Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Apr 30, 2012
Greatest thread ever... tryin to find the name of a stand up arcade game I played (I want to say it was in the late 80's). It was a martial arts game with I believe a static 2D screen (kind of like the original Mario Bros.). You would attack the other dudes on the screen, and I think pick up some colored orbs? Anyhow the defining part that I definitely recall was that when the stage ended, your character would say "Guts!" before proceeding to the next level. Your suggestions are greatly appreciated.


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Oct 4, 2010
Conquestalpha said:
Ok so there was this game for ps1 where you start as a dragon that was in this crystal, you are released and after you are caught they cage you and transport you on a train. The cage falls off into these woods where a man finds it and you have yransformed into a baby boy. Thats all I can remember id be EXTREMELY grateful if any1 could tell me what its called thank you
Breath of Fire III


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Oct 4, 2011
I really only played this game once, but it's always annoyed me that i can't remember the name. It was a mid 90s post apocalyptic RTS styled game, the only thing that pops into memory about it was that you farmed pumpkins. I always wanted to play more of it but could figure out how to play when i was a kid so i forgot about it.

Lectori Salutem

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Apr 11, 2011
rattleshirt said:
I really only played this game once, but it's always annoyed me that i can't remember the name. It was a mid 90s post apocalyptic RTS styled game, the only thing that pops into memory about it was that you farmed pumpkins. I always wanted to play more of it but could figure out how to play when i was a kid so i forgot about it.
I know quite some 90's apocalyptic RTS's, but I don't recall pumpkin farming in any of them. Any more details?


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Apr 19, 2012
Coldie said:
Jamesdenem said:
Still trying to figure out what this game was.

I also remember playing this on a computer.

From what I recall about gameplay, you started in front of a house, and made your way up to the roof. You then jumped down the chimney and went underground, which is about as far as I remember getting.
Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion?
Thanks! That's the one.

Sora Bird

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Ok so im looking for a old pc game,
where you have a base and you have to scroll around a map to find parts to build
robots? (it was kinda hard to tell) .
thats pretty much all i remember other then it being fun.


New member
Oct 4, 2011
Sorry, thats literally the only thing i can remember from that game. It was some sort of post apocalyptic RTS, pumpkin farming, and you had a bunch of individual unit characters who seemed like survivors or something.

For all i know it could be a product of an overreactive childs imagination playing Fallout, haha.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Sora Bird said:
Ok so im looking for a old pc game,
where you have a base and you have to scroll around a map to find parts to build
robots? (it was kinda hard to tell) .
thats pretty much all i remember other then it being fun.
Not a lot to go on :/ My brain wants to suggest Metal Fatigue which was a reasonably fun RTS.


New member
May 1, 2012
Okay. PLEASE help me figure out what game I am talking about so my family can stop thinking I am crazy. I know it exists. It was an old PC game and it involved a girl having to get out of this like, alternate world...and she was in this castle/dungeon looking place, and there was also an old beat up kitchen (one you'd imagine in a castle, like old castle like) and she could go make a potion or something in there. Once she got far enough I think she could also venture to this graveyard to learn more hints as to how to escape this world. Then once she got even further, she was like, outside all of these places (the castle/kitchen/graveyard) But she still had to leave the premises and she had to escape from there (I never got past this point). I think a rabbit was also involved some how. I know, you're thinking this sounds a lot like Alice in Wonderland, but I'm telling you it isn't. Please help :(


New member
May 1, 2012
OMG I found it, I booted up 4 of my family's OLD PC's in the process of typing that thread and the first PC had it, it was King's Quest VII.


New member
May 1, 2012
i have 2 games whichs name i cant remember. Both im played at my first PC back in 1996-7? I had only demo version of both if i recall but

1- Car arena destrutions ( no it wasnt destruciton derby, not even close). If im right the cars looks like batmobils, and so nothing like real drive cars.
U started at circle platform with all other cars in main room platfor was in air so at start u simply "jump" down few yards. There was other rooms , as further u progressed game, more rooms unlocked. U drive around gather waepons and killing other cars, if u died u respawned at starting platform . After some time there was announce of some big explosion inc and u had short time to get into safety " garage" , think it was under starting platform to survive it .
At that time everyone tried get there and which lead into funny mass fights so barely more then 1 cars survived and win the game.

2- Here i remember less. U had something like army plane, The POV was from sky/up . U had mission like destroy x of this, go to the point B. First 2 or so missions looked like it is in jungle. U fly aroudn and there was cannonc, soldiers, building which shoot at u and u need kill them asap...dotn remmeber more


New member
May 1, 2012
This isn't a really old game but it is one i have wanted to play for a long time.
It was some sort of 3rd person shooter set in the future, i think you are maybe police or something, but it was with a team of 4 people, 1 girl, 2 guys and a big white robot.
The guns shoot lasers and i remember you could switch between them to solve some puzzles, i also know that you would heal yourself at these med-stations on walls sort of like Star wars republic commando. Also the intro on start up was the leader of the squad way up on the balcony of a skyscraper. There is a little girl near the ledge and her teddy bear falls off, it plummets way down past the roads into this dark pit and lands in a puddle, in this pit is drain pips and sewer looking background. You see some creepy monster things crawl around and then the title i think.

