Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

LingLing Simpson

New member
Mar 26, 2014
I can only remember vague details, but this is a game from my childhood, so maybe... 10-15 years ago?
It was 2d, open world kind of dungeon fighter game... and there were so many different character you could play as, from people to monsters. The one I remember most is a little blob thing. But you go through and I think if you die, you're given one of the other chars to play?... each char has different abilities and stuff... it is possible the character you had to play was random, I can't remember ever being able to choose one. I remember the little blob monster, a mage, a male fighter, and a female. When you die, you spawn in a little town.... I think the first dungeon might have been in the basement of a house or something? It was definitely 8bit, and kind of like a Terraria style. You can jump up and down and move left and right, but it was... flat screen. Sorry, I can't think of how to explain that lol Y___Y If ANYONE can figure out what this is, I'll be eternally grateful.

Blue Eagle

New member
Jan 23, 2014
julius said:
Blue Eagle said:
Alright, I joined this place in hopes of finding an answer, so here goes:

I'm looking for a PC computer game that I played a demo of in the late 90s. I want to say it was turn based and you created your own shield and had a castle or something. You could obtain different units like knights, goblins, archers, pegasus (which seemed like powerful units), elementals, etc. Each leader/group/unit/etc. had a certain amount of movement/steps/etc. it could go. If you reached another village/castle/etc., you could attack it or not. You could also go to locations looking for treasure. As for the other leaders, you could either create an alliance, a peace treaty, or declare war on them. When you attacked, there wasn't much animation at all. It looked like a menu popped up and all the units in your party were lined up against each other. If your unit lost its amount of hits, a red X would be crossed over it and it would disappear. Maybe over time you could regenerate/buy more units? I'm not sure. I loved playing the demo though and wouldn't mind playing a full version now.
Heroes of Might and Magic?
No. That's not it. :eek:( I'm pretty sure it is a turn based strategy though.


New member
Mar 16, 2014
Doomgriever said:
wize_guy123 said:
Hello Guys,

I've looked through at least 100 of these pages in hopes to find this game already answered but to no avail.

This game is a turn-based space game. It had planets that depending on size, determined its gravity. In the beginning of the round your ships would randomly appear and planets randomly generated throughout the screen. You had the choice to choose your weapons for your turn, angle, etc. Its very similar to Worms and Hedgewars. I remember playing it on Windows 98, so it is definitely old. But would love to play it again with my friends. THANKS!
Probably WarHeads? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/warheads-se/3030-3435/images/ )

( http://www.warheads.net/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=40 )


New member
Mar 26, 2014
Hi ive tried to find this game for years i played the demo all the time i cant remember what system but i think its ps1 but all i remember from the demo is you start out near you house as a younger man and your beloved gets taken either by a evil king or knight after you finish training with a older man, and you pursue them and fight soldiers or knights as the demo progressed you crossed a bridge to escape the enemies and make it to a camp and as some enemies followed 1 or 2 giant statues zap them with lightning and after that you come across a campsite of other follow fighters to help you. I know this isnt alot to go off of and i do apologize, it was like a 3d game but characters were small and in the beginning you entered your house which was in the forest to get your training or wooden sword to train with till the evil king or knight were to kidnap the girl i sure was his wife or someone he cared for. any information on this game will be much appreciated and system its on is unknown but i feel its on playstation


New member
Mar 25, 2014
cloroxbb said:
Snappey said:
I don't know if anyone will be able to answer me but, there is a game that I played when I was younger.
I remember it involving a dinosaur, jumping up a tower onto platforms. I also remember something about having to pay to access a boss battle and more levels.
Does anyone have any info on this game? (I sometimes wonder if it was a dream and the game never even existed. XD)
I don't think it is that, but it looks similar though.
I also forgot to mention that the dinosaur looked like the dragon from Bubble Bobble.


New member
Mar 26, 2014
Looking for late 90's/2000s game on PC.

Was a space invader like game but with vegetables. You shot peas onto enemy vegetables that floated through space and needed to doge them. Difficult to explain but essentially it was a space shooter with vegetables.

