Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Feb 27, 2012
Usually i solve my own old game riddles with google but this time i turn to you guys.

I think it either was a demo of a game or a too powerfull game for our computer back then that i only know the first few parts of it and its setup.

Its a racing game in which you can knock out the competition with mines (positive), oil and guns (less positive).
I remember the game has a bridge in the beginning you have to jump over using a giant spring attached to the base of your car. (Failing to do so is game over)
It has a cartoonish setting.
Each car is different, with a distinct character per type of car. (Character i always chose was in a futuristic looking race tenue with blue helmet i believe)
I played it around '95 on the old 486 or pentium 1, (DOS/Win95)

Anyone have a clue?


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Mar 1, 2009
pure.Wasted said:
Tried this one on other forums to no avail, maybe someone here will know.

PC game from before 1998, likely around 1996. It's basically a strategy game. You create a little village, with roads between buildings - residences, a graveyard, a well, I believe, a church - and your dudes walk around town and do stuff. I distinctly recall that your population actually reproduced by having a guy villager and a girl villager go into a building and then making snuggling noises, eventually coming out with a baby. Villagers could grow old and die (hence need for graveyard).

In one of the missions, probably an early one, your village is besieged by zombies.

If anyone could figure this out, I would be extremely grateful.
It could be the Settlers series or Beasts and Bumpkins.


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Apr 23, 2012
philold09 said:
I remembered Playing turn-based RPG for Ps1
I've been through lists but can't seem to remember what the cover or story was about.
The only thing I remember was Early in the game (Maybe the beginning) you're in a school (Pretty sure the school was related to magic, not 100% positive though)
Not real sure for I was very little when I played it.
Release Date was probably between 96' and 98'.
Thanks alot!
It sounds to me a little like the Persona series, persona 1 or 2, does that seem like the game you played?


New member
Oct 12, 2011
CD-R said:
pure.Wasted said:
Tried this one on other forums to no avail, maybe someone here will know.

PC game from before 1998, likely around 1996. It's basically a strategy game. You create a little village, with roads between buildings - residences, a graveyard, a well, I believe, a church - and your dudes walk around town and do stuff. I distinctly recall that your population actually reproduced by having a guy villager and a girl villager go into a building and then making snuggling noises, eventually coming out with a baby. Villagers could grow old and die (hence need for graveyard).

In one of the missions, probably an early one, your village is besieged by zombies.

If anyone could figure this out, I would be extremely grateful.
It could be the Settlers series or Beasts and Bumpkins.
Oh my god. You've done it. Beasts and Bumpkins.

I owe you my life.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Kamietsu said:
Been searching this one for a long while now. I used to play it when I was a kid, though I didn't understand it as much as I really do now when I think back to it.

It was a crazy contraptions sort of game for the pc, but it was a free game you played in your browser. You made lines of whatever length you wanted and then placed a point(or not) onto this other part of the game window that had a moving line in it. Whenever the moving line passed over that point, it would cause your line that you drew to expand and contract. By placing many of these lines and points you could create these machines or works of art that moved, looked amazing, or whatever else you wanted. You coudl control the friction, the gravity of the area where you were building and the tension of each line. And there was a gallery you could upload all of your creations to, or play with any creation that was uploaded to the gallery. I first remember playing it in the late 90's early 00's on bored.com if that helps anyone.

Nevermind, I finally remembered it. It's called Sodaplay


New member
Apr 28, 2012
I've recently tried to recall an old spaceship/starship game for the PC myself. I believe it was a shareware deal, but there was a full version as well. I will do my best to piece together some of the things I remember.

The demo limited the styles of ships you could be, but I do recall your ship flying in from the bottom of the screen up close to the top and back down to land on a pad below where a female computer would talk to you briefly before you set out.

Once set out you flew around much like the style of Asteroids, in which you could in fact destroy asteroids, but you also collected gas tanks and actual icons for programs you had on your computer. So, much like the icons sitting on your desktop, except they'd be floating around in space for you to collect as a sort of "currency." If you shot at them, they'd begin to crack or be destroyed if too much damage was done to them.

