Opinion's on sexuality


New member
Jun 4, 2011
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Bara_no_Hime said:
I'm a bisexual woman and proud of it. ^^

Everyone should be free to express their sexuality as they see fit. *

[sub]* With a standard disclaimer for the idiot who wants to say "what about rape" - no, that isn't an expression of sexuality, that's torture. Don't be a jerk.[/sub]
It's an expression of sexuality that's usually torture for the person getting raped.
No. Rape has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with power, control and domination.

Sometimes it does, definitely not ALL the time. Rape is very broad term.

I've heard of the stories in third world countries where it's used as a weapon against women. In those cases it definitely is.
No. If you're using something as a weapon to cause harm or terror, it has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with you being a psychopath.
So sex has nothing to do with sex if it causes harm/terror?
Rape isn't sex, so no.

If someone thinks rape is at all like sex, in any way, they need to do some more research.
Forgive me, but I believe the standard definition for rape is "non-consensual sex"
Correct. Rape is non-consenting sex. What it isn't is sex.

What's boxing? Assault? Battery? No. It's boxing.
actually, it is. Boxing is consensual assault and battery. For sport.

Sex is not like boxing however, in that Sex is not something which is automatically consensual. Sex is short of "Sexual Intercourse", in which two partners usually exchange bodily fluids. Any extension of this definition is a version of a sex.
I find your opinion on rape horribly repulsive. Because of that I'm going to exit the conversation.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
I'm bi so my opinion on sexuality would sort of have to be accepting of homosexuality and heterosexuality wouldn't it? LOL

Though You'd be surpised at how many homosexuals can be bigoted and treat bisexuals as if they don't exist or that bisexuals aren't "gay enough" to be accepted as part of the "Community". One gay guy even told me that it doesn't exist to my face. Some even think it's a phase, which sort of hurts their own arguments that sexuality is genetic.

That's what sort of sucks about being "in the middle"; to a lot of straight people you're just plain gay, but to some gay people, you're not "gay enough".

x-machina said:
I just don't understand Bi-sexuals, I mean how can you not have a peference?
How can a straight person not like their own gender?
How can a homosexual person not like the opposite gender?

It just "IS". I love both men and women and I can't explain it, but understanding relationships with both genders has been a fantastic asset with whoever I date. Not everyone is so lucky to have complete understanding of one another.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Randvek said:
One of the great myths about sexuality is that people are usually black or white, or even that it stays the same. Sexuality is a giant gray area that is in many ways situational. I find it odd that people can be proud of their own or hate another when it's such an intangible idea, far more meaningless than even patriotism or political beliefs. "Homosexual" and "heterosexual" are such limiting words that limit how people approach the topic by making us think that there are only two paths when really there are none. "Bisexual" isn't much better, but that's a very different story. We'd be better off without the labels.
If heterosexuality is to mean that I am only sexually attracted to one sex, then I definitely fit that label.

It's not something I find pride in, as it's just the way my brain functions.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I don't see how someone elses personal preference regarding mates is any of my business, but since you want my opinion here it is.

Homosexual? Good for you that you know what you want/like! Just don't expect me to be happy about it if you force it upon everyone you meet. (Seriously, I've seen this so many times it pisses me off. No, you can not recieve preferential treatment because of your sexual preferences! And don't even TRY to go with the "homophobic" excuse if someone doesn't like the fact that you are forcing your sexual preferences on everyone. You don't see heterosexual people going all "oh look at me and how heterosexual I am!" now do you? >_>)

Bisexual? Again, good for you that you know what you want/like! Now, this one is a bit iffy to speak about for me though. I was one of them who believed that those who call themselves bisexual was just after sex constantly and didn't care what gender their mate was as long as they got what they wanted... Then I met a woman who describes herself as a bisexual (she's one of my best friends). I guess what I said about homosexuals fit under here (the "don't force your sexuality upon others"-part).
[Question for bisexuals: How can you have no preference? Or is it that your preference is both genders? I really don't get this, feel free to enlighten me, either by quoting me or PM-ing me].

Heterosexual? Get the hell off my lawn! (Just kidding of course, since I'm a heterosexual myself). I dunno, I don't really got any thoughts worth mentioning on this topic that hasn't been said in the other two. Good for you that you're part of the majority? xD

Also, just a final note. I do not mean to sound offensive or anything. If I offended you in this post, I sincerely apologize.


New member
May 21, 2008
I think American society is incredibly immature about it, they aren't the worst by any stretch of the imagination, but it is still bad. I think, as a species, humans need to grow up quite a bit concerning the topic. I myself enjoy it, though I'm loath to get that close to anyone, without an incredibly good understanding of them, and with them....because I don't think I'd do well in jail, and I don't want to end up on the sexual predator list.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Bara_no_Hime said:
I'm a bisexual woman and proud of it. ^^

Everyone should be free to express their sexuality as they see fit. *

[sub]* With a standard disclaimer for the idiot who wants to say "what about rape" - no, that isn't an expression of sexuality, that's torture. Don't be a jerk.[/sub]
It's an expression of sexuality that's usually torture for the person getting raped.
No. Rape has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with power, control and domination.

