Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 23, 2014
I'm trying to figure out the title of an old game I used to play, I'm not sure what system but you could choose between a few different characters and then you would fight groups of enemies. It was a multiplayer game where you walked into new areas to encounter new foes. You open chests and things like that, it's a sword game and one of the characters had a hammer. Ive been trying to think of the title but it's really been bugging me.

diablo rules

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Aug 14, 2014
forgetfulninja said:
I distinctly remember playing this game on the computer, probably around 2009. I believe it was a flash game

It was an action/adventure game in which you were trying to collect 3 pieces of an artifact. The characters were a green-haired witch, a red dragon, a brown robot, and a ninja panda. I believe the witch was called Gwen or Gwyn, and I think the dragon was called Puff or something.

The levels were a rainforest, where the Panda was the level boss. a fantasy land with clouds and such with the Dragon as a boss, and a cemetery place with the Witch as a boss. I'm not too sure, but I think the Robot level was like an exaction site with other robots as enemies.

There was also an arena mode where you could just battle with characters of your choosing, and one of the stages was a space station.

I'd love to play this game again, so any help would be greatly appreciated
Terrascape (2007)



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Mar 10, 2012
Arenegeth said:
Dood said:
Found the first game I was looking for it was Dragon Valor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Valor

But there is a second game that I remember playing but can't think of the name; I'm pretty sure it was for the Sega Dreamcast and you played a black haired guy with a big sword that went around fighting monsters, I'm pretty sure one of the levels you were in a medieval town and there was this tall lanky enemy(maybe a boss) that used magic that was colored green also I think on the back of the case there was a screenshot of a giant (also maybe bloody) old doll chasing you on a bridge(I never actually got to this part in the game.
I haven?t played the game but it was always on my hit list so I can?t be sure of the specific boss and back of the box image. But it sounds a lot like Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage.


If it?s a false positive you can at least rule it out.
For the love of Morgan Freeman and all that is Awesome fucking thank you that is the exact game that has eluded me for years; you sir are my hero.

Watson Cat

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Sep 22, 2014
Doomgriever said:
Watson Cat said:
hey guys... im new here but I am looking for this game... im going to be vague because unfortunately i was like 10 when i played this game... or maybe less... but for the sake of nostalgia, here goes...

so I think the game was out around 2000... but not sure...
I had a demo of it on my windows pc...
it was a tactical rpg style game with 4 or so characters but i think you could find more in the real game...
set in like a medieval fantasy world...
in the demo you walk around a bit in the world until you find this rock that you push out the way to go down into a hole where you end up fighting this crazy lightning wizard...
i dont remember much els about the game... although i feel like "hex..." or something like that was in the title... perhaps not...
I think the main guy wore blue...

any way, i really wanna find this game and any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks
Nox? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/nox/3030-3958/images/ )
thats not the one but its so similar to that... thanks anyway xD


New member
May 16, 2014
Okay, this is maybe a hard one, I guess... I don't remember much of this game, because I was very young back then.

I've seen this game in the mid 90s when I was visiting a friend. His big brother played that game either on PC or a Commodore, don't remember exactly.
In this game you had to play as a werewolf. The special thing about this game: it had a night and day cycle. During the night you turned into a werewolf and had to eat. During the day you turned back into a normal person and you had to act inconspicuous to not get caught by the police. You played the game from a bird's-eye view.


New member
Dec 14, 2010
I used to play this game when I was about three or four (so we're talking late nineties here) for the PC. It was a train shunting puzzle game; that's literally the best way I can describe it. You changed signals and told trains where to go so they didn't crash. It had loads of different levels; the reason I remember it so well is that every level started with a voice-acted briefing. The one that really stuck in my head was a military guy shouting "IF TWO CARS HIT TOO FAST, THEY WILL ROCK YOUR WORLD! MOVE OUT SOLDIER!"

Just for sheer nostalgia kicks, anybody got a clue what I'm referring to?


New member
Sep 17, 2014
leberkaese said:
Okay, this is maybe a hard one, I guess... I don't remember much of this game, because I was very young back then.

