think it's Flashback. At first I saw a different video that made me unsure, but this one seems fairly similar. Thanks a million :D


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Xkntry said:
Alright, here is what I can remember. Please help if you can.
The game was in the mid 90's. It is like an earlier version of command and conquer. I know you get an island and you are battling an enemy on another island. You don't get tanks or dudes to attack, you use missiles. I also remember you could build a missile defense system that shot incoming missiles out of the sky. I think the game was played against the Russians. It came in a reddish??? Box on 5 of those 2.5 inch hard floppy discs. You loaded them all, then gave them to a friend who could also load them. You dialed them up on the modem and you could play against each other. Or you could play against the computer. That's all I remember for now. Thanks for the help, if anyone can think of the game.

I also remember you could occasionally send a nuke to your enemies island and it would blacken some of the land. PC game.
That sounds a lot like Global Effect [http://www.lemonamiga.com/games/details.php?id=1753]. The AI was god-awful to the point where you could either overrun it in minutes or they'd end up killing the planet.

hallmark said:
I'm trying to remember an old PC game. It was a life simulation. You chose a character, 2 male and 2 female were available. You would have to get a job, buy food, clothes etc. You could also buy lottery tickets. You could study at universities to get degrees and get better jobs.

Pretty sure that's Jones in the Fast Lane [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jones_in_the_Fast_Lane]. Lotta fun, but the sound effects were terrifying.


New member
Apr 14, 2012
It was called Space Games and it was a collection of 4 games and I can't remember the names of any of the games. I've tried google to no avail, so hoping someone here can help.

The first was a sort of virus protection game. You were a yellow spaceship/robot that shrinks and goes inside its computer to destroy viruses. It was played from a sort of top looking down view. It was a basic shooter style game.

The second game was a sort of puzzle game. You had two robots. A big one with a yellow face and a small red one. You can switch between the two to complete the levels.

The third was with a robot that was all blue with a little bit of yellow that was fighting off an alien invasion on some planet. This was a side scrolling shooter type game with a little bit of puzzle element to it.

The fourth, I can't remember very well but I seem to have a vague notion of a game that was kind of like a gravity game where you place objects and let this ship go and make its way around. I know its very vague but I remember this the least of all.


New member
Apr 14, 2012
When I was in 3-5th grade (2001-2004), my school gave out those JumpStart PC kids learning games you're supposed to take home and play and then buy or give back. One of the games, in 4th or 5th grade I think, you played as a lion in a mansion or something. I think it was a JumpStart game, maybe not. But you did play as a lion and you have to solve knowledge puzzles to get through the game. Also, the lion sings a song or two during the game. Hope this is enough info, good luck to you since I've had none finding this game.


New member
Apr 14, 2012
This one might prove a bit tricky.

The game I'm thinking of was definitely an RPG game, with a sci-fi setting. It featured races of lizard-people and cat-people.

It ran on Windows 3.1, so we're looking at a game from the 90s here, and probably not the late 90s. It was probably Shareware, and I vaguely remember the word Exodus might have been associated with it (it might have been part of a subtitle). It had nothing to do with the Ultima series, or the Ultima III game, which is generally what a search for an RPG with the word Exodus brings up.

Anybody got any ideas?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
There is 1 Sega Megadrive/Genesis game I cannot remember the name of but I can barely remember any of it.

It was a vertically scrolling shmup. If I remember correctly the vehicle you controlled was grey and sort of round with spikes on the edge. The environments were mostly metallic but with moss or grass growing on them too and I think the enemies wer sort of like insects or something.
I can remember one enemy looking like a centipede with big mandibles that looked like claws.


New member
Apr 14, 2012
eggy32 said:
There is 1 Sega Megadrive/Genesis game I cannot remember the name of but I can barely remember any of it.
I'm taking a bit of a guess here, but is that Xenon 2?



New member
Nov 19, 2009
DaemonHatter said:
eggy32 said:
There is 1 Sega Megadrive/Genesis game I cannot remember the name of but I can barely remember any of it.
I'm taking a bit of a guess here, but is that Xenon 2?

Yes! Fantastic. I've been trying to find this game for so long, thank you.


New member
Feb 9, 2012
Please help me find this game

it was a pc game somewhere between 1998-2004.
it had tiny orange/brownish characters.
it had big maps and you could play it in two modes campaign and another one i dont remember. in it we had differnt weapons like clubs, straw, spade, bazookas,etc. in the game if u kill anyone they disintegrate and form liquids which u can suck from a straw and create new characters.

it had different coloured tiles which were a part of a wall which when hit upon did something specific like teleporting to a different location on the map...we could also play against the computer where we controlled different brown characters and computer controlled blue purple red characters....pls help!!
it had many levels and one level was named- Honey i shrunk .... i dont remember the last part....


