Opinion's on sexuality


New member
Aug 20, 2008
*megaphone clicks on*


What or who people do in their own time is really none of the general public's business.

Gay people are no more a sign of the end times than straight people. Which is an unnecessarily convoluted way of saying that neither of them are.

If someone's homosexual, good for them. Bisexual? Good for them. Heterosexual? Good for them[footnote]And possibly me[/footnote]. But it really isn't the concern of me, or anyone else that doesn't want to have a relationship with them.


New member
Feb 14, 2009
I'm totally indifferent, but I don't like public shows of affection. FROM ANYONE. There's a time and a place for that.

As Jesus said about homosexuals:



New member
Dec 23, 2009
Is there really need for another one of these threads? It's just waiting for the one troll to say he hates gays to a big flame war can ignite.

Ah well ~~ contribution time:

x-machina said:
I just don't understand Bi-sexuals, I mean how can you not have a peference?
Sexuality isn't black and white; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_scale.

Wolfy2449 said:
Jeez stop being proud of things you have not achieved like sexualities/country of origin/religion/many more
Being proud of your sexuality usually translates to being proud of accepting your sexuality. While you're sexuality itself isn't earned a lot of gay people have difficulty coming to terms with it, coming out of the closet and such.

lithium.jelly said:
I don't really mind anyone's sexuality, although I find furries a bit creepy. Also, I heartily approve of gay men, because the more of them there are the less competition there is for all the cute girls.
Your furry hate is unrelated to this thread good sir ~

Vault101 said:
anyone who says its "unatural" can fuck right off, we havnt been doing anything "natural" since we worked out how to make fire (and I bet homosexuality was around then)
Yeah the whole "unnatural" argument is no less than silly. It seems that when it comes to defending prejudices a lot of outdated values come into play even they're being contradicted on a daily basis.

Kaz Helberd said:
I think people are conditioned into their sexuality based on external (and in some RARE cases) internal stimuli.

Biologically the 'Default' orientation is 'straight' (hence the term "straight") but depending on how one was raised, who their parents are, and what they're exposed to, that can change.
It's a controversal opinion but I wouldn't say you're too far off. Personally I believe their to be strong evidence for homosexuality being caused both genetically and/or through a persons upbringing, I'd hazard a guess that genetics always play some part in determining sexuality. I will say though that it isn't a choice either way, the closer you get to puberty the more your sexuality is set in stone.


New member
Jun 11, 2011
For bisexuals we think that a 50% chance on whether you are born with a penis or a vagina shouldn't effect who we spend the rest of our lives with or who we care about on a deeper level. i can speak for all of us but i think personality, interests, aesthetics and so on should effect who i like, not my chances of meeting a girl with mutual feelings for me.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
I'm not really sure what this thread is asking...

I am, myself gay and am obviously accepting of essentially any queer people.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
the only people that bug me are the reeealy gay people the guys/girls who dress like the opposite gender and the way they talk sometimes gets annoying simply because i think there talking like that on purpose also sexist lesbians need to grow up. just my 10 cents


New member
Oct 25, 2010
It bothers me that people keep mentioning it (just like when someone decided to create this topic).

Seriously, there are not a lot of people that really mind other people having different sexual preferences than them. Topics like these only act to point out the difference even more, even though hardly anyone cares.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
I still don't understand why people have something against it.

I mean I just wrote a thread about how I was frenching a dude for thirty minutes, and no passive aggressive homo phobic messages have been seen so far.

Isn't this the way most people handle it? Just don't give a fuck or see a distinction?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Wait, what? What exactly are you trying to ask?

Sexuality is a facet of human nature. I like it, because it leads to sex and I like having sex. I object to people having sex with children and animals.

You know what else is bad? The misuse of apostrophes, not proofreading your posts and posting badly thought-out threads.

Knight Captain Kerr

New member
May 27, 2011
You people and your quaint little categories. Sexuality is not black and white most people are somewhat bi and I don't judge people based on race sex or sexuality but what kind of people they are.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Do what you like, don't get up in my face about it (in both the literal and figurative sense).

