Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Sep 13, 2016
mojo1111 said:
hey every1;

Iam finding a game old 3d game about a car which i have played in early 20s.
the game was all about a car which is made up something special so an evil want that car and we have to escape with that car faighting with them.
game starts where we have to takle few logs on road we have to jump over them and than there is a bridge(broken) also have to jump.
the car have can scan,talk to you,laser power,missiles and many more open up as we approch toward mission.
and 1st mission is to escape from a facility before the gate closes.and bit of obsticles like jumping over woodlogs, meliting ice with leaser.

Thankyou thankyou if know this game please message me this game name :)
If it's got a sentient car and melting ice with lasers, it's probably Knight Rider: The Game 2 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGeB_JNK1yk].
Someone else was asking about it just a couple days ago. =)


New member
Jul 7, 2017
Hey guys. So, I got a doozy of a game on my mind, and I've been trying to figure out what it was for years. It's a game I used to play on my dad's old laptop (running Windows 95) when I was younger, so around 2002. It was a harder platforming side-scrolling game where the levels are tiled. Main protagonist had a gun, there were monster-like enemies, and it had a darker atmosphere. There were also blocks that if shot generated different effects (I think?). There was a desert-themed level, which is about the only level I remember, and there were many hidden exits that led into different levels. Sorry for the vagueness, but that's literally all I can remember.


New member
Jul 7, 2017
Hello guys,
I've had this game in my mind for some days and tried looking over all the internet with no avail. So this is what I remember about it:
-RTS game (90s-early 2000s I think) with a Sci-Fi theme
-majority of units used lasers and I recall this particular unit called "Rover" which was basically a levitating vehicle shooting projectiles, and I guess all the non-flying vehicles were just levitating
-you could build walls around your base which were pylons connected by laser beams
-another type of units were some kind of soldiers with jetpacks I guess who were shooting these yellow-ish spiralling seeking projectiles
-the same "yellow-ish projectiles" were fired by an AA emplacement which looked like a disc with many holes in it from where the projectiles where fired

I can keep describing units but I don't know how helpful this would be.
I also remember this mission which was so annoying for me at the time I first played the game where you were supposed to control this 1 unit and bring it somewhere. It lacked weapons and was a levitating...something which had this moon shaped design on it and was really slow and easy to be destroyed.
And as a final note, I kinda remember the loading screen had this green background and a levitating tank. Thank you, I really hope you could help me solve the mystery with all the details provided.


New member
Jul 7, 2017
amandawashere said:
ok here's one
prob over 10 years now thou, but i remain hopeful!
two-player game with a split screen. there is some alien swirly colourful planet, and then there's the earth planet. and both are globes stuck in some maze.
the aim is to attempt to find the other one and shoot them before they shoot you. you basically hunt around the maze trying to find your opponent before they find you, and you can see where they are, but of course you're in diff parts of the maze.
anyone? lol
I actually am in search of the same game. I can add this more info, maybe it will ring a bell to someone:

3D shooter (although it looked more like some multiple 2D sprites/images with corridors) maze PC game (most likely Windows) that could be played ONLY in two player mode with a vertical split screen.

You had a map where you could see your opponent location and run to shoot him.

You could advance with the keyboard keys only one square/key pressed on the map (like a Might&Magic 2 or 3 old DOS game)

The color palette was bright and colorful, can't remember how the players looked like

Thank you in advance!


New member
Jul 7, 2017
I am looking for old game I used to play as kid and can't find anything on Google.

From what I remember, it was kids or slightly goofy game, where characters were minimalistic, basically balls with eyes, hats etc. You controlled multiple characters from room to room, moving tile by tile in isometric room to do various stuff logically like in puzzle in order to proceed. For example, character A had to walk around two other rooms from room 1 to end up in room 1 but on balcony so that he can throw onto floor a jumping device so that character B can jump to another balcony of room 1 and proceed in game etc.

Don't really have much more :/


New member
Jul 7, 2017
mamaliga47 said:
Hello guys,
I've had this game in my mind for some days and tried looking over all the internet with no avail. So this is what I remember about it:
-RTS game (90s-early 2000s I think) with a Sci-Fi theme
-majority of units used lasers and I recall this particular unit called "Rover" which was basically a levitating vehicle shooting projectiles, and I guess all the non-flying vehicles were just levitating
-you could build walls around your base which were pylons connected by laser beams
-another type of units were some kind of soldiers with jetpacks I guess who were shooting these yellow-ish spiralling seeking projectiles
-the same "yellow-ish projectiles" were fired by an AA emplacement which looked like a disc with many holes in it from where the projectiles where fired

