Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Mar 22, 2014
JoeMan said:
I wanted to see if you could help me please. I am looking for an old PC game perhaps from the 90s. It was a game in color and you woke up either in jail or in a dungeon and had to bust your way out ( You had nothing on your person, no items ). If I remember correctly you had a party of players. You had to sneak your way out of the dungeon and when you were finally out you could go around the various parts of the game fighting and leveling up your characters equipping them with new armor, swords, and other equipment. The one thing I remember the most about the game was that there was an ever looming threat that you had to accomplish your goals within a certain time frame because an army was building up and if you let too many days go past the game would end with your loss. The last thing I remember about the game is that there were magic weapons and armor and they would glow and the colors would move which was neat.

I know I don't have a lot to go on, can anyone help? It would be greatly appreciated.

I also remember that I believe there were multiple versions of this game and this was a second or third game in the line. I believe there were character types such as human, half giant, ect. Any ideas? your help is immensely appreciated.


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Mar 29, 2014
I've been having a lot of trouble trying to find the name of this game. It's from the early 2000s, most likely ps2 or gamecube. You play as two characters (I think they may have been brothers) and one is supposed to be good and the other evil, maybe one is an angel guy and the other is a demon? The game alternates between stories by playing as one brother and then switching to the other brother's story as you progress. I think at the end they might have met together? The only huge thing I remember from it is that at one point the evil brother has bat-like wings and they're torn off in a cutscene.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?


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Jul 15, 2013
amarelle said:
I've been having a lot of trouble trying to find the name of this game. It's from the early 2000s, most likely ps2 or gamecube. You play as two characters (I think they may have been brothers) and one is supposed to be good and the other evil, maybe one is an angel guy and the other is a demon? The game alternates between stories by playing as one brother and then switching to the other brother's story as you progress. I think at the end they might have met together? The only huge thing I remember from it is that at one point the evil brother has bat-like wings and they're torn off in a cutscene.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Arc The Lad: Twilight Of The Spirits? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/arc-the-lad-twilight-of-the-spirits/3030-4247/images/ )


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Mar 29, 2014
Doomgriever said:
Arc The Lad: Twilight Of The Spirits? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/arc-the-lad-twilight-of-the-spirits/3030-4247/images/ )
That was so fast, this is exactly what I was searching for. Thank you!!


New member
Mar 29, 2014
Hi guys, the game I'm looking for is a monster hunter game (I thought it's name was that, but it is hard to find anything typing in that)

So, the gamplay was this:
You get put into a labyrinth , and your goal is to destroy the monster spawners and monsters with special weapons for each kind (there were things like imps, some well monsters, vampires, werewolves, etc.) and if you ran out of time, a big snake-like thing spawned, and made your job really hard.

Sorry, I cant remember more details, hope someone still can help :p

edit: it was a PC game.
Second edit, found it, it is indeed Monster Hunter (from Monkey Byte)


New member
Mar 29, 2014
Hey everybody,
Me and a couple of friends have been seaching for this PC game for AGES now. I don't remember much, only that it practically was my life after school in the small grades. It's probably from mid to late 90's:
You're this little blondhaired, pink-shirted guy, running around in this 2D world, collecting fruit - and sweets - for points and power-ups. You would meet all kinds of enimies, flying and crawling, robots, monsters etc., and I think your goal was to save you littlesister/family (?) from an enemy/to get home/something like that? It was a platformer, very colourful and the soundtrack was, as I recall it, extremely awesome.

I know this isn't very detailed, hope somebody here can lead me towards some title!
Thank you!


New member
Mar 29, 2014
LadyLemming said:
Hey everybody,
Me and a couple of friends have been seaching for this PC game for AGES now. I don't remember much, only that it practically was my life after school in the small grades. It's probably from mid to late 90's:
You're this little blondhaired, pink-shirted guy, running around in this 2D world, collecting fruit - and sweets - for points and power-ups. You would meet all kinds of enimies, flying and crawling, robots, monsters etc., and I think your goal was to save you littlesister/family (?) from an enemy/to get home/something like that? It was a platformer, very colourful and the soundtrack was, as I recall it, extremely awesome.

I know this isn't very detailed, hope somebody here can lead me towards some title!
Thank you!
Could you collect gems? Was the world made of trees and caves, and very colorful? (wasn't it a girl character? Im not sure about this thou.) I think I have a game like that, I'll look it up if it matches.