Really, what else do you need other than that? Personal preference is just that, so leave people to what they want, and let them leave you. And everyone can live in harmony [sub]harmony[/sub] [small][sub]harmony...[/sub][/small]

Cerebral Force

New member
Jun 8, 2011
I feel that any sexual preference in fine so long as it is not forced upon others. I am straight and don't feel any displeasure against other people's preferences, but if a Bi/Homosexual male tried to force me to respond, that is wwhere the problem would occur. And as it was mentioned before, religion often factors into individual and society's views.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Ah one of these topics, where only the foolhardy and the bravest of souls even dream of venturing forth. These sorts of discussions are like a simmering kettle waiting to explode, mere moments away from boiling over and opening up a proverbial can of worms the likes of which are rather unsightly.

Do we really the plumb the depths of the opinions here?

The problem with trying to gauge the opinion of such a large and diverse body such as the Escapists is exactly that... it is such a large and diverse group of people. There is no control on it.

Additionally, there is the fundamental problem with human nature. People in general try to label absolutely *everything* around them. This is true even with matters that by rights should be private and none of their concern. Asexual, Bi-sexual, Transexual, Pansexual, Dominate, Submissive, Switch, Straight, Bent, Gay, Lesbian, Queer, Top, Bottom, Hetro, Homo ... the list goes on and on and expands each and every day. Trying to keep up is enough to send someone up the wall. I can remember once a 'top' was something you put on, a 'switch' was something that you threw, and being 'gay' met you were just happy. Now they are sexual orientations. And people complain to me about the poor state of the English language. *shrugs*

It doesn't matter though. The problem stems from the fact that all these are labels and labels are always generalizations and incorrect. They also generate fear and distrust to a large extent in my experience. And once someone is branded with a label, it makes abuse easier.

The other problem with this is it something that people are so sensitive about. As we have already seen in some of the comments already, many people are very ... uptight about it, even in this informal setting.

My opinion?

What you do behind close doors is your own business. Don't judge me and I won't judge you.

Let the thread die a natural death before the flames start.


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
Kaz Helberd said:
Being gay isn't natural, but it also isn't a 'terrible' thing... More or less it's an expression of your past experience, and what you have come to find appealing in a mate.
I know this is probably just bad word choice, but being gay is' 'natural' it happens in almost every other species as well. What I think you meant is it isn't normal (or is uncommon).

Sorry if it seems I'm just moaning about this but I've had a lot of people try to tell me being gay is some kind of defect and isn't natural/ is wrong, and other things along those lines, so it's starting to annoy me.


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
zehydra said:
Bara_no_Hime said:
I'm a bisexual woman and proud of it. ^^

Everyone should be free to express their sexuality as they see fit. *

[sub]* With a standard disclaimer for the idiot who wants to say "what about rape" - no, that isn't an expression of sexuality, that's torture. Don't be a jerk.[/sub]
It's an expression of sexuality that's usually torture for the person getting raped.
Rape usually has little to do with the sex, it's more often about the person doing the rape being in control. Admittedly that isn't always the case, but usually they just crave the power over someone else.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Kaz Helberd said:
I think people are conditioned into their sexuality based on external (and in some RARE cases) internal stimuli.

Biologically the 'Default' orientation is 'straight' (hence the term "straight") but depending on how one was raised, who their parents are, and what they're exposed to, that can change.

Being gay isn't natural, but it also isn't a 'terrible' thing... More or less it's an expression of your past experience, and what you have come to find appealing in a mate.

Girls want to marry their fathers, and boys want to marry their mothers.

It can also be like "Goth" or "Nerd" or "Jock", what have you. Goths tend to gravitate toward other Goths, etc. once together, they sort of feed of each other, and become more exaggerated versions of themselves.

I believe homosexuality is no different.

(I don't mean to equate homosexuality to a fad, but merely conditional behavior)

What it does come down to is; Are you being true to yourself? Are you happy? Can you find someone else who shares your preferences and cares about you? Are they being true to themselves?

It's important not to lie to yourself, because you set yourself up for pain down the road... gay or straight.

Gays don't need to be treated like freaks or like they're hurting anyone. They need LOVE... just like EVERYONE ELSE!!

Remember, we're all just playing with the cards we're dealt.

We all one the same thing, To love and be loved. Who you love doesn't matter.


I apologize if I went on a tangent, but I find this subject and others like it fascinating.
while Im not disputing your veiw I am wondering....

say somone is raised in a good christian home, nuclear family and all, you know "traditional"...and they turn out gay, how would that work?