Opinions you have that most people don't agree with.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
overtone said:
however what their referring to as their fault is the fact that the information was obtained in the first place. That it wasn't secure from remote access.

But this is true for all online services and no service in the world is completely secure. There are always bugs even in NASA's systems that can be exploited.
Sure, the complexity of systems this size mean that it's very hard to guarantee your system is airtight.

Still, the proof is in the pudding. Losing your entire user information dataset isn't exactly an everyday occurrence. Sure, plenty of other major corporations and institutions have had security breaches, but this scale is not nearly as common.

Also, major hacking incidents in the real world are, more often than not, a matter of social engineering, because while network security may not be infallible it's pretty solid when done right.

So dont take this as an attack on other internet users or a defence of sony. Take it as an educated opinion that Sonys fault was not technical but political in nature.
I still maintain we don't really have enough insight. Sure, their credit card data table was encrypted, and user passwords did turn out to be cryptographically hashed (we'll give Sony the benefit of the doubt and assume they weren't using MD5, heh). But as you say yourself, the issue is the network intrusion and acquisition of the data, not the data itself. On that front, we really have no technical information with which to draw any conclusions.

I guess that's my opinion :p


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Starting a topic with asking people about things they think that most people do not agree with by asking people not to bring up what most people do not agree with is a bit like inviting someone in for some hot steamy sex on the condition that they are not allowed to bring their genitalia.


New member
Mar 21, 2011
tyhat iam not currently druink, but i think rthat may friends who are definatelty frtunk do not aqpear tpo agree with me.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
That I love Too Human, that i though Its story is cool, its setting was awesome and its gameplay good.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
That I love Too Human, that i though Its story is cool, its setting was awesome and its gameplay good.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
That I love Too Human, that i though Its story is cool, its setting was awesome and its gameplay good.


New member
Sep 6, 2005
theamazingbean said:
Private gun ownership is an inalienable human right, on par with freedom of speech.
Truth be told; the level of gun ownership actually reduces gun-based homicides. No one is going to fucking shoot up a Wendy's if EVERYONE there has a 9mm.

CoD is fun, the multiplayer has probably the most shamefully ignored meta-game of all time. I find the singleplayer to good enough for me to enjoy it on a memorable level.

Our current generation of emerging Hipster/Nerd hybrids aren't as bad as people say they are. Some of them are worthless insecure man-boys who insult the very nature of gaming hobby's in general; others are deeply understanding and highly charismatic. We have no way of cleaning our faction up because it's too much of a mixed gray for anyone to really make a call.

People who don't like multiplayer games have more of an insecurity issue than the game has actual issues.

A Meta-game is the most important part of multiplayer, before fan-base. It's what makes DotA good, why people still play Guild Wars 1; it's why Super Smash Bros. isn't really considered all that great outside it's fanbase.

A Steep learning curve is acceptable in a game balanced to a fine tip.

Girl gamers aren't that great and the hype isn't all it's cracked up to be. Frankly; they can be pretty annoying.


New member
Aug 26, 2009
Breasts DO NOT have to be the size of watermelons. Medium-sized and even small breasts can be just as good!


New member
Oct 27, 2009
The Wii itself is a design flaw, and would have a been better suited as an nextgen gamecube with ease of mulitplayer connectivity, and the whole nunchuck controller and motion control should have been added as an after thought, like the eyetoy but more enjoyable.

Also MW2 is a good game that has added to the improvement of online shooters albeit creating a trend of copycats.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Dizeazedkiller said:
Jamboxdotcom said:
I think that i'm a unique and special, beautiful snowflake.
Either i'm misreading or that's a Fight Club reference. good job :)
It's that, but it's also a half-hearted jab at all the people who seem to think that holding a contrary opinion about something makes them special or superior.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
binnsyboy said:
I like 70's-90's rock, and think 95% of modern music needs to be erased.
That is probably one of, if not the most common opinions about music ever, especially on the internet.

Two World's 2 is fantastic.

Polish and quality > sheer originality.

Pregnant women are hot.

People being swallowed alive is hot.

Just because I don't like something doesn't mean it would be the game the Anti-christ would create and it should be destroyed along with everyone who enjoys it.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
TheShogun said:
Minecraft is a terrible game, hate unfinished products.
all games are unfinished products

i hate evangilism but love religion
i like the wii (well all current gen consoles)
i think that humanity is evil
i enjoied shadow the hedgehog
i hated age of empires 3
i liked the matrix sequals
i still watch m night shymalaln films
i liked the prequal trilogy to star wars whilst being raised on the original
i like call of duty but hate online
i still find portal funny
natalie portman was still hot after having her head shaved


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
I am of the opinion that a significant number of gamers nowadays (not a majority yet, thankfully enough) are snobbish, arrogant, and bigoted. Especially among the self-titled "Hardcore Gamers". I see it all over the place, and I am smegin' sick of it.


New member
May 19, 2010
I'm a right winged, federalist person in a left-winged separatist province...

Now guess where I live ... ^^' Essayez dur ;)


New member
May 22, 2011
fates_puppet13 said:
TheShogun said:
Minecraft is a terrible game, hate unfinished products.
all games are unfinished products

i hate evangilism but love religion
i like the wii (well all current gen consoles)
i think that humanity is evil
i enjoied shadow the hedgehog
i hated age of empires 3
i liked the matrix sequals
i still watch m night shymalaln films
i liked the prequal trilogy to star wars whilst being raised on the original
i like call of duty but hate online
i still find portal funny
natalie portman was still hot after having her head shaved
No they're not. Almost all games that are released are finished products (whether you call glitches unfinished is an opinion), Minecraft is still in beta.