A Few Suggestions for Difficulty Settings (From easy to hard):
In General:
EA, Bioware, Blizzard, Valve
Silent Hill 8:
Hug Therapy, Talk Therapy, Aversion Therapy, Shock Therapy
Lying Figure, Bubblehead Nurse, Pyramid Head, Laura
Portal 2:
Half-Life 3:
BS, Master's, PhD, Post-Doc
Tesla, Hawking, Newton, Einstein
Liberal Arts, Linguistics, Sociology, Science
Mass Effect 3:
Voyager, DS9, TNG, Original Series
Alpha Protocol 2:
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Dragon Age 2:
4th Edition, 3.5, 3rd Edition, 3rd Edition with Psionics
Bioshock 3:
Ayn Rand, Brad Bird, Kurt Vonnegut
Dante's Inferno 2:
Plot Diagraming, Imagery Analysis, Historical Referencing, Italian Couplet Structure Numerology
Final Fantasy:
Can cutscenes have a difficulty setting?
If the Escapist Released a Game:
Graham Stark, MovieBob, Yahtzee, Rebecca Mayes
Speaking of Silent Hill, I saw Yahtzee's review and was suspecting unforgiving combat and so I started at Easy (second highest of 4) and was a bit nonplussed by how easy it was, so I see what he was saying. I never ran out of bullets and was brushing my teeth with Ampoules. Although it did still create a great experience, because it made it feel like the monsters were more like tortured souls that I was putting out of their misery in a symbolic way.