Old games you remember playing, but can't remember the name of


Mar 3, 2021
An old Maze game.. I think it came as part of a 'Micro Star' Disk (not 100% on that, but it's the name floating in my head). it was a 2p game (same computer). you had to give your 'character' directions on how to navigate the maze.. N30 E140 S400.. etc.. players took turns, each trying to navigate the maze and reach the end. you always start from the same spot, just using long navigation strings. I want to say it started with "Ra.." but i'm only 50% on that..


Mar 3, 2021
If it helps narrow it down any.. this would have been... mid 90's.. probably made a few years before that.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
An old Maze game.. I think it came as part of a 'Micro Star' Disk (not 100% on that, but it's the name floating in my head). it was a 2p game (same computer). you had to give your 'character' directions on how to navigate the maze.. N30 E140 S400.. etc.. players took turns, each trying to navigate the maze and reach the end. you always start from the same spot, just using long navigation strings. I want to say it started with "Ra.." but i'm only 50% on that..
Do you remember if this was a MS-DOS, windows 3.x, or some other platform? I know Micro Star mostly distributed MS-DOS games, but I'd like to narrow it down if you can. Also, do you remember if the maze was shown from top-down or 1st person?


Mar 3, 2021
top down.. was very basic, (random maze generation i think).. i'm using 'maze' loosely.. it wasn't a 'true' maze, but rather a giant collection of random shaped walls/pillars throughout the map that you had to navigate around (you could pick whatever path you wanted, there was no 'right' way).

I want to say Win 3.1?.. maybe.. it ran 'inside' windows.... had graphics.. however generic they were.

I'm not even 100% it was Micro star.. i just remember the disks being around at that time.. :/
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Mar 9, 2021
I know that this is very bad description, but still I will try...

So this game was 2D- it wasnt in browser, it was game for download, it was 2p (on same pc), maybe more but I am not sure. You was playing as a sheep (or something like this... it was like circle of dirty wool) and there was lot of monsters. You had to overplay the monsters and somehow get to the finish... That's all what I remember. I am not sure if u were killing the monsters somehow,or collecting something from the ground...
There were boxes which you had to destroy somehow (maybe it was like Pyromaster, where u press space/enter to place "bomb") to be able to continue through map, or walls that were obv undestroyable.
The monsters were usually "locked" between the boxes, so U had to blow the box and kill/destroy the monster... there were levels, in first levels the monsters were low and slow, by the time the monsters were faster and better, smarter, etc...

Did someone play this game? It was like 5-8 years ago.


Mar 11, 2021
Hello there,

I am searching for a RPG game that was released some time around 1995-200x.
The box art of the game depicted a young man, wearing a white shirt, brown pants, shoes and a cape, wielding a rapier (some version's had him wield a normal sword), standing in a forest.
The game started with the protagonist running deeds for the inhabitants of the small village he has been raised in, when suddenly the village was attacked by creatures. The attack compelled the protagonist's uncle, or elder of some description, to cue him into the state of the world and the fate of the rest of his family.
The world the game was situated has been torn apart by magic which lead to the formation of a (dimensional?) rift, which caused a schism between the various races.
Eventually the protagonist managed to escape through a hidden passage in the basement of the village's townhall.
From there on out I only recall snippets of the plot, and chances are none of those I'll list in the following run-on sentence are in order.
E.g.: protagonist's endeavour to find his relatives in a junkyard-esque town located near an old mine filled to the brim with critters and old (arcane) machinery; his journey through a magical forests and encounters with elves featuring a race on bug-back to win some mcguffin; a sidescroller-esque section on a raft in a swamp; his passage through a desert area and further encounters with arcane machinery leading up to a fight with the antagonist of the game over some sort of time machine.

That's about all I can remember, I'd appreciate any hints and directions. Thanks in advance and sincere apologies for the butchered english.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
I am looking for two of the first games I remember having ever played.

The first is an old spelling game from either DOS or Commodore64 whereby you were given simple worlds on screen to copy and there was a red monster that looked like the Mcdonald creatures running around the screen.

Sorry, but that is all I can remember for that one.

The second was a side view game, also for the Commodore 64 or DOS, where you played an astronaut on Mars navigating a single screen environment, dodging aliens and environmental hazards. There were 15 levels and one the last level you rescued a bunch of astronauts.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
I am looking for two of the first games I remember having ever played.

