Are some people REALLY so naive that they would think because of some screw up, which will ultimately affect no one who actually cares enough to take precautionary measures after this breach, that we will simply give up on the franchises that most of us have been following for 3 generations of consoles, from PS1 to 3?
I buy Sony because they have the games I care about. I don't give a hoot about Mario or Halo or Metroid or Zelda or Gears of War or any of that stuff. I care about franchises like Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted, Killzone, and so on.
Am I miffed that this happened? Heck yes. Do I think Sony could have done better? Certainly. But ultimately, this is all happening because Sony decided to stick up for me, the legit user who actually pays for his games instead of cracking his system to pirate, and also plays fair and doesn't crack his system to run modified software to cheat, while sticking it to the homebrewers, who, argue as you will for what they might have in mind, are ultimately the ones who make everything that the pirates and cheaters do possible in the first place. PSP being the shining example of what the homebrewers who supposedly look out for the end users interests can do to a platform. IF you've ever tried to play a PSP game online, you'll know what I'm talking about.
So if Sony pisses off the hackers, I support them. I believe as gamers we have a right to be free from exposure to cheaters and pirates. And developers have a right to profit from their products and protect them from those who would destroy the security protecting their intellectual property.
I have two playstation systems, original and PSOne, a fat playstation 2, and an original fat 60 gig launch model PS3. I own a PSP-2000 slim and light. I fully intend to purchase an NGP when it's available. I have about 1000$ worth of purchased software for the systems. I am a loyal customer, and if these hacker pricks think that this little stunt is gonna let them win and get me to change sides, then they are sadly mistaken.