Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jul 15, 2013
kittykatly said:
Hiya guys, I'm really hoping that you all can help me with this. I've been trying to find this game for several years now and have had no luck with google searches or anything. I figured it was time to ask real people that could at least point me in the right direction.

The game I am trying to remember was a PC game. It was 3D and had several stages and levels. I think I played it in the early 2000s; probably 2005 or around there.

The main character that you played as looked something like this from what I remember:

His main job was to create blocks to surround enemies and trap them. I believe the blocks had grass tops and had dirt on the sides but I am not 100% sure.

From what I remember, the playing field looked something like this:

There were a few power ups, I remember one of them looking like a clock and I think it slowed all the enemies down. There were also lives that appeared every so often.

As the stages progressed the enemies got more advanced. One of the enemies could eat through the blocks you placed down and another one could jump over the blocks.

I remember downloading it as a 30 day trial game or something like that and it was on one of those game sites like WildTangent (but it wasn't one).

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)
Nice drawings :)

It's a Qix clone, checked out a couple of clones and found this Xonix (1-2) ( http://www.doublegames.com/images/screenshots/air-xonix_2_big.jpg )

Looking familiar? ;P


New member
Mar 26, 2014
Doomgriever said:
kittykatly said:
Hiya guys, I'm really hoping that you all can help me with this. I've been trying to find this game for several years now and have had no luck with google searches or anything. I figured it was time to ask real people that could at least point me in the right direction.

The game I am trying to remember was a PC game. It was 3D and had several stages and levels. I think I played it in the early 2000s; probably 2005 or around there.

The main character that you played as looked something like this from what I remember:

His main job was to create blocks to surround enemies and trap them. I believe the blocks had grass tops and had dirt on the sides but I am not 100% sure.

From what I remember, the playing field looked something like this:

There were a few power ups, I remember one of them looking like a clock and I think it slowed all the enemies down. There were also lives that appeared every so often.

As the stages progressed the enemies got more advanced. One of the enemies could eat through the blocks you placed down and another one could jump over the blocks.

I remember downloading it as a 30 day trial game or something like that and it was on one of those game sites like WildTangent (but it wasn't one).

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)
Nice drawings :)

It's a Qix clone, checked out a couple of clones and found this Xonix (1-2) ( http://www.doublegames.com/images/screenshots/air-xonix_2_big.jpg )

Looking familiar? ;P
YES!!! Oh my god, thank you!!!! :D

Desiree Duke

New member
Mar 28, 2014
I think it was for windows but I am not sure...your character was an angel or I think you could be a demon?? It was set in the clouds like heaven but you just could explore all different rooms? levels? fighting demons. It could of been called Angels or demons or devils. anybody know? I played it around 2001-2003 so it probably was out in late 1998-2000. Some game on the hard-drive of a computer I found OS windows 98. I lost more unfinished games due to system crashes.


New member
Mar 28, 2014
julius said:
I'm looking for a very old and simple game.
It was a multiplayer game, with 3-4 players on the same keyboard. There were some spiders (or creatures like spiders) you had to shoot at.
When you hit a big spider it bursted into a lot of smaller spiders.
Does anybody know about this game?
Thank you a lot!
Triumph War 2099 [http://db.tigsource.com/games/triumph-war-2099]


Putty Askagain

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Mar 24, 2014
Japasi said:
Hello everyone! I wonder if you can help me with this...

It was a Playstation 1 game, and i only had it on a demo disc.
The opening scene was of a big ship at sea (and i think the game title appeared on screen over the background) and you could choose the language; English or Japanese (it was a japanese game).

And then it skips to two people talking on the ship (a boy and a girl), with large heads for some reason. They're just talking to each other for a few minutes and the girl shakes her head and says she's scared to go on the island. And then the boat reaches the island, and you play the male character on the island.

I can't remember much about the gameplay, except that you collected little hearts to boost your health, and that near the beginning you have to push some boxes up near a high ledge, so that you could jump on the box and then onto the ledge.

Also, I think the character's name was in the title (for some reason i think it was a complicated/japanese name) followed by a word like "Adventure" or "Island" or "Quest" or "Journey", or something like that.... but may be wrong about the title...

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks! :)
Dragon quest hmmm 8 maybe remember one of them that started on the ship...


New member
Mar 28, 2014
Someone please help me find this game!

I was young, 3 or 4 when I played this, so I don't remember anything clearly. I only have a vague memory of playing this game, but I do remember adoring it and any help would be very very much appreciated!

I looked through old posts but didn't find anything similar, so if you've already posted about this game, sorry- I must not've seen it.

Anyhow, here's what I do recall-

It was a PC game from sometime around the late nineties to early 2000s.

There was a mouse, and I think the point was to either explore around the house or escape it- I'm not quite certain. I do recall, however, at one point, the mouse hang-glides across a room using a paper airplane.

