Opinions you have that most people don't agree with.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
I think that noob tubes and shotguns should be abolished from COD.

But when I play the games it's plainly obvious that most other people disagree.



New member
Mar 27, 2011
Ken_J said:
Shelf explanatory really, state your opinion and back it up.
(please no racism, sexism, or homophobia)

Myself I think that Halo is not that bad a game. It has slick and easy to use gameplay, and the mythos is deep and rich. Yes the games tell that story poorly but other games tell their story just as badly if not worse. I think the real problem people have with it is bad online experiences, I can certainly relate with that.

EDIT: to clarify I don't think halo is Unpopular. For my opinion I was inspired by the Jimquisition's take on latest episode where he, correctly, states that on the internet Popular = Shit
I don't think people disagree with Halo, It's just us ps3 fanboys that can't have access to it that diss it. but it is pretty succesful
KorLeonis said:
Graveyards are a waste of space. Corpses should be donated to science, ground up and used as fertilizer or animal feed, or otherwise disposed of in the cleanest and cheapest way possible. It has ceased to be a person, its just rotting meat, why does it need its own piece of land for year and years to come?

Surprisingly, most people don't agree with me. Odd, eh?
Funny thing is that in Islam it's considered a good thing to grow plants in cemeteries, and around graves after some time has passed. It's rarely practiced though.

repeating integers

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Mar 17, 2010
Arsen said:
- We need to make the action aspect of games a lesser component and not the main point behind the game. Imagine the fun of a Halo, Gears of War, et...where you just have to evade the enemy for a good portion of time, have a very limited amount of ammunition, and have to choose who is and isn't shot sparingly.

I think that's about it.
To each their own, but I think that sounds terrible. When I play Halo, I don't want to play a stealth game, I want to play Halo. If I want to play a stealth game, I'll pick up one of those.

Feste the Jester

New member
Jul 10, 2009
artanis_neravar said:
"your logic is completely flawed because
9x.99999 is 8.999991"

Yeah ignore the first part of that, the second part is the important part, that shows that your math is completely wrong
However, with an infinite number of 9's. 9x will equal 8.999[repeating], which, by my argument, is equal to 9.

Anti Nudist Cupcake

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Mar 23, 2010
LuckyClover95 said:
Anti Nudist Cupcake said:
Krantos said:
God exists. Jesus was the son/offspring/part or God. The Bible is almost completely wrong.

Beat that.

Christians and Atheists hate me.

In fact, I agree.
I don't get it? Do you believe in God and Jesus but think the Bible is wrong?
Nope, but there are quite of few mistranslations and misinterpretations that stemmed from people rewriting it over and over again through the years. During the simpler times of the bible, people didn't write books or sell them the way we do today. Random stories couldn't be made up and written in books because paper was expensive and few people could read anyway, stories were told and passed on, stories from the bible included so a few things that have actually been nothing more that urban myths at the time could have made it into the writing.

Also, as I said, the hand of men wrote it and any facts about the universe that THEY thought were true at the time could have been added as well.
For instance; the earth being flat, they didn't know better than that.

But that's okay, it was never meant to be interpreted with a scientific point of view anyway.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
letterbomber223 said:
blindthrall said:
Just because nurture overcomes nature doesn't mean nature doesn't exist. I'm not saying we're all naturally slobbering bigots. But most people, if they're honest, think they're better(smarter, sexier, funnier, what have you) than most other people. So people that are more like you, whatever similarity it may be, are better than the status quo. Don't get me wrong this is a better world than when whitey was enslaving everyone else. I just don't think it's possible to completely eliminate prejudice from the human psyche without some pretty objectionable thought control. It's better to bring it out in the open and admit that we're all slightly prejudiced than to suppress it and cram it down into the subconscious, because it will bubble back up in the worst ways. This is where I think all the Tea Party's rage comes from, incidentally. Or maybe South Park is right and they all have small dicks.
Interesting idea, certainly. But the only reason I would disagree is I'm not racist. To be honest I'm a little bit of a xenophile, I love food and music ad literature from different cultures, which of course comes hand in hand with people from other cultures. Dont get me wrong if I had to pick between saving a family member or someone I don't know from Uzbekistan I save my family, but gimme a white stranger and a chinese stranger I'm unlikely to give a skit about either... (skit was a typo but I think it sounds funny)