I am searching for this for so long already!!.

mini miny

New member
Mar 26, 2014

im searching for this game for years now, i dont remember much but this is what i still know:

*its menu based combat
*if you kill special monsters or did some sort of missions you could change in a monster while in combat
*in the begining of the game you kill a small flying monster in a cut scene (looked a little bit like the grim reaper)then when you had to battle you could change in that monster ( but you dont get small)
*there was this other guy in the story with a fox mask somtimes you had to play with him but he was invincible
*in combat you can choose to use items or change in a monster and choose your attacks or magic
*it was on the ps2

please let me know if you know what im talking about and srry for the bad english


New member
Jul 15, 2013
mini miny said:

im searching for this game for years now, i dont remember much but this is what i still know:

*its menu based combat
*if you kill special monsters or did some sort of missions you could change in a monster while in combat
*in the begining of the game you kill a small flying monster in a cut scene (looked a little bit like the grim reaper)then when you had to battle you could change in that monster ( but you dont get small)
*there was this other guy in the story with a fox mask somtimes you had to play with him but he was invincible
*in combat you can choose to use items or change in a monster and choose your attacks or magic
*it was on the ps2

please let me know if you know what im talking about and srry for the bad english
Sounds alot like Shadow Hearts ( http://www.giantbomb.com/shadow-hearts/3030-3960/images/ )

( Fox Face: http://judgement-ring.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Untitled-70.jpg )


New member
Mar 26, 2014
Hey, I'm trying to figure out a game but I can only remember one specific location about it, nothing about the characters or what they look like, and cant really even recall the graphics.

What I remember is an NPC telling the player about some special forest that can't be found, which very shortly after you go to the forest where some other random NPC is roaming around claiming to be lost but they're not important. The purpose of the area was to be used as a side quest, the forest also being a foggy-type area but with a lighter green coloring rather than some dark place. In the forest there was a number of various statues blocking multiple paths, the purpose being that during the course of the game you could get special items that correspond to each statue (some repeated). You were supposed to bring said items back to the forest to the statues, which would cause them to either break or move (I think they even talked), and opened up the paths behind them. In the area would either being more paths with more statues, and/or treasure chests containing an item, lots of currency, or a really good piece of equipment.

That's about all I remember. I wanna say it was a PS2 game, but I've gone through all of mine and cant remember that area in any of them. It coulda been a PS1 game, but same deal as the previously mentioned PS2 one. I dont think it was a handheld game but I could be wrong, nor do I think it was one of those older ones of SNES era due to not remembering tiny sprites but again, could be wrong. Though I'm pretty positive it was an RPG with random encounter battles. I dont even remember how long ago I played it. Thanks if you can figure this out for me.


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Hey guys i need some help figuring out a game (can't remember if it is an online game or not) all i can remember is that there was this castle/dungeon you could go to and break a seal with a math problem and demons would spawn on you, any help is much appreciated!


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Impluse_101 said:
I remember...this...

You play as this woman..who has a dragon. It's a 3D game. Your health is a red orb on the left and the dragon is a golden orb on the right. Balista's would shoot at you and your dragon would get hurt....I remember it maybe..raining...then I remember you off your dragon and in a cave...looking for...something....

thats all I can remember... Dx
Sounds like Drakan: Order of the Flame, I think there was a sequel so it could have been that too but I only ever played the first one so I'm just going on what I know. It was a 1999 game for the PC if that helps.


there ya go, it took me ages to find a video where she actually rides the freaking dragon. Also this is the part I remember the most because it was in the demo version.

I'm sorry this is an old post and you've probably forgotten/don't care anymore but yeah.

Lacy R.

New member
Mar 27, 2014
I am looking for a game in the early 2000's and all I remember is that there is great divide in the country where the gods made a split and a young man goes on a journey and his companion is a blonde haired mayor's daughter who has a curse put on her where at night, she turns into a sexy demon lady with pink hair. Any ideas?


