Opinion's on sexuality


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
AnkaraTheFallen said:
Kaz Helberd said:
Being gay isn't natural, but it also isn't a 'terrible' thing... More or less it's an expression of your past experience, and what you have come to find appealing in a mate.
I know this is probably just bad word choice, but being gay is' 'natural' it happens in almost every other species as well. What I think you meant is it isn't normal (or is uncommon).

Sorry if it seems I'm just moaning about this but I've had a lot of people try to tell me being gay is some kind of defect and isn't natural/ is wrong, and other things along those lines, so it's starting to annoy me.
that would REALLY piss me off if I were gay

just out of interest are thease people usually coming from a religious perspective?

anyway repeating my first post we havnt been doing anything natural since we discovered fire, you wanna be natural? go out and live in the wilderness


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
Vault101 said:
AnkaraTheFallen said:
I know this is probably just bad word choice, but being gay is' 'natural' it happens in almost every other species as well. What I think you meant is it isn't normal (or is uncommon).

Sorry if it seems I'm just moaning about this but I've had a lot of people try to tell me being gay is some kind of defect and isn't natural/ is wrong, and other things along those lines, so it's starting to annoy me.
that would REALLY piss me off if I were gay

just out of interest are thease people usually coming from a religious perspective?

anyway repeating my first post we havnt been doing anything natural since we discovered fire, you wanna be natural? go out and live in the wilderness
Yes mostly a religious perspective from my parents, but I have had antsiest's claim the same things, usually with the argument that sex is only about reproducing, and therefore being gay must be wrong, that is the argument that pisses me off the most.

But you are right, humans do very little of what would be considered 'natural' since we started inventing things, what I was trying to say is the being gay happens in other species as well, and all evidence that I've seen, as well as my personal experience, indicates that being gay is something biological and you have no real choice at all with your sexuality.

Ask a Bi Guy

New member
Apr 7, 2011
Mistermixmaster said:
[Question for bisexuals: How can you have no preference? Or is it that your preference is both genders? I really don't get this, feel free to enlighten me, either by quoting me or PM-ing me].

Also, just a final note. I do not mean to sound offensive or anything. If I offended you in this post, I sincerely apologize.
Since you asked...

How do we have no preference? We have preferences. It's just a broader range of preferences. Think of it this way. Some people do not date outside their race or only date a particular ethnicity. While others just simply prefer blondes. Some people like them to be a chubby cuddle monster while others want a Female Body Builder or even just a well cut female fitness model.
For me its kind of the same just with guys or girls.
For me I like a variety guys or girls. Different social dynamics, different responses to questions, different ways in how we perceive a role in a relationship. As much as people want to make intercourse a big deal about it I.E. who puts their tab A into slot B it really isn't. God knows their are enough pegging videos out there (Google it for yourself)

It's a hard thing to explain. It's not like the difference between being of one ethnicity or another. This is gonna sound new agey but, It's a different energy. Really. You can PM me for further questions if you like just ask away.


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
Vault101 said:
Kaz Helberd said:
I think people are conditioned into their sexuality based on external (and in some RARE cases) internal stimuli.

Biologically the 'Default' orientation is 'straight' (hence the term "straight") but depending on how one was raised, who their parents are, and what they're exposed to, that can change.

Being gay isn't natural, but it also isn't a 'terrible' thing... More or less it's an expression of your past experience, and what you have come to find appealing in a mate.

Girls want to marry their fathers, and boys want to marry their mothers.

It can also be like "Goth" or "Nerd" or "Jock", what have you. Goths tend to gravitate toward other Goths, etc. once together, they sort of feed of each other, and become more exaggerated versions of themselves.

I believe homosexuality is no different.

(I don't mean to equate homosexuality to a fad, but merely conditional behavior)

What it does come down to is; Are you being true to yourself? Are you happy? Can you find someone else who shares your preferences and cares about you? Are they being true to themselves?

It's important not to lie to yourself, because you set yourself up for pain down the road... gay or straight.

Gays don't need to be treated like freaks or like they're hurting anyone. They need LOVE... just like EVERYONE ELSE!!

Remember, we're all just playing with the cards we're dealt.

We all one the same thing, To love and be loved. Who you love doesn't matter.


I apologize if I went on a tangent, but I find this subject and others like it fascinating.
while Im not disputing your veiw I am wondering....

say somone is raised in a good christian home, nuclear family and all, you know "traditional"...and they turn out gay, how would that work?
That's exactly what happened to me, and all I can say is being gay isn't a choice, hell, if it was I wouldn't choose to go through this hell that I've been living in for the last few years.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
It's the same as my view on pretty much anything (Religion, Games, Sexuality, Etc). As long as it's not hurting me or mine, what you do is not really something I care about. I'll do my thing and you'll do yours and we can happily ignore each other.

Start causing trouble towards those I care about and then we've got issues.

Now, I think that homosexuality and even asexuality are perfectly natural. I also believe that, as with most other areas of life, there are plenty of posers claiming to be all variations of sexuality. Seems to be more of a tendency in regards to, for example, asexuality, but that's just how things are.

You do your thing, I'll do mine, as long as no one is hurting anyone else, we have nothing to worry about.


New member
Dec 4, 2010
Worgen said:
I dont get why its such a big deal, I mean its retarded that its an issue at all but we are way too damn sexually repressed in this stupid country
Finally someone who agrees with me about that!

Seriously what the fuck is a slut? Stupid insult.


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
The Cadet said:
The stark reality is really a lot more in line with how South Park represented it in the episode where Cartman blew Butters and Butters got sent off to "dehomofication camp". It's borderline child abuse; a religious brainwashing and guilt-tripping that leaves many children scarred and sexually repressed for the rest of their lives. It simply does not work. At least, so say the American Psychological and Psychiatric Associations, anyways...
Yup, and it happens in the UK as well, I was sent to a catholic school my entire school life, where we often had crap about being gay is wrong, a sin, ect..., shoved down our throats on a daily basis, and when I found I was gay, I genuinely thought they were right. I started thinking I was some kind of freak for it, to the point I actually sought counceling to 'fix' myself. Luckily the person I saw helped me through that and now I'm far happier for it.

Repressing sexuality is never a good thing, it can only cause problems, and people need to realise that some people are gay, bi.... whatever, if it's not hurting people who cares.


New member
Mar 4, 2010
not to be obnoxious, but the question in the original post makes no sense to me. It makes as much sense as asking "Trees.... opinions?!?"


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I am severely heterophobic. Straight people disgust me!

Ok obviously not, but come on, how many times a week do we have this thread? :p


New member
Aug 27, 2010
x-machina said:
I just don't understand Bi-sexuals, I mean how can you not have a peference?
They can have a preference and most (that i've talked to about it anyway) do. They just find both sexually attractive. Though they may prefer to date one gender over the other


New member
Aug 9, 2009
As long as you aren't shagging children or producing kids with mental handicaps, go nuts.

x-machina said:
I just don't understand Bi-sexuals, I mean how can you not have a peference?
They do, but they still like both.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
I can't add anymore than what those who've said there's nothing wrong with it and people can be whatever they want, they cannot help it.
May 29, 2011
I don't really see any reason whatsoever to give a damn. People can do what the hell ever they want as long as they aren't risking their or other peoples lifes. That's my personal point of view.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Well, sexuality is one of the things I like to know about a person, just to know it. -Shrug-

But it's not like it matters that much anyway, in general. I'm having some issues deciding my own currently, so for me, it matters. >_>


New member
May 26, 2011
A persons sexuality does not change the person. Its their choice. My philosophy, if you don't get up in my face I won't get up in yours.