Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Theresa Basile

New member
Feb 7, 2015
Ok, so I just randomly Remember playing this game as a kid. It was late 90s, early 200s. Windows cd.
It was building an ancient civilization. .. you build the roads (I remember you could buy dirt, paved etc) and buildings. Things wereally always burning down.
That's about all I remember. I think one of the modes was in Greece & maybe Rome? And I think you could select just building or going to war?


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
Theresa Basile said:
Ok, so I just randomly Remember playing this game as a kid. It was late 90s, early 200s. Windows cd.
It was building an ancient civilization. .. you build the roads (I remember you could buy dirt, paved etc) and buildings. Things wereally always burning down.
That's about all I remember. I think one of the modes was in Greece & maybe Rome? And I think you could select just building or going to war?
Sounds like it could be Caesar III maybe?



New member
Feb 7, 2015
Could you guyz help? I've been trying to remember the name of this game for a long time now. You had a white vehicle which could morph in diferent stances, hover fly, increase the wheel size. It had also had different ammunitions and weapons, you would ussualy fight some kind of spider robots, over all kinds of terrain , from snowy to dust mounds. Also some objectives included something like rescuing civilians, and getting some cristals for upgrades. I remember playing it as a demo when i was like 13-14 years ago. Thanks in advance..... From my memories i think it was called INFESTATION, but i can't find it anywhere


New member
Aug 22, 2014
fauxpromises said:
This is a shot in the dark, and a game I have been straining to remember for years.

I played it during the late 90s, and I believe it was on a DOS PC, but we also had a regular PC in the same room so it could have been Windows 95 or 98. It was a sidescroller/platformer type, I think it took place in some kind of space or futuristic setting. The premise seemed to be avoiding all of these identical creatures that were the enemies, I do not think they were killable by the player directly. I know things like elevators were involved, and I feel like the player character was female, had a camera around her neck or something. I know it's pretty vague but maybe someone remember something like that.
I don't know man but what you described sounds like commander keen you might want to check if that is correct


New member
Feb 7, 2015
Hello, I cannot remember for the life of me what the game title that I'm looking for.

The game was a PC and the lead character was a star that talked (I think, I could be wrong).
You had to collect stars doing games(drawing, math, etc. [I think]).
The game itself was educational, I believe.

I think it was about late 90s early to mid 2000s.

Wish I remembered more


New member
Feb 6, 2015
ok, here's the game I've been trying to search for:
I played this game around 1994-95 but it could have been released before that, of course. I know the game I'm looking for was not first released after 1996. It was on my dad's laptop with Windows 95 installed. It was a 2d game where you played as a knight with sword battling enemies in a castle or dungeon in glorious color. I think you could only move left and right and not up and down but i played the game when I was 5 so my memory isn't much. That's not really a lot of info to go on but it doesn't hurt to ask. (There's a frick-ton of games you play as a knight in a dungeon..)


New member
Oct 19, 2013
Hi everyone,

Got one here that's been driving me crazy.

Here's what I know for sure:

It was a PC adventure game. It could not have come out any later than 1997 and was sailing / pirate themed. The game was in colour and had a lot more graphical detail than the first 2 Monkey Island games.

You start on a sail ship that you can explore and one of the first quest items you need to obtain is the Captain's Journal.

You mainly had to solve puzzles to progress, the hardest of which was putting a broken Hindu statue of Ganesha back together. But there was one section where the camera was top-down and you had to reach The Cape of Good Hope but you had to factor in the wind strength, illustrated by a weird face in the corner of the screen blowing harder (lol) when the winds got stronger.

You also traveled to India and you could get an instant game over if you bother a cow too much (sacred in India etc.).

There was also a section where you needed to row a boat using the arrow keys in order to end up at a cove where some old man lived.

There was one section late in the game where you had to obtain spices, but I cannot remember for what reason.

Here's what I THINK I remember about it:

I think the main characters name was Milo and he had a female companion too.

I think I remember a section at night when you have to hurry around trying to save your crew in the middle of a storm.

That's all I know! I live in the UK FYI, just in case it wasn't released globally. I'll appreciate all suggestions that come back... It's driving me nuts!
Many Thanks



New member
Feb 7, 2015
Ok i've been googling this for a while now without any succes.

I'm looking for a old racing game where you had police chasing you.
There was also something with speed cameras involved, and you could tune your car. That's all I remember, hope someone can help!!


diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
ubering said:
Ok i've been googling this for a while now without any succes.

I'm looking for a old racing game where you had police chasing you.
There was also something with speed cameras involved, and you could tune your car. That's all I remember, hope someone can help!!

Check out

Outlaw Racers (1998)


diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
FalconV700 said:
Hi everyone,

Got one here that's been driving me crazy.

Here's what I know for sure:

It was a PC adventure game. It could not have come out any later than 1997 and was sailing / pirate themed. The game was in colour and had a lot more graphical detail than the first 2 Monkey Island games.