I can keep describing units but I don't know how helpful this would be.
I also remember this mission which was so annoying for me at the time I first played the game where you were supposed to control this 1 unit and bring it somewhere. It lacked weapons and was a levitating...something which had this moon shaped design on it and was really slow and easy to be destroyed.
And as a final note, I kinda remember the loading screen had this green background and a levitating tank. Thank you, I really hope you could help me solve the mystery with all the details provided.
Yeah nevermind, managed to find it, for those looking for the same it's called "Dark Reign 2"


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May 12, 2017
rabiddoughnuts said:
2 The other game I am less sure of the console, but have a better description. It starts out in a small village that is layed out in a kinda zigzag ladder up a hill layout, and a monster/demon is summoned from a well or something in the village and kills everyone, but this kid survives and gets knocked out, i believe because of a ring, and you go around the kingdom doing small missions and collecting these rings of power trying to gather forces to fight the dark demon, and there is another kingdom in the sky of winged people on a floating island of some sort.


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Apr 26, 2012
ravenswood said:
So, this was a 2d sailing game, I don't remember if it was browser based or not. this was yeaaaaaaaaars ago, definitely early 2000's at latest, maybe 2004-2006? it had a lot of RPG elements, you did quests for different people in the town, and i think the story had something to do with your dad getting killed, or something. you basically just did sea combat, travelled around etc. barely remember it cuz it was so long ago, but itching to play it
Sounds like Uncharted Waters 2, but that one's from mid 90s.


New member
Jul 3, 2017
I'am looking for a very simple game, yet i can't find it anywhere. Game is very old and it was played in minimalized window (like minesweeper). The whole point was that you played as spider creating webs to corner and kill a snake, but if you touched him you died. I remember playing it like 10-12 years ago. Thanks for replies:)


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
LadyMunsters said:
I'm hoping someone out there knows what game I'm thinking of.
I went on a couple dates with this guy and on one of them we went to his place to play some video games. I can't remember what console it was for the life of me. Either PS3 or Xbox 360.

Anyway, it was a 2 player game. You had a limited amount of time to set up turrets and traps to try and protect your babies from these monsters that would come and either kidnap or eat them. I can't remember.

I think you had nine babies you had to protect from the monsters/bad guys. If you completed all the rounds with most of your babies, you won. We lost though. I wasn't good at it. I played this back between 2011-2013. I don't remember much else about it.

I had a blast playing it even though I sucked and I would really love to play it again now that I'm much better at strategy games.
Could it have been PixelJunk Monsters?


New member
Jul 8, 2017
So I have been wondering about this game I played on an old windows computer back in the early 2000s. I was a kid then, probably about 5, so I can't remember much.

What I know is that it was a black screen and it displayed old looking pixel art of a man with a hat on before the level started. The game was about a man, possibly a miner, in a maze-like level who was supposed to get from point A to point B. You had to tunnel through the walls, and I remember being scared of this game at the time because it was dark themed.
The player could see these sprites of bears that looked almost like they were dancing as they walked in place in a 1x1 section of the map's wall. You would sometimes have to cut open this part of the wall, releasing the bear, who would chase the character around the tunnels afterward. I think after it got you, it would show the pixel art screen from the beginning and then reset the level. The character might have used bombs to explode holes in the wall.

It is sort of like Spelunker, but it isn't. This game was not a platformer as you could move up, down, left, and right.
The screen was laid out from a birdseye view so that you could see the monsters hiding in the wall but you couldn't do anything about it and just had to let them out.

Basically, it had a caver/spelunky kind of vibe. My sister suggested it was part of a series called,"games to play at night," which featured several little minigames. If it is, it is probably harder to pinpoint because there are several other games under the same title.
If anyone knows about this game, please respond. It's been driving me crazy. Thanks.


New member
Jul 8, 2017
Okay so I remember playing the demo for a game on ps1.

It started with you being a male warrior type guy in a village preparing for an arranged marriage. The bride and the bride's little brother are friends of yours and the bride doesn't want to marry the groom. (At least that's what I thought, I'm pretty sure she was into the main and wished he had shown up soonesooner.) When talking to her she confesses that she wants to run away with you. Your character is sent on an errand to some house outside the village. When you return the village is under attack and the bride is stolen. Your character then turns into some large creature I think was a mech but it's been awhile. You then kill the other much thing and the demo ends.


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Sep 13, 2016
Draythyn said:
Okay so I remember playing the demo for a game on ps1.