New member
Apr 15, 2012
This is an awesome game! Please help, if you know the name of this game!!

It is a Windows 95/98 PC game and the genre was action/adventure.

I remember that the character is a woman that, during the introduction, gets locked inside this abandoned building. When you go to the doors, they are locked, so you must find another way out and the adventure starts. You start off in the dining room area and there is a bowl on the table that you must go up to and look in. There appears to be tomato soup in the bowl and you see a ripple. You must then go upstairs to a bedroom and use a strategy to open one of the drawers to get a piece of paper, which goes into the bowl of tomato soup for a code.

I also remember that in a small room off to the side of the dining room, there is a large beer keg. When you turn to another wall, there is this wall of spikes that makes the character jump. There is a dead person there.

Then, the character navigates to this coded box at a doorway and you must use a strategy to get the numbers to stop and line up, opening the box's door and then there's a deceased human's hand with a ring on the finger that the character must remove.

The character goes down this stairway and about half way down, this gigantic metal ball comes rolling out of no where and the character runs for her life down the stairs and the gigantic ball blocks the entrance you came from. You are now in a room where there are deceased people.

There is this scene in the game where the character walks through this corridor of knights in armour and then one is possessed and tries to knock you down into this huge cylinder hole. If you fail to press the left and right keys, on command, and you get knocked into the hole, you can climb out and repeat the process to knock the knight in.

I also remember that there is this room with a non-functioning water fountain and there is a small room to the side where the character must use strategy in the astrology portion of the game.

If you know the name of this game, please let me know. I have been searching for this game, by clues, but to no such luck.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
DaemonHatter said:
This one might prove a bit tricky.

The game I'm thinking of was definitely an RPG game, with a sci-fi setting. It featured races of lizard-people and cat-people.

It ran on Windows 3.1, so we're looking at a game from the 90s here, and probably not the late 90s. It was probably Shareware, and I vaguely remember the word Exodus might have been associated with it (it might have been part of a subtitle). It had nothing to do with the Ultima series, or the Ultima III game, which is generally what a search for an RPG with the word Exodus brings up.

Anybody got any ideas?
There was a shareware rpg called Blades of Exile that had cat people and lizard people.


It didn't have a sci-fi setting though unless it was a custom scenario.

There was also a game called Albion that had a race of cat like people similar to the Navi from Avatar that was more sci-fi.


The only other rpgs I can think of that featured lizard and cat people are the Lands of Lore and Elder Scrolls series.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Aoky-tati said:
I cannot remember the whole name, it's like "Kingdom Something", and it was about mini battles on streets with wizards and warriors, i kinda remember it was purple (maybe blue?) or pink, i remember that one of the characters can create a magic shield and it was pink and other (if not the same) can teletransport to other part of the screen. The characters were like rpg.
I always ask my brother about the game's title but he can't remember either, just now it comes to his mind it's sth like "Kingdom Fighter" but not so. Pleease, help!
Is it Kingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes?


New member
Apr 15, 2012
Hey people. I have remembered a game I used to play such a long time ago in school when I was bored (around 7-8 years ago or so... not sure anymore actually). I barely can remember any detail but I feel like it was a great game I have to play again.

I *THINK* it was some sort of puzzle game where the character had to find out how to proceed. I'm really not sure, but I think there was a boy who had to travel through time or something like that...

The only thing I actually remember about the game is a certain puzzle where the character had to create some sort of stairs from sandbags using those guns that have a sharp ending.

Any idea what it can be? I hope someone will be able to help me :(


New member
Dec 20, 2011
I remember this one arcade shoot'em up I played when I was a kid. It centered around these two pilots, one wearing blue armor, and the other wearing pink I think. The only clear detail I can remember was that one of the weapons your ship could have was a sort of mace thing that would spin around your ship.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
FriendGuy said:
I remember this one arcade shoot'em up I played when I was a kid. It centered around these two pilots, one wearing blue armor, and the other wearing pink I think. The only clear detail I can remember was that one of the weapons your ship could have was a sort of mace thing that would spin around your ship.

B-wing? I think the "mace" thing was the "hammer" option, right?


Great forum idea btw...how do you embed youtube videos in your posts?