I've seen this game in the mid 90s when I was visiting a friend. His big brother played that game either on PC or a Commodore, don't remember exactly.
In this game you had to play as a werewolf. The special thing about this game: it had a night and day cycle. During the night you turned into a werewolf and had to eat. During the day you turned back into a normal person and you had to act inconspicuous to not get caught by the police. You played the game from a bird's-eye view.
Sounds a bit like Werewolves of London: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTqxRPfB_MU

Ronald Lam

New member
Sep 23, 2014
Okay guys! I have been trying to find this game for a very long time. Tried multiple websites but to no avail... Here goes!

It is an old school MS-Dos game which is very similar to Lemmings (1991)

I know the game visually look almost like Lemmings with the side-scrolling view.

I can vaguely remember that the gameplay you have to dig tunnels and mine jewels? Build elevators and use boats to get across water, etc.

When the game starts, you can select a few different type of "miners/species"? One type is more durable they can fend off enemies and last longer in a brawl, the other are more speedy? When you start the game after selecting your race/workers/miners.... You will be given I think five of them...

They can die until you have none left and gameover... Yes I think the game will start you off with 5 miners/workers.


New member
May 16, 2014
karsa-mistmere said:
Sounds a bit like Werewolves of London: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTqxRPfB_MU
I'm not too shure, to be honest.

It most certainly has the same concept behind it, but I remember this game with a different artstyle (and much better graphics). But that's maybe my memory playing tricks on me (as always with games from your childhood).


New member
Sep 17, 2014
leberkaese said:
I'm not too sure, to be honest.

It most certainly has the same concept behind it, but I remember this game with a different artstyle (and much better graphics). But that's maybe my memory playing tricks on me (as always with games from your childhood).
It has multiple versions with differing graphics, maybe this is the one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27lBB5uyFL4


New member
May 16, 2014
karsa-mistmere said:
It has multiple versions with differing graphics, maybe this is the one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27lBB5uyFL4
Yeah, I think that's the one. At least that forrest feels very familiar with that color scheme :D Thanks


New member
Sep 23, 2014
Guys here is a challenge i have asked on many sites and no one seems to remember this game

A RTS game which was given away with dell machines in the late 90's early 2000's with a very similar feel to command and conquer series building bases and building an army. The resource collected was via pools of oil, a vehicle would unfold into a oil derrick and vehicles used to collect and transport back to base.

Units used to build up rank and tank units would be double barreled when acquiring the star rank made easier when you could speed time up by moving mouse quickly side to side.

Veteran units could be stored from levels and then used in future levels

Its was definitely not a command and conquer title please help i haven't seen this game in over 10 years and cant for the life of me remember its name.

Thanks for reading.


New member
Aug 22, 2014
OK here?s my game from before reworded and added a couple of points I remembered.

I?m looking for an Arcade game, might have being ported to a console, if it has I never seen it.
I played it on a cruise ship back in 94?, so it can?t be any newer than that (looked 90?s).

It graphically looked closer to something like Metal Slug than let?s say Wonderboy, but it might be my memory making it look prettier than it was, closer to 16 bit than 8 bit anyway. I think it was from Taito but I?m not sure.

In the game I think you play as an alien whose UFO crash landed on earth, the first stage is a jungle, there is a chance you fight against aliens and the character you control was a spaceman and not alien (he crashed on a alien planet instead). I distinctly remember that he/it was mostly white in color (with a bit of red maybe) and rode a hoverboard either at some point at the start or all the way through. What is mostly striking in my memory is that the character's head was either round, or an eyeball, what I definitely remember is that at some point, maybe as a special attack a huge eyeball spins with some electricity around it at the center of the screen.

I?ve been trying to find it since then, but never saw it in other Arcades. I tried researching for it online and no luck. If nobody here can help me I?m going to try going through the Taito?s Arcade library, so I can at least rule out that it was from them. Thanks for looking into it.