You start on a sail ship that you can explore and one of the first quest items you need to obtain is the Captain's Journal.

You mainly had to solve puzzles to progress, the hardest of which was putting a broken Hindu statue of Ganesha back together. But there was one section where the camera was top-down and you had to reach The Cape of Good Hope but you had to factor in the wind strength, illustrated by a weird face in the corner of the screen blowing harder (lol) when the winds got stronger.

You also traveled to India and you could get an instant game over if you bother a cow too much (sacred in India etc.).

There was also a section where you needed to row a boat using the arrow keys in order to end up at a cove where some old man lived.

There was one section late in the game where you had to obtain spices, but I cannot remember for what reason.

Here's what I THINK I remember about it:

I think the main characters name was Milo and he had a female companion too.

I think I remember a section at night when you have to hurry around trying to save your crew in the middle of a storm.

That's all I know! I live in the UK FYI, just in case it wasn't released globally. I'll appreciate all suggestions that come back... It's driving me nuts!
Many Thanks

The Adventures Of Valdo & Marie (1996)



New member
Feb 7, 2015
I have been looking for a game for hours online and cannot' find it. It was a sorta doom clone form the 90's, with the maze-like level design and tight corridors, but you were in space, flying a spaceship. The game had vertical movement to freely move up and down, and was set in a sci fi setting, instead of doom. I could not find this game if I were to spend my entire life looking for it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
CocaineBear said:
Could you guyz help? I've been trying to remember the name of this game for a long time now. You had a white vehicle which could morph in diferent stances, hover fly, increase the wheel size. It had also had different ammunitions and weapons, you would ussualy fight some kind of spider robots, over all kinds of terrain , from snowy to dust mounds. Also some objectives included something like rescuing civilians, and getting some cristals for upgrades. I remember playing it as a demo when i was like 13-14 years ago. Thanks in advance..... From my memories i think it was called INFESTATION, but i can't find it anywhere
You're correct, it is

Infestation (2000)


by Ubisoft.

You can't google it so easy because there is the zombies game of the same name, and is the hot game now. Just write
in the search box: "Infestation by Ubisoft" and here you go...


New member
Oct 19, 2013
diablo rules said:
FalconV700 said:
Hi everyone,

Got one here that's been driving me crazy.

Here's what I know for sure:

It was a PC adventure game. It could not have come out any later than 1997 and was sailing / pirate themed. The game was in colour and had a lot more graphical detail than the first 2 Monkey Island games.

You start on a sail ship that you can explore and one of the first quest items you need to obtain is the Captain's Journal.

You mainly had to solve puzzles to progress, the hardest of which was putting a broken Hindu statue of Ganesha back together. But there was one section where the camera was top-down and you had to reach The Cape of Good Hope but you had to factor in the wind strength, illustrated by a weird face in the corner of the screen blowing harder (lol) when the winds got stronger.

You also traveled to India and you could get an instant game over if you bother a cow too much (sacred in India etc.).

There was also a section where you needed to row a boat using the arrow keys in order to end up at a cove where some old man lived.

There was one section late in the game where you had to obtain spices, but I cannot remember for what reason.

Here's what I THINK I remember about it:

I think the main characters name was Milo and he had a female companion too.

I think I remember a section at night when you have to hurry around trying to save your crew in the middle of a storm.

That's all I know! I live in the UK FYI, just in case it wasn't released globally. I'll appreciate all suggestions that come back... It's driving me nuts!
Many Thanks

The Adventures Of Valdo & Marie (1996)

Thank you!!! You are a true legend

Roosje Boum

New member
Feb 7, 2015
Hi all, wow lots of memories come by reading those posts! Though I'm looking for a game I played but it is impossible to go throught 560 pages, so sorry if it has been asked already. I used the search on this site and nothing came up.

I'm looking for a game, it must have been around the same time as 7th guest and 11th hour and Myst. I loved them all. The game I'm looking for also was a puzzle game. You had to walk around touch things and find objects, find hints, solve puzzles to continue the quest.

You started in a village where you had to collect things, ask questions to villagers, knock on doors, go into a bar, etc.
I remember a castle where there was a curfew.
A garden with an eggplant who sang songs.
A kind of cavetroll who said, Brog loves rocks

Hope anybody remembers the name. Thanks in advance.



It´s ZORK Grand Inquisitor! After I posted this question I googled on list of all computergames and found an enourmous list on wikipedia at

you can choose categories and I just went through all the graphic adventures until I stumbled on something that rang a bell. Zork. Wow! I love it!

So problem solved. Thanks for reading anyways.