I apologize for the lack of details, but if you know of a game like this, please tell me! I lost it when I moved and getting a new copy would mean the world to me.


New member
Mar 28, 2014
So this is going to be a vague description of a game I remember so little about but if somebody could help me that would be amazing.

So the only thing i can remember is there were levels with restrictions and if you broke a restriction the grim reaper or something of that sorts would come out of the ground (I think) and would slowly chase you and if he got you the level would reset. There was this one level where the restriction was that you can't touch any objects. I'm pretty sure that it was a third person game.

Sorry for not a lot of info but I would appreciate if somebody could help in anyway.


New member
Mar 28, 2014
Hi guys.

Looking for an older game I remember playing as a kid, it was an Egyptian-themed puzzle game where you had to build pyramids by matching tiles together or something like that. If you lost, Anubis would walk out and say "You Lose" and was rather scary, but if you won than Ra would come out of the other side and say "You win" and strike your creation with lightening to bring it to life.



New member
Mar 28, 2014
Hi guys

I am looking for a PS1 game and my description is probably useless, but I know i played it and I can't find it on any game list because I don't remember the name :(

It is a RACING Game, but I don't know if it has racing inside the name. If I remember correctly the game is where 2 cars always play next to each other, never 4 cars in a race always 2. Furthermore there should be some powerup items on the map so you can get a boost or a seaweed to catch up with the opponent or get above it. Something I am 100% certain on is, if you get a lead that is too big the cars will poof - and then the cars will be starting next to each other again. I think the car in the lead got a point or something then that happend. You see the cars from above, which means you looking down on the cars so they look really small, kinda like a view from a soccer game just more above than from the audience rows - if it helps.
If anyone knows the name of this game I would be incredible happy :3

- Thanks for the lovely human being who will be able to find this game for me


New member
Mar 29, 2014
Hi guys, i'm dying to remember the name of a game i played like 8 years ago, it was a pc puzzle game, in which you were a purple hairy ball with eyes and feet, you had to put mirrors in diagonal positions to redirect lasers, i don't remember if you had to protect yourself like that or destroy enemies with that, i remember the floor was kinda icy, like glass maybe, the perspective was top-down, I also think the name of the game was just one word. Searched over 100 sites and couldn't find it! The main menu when you first opened the game was this purple character with lots of guns and misiles behind
Thanks if you find it!

Olly Miller

New member
Mar 29, 2014
Looking for a few games...

First is a battle kinda game but with planets? I remember the beginning video showed a huge planet sort of eating another planet. Then you sort of "fought" with another planet by destroying eggs or something and so on. On PC

Second is a very obscure maze game, some reason i think it was maybe a shareware game or on a floppy disc. It was meant to be set in space, i think and it was 3d and the maze was all multi coloured it was just a floor, and u had to step on a tile to change the colour to the correct one sometimes. PC again

The third game was an old educational game i played in school on an old macintosh say 15-18 years ago where you time travelled to aztec times and learned about maize and stuff then you travelled to victorian times and learned about victorian stuff and so on.

Finally another basic pc game, this had hundreds of levels i think it was a very simple snake kind of game. I think you were a snake and you had to eat mice and navigate around some maze. Sometimes there would be balls bouncing around and if they hit your body they would bounce off but if they hit your head they would kill you.

Sorry for basic descriptions.


New member
Mar 29, 2014
Twinky3825 said:
Ok, I remember I was like in 5th or 6th grade and i've had this game on my mind ever since and i'm trying to find it. All I remember from this game was, this kid had to find a "Award winning bug" at his grandmother's house. I think it was a puzzle game or something but it was a PC game. He also had to present the bug at a fair, I'm pretty sure that's all I remember, please!!!! someone help!!!! ha it's driving me insane just thinking about it... :(
Was it Elroy Goes Bugzerk?


New member
Mar 29, 2014
Olly Miller said:
Looking for a few games...

First is a battle kinda game but with planets? I remember the beginning video showed a huge planet sort of eating another planet. Then you sort of "fought" with another planet by destroying eggs or something and so on. On PC

Second is a very obscure maze game, some reason i think it was maybe a shareware game or on a floppy disc. It was meant to be set in space, i think and it was 3d and the maze was all multi coloured it was just a floor, and u had to step on a tile to change the colour to the correct one sometimes. PC again

The third game was an old educational game i played in school on an old macintosh say 15-18 years ago where you time travelled to aztec times and learned about maize and stuff then you travelled to victorian times and learned about victorian stuff and so on.

Finally another basic pc game, this had hundreds of levels i think it was a very simple snake kind of game. I think you were a snake and you had to eat mice and navigate around some maze. Sometimes there would be balls bouncing around and if they hit your body they would bounce off but if they hit your head they would kill you.

Sorry for basic descriptions.
Was the final game Pauly Python?

Olly Miller

New member
Mar 29, 2014
Corvidophile said:
Olly Miller said:
Looking for a few games...