I might be wrong about any of this but i simply hope it puts the name in your head so i may play the game that has been sitting in the back of my head for years.


New member
May 2, 2012
there is a fps pc game where you have air defense weapons and weapons to shoot boats and a pistol to shoot troopers. i really can't remember the name of it but sure it was a good game.it also has that health in a shape of a solder and his eyes glow sometimes. oh and no you can't move in the game just shoot airplanes and ships and sometimes solders who come in small boats look like boxes


New member
May 2, 2012
Alright, I'm searching for an old rp/action game.
I know little about it, I played it twice and I got it because it was on the same disk as Red Alert, which I borrowed from a friend. It was copied, so it doesn't have to be connected.

Like I said it was rp/action. You controlled a character (mage/knight maybe thief), it was from bird-point of view. It was 2d/3d (not like mario but also not like morrowind). The most vivid thing I remember is that in the first level there was a troll who was unbeatable, but if you were a mage you could kill it slowly by firing and running away over and over again. This troll was accompanied by bats.
There were cities (don't know if multiple), but you couldn't really walk in them. You entered them and from one screen you could click on several doors.
Levels were square, you completed the first level by walking out on the top.

I hope somebody knows what it is, cause it was really fun.
Thanks in advance.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
sceltus said:
Alright, I'm searching for an old rp/action game.
I know little about it, I played it twice and I got it because it was on the same disk as Red Alert, which I borrowed from a friend. It was copied, so it doesn't have to be connected.

Like I said it was rp/action. You controlled a character (mage/knight maybe thief), it was from bird-point of view. It was 2d/3d (not like mario but also not like morrowind). The most vivid thing I remember is that in the first level there was a troll who was unbeatable, but if you were a mage you could kill it slowly by firing and running away over and over again. This troll was accompanied by bats.
There were cities (don't know if multiple), but you couldn't really walk in them. You entered them and from one screen you could click on several doors.
Levels were square, you completed the first level by walking out on the top.

I hope somebody knows what it is, cause it was really fun.
Thanks in advance.
A long shot, but could it be Rage of Mages?


New member
May 2, 2012
Coldie said:
sceltus said:
Alright, I'm searching for an old rp/action game.
I know little about it, I played it twice and I got it because it was on the same disk as Red Alert, which I borrowed from a friend. It was copied, so it doesn't have to be connected.

Like I said it was rp/action. You controlled a character (mage/knight maybe thief), it was from bird-point of view. It was 2d/3d (not like mario but also not like morrowind). The most vivid thing I remember is that in the first level there was a troll who was unbeatable, but if you were a mage you could kill it slowly by firing and running away over and over again. This troll was accompanied by bats.
There were cities (don't know if multiple), but you couldn't really walk in them. You entered them and from one screen you could click on several doors.
Levels were square, you completed the first level by walking out on the top.

I hope somebody knows what it is, cause it was really fun.
Thanks in advance.
A long shot, but could it be Rage of Mages?
You are a god!!! I think it was Rage of Mages II! YES!! Now I only need to find a working download:p


New member
May 2, 2012
I really need help with this one, 'cause I've been searching for it for years:

- It's a 2D game from PS1 (I've only played the demo)
- It looks kinda cartoonish, just like Monkey Island 3
- I think the characters are british
- I remember something about the plague, a hair salon, some dude picking up dead people, some hags asking for coins
- Point and click adventure

Does any of you have a clue?

Olli Majaluoma

New member
May 2, 2012
I remember i have played a game where two wizards are trying to get to a door. It is played with two players (or with one wizard at the time. Cant remember) there are keyesandit is lika a puzzle game. about 10 years old?

Laurents Zuniga

New member
May 3, 2012
hey hi guys

i been triying to remember a game from ps1 it was an rpg like final fantasy tactis kind of, in the game u start like a boy in a school and the firt fight its a snow ball fight in the school after that u go to ur house and u find a weird book and when u tried to read it u get sucked into it.

its all i remember please if some1 know the gamne let me know xD thank you and forgive me for the grammar errors


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Laurents Zuniga said:
hey hi guys

i been triying to remember a game from ps1 it was an rpg like final fantasy tactis kind of, in the game u start like a boy in a school and the firt fight its a snow ball fight in the school after that u go to ur house and u find a weird book and when u tried to read it u get sucked into it.

its all i remember please if some1 know the gamne let me know xD thank you and forgive me for the grammar errors
That's Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on the Gameboy Advance without a doubt.