(P.S. I don't really know much about the tea party - britfag here)
So you think there's an equal chance between you picking up a white hitchiker and a black one? Saying you'd be more likely to pick up the person whose race you are doesn't make you racist, it would make you prejudiced, in that you're predisposed to like that which is similar to yourself. Racism is about hate, what I'm talking about is favoring your own. I probably wouldn't pick up either...but if it was a woman of either race I probably would. Again, that's prejudice. Recognizing it is the first step in determining whether it's harming anybody. Ignoring it just creates an atmosphere of suspicion and paranoia that benefits nobody.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I hate Final Fantasy VII (and all associated characters, locales, and plot elements).
I hate modern FPS games.
I hate Motion Controls.
I hate Casual Games.
I dislike Dragon Age II and Mass Effect 2.
I think Dragon Age Origins & Mass Effect 1 were all-around better RPG experiences.
I think modern J-RPGs are 10 years behind and not at all appealing.
I think games were better in the 8/16-bit days.

I hate Naruto.
I hate Bleach.
I think most modern Anime is contrived and cliche, more so than in the past.
I think the best Anime was made between the mid-80s and mid-90s but mostly the 80s.
I rather watch English dubs of Anime because it gets annoying looking at the bottom 2 inches of the TV the whole time.

I loved Super Mario Bros. the Movie.
I loved Street Fighter the Movie (because Raul Julia was awesome).
I liked Double Dragon the Movie.
I liked Dragonball Evolution.

And thus, I am ridiculed. If any of my opinions offend anyone, you're what's wrong with our culture. Someone had a difference of opinion and you took it as a personal attack instead of looking at the bigger picture: Why are you such a tool?


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Feste the Jester said:
artanis_neravar said:
"your logic is completely flawed because
9x.99999 is 8.999991"

Yeah ignore the first part of that, the second part is the important part, that shows that your math is completely wrong
However, with an infinite number of 9's. 9x will equal 8.999[repeating], which, by my argument, is equal to 9.
You can't use your argument in a proof that is circular logic and doesn't stand up anywhere. that's like saying that 2.5 is close enough to 9 and I can prove it by saying
25-2.5=22.5 which is basically 29 because 2.5 is basically 9

Substitute Troll

New member
Aug 29, 2010
Well, I hear people ***** about KotOR 2's ending. I loved every. Fucking. Secound of that game. And I forgive obsidian, since it wasn't their fault. I blame the greedy sons of bitches at lucasarts. And frankly, George Lucas himself. I blame him because he hasn't realized that the KotOR story is waaaaaaaaay better than his. If there is anything that he could do to make me forgive him for the prequels, it would be to make another set of movies based on KotOR.

No wait, scratch that. I don't want him to give KotOR a bad name.

Something that isn't about games...

I hate religion.
An example of why can be with christianity. Baptism. Parents shouldn't be allowed to baptise their kids, LET THE KIDS DECIDE WHEN THEY GROW UP FOR FUCKS SAKE.

Another thing I hate is people who go through a confirmation without actually believing in god.


New member
May 24, 2011
This is too much for a first post but.... OK. Here it goes.

I think Citizen Kane is overrated.