There were other NPC space ships that would fly around and request help to kill asteroids and such, stating "I could use some help!" or contrary, "Hey, watch it!" if you shot at them. All the way to "I'm gonna get you!" if you harassed them too much. These were all vocal responses. Sometimes police ships would come out if you killed too many NPC players. I remember one being called "The Enforcer"

You could also access an upgrade station, granted I forget how, where your ship would land on a platform while you selected weapons and such from a list that cost money. You could even go into debt if you bought too much. Here you could also repair your ship if you took too much damage. When taking too much damage, you lost the left side of your ship, I.E. a wing, then the other side, sort of leaving you with this small center section.

I don't know if this enough information to help, but for the life of me I cannot remember the name nor can I find it on the net through the tidbits of info I have. Hopefully one of the minds out in the digital world can help me out on this.

Thank you kindly!


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Bertylicious said:
kenpachizero said:
Bertylicious said:
kenpachizero said:
Bertylicious said:
kenpachizero said:
Hey all, i am just trying to find a old pc game and was wondering if anyone can help.
its a pc game and its human vs alien, i do remember that you have to send out drillers to a pool type thing and drill for money and they can be upgraded once, you can also hop out of your vehicle and into any vehicle you produce and about half way through the game you can choose to stay human or join the alien and the alien race started with S, and at the end of the game the humans will kill the aliens of the aliens will transform the universe into them
Was it a strategy game? Also can you say approximately what year this would have been?
yes it was and i think it was about 10-12 years ago
Right so. I should have asked this earlier but what platform was it on? Also was it a 1st or 3rd person view, similar to Giants: Citizen Kabuto?

It's just it sounds a little like Dark Colony but the hopping in and out of vehicles sounds way different.
its on the pc and you could toggle between both, but you start the match in first person
Welp, I am utterly stumped. 2000 was a massive year for games which saw me piling a lot of time into games like Deus Ex and Baldurs Gate. It was a long time before I got into FPS in any kind of serious way. A couple of games I never played from around that time were things like Outcast and even Far Cry, but I don't think either of those had the strategy elements you described.

It sounds intruiging though. If you ever find out what it was, please message me with the answer. I'll keep looking and I'll let you know if I ever find it.

Hang on, it wasn't Natural Selection was it? That was a mod for half life and, I think, multiplayer only though. Didn't really play it much as I soon discovered They Hunger.
hey thanks for helping, if i do find it i'll let you know, also i don't play half life


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Aristoth said:
I've recently tried to recall an old spaceship/starship game for the PC myself. I believe it was a shareware deal, but there was a full version as well. I will do my best to piece together some of the things I remember.

The demo limited the styles of ships you could be, but I do recall your ship flying in from the bottom of the screen up close to the top and back down to land on a pad below where a female computer would talk to you briefly before you set out.

Once set out you flew around much like the style of Asteroids, in which you could in fact destroy asteroids, but you also collected gas tanks and actual icons for programs you had on your computer. So, much like the icons sitting on your desktop, except they'd be floating around in space for you to collect as a sort of "currency." If you shot at them, they'd begin to crack or be destroyed if too much damage was done to them.

There were other NPC space ships that would fly around and request help to kill asteroids and such, stating "I could use some help!" or contrary, "Hey, watch it!" if you shot at them. All the way to "I'm gonna get you!" if you harassed them too much. These were all vocal responses. Sometimes police ships would come out if you killed too many NPC players. I remember one being called "The Enforcer"

You could also access an upgrade station, granted I forget how, where your ship would land on a platform while you selected weapons and such from a list that cost money. You could even go into debt if you bought too much. Here you could also repair your ship if you took too much damage. When taking too much damage, you lost the left side of your ship, I.E. a wing, then the other side, sort of leaving you with this small center section.

I don't know if this enough information to help, but for the life of me I cannot remember the name nor can I find it on the net through the tidbits of info I have. Hopefully one of the minds out in the digital world can help me out on this.

Thank you kindly!
That could be Escape Velocity, Space Rouge or any number of open world space sims.



