Final Fantasy 7 was boring as hell (and Sephiroth is the most overrated villain of all time)
Ocarina of Time is not the best Zelda ever (Majora's Mask is, dur
it improved on everything Ocarina of Time had)
Halo 3: ODST is the best Halo game, and Halo's overall story is phenomenal and worlds better than Star Wars (even though Star Wars is awesome)
Speaking of Star Wars, the prequel trilogy was great (haters gonna hate)
EA and Activision are not evil (just a bit greedy, but aren't we all?)
The Modern Warfare game's stories are amazingly fun and easy to follow (if you just pay attention)
Scott Pilgrim was horrible (I walked out, which has literally never happened before. Even at The Last Airbender. At least that was like watching a train wreck.)
Video game addiction is all in your head (and most of the time is the excuse of people who are bad at time management)
Dragon Age 2 was good (not AS good as Origins, but still good)
Speaking of which, Dragon Age is Bioware's best game by FAR, and may be one of the best constructed game I've ever played (even the DLC, every bit of it)
The original Full Metal Alchemist anime series is WORLDS better than Brotherhood could ever hope to be (and is also worlds better than the manga)
Assassin's Creed II dragged on for WAY to long and the graphics looked strange and were an odd switch from the first, and the first was amazing (though Brotherhood blasted them both out of the water and improved on literally every aspect)
Every Pokemon generation has brought something good to the table (purists that say "there are only 151 Pokemon!" need to just shut up and accept that even Gen V has some good Pokemon)
Red Dead Redemption tells the best story ever told in video game format (and if you look beneath the surface may, in fact, be the story of John Marston's passing through purgatory)
Twilight is not as bad as everyone says it is (its hardcore fanbase, on the other hand...)
That's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure I have more.
EDIT: Oh, right, another one...
Star Wars: The Old Republic is going to be amazing.