New member
Mar 27, 2014
hey please help me with this. i really want to play it again but i dont remember the title of this game. i've been searching in google but i just can't find it. it's a ps1 game. it's a ninja game. i don't remember it clearly, but i think sometimes it fight daruma dolls? it's not tenchu, ninja : shadow of darkness, or ninja gaiden. it doesn't have blood when kill his enemies. it can transport to a place when he can. please i'm dying to play it again. please help me find the title. thank you.


New member
Mar 27, 2014
I also tried to remember a game a friend once played. He asked me if I know it, but I never played it myself. It is, as he says about a - probably - N64 Jump'n'Run featuring a guy with blond hair and a purple jacket. He remembers about an forest, and that, if he died, he "flew" away, down the screen, with a purple umbrella or parasol. Thanks in advance.


New member
Mar 26, 2014
Lacy R. said:
I am looking for a game in the early 2000's and all I remember is that there is great divide in the country where the gods made a split and a young man goes on a journey and his companion is a blonde haired mayor's daughter who has a curse put on her where at night, she turns into a sexy demon lady with pink hair. Any ideas?
I could be wrong, but this sounds sorta like Grandia II.

Jaskaran Singh

New member
Mar 27, 2014
Hi all, I'm trying to remember the name of an old game - it was very old like late DOS games or early windows ones like Ski and Dangerous Dave. It has a nice graphics (for its time) on the level of The Lost Vikings. It was similar to modern day Icy Tower, by that I mean the levels was to go from the lower floor to the top or vice verse, there were many mechanical obstacles like this http://imgur.com/p030VlC

but on the edge of the tank chain the spike were more like this


and it was rotating. The think the dominant colours were orange/brown, red and steel-gray. And I think the main hero had a red cloak, you know like superman. I soo want to play this game again........ anyone knows its name?

played it around 1997-1999 on a PC if it matters...

Thanks in advance


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Hey guys, I'm really hoping someone can help me remember the name of this game I used to play at some point between 2003-2005.

It was a browser game that may have been even older than that, because the style was pretty rudimentary. It was made up of different levels that consisted mostly of text/still images/audio files (no flash or anything like that), and you would have to figure out the passcode to move on to the next level. Some of the ways to figure out the passcode included messing with the brightness/colors in the images, playing the sound file backwards, that kind of thing. I could be wrong, but I think the point might have been to figure out a murder mystery so you were maybe examining evidence and such.

It wasn't something hosted by a gaming portal, but rather had its own website.

I know quite a few people were playing this back in the day, but none of my friends remember what I'm talking about :( I'm crossing my fingers over here that someone can figure it out!

Thanks in advance, and I'll have a look through some of the past posts and see if I can help anyone.

UPDATE: Nevermind, found it after over an hour of digging around. The game is called notpron: http://notpron.org/notpron/


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Hey, I really want to play an old rpg game for PC. It's similar to Warcraft. I think there are two factions, humans and wizards and when you're a wizard you can have golems. It's all i can remember...It's a game from my childhood and i really want to play it. Thanks :)


New member
Mar 26, 2014
Hiya guys, I'm really hoping that you all can help me with this. I've been trying to find this game for several years now and have had no luck with google searches or anything. I figured it was time to ask real people that could at least point me in the right direction.

The game I am trying to remember was a PC game. It was 3D and had several stages and levels. I think I played it in the early 2000s; probably 2005 or around there.

The main character that you played as looked something like this from what I remember:


His main job was to create blocks to surround enemies and trap them. I believe the blocks had grass tops and had dirt on the sides but I am not 100% sure.

From what I remember, the playing field looked something like this:


There were a few power ups, I remember one of them looking like a clock and I think it slowed all the enemies down. There were also lives that appeared every so often.

As the stages progressed the enemies got more advanced. One of the enemies could eat through the blocks you placed down and another one could jump over the blocks.

I remember downloading it as a 30 day trial game or something like that and it was on one of those game sites like WildTangent (but it wasn't one).

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)