Sometimes it does, definitely not ALL the time. Rape is very broad term.

I've heard of the stories in third world countries where it's used as a weapon against women. In those cases it definitely is.
No. If you're using something as a weapon to cause harm or terror, it has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with you being a psychopath.
So sex has nothing to do with sex if it causes harm/terror?
Rape isn't sex, so no.

If someone thinks rape is at all like sex, in any way, they need to do some more research.
Forgive me, but I believe the standard definition for rape is "non-consensual sex"
Correct. Rape is non-consenting sex. What it isn't is sex.

What's boxing? Assault? Battery? No. It's boxing.
actually, it is. Boxing is consensual assault and battery. For sport.

Sex is not like boxing however, in that Sex is not something which is automatically consensual. Sex is short of "Sexual Intercourse", in which two partners usually exchange bodily fluids. Any extension of this definition is a version of a sex.
I find your opinion on rape horribly repulsive. Because of that I'm going to exit the conversation.
I'm not saying rape is a GOOD thing, I never meant that. What I was trying to clarify originally, is that there are people who rape other people for physical pleasure, not for dominance or power. When you brought up the notion that somehow sex is something which is automatically GOOD, I felt the need to challenge that, because based on the definition of sex from everybody I know, and from Dictionaries, Sex is not something which is automatically Good or Bad, it just is. Sex is just a biological function, and is something which can obviously be used in evil ways, and in very good ways.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Bara_no_Hime said:
I'm a bisexual woman and proud of it. ^^

Everyone should be free to express their sexuality as they see fit. *

[sub]* With a standard disclaimer for the idiot who wants to say "what about rape" - no, that isn't an expression of sexuality, that's torture. Don't be a jerk.[/sub]
It's an expression of sexuality that's usually torture for the person getting raped.
No. Rape has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with power, control and domination.

Sometimes it does, definitely not ALL the time. Rape is very broad term.

I've heard of the stories in third world countries where it's used as a weapon against women. In those cases it definitely is.
No. If you're using something as a weapon to cause harm or terror, it has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with you being a psychopath.
So sex has nothing to do with sex if it causes harm/terror?
Rape isn't sex, so no.

If someone thinks rape is at all like sex, in any way, they need to do some more research.
Forgive me, but I believe the standard definition for rape is "non-consensual sex"
Correct. Rape is non-consenting sex. What it isn't is sex.

What's boxing? Assault? Battery? No. It's boxing.
actually, it is. Boxing is consensual assault and battery. For sport.

Sex is not like boxing however, in that Sex is not something which is automatically consensual. Sex is short of "Sexual Intercourse", in which two partners usually exchange bodily fluids. Any extension of this definition is a version of a sex.
I find your opinion on rape horribly repulsive. Because of that I'm going to exit the conversation.
I'm not saying rape is a GOOD thing, I never meant that. What I was trying to clarify originally, is that there are people who rape other people for physical pleasure, not for dominance or power. When you brought up the notion that somehow sex is something which is automatically GOOD, I felt the need to challenge that, because based on the definition of sex from everybody I know, and from Dictionaries, Sex is not something which is automatically Good or Bad, it just is. Sex is just a biological function, and is something which can obviously be used in evil ways, and in very good ways.
As I said, I find the notion of rape being an act of sex to be massively offensive and sickening. I'd appreciate no further discussion on the issue.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Shio said:
zehydra said:
Bara_no_Hime said:
I'm a bisexual woman and proud of it. ^^

Everyone should be free to express their sexuality as they see fit. *

[sub]* With a standard disclaimer for the idiot who wants to say "what about rape" - no, that isn't an expression of sexuality, that's torture. Don't be a jerk.[/sub]
It's an expression of sexuality that's usually torture for the person getting raped.
No. Rape has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with power, control and domination.

Sometimes it does, definitely not ALL the time. Rape is very broad term.

I've heard of the stories in third world countries where it's used as a weapon against women. In those cases it definitely is.
No. If you're using something as a weapon to cause harm or terror, it has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with you being a psychopath.
So sex has nothing to do with sex if it causes harm/terror?
Rape isn't sex, so no.

If someone thinks rape is at all like sex, in any way, they need to do some more research.
Forgive me, but I believe the standard definition for rape is "non-consensual sex"
Correct. Rape is non-consenting sex. What it isn't is sex.

What's boxing? Assault? Battery? No. It's boxing.
actually, it is. Boxing is consensual assault and battery. For sport.