New member
Oct 18, 2013
Eliann said:
Guys here is a challenge i have asked on many sites and no one seems to remember this game

A RTS game which was given away with dell machines in the late 90's early 2000's with a very similar feel to command and conquer series building bases and building an army. The resource collected was via pools of oil, a vehicle would unfold into a oil derrick and vehicles used to collect and transport back to base.

Units used to build up rank and tank units would be double barreled when acquiring the star rank made easier when you could speed time up by moving mouse quickly side to side.

Veteran units could be stored from levels and then used in future levels

Its was definitely not a command and conquer title please help i haven't seen this game in over 10 years and cant for the life of me remember its name.

Thanks for reading.
Maybe Krush Kill and Destroy (KKND 1 or maybe 2)? It has oil as a resource, units gain experience (not sure about additional barrels for tanks but still). Although I guess if it was this you would remember units like War Mastodons, giant scorpions or beetles...

Other idea would be Warzone 2100 although there you just build oil derricks on sources and they magically transfer the oil to your power plants.

Ronald Lam said:
Okay guys! I have been trying to find this game for a very long time. Tried multiple websites but to no avail... Here goes!

It is an old school MS-Dos game which is very similar to Lemmings (1991)

I know the game visually look almost like Lemmings with the side-scrolling view.

I can vaguely remember that the gameplay you have to dig tunnels and mine jewels? Build elevators and use boats to get across water, etc.
This one might be one of the Clonk games (there are quite a lot of them..).

Ronald Lam

New member
Sep 23, 2014
leberkaese said:
karsa-mistmere said:
Sounds a bit like Werewolves of London: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTqxRPfB_MU
I'm not too shure, to be honest.

It most certainly has the same concept behind it, but I remember this game with a different artstyle (and much better graphics). But that's maybe my memory playing tricks on me (as always with games from your childhood).


Taleb Awad

New member
Sep 23, 2014
i remember a game which at the selection screen had a castle at start u see a knight human look 30-40 then there is and amazon women a dwarf and a barbarian as u go through the selection inside the caste each has his own backround, and as u go throught the levels u find book like things to enhance the strength of a sword which was blue colored and hard to get u find it in a desert like crpt or pyrimd and it was pretty hardcore hack and slash i think i played it in the years between 2002-2005 something like like that but not sure about the date.

edit: ok i feel stupid i found it after doing this post name severance blade of darkness
kept this comment so that someone else might be looking for it


New member
Sep 13, 2014
All right, this one's gonna be tough. But I'd appreciate any help, I even dug through *numerous* lists of 90's games with no result, prpbably the game was real under the radar thing.

So, the facts I remember about the game are real few:

It's early 90-s cyberpunk-themed isometric sprite-based action-RPG or maybe just action with a female protagonist, I vaguely remember it involved lots of mouse usage so no WASD or arrows movements AFAIR. All green and black themed of course.


New member
Sep 13, 2014
leberkaese said:
Okay, this is maybe a hard one, I guess... I don't remember much of this game, because I was very young back then.

I've seen this game in the mid 90s when I was visiting a friend. His big brother played that game either on PC or a Commodore, don't remember exactly.
In this game you had to play as a werewolf. The special thing about this game: it had a night and day cycle. During the night you turned into a werewolf and had to eat. During the day you turned back into a normal person and you had to act inconspicuous to not get caught by the police. You played the game from a bird's-eye view.
Could it be NES Werewolf ? The Last Warrior? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QWvek04ep0 Or is it on this list? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Werewolf_video_games

Merle Cory

New member
Sep 23, 2014
ok this has been bugging me for awhile... i'm looking for a spaceship game on PC where you were a spaceship that had a bad warp ended up somewhere and you had to rebuild your ship... it's like SPAZ but you were the mother ship.... i also remember you were chased by a xenophobic alien race, and you had to mine asteroids to get minerals... any help maybe?

i also remember the company that made it... were like only one copy ever and only on the machine you bought it... then you have to rebuy it


New member
May 16, 2014
coilt said:
Could it be NES Werewolf ? The Last Warrior? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QWvek04ep0 Or is it on this list? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Werewolf_video_games
Pretty sure now that it was Werewolfs of London, but thanks