*Waiting to be stoned*

Ian Caronia

New member
Jan 5, 2010
brainless_fps_player said:
While I agree with your point, I disagree that the videos are not funny because:
1 they made me laugh, and I've not been bombarded with this kind of humor at all, and
2 they aren't laughing at rape, although rape is included. They are laughing at the ridiculous fears of Americans and Aquaman respectively.
I agree that if the second video didn't have aquaman, it wouldn't be funny. It would just be rape.
I would say, though, that shows like South Park are important for challenging perceived limits that society imposes, which often mean topics don't get broached, like not giving kids sex education and acting surprised when they get pregnant later.
Alright, I'll admit that I may have been making a broad generalization with the "bombarded with this kind of humor" thing. Fair enough, since that is wrong of me.
_However I would agree with you if it wasn't for two things in the videos. The first video had Peter's assailant throwing him onto a pinball machine, which is a reference to a movie called "The Accused" and it's infamous sequence of a woman being brutally gang raped against a pinball machine. Making light of something that was so horrific in the context of the movie (which was all about the raping and the court trials following it) is as tasteless as making a reference to "Deliverance" ("Squeal like a pig" is a line that is literally said right as a man is raped) or the rape sequence in "Irreversible". None of these scenes are meant to be funny at all, and all of them are painfully serious and realistic. Making a reference to it during a joke ruins the joke and alludes to the idea that rape is funny.
_And before anyone else tries to argue against that: Why else would anyone reference the rape scenes in Deliverance or The Accused? Many believe the idea that a man telling another man to squeal like a pig while raping him is funny, and many actually believe same sex rape is funny (lots of prison rape jokes for both sexes, especially male). It is not funny, and that goes for any kind of rape. Look it up on TVtropes if you think this isn't an issue in our culture.

But even then some will say "Everyone has different ideas of comedy". I guess some people actually think referencing those scenes as/in a joke is fine. That's gross to me, but whatever. How about the second video?

Firstly, rape didn't need to be involved. Any crime would've done the job. But aside from that my real point is made right at the end of the video when Aquaman says, "Yeah, well you shouldn't have led him on."
...That's not funny. It also turns the focus of the joke from Aquaman being considered useless for crimes on land to the rape itself, since as you begin laughing at Aquaman but then find yourself laughing/confused about whether to laugh at the fact that
A) he put the blame on her, even if it's because he can't help/is being somewhat berated by the victim for not actually helping (Aquaman isn't a fish that needs water, anyway. He can walk on land and help, but whatever)
Or B) his saying "you shouldn't have led him on" is a clear indication he's giving up. ...Meaning he won't try anymore. ...Meaning he's leaving her to be raped.

_It's these things that ruin any kind of joke that was originally being made. When Peter is raped by a bull, the joke is rape. The difference? It's a bull. And he's a man. ...Funny? I guess it depends on the individual, though that's kinda...stretching the notion "it depends on the individual" quite a bit to me. Then of course you have South Park, which I will admit has some HILARIOUS episodes. It's also painful to watch for me because I can see actual talent for comedy from the people working on it. Yet, for every episode that is well done or even poignant there's two-to-three episodes devoted to nothing but bashing on religion, often times the Old and New Testament. They've literally gone entire shows just hacking away, segregating their fanbase under the guise of "everything should be able to be made fun of, or nothing should be". They use it as an excuse to make horrendously mean-spirited jokes, and that's the bottom line. That idea is an excuse, just like when a show has a character spout racist, sexist, homophobic, and just downright rancid opinions for shock value (or whatever value they see in it), and then have another character say "You shouldn't say that!" or smack the insulting character. It's not clever. It's an excuse, a cover used by writers and comedians so they can do and say whatever they want without the fear of people going, "Hey, wait a minute...!"

Still, if someone believes in something that doesn't harm another then there's no reason to try and change their beliefs. If you still feel the way you did after I further explained my position then I'll agree to disagree. I get the feeling you're being genuine and not the kind of troll who'd laugh in the face of the disabled or make Nazi waves to passing Jewish folk, so I'll stop. No hard feelings, and thank you for responding the way you did and giving me a chance to better explain my idea that many don't agree with. I assume there's others who do, but I've seen that many don't.

OH! And another opinion I forgot to say: I believe abortion is wrong, but under certain circumstances (like a rape victim who finds they are pregnant) it should not be impeded. I could get into why but I won't since that's more obvious.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
First thing's 1st; Meta:

I strongly advocate the implementation of a compulsory martial service system for adult females (akin to the Selective Service for male citizens) in the U.S. It doesn't sit right with me that (idealistically and principally) both sexes are considered "equal" in physical and legal regards, but only one sex (mine!) has to bear the physical burden of actually having to protect the state. Yeah... that pisses me off something fierce!

