Opinions you have that most people don't agree with.


New member
May 23, 2011
I've got two:

1. Section 8 was a good game and is fun to play in single player, even if the campaign was poorly written.

2. The aesthetic value of a forest is greatly improved by running a power line through it.

Monty McDougal

New member
Mar 15, 2011
ZeroMachine said:
Final Fantasy 7 was boring as hell (and Sephiroth is the most overrated villain of all time)

Halo 3: ODST is the best Halo game, and Halo's overall story is phenomenal and worlds better than Star Wars (even though Star Wars is awesome)

Speaking of Star Wars, the prequel trilogy was great (haters gonna hate)
On the idea of halo: I thought that halo 3: ODST was the most interesting just short and that halo is a good sci-fi.

And i really enjoyed the action in the new star wars and think that the overall story is great.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
mahtar said:
I think FPS's should be mostly about online fights. If i wanted a story id play RPG and the hardest fights are always against other players no matter what AI you use.
Go and buy far cry 1, put it on the hardest setting and get back to me.

The problem with games is it's easy to make super hard AI, the hard part is making AI stupid enough that it is play-able but not so stupid that you can knife your way through. You could programme a game to shoot you as soon as it could (like shoot you through a wall) and make it uber realistic to the point were 1 hit kills.

You think online would be harder than that?

On topic. FFX. Laughing scene. meant to be awkward.

Quick scoping is not skill full, it is not hard, it does not put you at a disadvantage, it does not make you good 'cos you can do it, it does not make you cool.

Minecraft isn't a game, it's a digital lego kit.

EDIT. I love how some of these are making me think "ARE YOU SERIOUS!". Suicide isn't selfish, of course it is!

"My life is bad, I am going to end it. Fuck the people who have to clean me up and fuck the people who are going to miss me".

I am iffy as to whether those are opinions though.
Sep 14, 2009
KorLeonis said:
Graveyards are a waste of space. Corpses should be donated to science, ground up and used as fertilizer or animal feed, or otherwise disposed of in the cleanest and cheapest way possible. It has ceased to be a person, its just rotting meat, why does it need its own piece of land for year and years to come?

Surprisingly, most people don't agree with me. Odd, eh?
i actually do agree with this, religious or not the body is rotting meat now, it has no place taking up space the living could be doing so much more with

OT: Controllers work amazingly, it might not have the lightning speed of the accurate mouse in games like quake and whatnot, but it does more than fine in 90% of the games i have played, and hell even after basically becoming 95% of a pc only gamer, i still prefer to sit down with a controller any day of the week.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I liked KOTOR 2 just as much as KOTOR 1 and I thought that KOTOR 2 was better written than the first.

I think BioWare's recent games have been enjoyable but pretty bad as RPG's. I think Bethesda makes better RPG's, even if their writing isn't good.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Slimshad said:
Irony said:
Cannibalism, necrophilia, and zoophilia aren't bad on principle. They can be bad, but they aren't pure eeeeeeeeevil.

*Puts on helmet* Okay, bring on the quotes (and no I am not trolling, those are my actual opinions).
Hey, as long as it's not pedophilia and you're not abusing animals (is that zoophilia?), seems fine to me. No one was using that corpse anyways.
See, that's my opinion! Once your dead you've got other things to worry about.
Not to mention that people seem to forget that animals can get horny too. Don't know if I'd ever practice either but I don't see anything wrong with them in principle.


New member
May 16, 2011
xXxJessicaxXx said:
undeserving said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
I think it's wierd if a woman goes into a bar or pub by herself.

Most of my friends balk at that and ask me if I'm living in the 60's but something doesn't seem right about it. I'm a woman btw.

It's just wierd is all. lol
i have to see your statement and raise you: I think it's weird if _anyone_ goes in a bar or pub by themselves.

Although the older man could go and have a pint and read the paper but those types usually have cronies in the pub anyways right?

There's something off about it.
ah, see now there's a difference for me now too... I assumed you were talking about going into a place with the intent to consume alcohol alone - which for me is alien as i'm not a heavy drinker and would never consider drinking without company. Somehow drinking alone in public is like openly admitting you've got a drink problem. Dunno...
If the intention is simply to sit down and read the paper then i'm not so fussy who does it, although my preference would probably be a coffee over a beer - and I leave if it gets busy and there are groups of poeple waiting for a seat!!

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
undeserving said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
undeserving said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
I think it's wierd if a woman goes into a bar or pub by herself.

Most of my friends balk at that and ask me if I'm living in the 60's but something doesn't seem right about it. I'm a woman btw.

It's just wierd is all. lol
i have to see your statement and raise you: I think it's weird if _anyone_ goes in a bar or pub by themselves.

Although the older man could go and have a pint and read the paper but those types usually have cronies in the pub anyways right?

There's something off about it.
I assumed you were talking about going into a place with the intent to consume alcohol alone - which for me is alien as i'm not a heavy drinker and would never consider drinking without company.
I think that's part of it for me. Drinking alcohol alone just seems dodgy.

Laurens Steel

New member
Apr 2, 2010
I didn't like Final Fantasy VII.
I liked the American Godzilla movie as a kid and adore the cartoon.
I enjoyed Mass Effect 1 far more than Mass Effect 2 despite the fact I replayed the second one several times.
I find Steven Spielberg to be the most overrated director of all time.
Left 4 Dead's formula wears thin very quickly.
I prefer Terminator 1 over 2.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Apparently on the escapist you either hate or like Pokemon. Unfortunatly I am subject to Harrasment when I say the Phrase, "I like the 5th generations" and I tend to get angry when people Harrass me.

Its odd to because they say there aren't any good 5th gen pokemon but they fail to even point out one that even KINDA looks cool or is close to their opinion of liking.

I should also point out that my favorite generations are the 2nd and 4th. (They are tied, not one above the other)


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I didn't like Oblivion... SORRY!
I liked DA:O as much as DA:2
I like Paramore
Halo is better than CoD -->IMO<--

Feels good to get those off my chest :)
Sep 14, 2009
Zarmi said:
Death penalty = Yes please.
i actually forgot about this, if the person is proclaimed without a doubt a murderer/rapist/etc.. then yes, may they have the death penalty ASAP so we don't waste a single cent more on them through government spending or taxes.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I think the Xbox 360 controller's terrible. Not trying to incite a flame war and I'm not trolling, I really think that.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Halo is and will always be an all around amazing game, Call of Duty Black Ops was the best Cod game yet, Most Anime sucks, and My Little Pony is the best cartoon since the 3rd season of Spongebob.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
I prefer my PSP Go over my original model.
It's great for simple pick up and play everywhere, it fits in almost any pocket and the sliding function is good for the music player/clock.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
1. The V for Vendetta movie was a dumbed-down tirade against the Bush administration.

2. Christian Bale is a worse Batman than George Clooney, and Mark Hamil is a better Joker than Heath Ledger.

3. I really enjoy Star Trek Online

4. I don't like Star Trek: Voyager

5. I enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean 2, 3 and 4

6. I love The Ultimate Marvel Universe. I feel it takes an interesting alternate look at classic characters (with the exception of 'Ultimatum')

7. Star Trek: Enterprise was a blatant attempt to fetishize Vulcans.

8. Killing a man is not a reason to celebrate in the streets.

9. Cave Johnson is one of the most interesting and tragic characters in modern storytelling.

10. I think Dragon Age 2 is better than Origins in a lot of ways. There are things that Origins did better, but 2 is a decided improvement