New member
Apr 29, 2012
I'm searching for an old game I used to play as a kid on the Playstation 1.
It wasn't a famous game and I don't even remember getting past the first level. but I played that first level sooo much. Now I'm in a nostalgic mood and would love to play this game like it should be done. I think it's a pretty easy game, also intended for kids.

I don't know much about the game since I was really young.

You are somekind of alienesque monster (as a young boy I thought it looked like a spaceship). you're in an area full of floating islands. on the islands are little monsters you must save. the area looks futuresque too. There are monsters running around (I recall em looking like weird dippingbirds, but I could be wrong). when you saved em all, you go stand in a spot on the map and that was the end of the level (well level 1 was like that)

Really hoping one of you knows what I'm on about!


New member
Apr 28, 2012
CD-R said:
Aristoth said:
I've recently tried to recall an old spaceship/starship game for the PC myself. I believe it was a shareware deal, but there was a full version as well. I will do my best to piece together some of the things I remember.

The demo limited the styles of ships you could be, but I do recall your ship flying in from the bottom of the screen up close to the top and back down to land on a pad below where a female computer would talk to you briefly before you set out.

Once set out you flew around much like the style of Asteroids, in which you could in fact destroy asteroids, but you also collected gas tanks and actual icons for programs you had on your computer. So, much like the icons sitting on your desktop, except they'd be floating around in space for you to collect as a sort of "currency." If you shot at them, they'd begin to crack or be destroyed if too much damage was done to them.

There were other NPC space ships that would fly around and request help to kill asteroids and such, stating "I could use some help!" or contrary, "Hey, watch it!" if you shot at them. All the way to "I'm gonna get you!" if you harassed them too much. These were all vocal responses. Sometimes police ships would come out if you killed too many NPC players. I remember one being called "The Enforcer"

You could also access an upgrade station, granted I forget how, where your ship would land on a platform while you selected weapons and such from a list that cost money. You could even go into debt if you bought too much. Here you could also repair your ship if you took too much damage. When taking too much damage, you lost the left side of your ship, I.E. a wing, then the other side, sort of leaving you with this small center section.

I don't know if this enough information to help, but for the life of me I cannot remember the name nor can I find it on the net through the tidbits of info I have. Hopefully one of the minds out in the digital world can help me out on this.

Thank you kindly!
That could be Escape Velocity, Space Rouge or any number of open world space sims.

It wasn't one of these, but I'm glad people are shooting suggestions. I was talking to my brother about it and apparently this was a game designed around Windows 3.1 or some such, but it must've worked on a couple of future computers beyond that. Pretty dated stuff, but I don't recall the graphics being terrible. In any event, I doubt I'd get the game to function on a Windows 7 machine anyhow so I should probably just let it go. I'm mostly curious about the name now, haha.

Thanks so much everyone.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Mastafunk said:
Ok this will be a tough one.... prolly because I was playing this game before most of u were born....lol.

It was a game I used to play in computer class when I was back in school. See in the old days computers were expensive and even in a private school we only had computer class once a week and for the rest of the time we used pens and paper (lol). I'm talking late 80's here!

Anyways it was a text based rpg game on the apple IIc or IIe (cannot remember which). Basically the ides was to mine gold as a gold miner/fossicker. You were presented with options at each point in the game. For example, early on you had to buy some mining equipment but you would be asked if you wanted to steal it instead.....

Any thoughts would be great.
Sneaky suspicion that that is Goldfields but not 100% sure.


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Apr 19, 2012
Jamesdenem said:
I'm trying to find the name of a game I remember playing in the 90's.

From what I remember, the game was probably a third person, platform-shooter.
You played a guy entering a monster filled house, which you were trying to get through, armed only with a gun.

Hopefully that will be enough for someone to know what I'm talking about, since that is about all I remember about it.
Still trying to figure out what this game was.

I also remember playing this on a computer.

From what I recall about gameplay, you started in front of a house, and made your way up to the roof. You then jumped down the chimney and went underground, which is about as far as I remember getting.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Jamesdenem said:
Still trying to figure out what this game was.

I also remember playing this on a computer.

