Hey everyone, right I have been looking for this game for aaaages now but can't for the life of me remember what it is called. It is an old rpg/adventure, sci fi, 3rd person game (around the year 2000 or a bit later I think). The graphics were in 3d and quite good for its' time. It is all futuristic like with hover cars going around and alien like humanoids.
It was all about demons and them trying to take your soul. You had the ability to change body to select humanoids which had different strengths (for example, there is one brute of a guy in a bar who is leaning against a wall who you could transfer to or even a stripper at a strip club). When you did this, your old body would just appear to be an ethereal form in front of you after you transferred. If you died by a human, you would take the form of the person who defeated you but if you died by a demon that was it your soul was gone and game over.
You could also train your character in fight simulators which then went into like a mortal kombat type fight where you used combinations of buttons to carry out certain moves (same aspect when doing hand to hand combat with ppl or demons) and there were also times where you went into a first person shooting situation in certain areas when you needed to get to a destination. Shooting attack dogs, other guys with guns or even massive robots.
From what I remember is that you basically start off in your apartment where you have to get the key to get out (which is found in the lizard tank in the middle of your apartment)but before leaving end up getting into a fight with a demon.
Can't believe i can't remember the name but can remember where the damn key is at the start haha. Anyway, please help me out folks, this is annoying the shit out of me haha. Peace