I don't know about your other posts but your last post is rather vague, the main line that gives something nicely identifiable is
" and if you walk too much into the water you drown and die... then you are teleported into an underwater cave where you turn into a skeleton."
I mean I kinda want to ask if its one of the kings quest games, but thats mainly cause I never really played that series so its just a stab in the dark, but it is a really popular point and click series.
i asked this in April 15 2021 .. if it can't be answered. then it's okay ...
okay it's something that looked like "candy crush" type of games, you swap pieces together and every time 4 or so line up, you get some kind of bonus.
the game is line up tower like, in your face a big table of symbols and whatnot, and right beneath the table, some NPCs mini people are walking from left to right, you have a time limit until .. your "worshipers" all leave.
you get to have multiple powers as the game goes on, you give people donuts to distract them, teddy bears, and whatnot, and once the level is over, a huge lightening strike attacks the table giving you lots of bonus points, the mini people suddenly get scared stop in their steps and start bowing to you in worship.
the game is from the early 2000s, judging from its very old graphics. it's on pc alone. and i believe i saw it while i was browsing a big collection with luxor in it, you know .. luxor from 2005? the game i am looking for, has some kind of ancient Egyptian gods vibe.
so yeah i believe that the game, i am looking for is from the early 2000s ..
any idea?
also another game i believe from the late / early 2010s it's a puzzle game with lots of fox - like statues for PC
you create platforms using the mouse as triangles and and then stand over them to progress. the set up looks like an old temple, and a cave. that's all i recall.