Sex is not like boxing however, in that Sex is not something which is automatically consensual. Sex is short of "Sexual Intercourse", in which two partners usually exchange bodily fluids. Any extension of this definition is a version of a sex.
I find your opinion on rape horribly repulsive. Because of that I'm going to exit the conversation.
I'm not saying rape is a GOOD thing, I never meant that. What I was trying to clarify originally, is that there are people who rape other people for physical pleasure, not for dominance or power. When you brought up the notion that somehow sex is something which is automatically GOOD, I felt the need to challenge that, because based on the definition of sex from everybody I know, and from Dictionaries, Sex is not something which is automatically Good or Bad, it just is. Sex is just a biological function, and is something which can obviously be used in evil ways, and in very good ways.
As I said, I find the notion of rape being an act of sex to be massively offensive and sickening. I'd appreciate no further discussion on the issue.
Then my apologies, I never meant to offend, only to enlighten.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Madara said:
zehydra said:
I'm not saying rape is a GOOD thing, I never meant that. What I was trying to clarify originally, is that there are people who rape other people for physical pleasure, not for dominance or power. When you brought up the notion that somehow sex is something which is automatically GOOD, I felt the need to challenge that, because based on the definition of sex from everybody I know, and from Dictionaries, Sex is not something which is automatically Good or Bad, it just is. Sex is just a biological function, and is something which can obviously be used in evil ways, and in very good ways.
I can see your point, the whole "its a power control thing" is kinda bullshit. Sometimes you just wanna fuck someone and they wont let you. So what other option do you have?
To help clarify I think we should turn to one of the greatest philosophers of this age.

Ahh, I feel enlightened already.
Lol I'm not trying to condone rape of this kind, I'm just saying that it exists on a much larger scale than some people seem to believe. Edit: I meant rape of ANY kind, in case that wasn't clear.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Utrechet said:
My opinion is that everyone is free to choose what they want, as it is their opinion on the matter that... matters. Not ours.

Also, society isn't helping the topic by adding religion into the matter.

Also this whole thing (in america anyways) with people being against gays getting married....why the f*** do we care what they do? If they want that they should have that choice. I can understand from the religious aspect. i.e. churches not wanting to marry gays. That is their choice because they do not believe it to be right according to their religion but there is no logical reason for gays not to be able to be married at all like in a courthouse or by someone with the power to legally marry them in America. (Like that one bakery with voodoo doughnuts if that is your thing. =3) Also there sure as hell is no reason to make an amendment to The American Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman...God do I hate the closed mindedness of my country...


New member
May 19, 2009
I think sexuality is what prevents human race from evolving to the next level... But that is just my opinion.
And also, it doesn't matter what your sexuality is, it doesn't make you any worse or BETTER. You are just as human no matter what tickles your fancy.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
A person's sexual preference isn't anyone else's business. Human being's should be able to live their lives as they see fit as long as it doesn't affect anyone else's life negativally.

With that being said, I will admit that even though I actually have quite a few gay and bi-sexual friends, I do still feel uncomfortable seeing them with a partner of the same sex. I know, I know. I'm sounding really homo-phobic, but I do get that "that's looks unnatural" thought in my head, when I see them kiss or something. They are my friends and I love them, but I can't help it. That's just how I feel.

Make no mistake, I love my friends to death. Their sexuality has not, and will never change my opinion of them. I know that they are good, kind human beings, and thats all that matters to me.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
febel said:
AgentNein said:
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
Asexual people have no deal. They're cool in my book.
I dunno, I've gotten lots of "Your joking, right?", "That's not normal" And my personal favorite "Oh are you studying to be a priest?"
Well biologically speaking it isn't normal. Genetic dead end and all that.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
My opinion is that we need to be very open and accepting of all sexualities, and do proper research on it so we have accurate information to give to our children as they grow up.

So far, it would seem that sexuality is not a choice, and that it's far more diverse than "Gay Vs Straight". For example, I believe it's confirmed that there is a significant difference between an effeminate gay man, and a woman's mindset inside a man's body. I also believe it's generally accepted that we are all somewhat bisexual, must of us are simply further along the spectrum of being attracted to a our opposite gender.

I would prefer if this kind of information was far more prominent as a required standard for our education (rather than an hour/day/week per year about the subject). Also, I believe the world would be a much friendlier place if we were all bisexual, as the gender in power would have no reason to sexualize the opposite gender any more than their own (Fairness through equal exploitation), and we would all have a much wider choice or romantic/sexual interest.

By the way, I'm a straight guy, who truly can't tell whether or not I'm attractive (I suppose I've stopped considering myself ugly now that I'm no longer a teen), but I will sometimes notice when actors/models are clearly presented to be attracted to.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
My opinion? Do what you want as long as-
1. You dont hurt anyone.
2. You do it in private.

Oh and this all pervading zeitgeist of ultimate permissve of this site is both disturbing and annoying- in my short time here Ive had people attempt to justify paedophilia, incest and necrophilia, which is just fucking mind boggling.


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Utrechet said:
My opinion is that everyone is free to choose what they want, as it is their opinion on the matter that... matters. Not ours.

Also, society isn't helping the topic by adding religion into the matter.
This exactly voices my thoughts as well


New member
Jan 5, 2010
zehydra said:
If heterosexuality is to mean that I am only sexually attracted to one sex, then I definitely fit that label.
Imagine all the world's females die. Not only that, but "homosexuality" becomes actively encouraged. It's everywhere, just like sex is now. You don't think 20 30 40 years in that you would question yourself even one little bit?

There's no shame in saying you would. Sex is situational. You've just never been in a situation that forced you to question yours and, if you really are as "one direction" as you think you are, such a situation might be very, very unrealistic. But I highly doubt impossible.