First is a battle kinda game but with planets? I remember the beginning video showed a huge planet sort of eating another planet. Then you sort of "fought" with another planet by destroying eggs or something and so on. On PC

Second is a very obscure maze game, some reason i think it was maybe a shareware game or on a floppy disc. It was meant to be set in space, i think and it was 3d and the maze was all multi coloured it was just a floor, and u had to step on a tile to change the colour to the correct one sometimes. PC again

The third game was an old educational game i played in school on an old macintosh say 15-18 years ago where you time travelled to aztec times and learned about maize and stuff then you travelled to victorian times and learned about victorian stuff and so on.

Finally another basic pc game, this had hundreds of levels i think it was a very simple snake kind of game. I think you were a snake and you had to eat mice and navigate around some maze. Sometimes there would be balls bouncing around and if they hit your body they would bounce off but if they hit your head they would kill you.

Sorry for basic descriptions.
Was the final game Pauly Python?
Lol yea! So want to buy an old pc to play all these!

Bryce Liddell

New member
Feb 4, 2012
Right this is gonna seem extremely vague.. but I'm trying to remember the name of a somewhat obscure rpg between oh let's call it 1998 and 2006. The plot bits I remember are... You start off in this village and have just been sacked by the local Shepherd since you kept falling asleep while watching the sheep. You get razzed about it by your friend, this brown? haired girl. Anyway.. you get given this blue stone and told you have to clear out the local ruins of monsters.. I forget the signifigance of the blue stone.. think it's something to do with a promise? I know you can talk to your partner and offer it to her and she'll say that she might take it but not yet. ANYWAY so you and her go into the caves or ruins or whatever and find some old gear like a blade and a bow... the usual.. she uses the bow and you get the blade and kill monsters and stuff... I remember getting killed alot because back then I was shit at video games... Yeah... any ideas? I know it's not a lot to go on but... yeah...

ONE more thing.. It was for PC.. I didn't have any consoles growing up


New member
Mar 29, 2014
This is going to be a complete shot in the dark but please consider helping.

Remember those old Playstation JamPacks? I remember playing a old game demo on there but I was never able to find the game, and since playstation 1 games worked on the playstation 2, I don't remember which of the two platforms it was for, but it was one of the demos in the JamPack series. It was a old action rpg (not turn based, similar to hack and slash), with a 2d top down anime style, where the characters were all 2d spirtes fighting on a 3d world. Since it was only a demo, there was only one level that you could play and that was some sort of castle, where you fight enemies on the castle walls. I remember at the start of the demo, you were placed in a Inn where you could speak to other npcs and select characters and when you left the Inn, a map would show up with the level selection.

Thank you in advance!

EDIT: I remember that the game had CO-OP, where two people can control separate characters on the screen.

Nox Fox Zodd

New member
Mar 29, 2014
does anyone remember an old windows game from the 90's, you played as, what I can only remember was a pirate, he had a red bandana, and bare feet, possible a white shirt, he was holding a shotgun or rifle of some sort. You moved around two dimensional environments, but could go up into the distance of the level(character would get smaller), or down closer to the camera(character would get larger). it was full of weird mutants, I never could get very far, as I only ever had the demo.

Any helps much appreciated.

Victoria Orona

New member
Mar 29, 2014
If anyone can help me, that would be great.

I'm looking for a very old computer game from like... 1990's-2003? It had terrible graphics. What I remember is that it was some type of horror game. There was a lot of dialogue and you chose what to say by, like, the 4 options it gave you. I think it had multiple endings or at least it seemed that way to me when I was 5. I know at one point these demon bat things attacked your character and killed/ate him/her. Another thing I remember is a boy being turned into a mummy or zombie thing by these people in an old cemetery or crypt thing and he tried to kill you. There was a dark/black and creepy forest that I remember as well. Not much else aside from that, but hopefully it'll help someone figure it out for me.


New member
Mar 28, 2014
cloroxbb said:
Kukker said:
Hi guys

I am looking for a PS1 game and my description is probably useless, but I know i played it and I can't find it on any game list because I don't remember the name :(

It is a RACING Game, but I don't know if it has racing inside the name. If I remember correctly the game is where 2 cars always play next to each other, never 4 cars in a race always 2. Furthermore there should be some powerup items on the map so you can get a boost or a seaweed to catch up with the opponent or get above it. Something I am 100% certain on is, if you get a lead that is too big the cars will poof - and then the cars will be starting next to each other again. I think the car in the lead got a point or something then that happend. You see the cars from above, which means you looking down on the cars so they look really small, kinda like a view from a soccer game just more above than from the audience rows - if it helps.
If anyone knows the name of this game I would be incredible happy :3

- Thanks for the lovely human being who will be able to find this game for me
Its probably Micro Machines. When you get far enough ahead, you gain a point, and everybody then starts again. Although maybe not because there isnt any powerups in the game.
Thank you its Micro Machines v3 xd