It started with you being a male warrior type guy in a village preparing for an arranged marriage. The bride and the bride's little brother are friends of yours and the bride doesn't want to marry the groom. (At least that's what I thought, I'm pretty sure she was into the main and wished he had shown up soonesooner.) When talking to her she confesses that she wants to run away with you. Your character is sent on an errand to some house outside the village. When you return the village is under attack and the bride is stolen. Your character then turns into some large creature I think was a mech but it's been awhile. You then kill the other much thing and the demo ends.
That's Xenogears [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJeRVree3g0]. No doubt about it. =)
Skip to about 9:30 if you wanna see the start of the wedding talks.


New member
Jul 2, 2017
hello if you guys can help me with this i would really appreciate it.

My game is futuristic , a 2d sidescroller , the guy that we play as has purple armor all over his body , except on his head.
he has a light blue laser sword and he can `pick upgrades on the level that gives him some sort of companion , it's like a ball that floats around him , and when he attacks with his sword the ball fires a laser attack too , but not always ,you could get different types of balls.
In the first level you are in a city and you fight robots with guns I believe ( I can't remember if they were robots or humans with suits), and the boss is a giant robot that fires a big laser.


New member
Jul 8, 2017
arivara said:
hello if you guys can help me with this i would really appreciate it.

My game is futuristic , a 2d sidescroller , the guy that we play as has purple armor all over his body , except on his head.
he has a light blue laser sword and he can `pick upgrades on the level that gives him some sort of companion , it's like a ball that floats around him , and when he attacks with his sword the ball fires a laser attack too , but not always ,you could get different types of balls.
In the first level you are in a city and you fight robots with guns I believe ( I can't remember if they were robots or humans with suits), and the boss is a giant robot that fires a big laser.


New member
Jun 26, 2017
Murlocactivist said:
Okay, so I need help finding the name of a game that I've been trying to remember for about a year now. I don't remember much because I haven't played it in a long time. It was probably an early 2,000s game, it was a 3D side-scrolling game about a kid vampire type character. The design was very 50's Dracula, and I think most of the levels were based on a castle. The closest I've found to it is the game Kid Dracula, but that game isn't 3D.

Any help would be appreciated, this game has been stuck in my head like a catchy song.

Update: I think I played the game on the computer.
So, I haven't had any luck in finding this game yet, but I did recover some more information on it. The game was one of the games for the Gametap service. I know it's old, and nobody probably knows much about it, but hopefully, that helps. Whatever this game was, I'm having a hard time finding anything matching it.


New member
Jul 9, 2017
Hey all. I've been trying to remember a PC game from what I think is the early 2000's, and it's killing me that I can't remember.

It was a third-person, arena-style mech fighting game with the mechs resembling different mythological gods. I distinctly remember Anubis and Osiris being two of the many playable mechs. It was a 3d fighter with the camera positioned behind the player's mech. Each mech had a variety of abilities, such as launching vortex blasts and the like, but focused on melee combat. I also remember it being pretty fast-paced. The mechs themselves were more in line with having the shape of a human body, with few extensions or extra parts strapped on, so no missile launchers hanging off of shoulders. Ah, also I remember the mech I played as - Anubis. He floated and moved by using what I think are jets built into his palms. The arenas were also themed around each character, so Anubis had his own desert style arena with pyramids in the background.


New member
Jul 9, 2017
Hi All,

Please help me find this game, it has several characteristics:

- 2D Strategy PC game, windows 95 / 98 era
- The game is divided in 3 (or more?) windows, the first window is for us, the second window is computer (enemy), the third I believe is where the announcer is (a girl?)
- We can build buildings in our window: missile, anti-missile, green circle turret, nuclear launcher (3x3 space occupied), etc..
- We can send missile and robot (transported by plane) from our window to enemy window, with drag and drop movement
- AI can also attack us the same way
- Buildings can be upgraded: missile will be doubled, same for anti-missile, the robot will become golden robot, etc..



New member
Sep 13, 2016
Aret21 said:
Hey all. I've been trying to remember a PC game from what I think is the early 2000's, and it's killing me that I can't remember.

It was a third-person, arena-style mech fighting game with the mechs resembling different mythological gods. I distinctly remember Anubis and Osiris being two of the many playable mechs. It was a 3d fighter with the camera positioned behind the player's mech. Each mech had a variety of abilities, such as launching vortex blasts and the like, but focused on melee combat. I also remember it being pretty fast-paced. The mechs themselves were more in line with having the shape of a human body, with few extensions or extra parts strapped on, so no missile launchers hanging off of shoulders. Ah, also I remember the mech I played as - Anubis. He floated and moved by using what I think are jets built into his palms. The arenas were also themed around each character, so Anubis had his own desert style arena with pyramids in the background.
This is probably too far off from your description to be it, but all that reminds me of is S.C.A.R.A.B. [http://www.mobygames.com/game/scarab]