From what I recall about gameplay, you started in front of a house, and made your way up to the roof. You then jumped down the chimney and went underground, which is about as far as I remember getting.
Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion?


New member
Apr 29, 2012
I'm looking for a game, which I played on PC. I can't remember much of it, but I think you were controlling some kind of small dino, like thing. You were out on an island, and I remember there was a big squid and you had to throw barrels at it. You were also out in the jungle collecting diamonds. I think the bad guy was green and rode on something, I can't remember what. I also think you were climbing over lava to collect diamonds, I'm not sure, but I think you could collect diamonds or something, any help would be great!

Shane O'Day

New member
Apr 12, 2012
Shane O said:
I couldn't tell if anyone asked this before in the long list of questions, so I'm putting up the question here. There's an old point and click game I played on PC back in the mid/late 90s. Can't remember the name, or much of the game at all, except for an early level/part. I believe the character you play is an orphan or something. Well, in the level I can remember, there's a cave where some fat women(I dont think they were human, just humanoid, but I can't be sure) had a sauna set up, and you had to get though. So, you have to find a blanket(or towel?) and get a skunk to spray the blanket, which you then drop down a hole in the ceiling of the sauna-cave to scare the women out. Somewhere nearby was also a puzzle set into a stone wall you had to figure out.

Still hoping someone might know this game, I know my description is vague, but it's been about 12-13 years since I've seen it.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Shane O said:
Shane O said:
I couldn't tell if anyone asked this before in the long list of questions, so I'm putting up the question here. There's an old point and click game I played on PC back in the mid/late 90s. Can't remember the name, or much of the game at all, except for an early level/part. I believe the character you play is an orphan or something. Well, in the level I can remember, there's a cave where some fat women(I dont think they were human, just humanoid, but I can't be sure) had a sauna set up, and you had to get though. So, you have to find a blanket(or towel?) and get a skunk to spray the blanket, which you then drop down a hole in the ceiling of the sauna-cave to scare the women out. Somewhere nearby was also a puzzle set into a stone wall you had to figure out.

Still hoping someone might know this game, I know my description is vague, but it's been about 12-13 years since I've seen it.
I'll take a wild stab at Torin's Passage. But without a little more detail that's the only thing I can think of. Been a long time since I played it though.

Shane O'Day

New member
Apr 12, 2012
Tallim said:
Shane O said:
Shane O said:
I couldn't tell if anyone asked this before in the long list of questions, so I'm putting up the question here. There's an old point and click game I played on PC back in the mid/late 90s. Can't remember the name, or much of the game at all, except for an early level/part. I believe the character you play is an orphan or something. Well, in the level I can remember, there's a cave where some fat women(I dont think they were human, just humanoid, but I can't be sure) had a sauna set up, and you had to get though. So, you have to find a blanket(or towel?) and get a skunk to spray the blanket, which you then drop down a hole in the ceiling of the sauna-cave to scare the women out. Somewhere nearby was also a puzzle set into a stone wall you had to figure out.

Still hoping someone might know this game, I know my description is vague, but it's been about 12-13 years since I've seen it.
I'll take a wild stab at Torin's Passage. But without a little more detail that's the only thing I can think of. Been a long time since I played it though.
I didn't remember it being that silly(not in a bad way, mind) but then again, I was just a kid, and I forgot about boogle, but that definitely seems to be it, thanks a bunch!


New member
Apr 29, 2012
Looking for a pc game. Story is set on a space station where the habitants are infected. It plays a bit like Diablo (perspective wise) and you have a robot as companion. There are 3 main npc from which you can choose upgrades and missions: a AI which wants you to become a cyborg, a pofessor who wants you between man and machine, and a woman who wants you to stay human:
Can't remember the name, anyone has a clue??

Edit: Got it! it was Space Siege!


New member
Apr 30, 2012
Ok so there was this game for ps1 where you start as a dragon that was in this crystal, you are released and after you are caught they cage you and transport you on a train. The cage falls off into these woods where a man finds it and you have yransformed into a baby boy. Thats all I can remember id be EXTREMELY grateful if any1 could tell me what its called thank you