2nd; Gaming:

Standing counter to the stupider reasons gamers/critics pan the Bayonetta and Dante characters from their own game series. Dante from the Devil May Cry series wasn't designed to appeal to either the "hardcore manly-man" or "emo-but-still-scrawnily-macho" fans of U.S. culture archetypes. He's clearly an Asian-inspired pop culture archetype: the aloof, adult-yet-bisho' loner w/ extreme metro fashion sensibilities who battles forces more ill-intending than he. He was never designed to be the "America!! F*#$% YEAH!!"-character metaphor (ironically, or not) people in the western world were expecting &/or hoping him to be.

As for Bayonetta, well... her character wasn't really meant to taken in strict seriousness. Her character, and game as a whole, was a successful experimental reconstruction of (a)typical game heroines, tropes associated with them, and their place(s) in contemporary gaming. Bayonetta, along that vein, was never intended to be a feminist icon in gaming, nor an artsy critique of the modern world and its response to progressive feminism in popular media, nor some flashy-Id/Super Ego-counterpart-to-Samus'-Ego heroine corollary. I think MovieBob sizes up Bayonetta quite accurately in his [a href="http://screwattack.com/videos/TGO-Episode-32-I-Heart-Bayonetta"]Game OverThinker Episode: I Heart Bayonetta[/a].

harmonic said:
Learn history. The alternative to the nukes were a conventional invasion, and a Soviet conquest of Japan from the north, both of which would have taken far, far more lives than the nukes did. In fact, conventional bombing of Japan had already far exceeded the nuke damage and death toll. Also, FARRRR more people had been innocently slaughtered in China and Europe. It's just easy to hate the nukes because, well, the US did it, and it's "cool" to hate the US...all the other atrocities are less popular to hate.

edit: whoops, sorry about the double post.
ThisIsSnake said:
Really? the only alternative was ground invasion?

Japan was willing to surrender in May on the condition that the Allies would not touch Emperor Hirohito or the Japanese constitution. Truman and Roosevelt were dead set on unconditional surrender, which in the end amounted to the speech were he rejected the godhood of the emperor.

America destroyed two cities full of civilians and caused several of the greatest scientific minds of the time to commit suicide so they could get a man to make a speech.
You both bring up good counter-points. I agree with ThisIsSnake (and the few others before him) that the terms of surrender, and actually utilizing the nuclear weapons, were both unduly unreasonable. First, what kind of agreement was that?! It called for the governmental leadership and martial authorities to formally disavow their cultural and spiritual beliefs. Functioning ruling power, I can get behind, but... cultural and religious beliefs? Seriously?? That's the kind of demand certain expansionist fascist and military-states have pressed in their subjugated territories/peoples throughout history. Could you imagine what would happen if the U.N. formally ordered that Gadaffi, and his cabinet, relinquish both ruling powers and faith in Islam?? Nuclear and non-nuclear armaments from a half dozen Islamic nations, autographed with the insult "F U!", would be in air within hours. Wartime or not, that was beyond despicable of the U.S.

OTOH, while I maintain use of nuclear armaments upon Japanese civilian areas was tantamount to state-approved genocide, I also accept the truth that "invasion by land and sea"-style occupation would've been far more disastrous for all parties involved. Still didn't/doesn't allow the U.S. leadership to be self-righteous and claim situational moral "high ground" about their use of said weapons tho... |<

Versuvius said:
Okay. Heres mine. Gadaffi is not the bastard the media likes to make him out as. He ousted the british controlled puppet monarchy and turned oil based economy rape around to putting all of the profits into the country, resulting in free healthcare, housing and education (It might not be the best but hes trying) and, the US and the EU sold him weapons until he decided to sign a treaty to not build nuclear weapons. *Waits for hate* And thats my piece.
Ditto. Personally, I personally consider him a flavorsome blend of "Sinestro Lite": Authoritarian leader ruling what's on paper a socialist republic, but (up until the recent civil war) functionally more akin to a loose/"liberally-applied" fascist or patchwork authoritarian state. And like Sinestro, he did a pretty good job in regards to maintaining the overall stability and safety of his nation.