So, in other words, by discounting some countries that did better, and by using some potentially creative and selective interpretation of relevant criteria, the US government claims the USA is the best.
This reminds me of a movie from some years ago that I never watched, but was almost certainly bad, because in the tv commercials when they were reading snippets of critics praising it, one of their quotes was "one of the best-written American film comedies in recent memory " which amazingly manages to imply:
1) There were better written film comedies from other places in recent memory
2) There were better American written comedies in non-film genres.
3) It's not in any way competing with classic movies in quality.
4) It likely not competing with non-comedy films in recent memory.
5) And only the writing is worth the accolade, so the acting, editing, etc aren't worthy of praise.
And with all of that, it still only ranks as "one of the best." Qualifiers are fun.
Edit: I fact checked myself on the quote and made some changes above. I initially remembered it as "North American" but it was just "American", but conversely, I forgot the "one of the" in the quote, so lol.