I, for one, don't judge all Christians like I judge this loon. I'm aware there are some who aren't all fearmongering twats who love to use a horrendous tragedy like this for their own personal agenda. Unfortunately for you guys, this "person of interest" happens to be the loudest, well funded dingbat in the countryDaHero said:Agreed, it's hard enough being a gamer AND a christian without having the people who are supposed to be supporting your point of view trying to stone you for being one or the other.KAPTAINmORGANnWo4life said:I love the Internet. It's where I can find out that everything I hold dear (Christianity, Video Games, Politics, My Country) has a sizable force raised against it by either teenage pricks who think church is boring, and are therefore loud and obnoxious anti-theists (despite the fact that Christianity and Islam are the only two religions I've ever seen bitching about); or misguided extremist political figures giving the whole political system a bad name.
Feels like Romeo and Juliet...I swear...I feel like Romeo and Juliet had a kid, that was me, and ended up walking into the feud...so since technically I'm both they should allow me to be neutral, but NO they both want to kill me!
This is a brilliant observation.Absolutionis said:A Christian Group is calling for the bannings of video games because a fundamentalist Christian commit an act of terror upon Muslims?
I don't understand.
Indeed you're right. I think the point I was trying to make is that this zealous nut-job in the media craze has kind of faded away for us. For a while there any particularly outlandish statement from the religious crazies was getting a huge nation-wide media focus, and for whatever reason the badwagon to jump on was video games and their horrable ability to cause rape and murder in the population.Blitzwing said:I think you?re confusing politician with powerless nut the ACL has no authority in Australia. And our politicians don?t have an obsession with video games frankly there are much bigger issues here.Uriel_51 said:I think this man's opinion perfectly illustrates the reason we in the USA feel it's so important to protect free speech, art, protest, etc. This guy claims that banning media even to prevent one such event in 20 years is worth it and I whole heartily disagree. Were games something he used? I don't think he was lying. Is WoW a great excuse? Sure is. But if it weren't those things it'd be Munic and Tom Clancy novels, or a knitting class.
Point is 'madmen' from our 'weak society' are going to commit murders and atrocities no matter what media the public should be allowed to consume. He's just another ass-backward religious nut wanting to control the world so strongly he's ready to take away the rights of his country to have an influence on it. I'm sorry Australia, hopefully someone knocks some sense into you guys' politicians and they get over this irrational focus on video game violence.
If you really want to see violence decline in the world, getting rid of religion would benefit everyone.Andy Chalk said:The Australian Christian Lobby is calling for a ban on violent videogames.
Well of course you don't. Your facts are wrong. This was an attack on the political party currently in charge (labour party). He was a racist, but his victims were mostly Norwegian and probably baptized as Christians. The reason they want to ban it is that he's stated in his 1500 page manifest that games were involved in his training. This is of course complete bullshit, but media latches on to that, and Christian politicians make that a crusade to ban all forms of video games. Then again you never know, we might all turn into killers for ever playing Viva Piñata or Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale. These games are so violent and will turn us into killers sooner or later.Absolutionis said:A Christian Group is calling for the bannings of video games because a fundamentalist Christian commit an act of terror upon Muslims?
I don't understand.
Reading the article takes too long when you've got sometime edgy that just has to be said.Blitzwing said:Read the damn article. The government isn?t trying to bane videos games. The ACL holds no seats in parliament and no one takes them seriously.Genixma said:Up Next On Australian Law. Child Accidentally dies by sleeping face first on pillow this leads to a new law trying to get video games banned due to the rising fear that children might smother us in our sleep.
e_e Really Aussie Government? Really?