The first is an old spelling game from either DOS or Commodore64 whereby you were given simple worlds on screen to copy and there was a red monster that looked like the Mcdonald creatures running around the screen.

Sorry, but that is all I can remember for that one.

The second was a side view game, also for the Commodore 64 or DOS, where you played an astronaut on Mars navigating a single screen environment, dodging aliens and environmental hazards. There were 15 levels and one the last level you rescued a bunch of astronauts.
Could the second game you're looking for be Monuments of Mars?


May 29, 2013
I was hoping people could help me find this game I played when I was younger (but I'm very doubtful since I've found 4 threads about it on r/tipofmyjoystick, and in none of them did anybody actually find the game).

The game would've been released sometime between the late '90s and 2005, and was 3D (first- or third-person, probably third). I played it on a Windows computer (Windows XP, I'm pretty sure). You started in a house with food nearby. If you walked outside, there was a ride-able horse close by in a paddock, and a bear who would attack you. There was also a beach/shoreline, and if you walked into the water, sharks would attack you. You could travel to other islands on a sailboat.

In terms of those r/tipofmyjoystick threads that already exist on the game, this one was the best in terms of its overall description (and also how many people replied to it, narrowing down what game it could be). This one was the best in terms of describing the story: "You play as a man, and you have dialogue scenes with your wife and (maybe) her father, who is building some sort of gliding/flying machine up in a mountain region" (and the title may have had something in it to do with "wing"). This thread mentions there are "castles and a place with tree houses where goblin kinda things live". This thread mentions "your horse would follow you and swim along (to other islands). there were many islands around with animals you could kill and harvest - even tigers, panthers etc. you could pretty much kill anyone i think. could kill any animal." Also, there was blood when you hit enemies.

Even though there are several other people who remember this game, it's very elusive. It doesn't seem like anyone will be able to find it unless they played it themselves when they were younger and have a great memory. But I can dream.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Not sure if this is an "old" game, but it's been several years but. It was a game where you play little hooded wizards, and you would do magic spells by varying combinations of buttons on the controller, to different effects. It was a very comical game, and a lot of the appeal was the ability to totally fuck with your friends by blowing them up "accidentally"

I never played it myself, but it always looked fun, and I'm considering trying to pick it up to play with the wifey. It had a very simple title, like Wizards, or Magic, or..something incredibly "what it says on the can" style of name.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Not sure if this is an "old" game, but it's been several years but. It was a game where you play little hooded wizards, and you would do magic spells by varying combinations of buttons on the controller, to different effects. It was a very comical game, and a lot of the appeal was the ability to totally fuck with your friends by blowing them up "accidentally"

I never played it myself, but it always looked fun, and I'm considering trying to pick it up to play with the wifey. It had a very simple title, like Wizards, or Magic, or..something incredibly "what it says on the can" style of name.
That would be one of the games in the Magicka series. Though to be fair, it's less of a series and more like two games plus a ton of expansions.
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Apr 8, 2021
I'm looking for a PS1 game, likely an earlier release. I remember the beginning part taking place in an underground stone cave type area, was either first or third person perspective. And I think it was kind of an action/adventure with magic elements, maybe had a female protag? Really hazy.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I'm looking for a PS1 game, likely an earlier release. I remember the beginning part taking place in an underground stone cave type area, was either first or third person perspective. And I think it was kind of an action/adventure with magic elements, maybe had a female protag? Really hazy.
It wasn't Kingsfield was it?


Professional Asshole
Nov 18, 2009
I'm looking for a PS1 game, likely an earlier release. I remember the beginning part taking place in an underground stone cave type area, was either first or third person perspective. And I think it was kind of an action/adventure with magic elements, maybe had a female protag? Really hazy.
That's not Tomb Raider is it? The first level takes place in an underground tomb system in the Himalayas.


Apr 8, 2021
Ah no but thanks for trying. I found it by just scanning through lots of PS1 cover art, it was called Excaliber 2555:

Something about Merlin sending his daughter into the future to retrieve excaliber from dystopian thieves. I didn't get very far in it, but for some bizarre reason I very clearly remember playing it repeatedly.