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Mar 30, 2014
Hey, Im looking for an old browser game that I believe involved a stickfigure, and the objective of the game was to move to the right side of the screen. Every level had a puzzle to it and you had to solve it in order to move on to the next level. The puzzle solutions usually involved spelling something with your keyboard or clicking something. There was a sequel, and I believe at the end there was some guy waiting for you to tell you that you were this perfect creation because you only knew how to move forward (because you always and only could move to the right side of the screen). It was a fairly comical game, and I also believe you collected keys and could use them using the 'a' key. I know it sounds vague but anyone with ideas would make me a very happy guy. It was also surprising lengthy and creative, with very simplistic, mostly black and white design.
I appreciate the help!


New member
Mar 28, 2014
cloroxbb said:
Kukker said:
Hi guys

I am looking for a PS1 game and my description is probably useless, but I know i played it and I can't find it on any game list because I don't remember the name :(

It is a RACING Game, but I don't know if it has racing inside the name. If I remember correctly the game is where 2 cars always play next to each other, never 4 cars in a race always 2. Furthermore there should be some powerup items on the map so you can get a boost or a seaweed to catch up with the opponent or get above it. Something I am 100% certain on is, if you get a lead that is too big the cars will poof - and then the cars will be starting next to each other again. I think the car in the lead got a point or something then that happend. You see the cars from above, which means you looking down on the cars so they look really small, kinda like a view from a soccer game just more above than from the audience rows - if it helps.
If anyone knows the name of this game I would be incredible happy :3

- Thanks for the lovely human being who will be able to find this game for me
Its probably Micro Machines. When you get far enough ahead, you gain a point, and everybody then starts again. Although maybe not because there isnt any powerups in the game.
THANK YOU! - its Micro Machines v3 :D


New member
Mar 30, 2014
Hi guys,

im looking for an old game is was playing along time ago, it was An Action RPG: Hack and Slash game. A bit like Diablo but a very unknown game a bit darker than diablo i thin i was playing it between 2000 and 2008 or something.

You start in a little town with a wooden wall an outside are ork rats or skeletions

Please help me i want to play this game again xD


New member
Mar 30, 2014
guys pls help, it was a game i played around 1998-2003 on my pc, i was a kid so i dont remember it that well. i know it was arcade plane shooting game and bosses had something like a blue/purple goo on them at which you had to shoot to destroy them.


New member
Jul 15, 2013
perinho19 said:
guys pls help, it was a game i played around 1998-2003 on my pc, i was a kid so i dont remember it that well. i know it was arcade plane shooting game and bosses had something like a blue/purple goo on them at which you had to shoot to destroy them.
Bio-Hazard Battle? (GEN/PC) ( http://www.giantbomb.com/bio-hazard-battle/3030-15244/images/ )

( Purple goo thingy http://www.shmups.com/reviews/biohazard/images/5lev6.gif )


New member
Mar 30, 2014
naah its not that, it was like a spaceship/saucer with one part filled with this, looked quite like some sort of liquids, its a classic arcade shooter with planes :D


New member
Mar 30, 2014
I'm trying to remember the name of a game that I played on the playstation 2, I'm pretty sure it either came with it or came with an online expansion thing when I bought it. I have the case right here with me but all it says on the case is "Network Access Disc" and inside is a leaflet containing my network access code and a disc with "Network Access Disc" on it. I realise that the disc was used to enable the ps2 to access online capabilities but I'm 95-100% certain that there was a game included in the disc which involved cars/tanks of different speeds and abilities (all online no single player gameplay) battling one another on various maps- I remember there was a snow map and a map with a building/car park that you could go up. You could also drive through certain circles/spheres of various colours which gave your selected vehicle a powerup (I can't really remember what the powerups did). I can't find any trace of this game on the internet but I remember it as a huge online vehicle combat game which for some reason was included in the network access disc, apologies if this question has already been asked.



New member
Mar 30, 2014
gamelooker01 said:
I'm trying to remember the name of a game that I played on the playstation 2, I'm pretty sure it either came with it or came with an online expansion thing when I bought it. I have the case right here with me but all it says on the case is "Network Access Disc" and inside is a leaflet containing my network access code and a disc with "Network Access Disc" on it. I realise that the disc was used to enable the ps2 to access online capabilities but I'm 95-100% certain that there was a game included in the disc which involved cars/tanks of different speeds and abilities (all online no single player gameplay) battling one another on various maps- I remember there was a snow map and a map with a building/car park that you could go up. You could also drive through certain circles/spheres of various colours which gave your selected vehicle a powerup (I can't really remember what the powerups did). I can't find any trace of this game on the internet but I remember it as a huge online vehicle combat game which for some reason was included in the network access disc, apologies if this question has already been asked.

oh and I can't just put the disk in the ps2 because I have a ps4 now, and it obviously won't work in there