New member
Feb 7, 2015
Hey guys, I'm very happy that I found this website since I also have a game in mind that I just today remembered having played when I was very young. I hope you can give me some advice. =)

The thing is that I remember that when I was that young back in the days I didn't really know how the game works so I was basically only clicking and watching and not getting what was going on :D So I would love to try it again, refresh some memories and maybe get the a-ha effect ;)

But anyways, the game I am talking about is a kind of strategy game. I cannot really remember whether it was running on Win95 or DOS. The setting was underground which means that one was playing a faction (I guess they were symbolized as dwarfs, possibly with pickaxes) and one had to mine oneself through an underground dungeon. Everything was displayed in 2D and from the typical strategy game perspective. So with the help of mouse clicks one could click the areas which one wanted to be mined by the dwarfs. By doing so one could spread its territory and discover new things e.g. some new weapons or magic or I don't really know what. It is a little bit like a very ancient Dungeon Keeper actually. And the whole territory was displayed in honeycombs such as in Civilization.

So in short I think it was an ancient Dungeon Keeper with dwarfs, new weapons and magic in a Civilization like strategy style. And, finally, but I am not sure whether here the Lord of the Rings Saga has brainwashed me, I think the game had "Moria" in its name. But as I said, don't give too much attention to it because maybe this is just influenced by Lord of the Rings.

Thank you so much guys =) I'm really looking forward to your answers and am glad to test your talent :D


Roosje Boum

New member
Feb 7, 2015
SimVRo said:
What is the name of this game?

There is pc game that I used to play in the end of 90's or in the beggining of 2000's. It is about a boy that asks for help in a haunted/crazy(?) house because of his broken bicycle. To escape from the house he needs to go through every house's room solving puzzle by searching objects in the place. Sorry for my english and this is what I remember from game.
Could this be 7th guest or 11th hour?


New member
Sep 9, 2013
diablo rules said:
ubering said:
Ok i've been googling this for a while now without any succes.

I'm looking for a old racing game where you had police chasing you.
There was also something with speed cameras involved, and you could tune your car. That's all I remember, hope someone can help!!

Check out

Outlaw Racers (1998)

Could be Driver, Need for Speed 2 - Hot Pursuit (Possibly the third, I can't remember if it had police chases) or Midtown Madness 1 or 2 as well.

All games which involve racing and evading police. Not so sure about the traffic cameras and tuning though.

Theresa Basile

New member
Feb 7, 2015
Vendor-Lazarus said:
Theresa Basile said:
Ok, so I just randomly Remember playing this game as a kid. It was late 90s, early 200s. Windows cd.
It was building an ancient civilization. .. you build the roads (I remember you could buy dirt, paved etc) and buildings. Things wereally always burning down.
That's about all I remember. I think one of the modes was in Greece & maybe Rome? And I think you could select just building or going to war?
Sounds like it could be Caesar III maybe?

Sadly that's not it :(


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Theresa Basile said:
Vendor-Lazarus said:
Theresa Basile said:
Ok, so I just randomly Remember playing this game as a kid. It was late 90s, early 200s. Windows cd.
It was building an ancient civilization. .. you build the roads (I remember you could buy dirt, paved etc) and buildings. Things wereally always burning down.
That's about all I remember. I think one of the modes was in Greece & maybe Rome? And I think you could select just building or going to war?
Sounds like it could be Caesar III maybe?

Sadly that's not it :(


axelman said:
I have been looking for a game for hours online and cannot' find it. It was a sorta doom clone form the 90's, with the maze-like level design and tight corridors, but you were in space, flying a spaceship. The game had vertical movement to freely move up and down, and was set in a sci fi setting, instead of doom. I could not find this game if I were to spend my entire life looking for it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Descent 1 or 2 I'd believe.



New member
Feb 7, 2015
Greetings to all, back in the end of the 90's, that must have been 98-99-00-01 :)(sorry for that, my memory doesn't help much) I played a demo of what was like a space sim. It was taking place a little above ground (maybe for the purposes of the demo you couldn't go far) at some city like environment a terrain with buildings and stuff, certainly a dark place, like a post apocalyptic futuristic setting. There was a player base, actually like a flat in a high floor with garage which you could enter with your spacecraft in case you were chased by or to save or etc.

The "bad guy" of the story was a big(bad and dark) corporation with spacecrafts all over the place, and some turrets on the corporation's buildings that when you caused trouble and were wanted would target at you.

I remember very vividly that one of the few things that you could do in the game demo other than flying around was when a fight was going on with others or you included, and whenever a spaceship was destroyed(remember all these are taking place some meters above ground) a black box of that ship would be thrown on ground and everyone around would fly close to the ground and struggle to try and get it, for I don't remember what value.

I remember that you could also buy and place turrets at your place, but was restricted due to demo limitations.

If by any chance any of these rings a bell, I would be very grateful, it's been so long..
I have already searched the "space sim" genre with not much luck but in most of the demo you were flying in what was like a small spacecraft... so,

Thanks for reading..!

Edit: Game was for the pc, at that time they issued cds with 5-6 demos from the pc magazine or equivalent.