Opinions you have that most people don't agree with.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
I thought that the Water Temple was the best part of Ocarina of Time (well, one of the best parts) and was the point at which I really started to enjoy myself with it. The Forest Temple on the other hand, hoo boy that place was a nightmare. I hated that place so much. It made me swear off the game the first time around and nearly dropkick my controller into the nearest reservoir the second time. Fuck that place in its stupid face.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
I don't think large social groups should be angsty backstabbers whose only real method of getting across what they really think about each other is talking to everyone but the person they're talking about, or telling that person on Facebook. Interestingly, nobody else seems to share this opinion. (Fortunately, I hang around with a few fairly decent people, but every clique is a part of the larger social community.)

I like 70's-90's rock, and think 95% of modern music needs to be erased.

(This is one that isn't shared by a lot of people I know) Reading is one of the most fantastic, engrossing and enjoyable pass times ever. It's the original story telling mechanism, aside from verbal retellings, and is one of the best.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
TheShogun said:
Minecraft is a terrible game, hate unfinished products.
Well, I personally don't see how either A: That makes it bad, or B: That just because it is in Beta, makes it unfinished.

I'll explain B.
1.Can you pick up all blocks and place them?
Except for Bedrock which your not supposed to be able to, yes.

2.Does all of the current functions in the game work properly?
For the most part yes, but like other games, there are still some glitches. Luckily, they are being fixed rather well.

Just that makes it complete to me. Sure they are adding new additions which might be glitchy at first but then fixed, but many computer games get those kinds of updates that aren't in beta, only to be corrected before going out to the public, just in this case, we find the glitch and report it.

More on Topic:
I don't believe the Soviet Union was communist.

It was at most socialist since they mostly focused on their 5 year plans trying to catch up in industry through what could most obviously described as dictatorship with the promise of communism that never occurred. That is the more basic way of putting it.

Just in case here is another point: The Soviet Union tried for communism, but the basic foundation of communism was not made for such a large country nor for a country with a certain lack in industry. The Soviet Union was a unique case.


New member
May 16, 2011
xXxJessicaxXx said:
I think that's part of it for me. Drinking alcohol alone just seems dodgy.
maybe that's not a strange opinion or we're just not "most people"...

However, I don't think it's strange that i store one of my favourite jumpers in a glass jar.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
AlternatePFG said:
I liked KOTOR 2 just as much as KOTOR 1 and I thought that KOTOR 2 was better written than the first.
I don't think you're alone on that one. The only problem people had with KotoR 2 was that it wasn't done.

Disagree on the other point about present day Bioware games, though.

jay622 said:
I like Paramore
Fucking. LOVE. Paramore.

Don't see how that fits into "most people don't agree with you", though, they're an incredibly popular band.

Another addition for me, and I guess this kinda counts?

I'm a guy and I love Taylor Swift. Her music, I don't know her personally (wish I did though :p).


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
- I don't agree with the whole "games are art" argument.
- I find the Half-Life series quite underwhelming.
- Likewise, outside of visual aesthetics, games like Braid, SotC, and Ico are unimpressive.
- "The cake is a lie" is not funny, and never was.
- I think fighting games are the ultimate showcase of skill.

And the real kick in the balls...

- I think DA2 is not - I repeat: is not - a bad game. Bad compared to Origins, perhaps, but still a good game in its own right.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
overtone said:
Ps3's security was at the industry standard. They did absolutely nothing wrong technically despite many morons posing as web experts stating otherwise. Their biggest fault was making an enemy of the hacking community.

If Hackers want something bad enough. Theyll get it. IBM, Google, Microsoft included.

Edit: they are not some invincible force. but like zombies, get enough piled on a door and its crash down no matter how big it is.
The scariest part of this opinion is that I'm not sure if "most" people disagree with it. I'm reminded of the Experience Points article on Sony's response:

Shamus Young said:
Acceptance of responsibility. They didn't try to pretend that hacking was like rain, falling on the just and the unjust. It's not a random thing that happens, like lightning strikes, or cancer. They accepted that the breach was a direct result of their failures, and didn't try to shift blame to things beyond their control. Around the three minute mark he did point out the hackers are always hacking things, like they do, but he didn't repeat the meme I've been hearing lately that "no network can ever be secure".
Calling it a "meme" is about the best description I've heard. It's one born of ignorance and nothing will change that, I suppose.

Additionally, saying PSN's security was at an "industry standard" level isn't even an opinion, because you have no data or observations to draw an opinion on, unless you were a network engineer working for Sony. It's just a pure guess.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
I think you should be allowed to protect yourself and your property with lethal force.

As in, someone mugs you, you should be allowed to shoot them between the eyes. Or the back of their head as they run away with your wallet. I have no respect for criminals at ALL.


New member
May 2, 2008
I find FF X-2 to be a disgrace of all FF.

Tidus is gay.

Okami is one of the most unique art styles in games since ever!

Watching an anime filled with 12yr girls that prance around in revealing clothing is disgusting and disturbing.

Thinking that as long as their cartoons it's not considered child pornography. Sorry but even Japan realized this made a law to ban the stuff.

The idea that adding "I'm kidding" or "jk' makes any statement okay because you didn't really mean it. Sorry, but it doesn't work like that. You can't run around calling people racial slurs and add "jk!" and everything is okay.

There hasn't been that many new innovations in shooter games since the whole "dive behind cover". Seriously, CoD,etc are all the same thing with different looks and weapons and that's it.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I'm a Christian, I think the death penalty is acceptable for certain crimes, Hitler is not the most evil man of all time (but he is still a disgusting, evil son of a *****) Stalin takes that award


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Laurens Steel said:
I prefer Terminator 1 over 2.
Hells yes. Tighter story that wrapped up nicely, horror / sci fi, no whiny kid, and no liquid metal man. There really didn't need to be a sequel, even if said sequel worked pretty well.

Personally... Avatar sucked. I thought The Happening was intentionally funny. All drugs should be legal, marriage shouldn't be recognized by the government, and the US needs a flat rate income tax (I'm a libertarian). Umm, video game-wise... didn't like Bioshock, New Super Mario Bros Wii was far too easy, Fallout New Vegas didn't have that many bugs, LA Noire is not a masterpiece, True Crime: Streets of LA was really good, The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker was the best game in the series, Super Mario Sunshine was better than Galaxy, Twilight Princess was too linear and boring, the Metroid Other M cutscenes were interesting and well done, and Chrono Trigger wasn't worth my time. And every Metal Gear Solid is horrible. And anime sucks, too.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
I loved the latest AVP, don't think games are art, hate the original sonic games with a passion, think Steam is nothing more than a shitty middleman between me and PLAYING FUCKING GAMES GAGHH and I think valve are a bunch of lazy overrated money launderers.

Evil Top Hat

New member
May 21, 2011
The Witcher is one of the worst games I've ever played, most people usually have something to say about that.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
thenamelessloser said:
Alpha Protocol I found awesome
You are not alone, it was great.:)

thenamelessloser said:
I found Crysis 2 boring besides the pretty graphics...
Go away, I hate you now. :p

seriously though I will admit that I not only thought that Shadow the Hedgehog was the best sonic game but I will also admit that I hated sonic 1 and that I think shadow is a better charater than sonic.

Also I hate C.O.D multiplayer but enjoy the single player.

Flameshield Activate


New member
Feb 18, 2011
I don't like $10 indie games, I play games to get immersed into another world. Play an amusing 2D platformer just doesn't stimulate my imagination the same way an RPG does.

I also think multiplayer games disrupt the immersion by having matches not imitate the reality of the game world (people jumping around or people spamming noise)