New member
Mar 30, 2014
Hey guys,
I'm looking for a pretty old game. I played it around 2004. It was an arcade-styled game which allowed for 2 players (maybe more, but I remembered playing with my brother so at least 2). It was a PC game where arrow keys and WASD were the controls. There were dinosaurs (or some reptile) and the background was sort of like a dungeon but it would change every time we entered a new level. It was a 2D, one screen game. The game was basically like a maze. There were bricks or something that would prevent you from walking but you can destroy it by launching fireballs from the dinosaurs. There were also other creatures on the stage (I think they were also dinosaurs but I think I remember a worm or something). Basically, you try to survive by launching fireballs and walking around. I tried doing a little research and it's of the "trap-em-up" genre, which also includes games like Heiankyo Alien (1979), Space Panic (1980), and Lode Runner (1983). However, even after looking through some of the games, I still couldn't find it. If anyone knows what I'm talking about please tell me what the name was. Thanks!~


New member
Jul 15, 2013
gamelooker01 said:
gamelooker01 said:
I'm trying to remember the name of a game that I played on the playstation 2, I'm pretty sure it either came with it or came with an online expansion thing when I bought it. I have the case right here with me but all it says on the case is "Network Access Disc" and inside is a leaflet containing my network access code and a disc with "Network Access Disc" on it. I realise that the disc was used to enable the ps2 to access online capabilities but I'm 95-100% certain that there was a game included in the disc which involved cars/tanks of different speeds and abilities (all online no single player gameplay) battling one another on various maps- I remember there was a snow map and a map with a building/car park that you could go up. You could also drive through certain circles/spheres of various colours which gave your selected vehicle a powerup (I can't really remember what the powerups did). I can't find any trace of this game on the internet but I remember it as a huge online vehicle combat game which for some reason was included in the network access disc, apologies if this question has already been asked.

oh and I can't just put the disk in the ps2 because I have a ps4 now, and it obviously won't work in there
Probably thinking of Hardware: Online Arena ( http://www.giantbomb.com/hardware-online-arena/3030-2441/ )

I have it on a different disc than the Network Access Disc. (Think Sony sent it to me for filling out a survey or something..)


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Mar 30, 2014
i played this game where you had to hit bears or at least i think it was bears you had to hit them if you hit the human girl a couple times she turns into a ghost


New member
Nov 23, 2013
Seikouri said:
Doomgriever said:
Seikouri said:
Hey, guys! I have two games that I'm wondering about.

This first game is a bit easy to guess since I'm sure it's very known but I just don't know what it is. I remember playing this when arcadepod had a gameboy color emulator straight from the website. I know I had to tame monsters and carry them on my team. I face other monsters and then some of them I think asks to join me. I can either say yes or no. I remember that I can fuse two monsters together as well. I remember this part from the story as well. My Uncle or Grandfather was sick and I had to go find a antidote for his sickness. That's about all I remember.

Now this game is a bit hard. I don't remember much, and I REALLY want to play this one again. Hopefully you guys have any insight. This was a PC game and I bought it at one of the local 99 cent stores in New York. It was 3Dish. The object of the game is that you had a group of people with powers (hopefully) and equipment on this planet in space (I think.) Had a really futuristic theme to it. I think I remember it was an overhead game. I also remember some of the boses being really bigger than my characters. It had some terrain and some objectives. I remember the music being really futuristic. I remember the group I controlled had I guess the same suit on but different colors. Hopefully you guys can give me some insight on this game.
1#: Dragon Warrior Monsters? ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Warrior_Monsters )

2#: what year did you play it?
Yup!! That's it, thank you so much!

And for the second one, uhm 2003 - 2007 I think. Hope that gives you a little bit more information!
Bump for the second game, please! The only thing that I remember that I can add on to this is that it was really sci-fi and there was rocky terrain as well as grassy terrain. If anyone has any insight, please tell me!

Olly Miller

New member
Mar 29, 2014
First is a battle kinda game but with planets? I remember the beginning video showed a huge planet sort of eating another planet. Then you sort of "fought" with another planet by destroying eggs or something and so on. On PC

Second is a very obscure maze game, some reason i think it was maybe a shareware game or on a floppy disc. It was meant to be set in space, i think and it was 3d and the maze was all multi coloured it was just a floor, and u had to step on a tile to change the colour to the correct one sometimes. PC again

The third game was an old educational game i played in school on an old macintosh say 15-18 years ago where you time travelled to aztec times and learned about maize and stuff then you travelled to victorian times and learned about victorian stuff and so on.

Sorry for basic descriptions.